/* * Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.help.impl; import com.intellij.openapi.wm.IdeFocusManager; import com.intellij.ui.AppUIUtil; import com.intellij.ui.ScreenUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import javax.help.*; import javax.help.Map.ID; import javax.help.UnsupportedOperationException; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.net.URL; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Locale; /** * It a dirty patch! Help system is so ugly that it hangs when it open some "external" links. * To prevent this we open "external" links in nornal WEB browser. * This is copy-pasted version of DefaultHelpBroker class. * * @author Vladimir Kondratyev */ class IdeaHelpBroker extends DefaultHelpBroker implements KeyListener{ private HelpSet myHelpSet=null; private JFrame myFrame=null; private JHelp jhelp=null; private Locale myLocale=null; private Font myFont=null; /** * The container for modally activated help * @since 1.1 */ private JDialog myDialog=null; /** * The modal Window that activated help * @since 1.1 */ private Window myOwnerWindow=null; /** * The flag for modally activated help. If true, help was activated from * a modal dialog. Can not be set to true for V1.1. * @since 1.1 */ private boolean myModallyActivated=false; /** * Constructor */ public IdeaHelpBroker(HelpSet hs){ setHelpSet(hs); } /** * Returns the default HelpSet */ public HelpSet getHelpSet(){ return myHelpSet; } /** * Changes the HelpSet for this broker. * @param hs The HelpSet to set for this broker. * A null hs is valid parameter. */ public void setHelpSet(HelpSet hs){ // If we already have a jhelp check if the HelpSet has changed. // If so change the model on the jhelp viewer. // This could be made smarter to cache the helpmodels per HelpSet if(hs!=null&&myHelpSet!=hs){ if(jhelp!=null){ TextHelpModel model=new DefaultHelpModel(hs); jhelp.setModel(model); } myHelpSet=hs; } } /** * Gets the locale of this component. * @return This component's locale. If this component does not * have a locale, the defaultLocale is returned. * @see #setLocale */ public Locale getLocale(){ if(myLocale==null){ return Locale.getDefault(); } return myLocale; } /** * Sets the locale of this HelpBroker. The locale is propagated to * the presentation. * @param l The locale to become this component's locale. A null locale * is the same as the defaultLocale. * @see #getLocale */ public void setLocale(Locale l){ myLocale=l; if(jhelp!=null){ jhelp.setLocale(myLocale); } } /** * Gets the font for this HelpBroker. */ public Font getFont(){ createHelpWindow(); if(myFont==null){ return jhelp.getFont(); } return myFont; } /** * Sets the font for this this HelpBroker. * @param f The font. */ public void setFont(Font f){ myFont=f; if(jhelp!=null){ jhelp.setFont(myFont); } } /** * Set the currentView to the navigator with the same * name as the <tt>name</tt> parameter. * * @param name The name of the navigator to set as the * current view. If nav is null or not a valid Navigator * in this HelpBroker then an * IllegalArgumentException is thrown. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if nav is null or not a valid Navigator. */ public void setCurrentView(String name){ createHelpWindow(); JHelpNavigator nav=null; for(Enumeration e=jhelp.getHelpNavigators(); e.hasMoreElements();){ nav=(JHelpNavigator)e.nextElement(); if(nav.getNavigatorName().equals(name)){ break; } nav=null; } if(nav==null){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid view name"); } jhelp.setCurrentNavigator(nav); } /** * Determines the current navigator. */ public String getCurrentView(){ createHelpWindow(); return jhelp.getCurrentNavigator().getNavigatorName(); } /** * Initializes the presentation. * This method allows the presentation to be initialized but not displayed. * Typically this would be done in a separate thread to reduce the * intialization time. */ public void initPresentation(){ createHelpWindow(); } /** * Displays the presentation to the user. */ public void setDisplayed(boolean visible){ createHelpWindow(); if(myModallyActivated){ myDialog.setVisible(visible); if(visible){ myDialog.setLocationRelativeTo(myDialog.getOwner()); } } else{ //myFrame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); myFrame.setVisible(visible); myFrame.setState(JFrame.NORMAL); IdeFocusManager focusManager = IdeFocusManager.findInstance(); JComponent target = focusManager.getFocusTargetFor(myFrame.getRootPane()); focusManager.requestFocus(target != null ? target : myFrame, true); } } /** * Determines if the presentation is displayed. */ public boolean isDisplayed(){ if(myModallyActivated){ if(myDialog!