/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.codeInsight.hint; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.intellij.lang.parameterInfo.ParameterInfoHandler; import com.intellij.lang.parameterInfo.ParameterInfoUIContextEx; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor; import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange; import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement; import com.intellij.ui.Gray; import com.intellij.ui.JBColor; import com.intellij.ui.ScrollPaneFactory; import com.intellij.ui.SideBorder; import com.intellij.util.Function; import com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil; import com.intellij.util.ui.accessibility.AccessibleContextUtil; import com.intellij.xml.util.XmlStringUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jetbrains.annotations.TestOnly; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.Border; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; public class ParameterInfoComponent extends JPanel { private final Object[] myObjects; private int myCurrentParameterIndex; private PsiElement myParameterOwner; private Object myHighlighted; @NotNull private final ParameterInfoHandler myHandler; private final OneElementComponent[] myPanels; private static final Color BACKGROUND_COLOR = HintUtil.INFORMATION_COLOR; private static final Color HIGHLIGHTED_BORDER_COLOR = new JBColor(new Color(231, 254, 234), Gray._100); private final Font NORMAL_FONT; private final Font BOLD_FONT; private static final Border LAST_ITEM_BORDER = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(); private static final Border BOTTOM_BORDER = new SideBorder(new JBColor(JBColor.LIGHT_GRAY, Gray._90), SideBorder.BOTTOM); protected int myWidthLimit = 500; private static final Map<ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag, String> FLAG_TO_TAG = ImmutableMap.of(ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.HIGHLIGHT, "b", ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.DISABLE, "font color=gray", ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.STRIKEOUT, "strike"); private static final Comparator<TextRange> TEXT_RANGE_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<TextRange>() { @Override public int compare(TextRange o1, TextRange o2) { if (o1.getStartOffset() == o2.getStartOffset()) { return o1.getEndOffset() > o2.getEndOffset() ? 1 : -1; } if (o1.getStartOffset() > o2.getStartOffset()) return 1; if (o1.getEndOffset() > o2.getEndOffset()) return 1; return -1; } }; private boolean myRequestFocus; @TestOnly public static ParameterInfoUIContextEx createContext(Object[] objects, Editor editor, @NotNull ParameterInfoHandler handler, int currentParameterIndex) { return createContext(objects, editor, handler, currentParameterIndex, null); } @TestOnly public static ParameterInfoUIContextEx createContext(Object[] objects, Editor editor, @NotNull ParameterInfoHandler handler, int currentParameterIndex, @Nullable PsiElement parameterOwner) { final ParameterInfoComponent infoComponent = new ParameterInfoComponent(objects, editor, handler); infoComponent.setCurrentParameterIndex(currentParameterIndex); infoComponent.setParameterOwner(parameterOwner); return infoComponent.new MyParameterContext(); } ParameterInfoComponent(Object[] objects, Editor editor, @NotNull ParameterInfoHandler handler) { this(objects, editor, handler, false); } ParameterInfoComponent(Object[] objects, Editor editor, @NotNull ParameterInfoHandler handler, boolean requestFocus) { super(new BorderLayout()); myRequestFocus = requestFocus; if (!ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) { JComponent editorComponent = editor.getComponent(); JLayeredPane layeredPane = editorComponent.getRootPane().getLayeredPane(); myWidthLimit = layeredPane.getWidth(); } NORMAL_FONT = UIUtil.getLabelFont(); BOLD_FONT = NORMAL_FONT.deriveFont(Font.BOLD); myObjects = objects; setBackground(BACKGROUND_COLOR); myHandler = handler; myPanels = new OneElementComponent[myObjects.length]; final JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); for (int i = 0; i < myObjects.length; i++) { myPanels[i] = new OneElementComponent(); panel.add(myPanels[i], new GridBagConstraints(0, i, 1, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0)); } if (myRequestFocus) { AccessibleContextUtil.setName(this, "Parameter Info. Press TAB to navigate through each element. Press ESC to close."); } final JScrollPane pane = ScrollPaneFactory.createScrollPane(panel); pane.setBorder(null); pane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); add(pane, BorderLayout.CENTER); myCurrentParameterIndex = -1; } @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize() { int size = myPanels.length; final Dimension preferredSize = super.getPreferredSize(); if (size >= 0 && size <= 20) { return preferredSize; } else { return new Dimension(preferredSize.width + 20, 200); } } public Object getHighlighted() { return myHighlighted; } public void setRequestFocus(boolean requestFocus) { myRequestFocus = requestFocus; } public boolean isRequestFocus() { return myRequestFocus; } class MyParameterContext implements ParameterInfoUIContextEx { private int i; private Function<String, String> myEscapeFunction; @Override public String setupUIComponentPresentation(String text, int highlightStartOffset, int highlightEndOffset, boolean isDisabled, boolean strikeout, boolean isDisabledBeforeHighlight, Color