/* * Copyright 2000-2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.dir; import com.intellij.ide.diff.DiffElement; import com.intellij.ide.diff.DiffErrorElement; import com.intellij.ide.diff.DiffType; import com.intellij.ide.diff.DirDiffSettings; import com.intellij.util.containers.HashMap; import com.intellij.util.containers.SortedList; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import static com.intellij.ide.diff.DiffType.ERROR; /** * @author Konstantin Bulenkov */ public class DTree { private static final Comparator<DTree> COMPARATOR = new Comparator<DTree>() { @Override public int compare(DTree o1, DTree o2) { final boolean b1 = o1.isContainer(); final boolean b2 = o2.isContainer(); return (b1 && b2) || (!b1 && !b2) ? o1.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(o2.getName()) : b1 ? 1 : -1; } }; private boolean myExpanded = true; @Nullable private final DTree myParent; private HashMap<String, DTree> myChildren; private String myName; private final boolean isContainer; private SortedList<DTree> myChildrenList; private DiffElement<?> mySource; private DiffElement<?> myTarget; private DiffType myType; private boolean myVisible = true; private String mySeparator = null; private String myPath = null; public DTree(@Nullable DTree parent, @NotNull String name, boolean container) { this.myParent = parent; this.myName = name; isContainer = container; } @NotNull public Collection<DTree> getChildren() { init(); if (myChildrenList == null) { myChildrenList = new SortedList<DTree>(COMPARATOR); myChildrenList.addAll(myChildren.values()); } return myChildrenList; } public DTree addChild(@NotNull DiffElement element, boolean source) { init(); myChildrenList = null; final DTree node; final String name = element.getName(); if (myChildren.containsKey(name)) { node = myChildren.get(name); } else { node = new DTree(this, name, element.isContainer()); myChildren.put(name, node); } if (source) { node.setSource(element); } else { node.setTarget(element); } return node; } public DiffElement<?> getSource() { return mySource; } public void setSource(DiffElement<?> source) { mySource = source; } public DiffElement<?> getTarget() { return myTarget; } public void setTarget(DiffElement<?> target) { myTarget = target; } private void init() { if (myChildren == null) { myChildren = new HashMap<String, DTree>(); } } public String getName() { return myName; } @Nullable public DTree getParent() { return myParent; } public boolean isExpanded() { return myExpanded; } public void setExpanded(boolean expanded) { this.myExpanded = expanded; } public boolean isContainer() { return isContainer; } @Override public String toString() { return myName; } public void update(DirDiffSettings settings) { for (DTree tree : getChildren()) { final DiffElement<?> src = tree.getSource(); final DiffElement<?> trg = tree.getTarget(); if (src instanceof DiffErrorElement || trg instanceof DiffErrorElement) { tree.setType(ERROR); } else if (src == null && trg != null) { tree.setType(DiffType.TARGET); } else if (src != null && trg == null) { tree.setType(DiffType.SOURCE); } else { assert src != null; DiffType dtype = src.getSize() == trg.getSize() ? DiffType.EQUAL : DiffType.CHANGED; if (dtype == DiffType.EQUAL) { switch (settings.compareMode) { case CONTENT: dtype = isEqual(src, trg) ? DiffType.EQUAL : DiffType.CHANGED; break; case TIMESTAMP: dtype = Math.abs(src.getTimeStamp() - trg.getTimeStamp()) <= settings.compareTimestampAccuracy ? DiffType.EQUAL : DiffType.CHANGED; break; } } tree.setType(dtype); } tree.update(settings); } } public boolean isVisible() { return myVisible; } public void updateVisibility(DirDiffSettings settings) { if (getChildren().isEmpty()) { if (myType == ERROR) { myVisible = true; return; } if (myType != DiffType.SEPARATOR && !"".equals(settings.getFilter())) { if (!settings.getFilterPattern().matcher(getName()).matches()) { myVisible = false; return; } } if (myType == null) { myVisible = true; } else { switch (myType) { case SOURCE: myVisible = settings.showNewOnSource; break; case TARGET: myVisible = settings.showNewOnTarget; break; case SEPARATOR: case ERROR: myVisible = true; break; case CHANGED: myVisible = settings.showDifferent; break; case EQUAL: myVisible = settings.showEqual; break; } } } else { myVisible = false; for (DTree child : myChildren.values()) { child.updateVisibility(settings); myVisible = myVisible || child.isVisible(); } } } public void reset() { myChildren.clear(); } public void remove(DTree node) { init(); final boolean removed = myChildrenList.remove(node); if (removed) { for (String key : myChildren.keySet()) { if (myChildren.get(key) == node) { myChildren.remove(key); return; } } } } private static boolean isEqual(DiffElement file1, DiffElement file2) { if (file1.isContainer() || file2.isContainer()) return false; if (file1.getSize() != file2.getSize()) return false; try { return Arrays.equals(file1.getContent(), file2.getContent()); } catch (IOException e) { return false; } } public DiffType getType() { return myType; } public void setType(DiffType type) { this.myType = type; } public String getPath() { if (myPath == null) { final DTree parent = getParent(); if (parent != null) { myPath = parent.getPath() + getName() + (isContainer ? getSeparator() : ""); } else { myPath = getName() + (isContainer ? getSeparator() : ""); } } return myPath; } private String getSeparator() { if (mySeparator == null) { mySeparator = mySource != null ? mySource.getSeparator() : myTarget != null ? myTarget.getSeparator() : ""; } return mySeparator; } }