=null){ return myDialog.isShowing(); } else{ return false; } } else{ if(myFrame!=null){ if(!myFrame.isVisible()){ return false; } else{ return myFrame.getState() == JFrame.NORMAL; } } else{ return false; } } } /** * Requests the presentation be located at a given position. * This operation may throw an UnsupportedOperationException if the * underlying implementation does not allow this. */ public void setLocation(Point p) throws UnsupportedOperationException{ createHelpWindow(); if(myModallyActivated){ myDialog.setLocation(p); } else{ myFrame.setLocation(p); } } /** * Requests the location of the presentation. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the underlying implementation * does not allow this. * @throws IllegalComponentStateException If the presentation is not * displayed. * @return Point the location of the presentation. */ public Point getLocation() throws UnsupportedOperationException{ if(jhelp==null){ throw new java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException("presentation not displayed"); } if(myModallyActivated){ if(myDialog!=null){ return myDialog.getLocation(); } } else{ if(myFrame!=null){ return myFrame.getLocation(); } } return null; } /** * Requests the presentation be set to a given size. * This operation may throw an UnsupportedOperationException if the * underlying implementation does not allow this. */ public void setSize(Dimension d) throws UnsupportedOperationException{ HELP_WIDTH=d.width; HELP_HEIGHT=d.height; createHelpWindow(); if(myModallyActivated){ myDialog.setSize(d); myDialog.validate(); } else{ myFrame.setSize(d); myFrame.validate(); } } /** * Requests the size of the presentation. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the underlying implementation * does not allow this. * @throws IllegalComponentStateException If the presentation is not * displayed. * @return Point the location of the presentation. */ public Dimension getSize() throws UnsupportedOperationException{ if(jhelp==null){ throw new java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException("presentation not displayed"); } if(myModallyActivated){ if(myDialog!=null){ return myDialog.getSize(); } } else{ if(myFrame!=null){ return myFrame.getSize(); } } return null; } /** * Hides/Shows view. */ public void setViewDisplayed(boolean displayed){ createHelpWindow(); jhelp.setNavigatorDisplayed(displayed); } /** * Determines if the current view is visible. */ public boolean isViewDisplayed(){ createHelpWindow(); return jhelp.isNavigatorDisplayed(); } /** * Shows this ID as content relative to the (top) HelpSet for the HelpBroker * instance--HelpVisitListeners are notified. * * @param id A string that identifies the topic to show for the loaded (top) HelpSet * @exception BadIDException The ID is not valid for the HelpSet */ public void setCurrentID(String id) throws BadIDException{ try{ setCurrentID(ID.create(id,myHelpSet)); } catch(InvalidHelpSetContextException ex){ // this should not happen new Error("internal error?"); } } /** * Displays this ID--HelpVisitListeners are notified. * * @param id a Map.ID indicating the URL to display * @exception InvalidHelpSetContextException if the current helpset does not contain * id.helpset */ public void setCurrentID(ID id) throws InvalidHelpSetContextException{ createJHelp(); jhelp.getModel().setCurrentID(id); } /** * Determines which ID is displayed (if any). */ public ID getCurrentID(){ if(jhelp!=null){ return jhelp.getModel().getCurrentID(); } else{ return null; } } /** * Displays this URL. * HelpVisitListeners are notified. * The currentID changes if there is a mathing ID for this URL * @param url The url to display. A null URL is a valid url. */ public void setCurrentURL(URL url){ createHelpWindow(); jhelp.getModel().setCurrentURL(url); if(myModallyActivated){ myDialog.setVisible(true); myDialog.setVisible(true); } else{ myFrame.setVisible(true); } } /** * Determines which URL is displayed. */ public URL getCurrentURL(){ return jhelp.getModel().getCurrentURL(); } // Context-Senstive methods /** * Enables the Help key on a Component. This method works best when * the component is the * rootPane of a JFrame in Swing implementations, or a java.awt.Window * (or subclass thereof) in AWT implementations. * This method sets the default * helpID and HelpSet for the Component and registers keyboard actions * to trap the "Help" keypress. When the "Help" key is pressed, if the * object with the current focus has a helpID, the helpID is displayed. * otherwise the default helpID is displayed. * * @param comp the Component to enable the keyboard actions on. * @param id the default HelpID to be displayed * @param hs the default HelpSet to be displayed. If hs is null the default HelpSet * will be assumed. */ public void enableHelpKey(Component comp,@NotNull String id,HelpSet hs){ CSH.setHelpIDString(comp,id); if(hs!