background) { final String resultedText = myPanels[i].setup(text, myEscapeFunction, highlightStartOffset, highlightEndOffset, isDisabled, strikeout, isDisabledBeforeHighlight, background); myPanels[i].setBorder(isLastParameterOwner() ? LAST_ITEM_BORDER : BOTTOM_BORDER); return resultedText; } @Override public String setupUIComponentPresentation(final String[] texts, final EnumSet<Flag>[] flags, final Color background) { final String resultedText = myPanels[i].setup(texts, myEscapeFunction, flags, background); myPanels[i].setBorder(isLastParameterOwner() ? LAST_ITEM_BORDER : BOTTOM_BORDER); return resultedText; } @Override public void setEscapeFunction(@Nullable Function<String, String> escapeFunction) { myEscapeFunction = escapeFunction; } @Override public boolean isUIComponentEnabled() { return isEnabled(i); } @Override public void setUIComponentEnabled(boolean enabled) { setEnabled(i, enabled); } public boolean isLastParameterOwner() { return i == myPanels.length - 1; } @Override public int getCurrentParameterIndex() { return myCurrentParameterIndex; } @Override public PsiElement getParameterOwner() { return myParameterOwner; } @Override public Color getDefaultParameterColor() { return myObjects[i].equals(myHighlighted) ? HIGHLIGHTED_BORDER_COLOR : BACKGROUND_COLOR; } } public void update() { MyParameterContext context = new MyParameterContext(); for (int i = 0; i < myObjects.length; i++) { context.i = i; final Object o = myObjects[i]; //noinspection unchecked myHandler.updateUI(o, context); } invalidate(); validate(); repaint(); } public Object[] getObjects() { return myObjects; } void setEnabled(int index, boolean enabled) { myPanels[index].setEnabled(enabled); } boolean isEnabled(int index) { return myPanels[index].isEnabled(); } public void setCurrentParameterIndex(int currentParameterIndex) { myCurrentParameterIndex = currentParameterIndex; } public int getCurrentParameterIndex() { return myCurrentParameterIndex; } public void setParameterOwner(PsiElement element) { myParameterOwner = element; } public PsiElement getParameterOwner() { return myParameterOwner; } public void setHighlightedParameter(Object element) { myHighlighted = element; } private class OneElementComponent extends JPanel { private OneLineComponent[] myOneLineComponents; public OneElementComponent() { super(new GridBagLayout()); myOneLineComponents = new OneLineComponent[0]; //TODO ??? } private String setup(String text, Function<String, String> escapeFunction, int highlightStartOffset, int highlightEndOffset, boolean isDisabled, boolean strikeout, boolean isDisabledBeforeHighlight, Color background) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); removeAll(); String[] lines = UIUtil.splitText(text, getFontMetrics(BOLD_FONT), myWidthLimit, ','); myOneLineComponents = new OneLineComponent[lines.length]; int lineOffset = 0; boolean hasHighlighting = highlightStartOffset >= 0 && highlightEndOffset > highlightStartOffset; TextRange highlightingRange = hasHighlighting ? new TextRange(highlightStartOffset, highlightEndOffset) : null; for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { String line = lines[i]; myOneLineComponents[i] = new OneLineComponent(); TextRange lRange = new TextRange(lineOffset, lineOffset + line.length()); TextRange hr = highlightingRange == null ? null : lRange.intersection(highlightingRange); hr = hr == null ? null : hr.shiftRight(-lineOffset); String before = escapeString(hr == null ? line : line.substring(0, hr.getStartOffset()), escapeFunction); String in = hr == null ? "" : escapeString(hr.substring(line), escapeFunction); String after = hr == null ? "" : escapeString(line.substring(hr.getEndOffset(), line.length()), escapeFunction); TextRange escapedHighlightingRange = in.isEmpty() ? null : TextRange.create(before.length(), before.length() + in.length()); buf.append(myOneLineComponents[i].setup(before + in + after, isDisabled, strikeout, background, escapedHighlightingRange)); if (isDisabledBeforeHighlight) { if (highlightStartOffset < 0 || highlightEndOffset > lineOffset) { myOneLineComponents[i].setDisabledBeforeHighlight(); } } add(myOneLineComponents[i], new GridBagConstraints(0,i,1,1,1,0,GridBagConstraints.WEST,GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,new Insets(0,0,0,0),0,0)); lineOffset += line.length(); } return buf.toString(); } private String escapeString(String line, Function<String, String> escapeFunction) { line = XmlStringUtil.escapeString(line); return escapeFunction == null ? line : escapeFunction.fun(line); } public String setup(final String[] texts, Function<String, String> escapeFunction, final EnumSet<ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag>[] flags, final Color background) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); removeAll(); setBackground(background); int index = 0; int curOffset = 0; final ArrayList<OneLineComponent> components = new ArrayList<OneLineComponent>(); Map<TextRange, ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag> flagsMap = new TreeMap<TextRange, ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag>(TEXT_RANGE_COMPARATOR); String line = ""; for (int i = 0; i < texts.length; i++) { String paramText = escapeString(texts[i], escapeFunction); if (paramText == null) break; line += texts[i]; final EnumSet<ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag> flag = flags[i]; if (flag.contains(ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.HIGHLIGHT)) { flagsMap.put(TextRange.create(curOffset, curOffset + paramText.trim().length()), ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.HIGHLIGHT); } if (flag.contains(ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.DISABLE)) { flagsMap.put(TextRange.create(curOffset, curOffset + paramText.trim().length()), ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.DISABLE); } if (flag.contains(ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.STRIKEOUT)) { flagsMap.put(TextRange.create(curOffset, curOffset + paramText.trim().length()), ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.STRIKEOUT); } curOffset += paramText.length(); if (line.length() >= 50) { final OneLineComponent component = new OneLineComponent(); buf.append(component.setup(escapeString(line, escapeFunction), flagsMap, background)); add(component, new GridBagConstraints(0, index, 1, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.NONE, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0)); index += 1; flagsMap.clear(); curOffset = 0; line = ""; components.add(component); } } final OneLineComponent component = new OneLineComponent(); buf.append(component.setup(escapeString(line, escapeFunction), flagsMap, background)); add(component, new GridBagConstraints(0, index, 1, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.NONE, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0)); components.add(component); myOneLineComponents = components.toArray(new OneLineComponent[components.size()]); return buf.toString(); } } private class OneLineComponent extends JPanel { JLabel myLabel = new JLabel("", SwingConstants.LEFT); private boolean isDisabledBeforeHighlight = false; private OneLineComponent(){ super(new GridBagLayout()); myLabel.setOpaque(true); myLabel.setFont(NORMAL_FONT); if (myRequestFocus) myLabel.setFocusable(true); add(myLabel, new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.NONE, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0)); } private String setup(String text, boolean isDisabled, boolean isStrikeout, Color background, @Nullable TextRange range) { Map<TextRange, ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag> flagsMap = new TreeMap<TextRange, ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag>(TEXT_RANGE_COMPARATOR); if (range != null) flagsMap.put(range, ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.HIGHLIGHT); if (isDisabled) flagsMap.put(TextRange.create(0, text.length()), ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.DISABLE); if (isStrikeout) flagsMap.put(TextRange.create(0, text.length()), ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.STRIKEOUT); return setup(text, flagsMap, background); } private String setup(@NotNull String text, @NotNull Map<TextRange, ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag> flagsMap, @NotNull Color background) { myLabel.setBackground(background); setBackground(background); myLabel.setForeground(JBColor.foreground()); if (flagsMap.isEmpty()) { myLabel.setText(XmlStringUtil.wrapInHtml(text)); } else { String labelText = buildLabelText(text, flagsMap); myLabel.setText(labelText); } //IDEA-95904 Darcula parameter info pop-up colors hard to read if (UIUtil.isUnderDarcula()) { myLabel.setText(myLabel.getText().replace("<b>", "<b color=ffC800>")); } return myLabel.getText(); } private String buildLabelText(@NotNull final String text, @NotNull final Map<TextRange, ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag> flagsMap) { final StringBuilder labelText = new StringBuilder(text); final String disabledTag = FLAG_TO_TAG.get(ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.DISABLE); final Map<Integer, Integer> faultMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); if (isDisabledBeforeHighlight) { final String tag = getTag(disabledTag); labelText.insert(0, tag); faultMap.put(0, tag.length()); } for (Map.Entry<TextRange, ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag> entry : flagsMap.entrySet()) { final TextRange highlightRange = entry.getKey(); final ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag flag = entry.getValue(); final String tagValue = FLAG_TO_TAG.get(flag); final String tag = getTag(tagValue); int startOffset = highlightRange.getStartOffset(); int endOffset = highlightRange.getEndOffset() + tag.length(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry1 : faultMap.entrySet()) { if (entry1.getKey() < highlightRange.getStartOffset()) { startOffset += entry1.getValue(); } if (entry1.getKey() < highlightRange.getEndOffset()) { endOffset += entry1.getValue(); } } if (flag == ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.HIGHLIGHT && isDisabledBeforeHighlight) { final String disableCloseTag = getClosingTag(disabledTag); labelText.insert(startOffset, disableCloseTag); faultMap.put(highlightRange.getStartOffset(), disableCloseTag.length()); } labelText.insert(startOffset, tag); faultMap.put(highlightRange.getStartOffset(), tag.length()); final String endTag = getClosingTag(tagValue); labelText.insert(endOffset, endTag); faultMap.put(highlightRange.getEndOffset(), endTag.length()); } return XmlStringUtil.wrapInHtml(labelText); } private String getTag(@NotNull final String tagValue) { return "<" + tagValue + ">"; } private String getClosingTag(@NotNull final String tagValue) { return "</" + tagValue + ">"; } public void setDisabledBeforeHighlight() { isDisabledBeforeHighlight = true; } } }