=null){ CSH.setHelpSet(comp,hs); } if(comp instanceof JComponent){ JComponent root=(JComponent)comp; root.registerKeyboardAction(getDisplayHelpFromFocus(), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_HELP,0), JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT); root.registerKeyboardAction(getDisplayHelpFromFocus(), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F1,0), JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT); } else{ comp.addKeyListener(this); } } /** * Invoked when a key is typed. This event occurs when a * key press is followed by a key release. Not intended to be overridden or extended. */ public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){ //ignore } /** * Invoked when a key is pressed. Not intended to be overridden or extended. */ public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){ //ingore } /** * Invoked when a key is released. Not intended to be overridden or extended. */ public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){ // simulate what is done in JComponents registerKeyboardActions. int code=e.getKeyCode(); if(code==KeyEvent.VK_F1||code==KeyEvent.VK_HELP){ ActionListener al=getDisplayHelpFromFocus(); al.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(e.getComponent(), ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, null)); } } /** * Enables help for a Component. This method sets a * component's helpID and HelpSet. * * @param comp the Component to set the id and hs on. * @param id the String value of an Map.ID. * @param hs the HelpSet the id is in. If hs is null the default HelpSet * will be assumed. */ public void enableHelp(Component comp,@NotNull String id,HelpSet hs){ CSH.setHelpIDString(comp,id); if(hs!=null){ CSH.setHelpSet(comp,hs); } } /** * Enables help for a MenuItem. This method sets a * component's helpID and HelpSet. * * @param comp the MenuItem to set the id and hs on. * @param id the String value of an Map.ID. * @param hs the HelpSet the id is in. If hs is null the default HelpSet * will be assumed. */ public void enableHelp(MenuItem comp,@NotNull String id,HelpSet hs){ CSH.setHelpIDString(comp,id); if(hs!=null){ CSH.setHelpSet(comp,hs); } } /** * Enables help for a Component. This method sets a * Component's helpID and HelpSet and adds an ActionListener. * When an action is performed * it displays the Component's helpID and HelpSet in the default viewer. * * @param comp the Component to set the id and hs on. If the Component is not * a javax.swing.AbstractButton or a * java.awt.Button an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. * @param id the String value of an Map.ID. * @param hs the HelpSet the id is in. If hs is null the default HelpSet * will be assumed. * * @see javax.swing.AbstractButton * @see java.awt.Button * @throws IllegalArgumentException if comp is not a button. */ public void enableHelpOnButton(Component comp,@NotNull String id,HelpSet hs){ if(!(comp instanceof AbstractButton)&&!(comp instanceof Button)){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Component. comp must be either a javax.swing.AbstractButton or a java.awt.Button"); } CSH.setHelpIDString(comp,id); if(hs!=null){ CSH.setHelpSet(comp,hs); } if(comp instanceof AbstractButton){ AbstractButton button=(AbstractButton)comp; button.addActionListener(getDisplayHelpFromSource()); }else{ Button button=(Button)comp; button.addActionListener(getDisplayHelpFromSource()); } } /** * Enables help for a MenuItem. This method sets a * Component's helpID and HelpSet and adds an ActionListener. * When an action is performed * it displays the Component's helpID and HelpSet in the default viewer. * * @param comp the MenuItem to set the id and hs on. If comp is null * an IllegalAgrumentException is thrown. * @param id the String value of an Map.ID. * @param hs the HelpSet the id is in. If hs is null the default HelpSet * will be assumed. * @see java.awt.MenuItem * @throws IllegalArgumentException if comp is null. */ public void enableHelpOnButton(@NotNull MenuItem comp,@NotNull String id,HelpSet hs){ CSH.setHelpIDString(comp,id); if(hs!=null){ CSH.setHelpSet(comp,hs); } comp.addActionListener(getDisplayHelpFromSource()); } /** * Returns the default DisplayHelpFromFocus listener. */ protected ActionListener getDisplayHelpFromFocus(){ if(displayHelpFromFocus==null){ displayHelpFromFocus=new CSH.DisplayHelpFromFocus(this); } return displayHelpFromFocus; } /** * Returns the default DisplayHelpFromSource listener. */ protected ActionListener getDisplayHelpFromSource(){ if(displayHelpFromSource==null){ displayHelpFromSource=new CSH.DisplayHelpFromSource(this); } return displayHelpFromSource; } /** * Set the activation window. If the window is an instance of a * Dialog and the is modal, modallyActivated help is set to true and * ownerDialog is set to the window. In all other instances * modallyActivated is set to false and ownerDialog is set to null. * @param window the activating window * @since 1.1 */ public void setActivationWindow(Window window){ if (window instanceof Dialog) { Dialog tmpDialog = (Dialog)window; if (tmpDialog.isModal()) { myOwnerWindow = window; myModallyActivated = true; } else { myOwnerWindow = null; myModallyActivated = false; } } else { myOwnerWindow = null; myModallyActivated = false; } } /** * Private methods. */ private int HELP_WIDTH = (int)(ScreenUtil.getMainScreenBounds().width * 0.8); private int HELP_HEIGHT = (int)(ScreenUtil.getMainScreenBounds().height * 0.8); private synchronized void createJHelp(){ if(jhelp==null){ jhelp=new IdeaJHelp(myHelpSet); if(myFont!=null){ jhelp.setFont(myFont); } if(myLocale!=null){ jhelp.setLocale(myLocale); } } } private WindowListener dl; private boolean modalDeactivated=true; private synchronized void createHelpWindow(){ JDialog tmpDialog=null; Dimension size=null; Point pos=null; boolean resize = false; createJHelp(); // Get the title from the HelpSet String helpTitle=myHelpSet.getTitle(); if(myModallyActivated){ // replace dialog.getOwner() with the following code Window owner=null; try{ Method m=Window.class.getMethod("getOwner",null); if(m!=null&&myDialog!=null){ owner=(Window)m.invoke(myDialog,null); } } catch(NoSuchMethodError ex){ // as in JDK1.1 } catch(NoSuchMethodException ex){ // as in JDK1.1 } catch(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException ex){ // } catch(java.lang.IllegalAccessException ex){ // } if(myDialog==null||owner!=myOwnerWindow||modalDeactivated){ if(myFrame!=null){ pos=myFrame.getLocation(); size=myFrame.getSize(); myFrame.dispose(); } if(myDialog!=null){ pos=myDialog.getLocation(); size=myDialog.getSize(); tmpDialog=myDialog; } myDialog=new JDialog((Dialog)myOwnerWindow,helpTitle); // Modal dialogs are really tricky. When the modal dialog // is dismissed the JDialog will be dismissed as well. // When that happens we need to make sure the ownerWindow // is set to null so that a new dialog will be created so // that events aren't blocked in the HelpViewer. dl=new WindowAdapter(){ public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){ // JDK1.2.1 bug not closing owned windows if(myDialog.isShowing()){ myDialog.hide(); } if (myOwnerWindow != null) { myOwnerWindow.removeWindowListener(dl); } myOwnerWindow=null; modalDeactivated=true; } }; myOwnerWindow.addWindowListener(dl); modalDeactivated=false; if(size!=null){ myDialog.setSize(size); } else{ myDialog.setSize(HELP_WIDTH,HELP_HEIGHT); } if(pos!=null){ myDialog.setLocation(pos); } myDialog.getContentPane().add(jhelp); if(tmpDialog!=null){ tmpDialog.dispose(); } } } else{ if (myFrame == null) { myFrame = new JFrame(helpTitle); resize = true; AppUIUtil.updateWindowIcon(myFrame); WindowListener l = new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { myFrame.setVisible(false); } public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) { myFrame.setVisible(false); } }; myFrame.addWindowListener(l); } else { pos = myFrame.getLocation(); } if(myDialog!=null){ pos=myDialog.getLocation(); size=myDialog.getSize(); myDialog.dispose(); myDialog=null; myOwnerWindow=null; } if(size!=null){ myFrame.setSize(size); } else if (resize) { myFrame.setSize(HELP_WIDTH,HELP_HEIGHT); } if(pos!=null){ myFrame.setLocation(pos); } myFrame.getContentPane().add(jhelp); myFrame.setTitle(myHelpSet.getTitle()); } } // the listeners. private ActionListener displayHelpFromFocus; private ActionListener displayHelpFromSource; }