/* * Copyright 2000-2009 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.formatting.templateLanguages; import com.intellij.formatting.ASTBlock; import com.intellij.formatting.Block; import com.intellij.formatting.Indent; import com.intellij.formatting.Spacing; import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * @author Alexey Chmutov * Date: Jul 3, 2009 * Time: 2:47:10 PM */ class BlockUtil { private BlockUtil() { } public static List<DataLanguageBlockWrapper> buildChildWrappers(@NotNull final Block parent) { assert !(parent instanceof DataLanguageBlockWrapper) : parent.getClass(); List<Block> children = parent.getSubBlocks(); if (children.size() == 0) return Collections.emptyList(); ArrayList<DataLanguageBlockWrapper> result = new ArrayList<DataLanguageBlockWrapper>(children.size()); DataLanguageBlockWrapper prevWrapper = null; for (Block child : children) { DataLanguageBlockWrapper currWrapper = createAndAddBlock(result, child, null); if(currWrapper != null && prevWrapper != null) { Spacing spacing = parent.getSpacing(prevWrapper.getOriginal(), currWrapper.getOriginal()); prevWrapper.setRightHandSpacing(currWrapper, spacing); } prevWrapper = currWrapper; } return result; } public static Pair<List<DataLanguageBlockWrapper>, List<DataLanguageBlockWrapper>> splitBlocksByRightBound(@NotNull Block parent, @NotNull TextRange bounds) { final List<Block> subBlocks = parent.getSubBlocks(); if (subBlocks.size() == 0) return new Pair<List<DataLanguageBlockWrapper>, List<DataLanguageBlockWrapper>>(Collections.<DataLanguageBlockWrapper>emptyList(), Collections.<DataLanguageBlockWrapper>emptyList()); final ArrayList<DataLanguageBlockWrapper> before = new ArrayList<DataLanguageBlockWrapper>(subBlocks.size() / 2); final ArrayList<DataLanguageBlockWrapper> after = new ArrayList<DataLanguageBlockWrapper>(subBlocks.size() / 2); splitByRightBoundAndCollectBlocks(subBlocks, before, after, bounds); return new Pair<List<DataLanguageBlockWrapper>, List<DataLanguageBlockWrapper>>(before, after); } private static void splitByRightBoundAndCollectBlocks(@NotNull List<Block> blocks, @NotNull List<DataLanguageBlockWrapper> before, @NotNull List<DataLanguageBlockWrapper> after, @NotNull TextRange bounds) { for (Block block : blocks) { final TextRange textRange = block.getTextRange(); if (bounds.contains(textRange)) { createAndAddBlock(before, block, null); } else if (bounds.getEndOffset() <= textRange.getStartOffset()) { createAndAddBlock(after, block, null); } else { //assert block.getSubBlocks().size() != 0 : "Block " + block.getTextRange() + " doesn't contain subblocks!"; splitByRightBoundAndCollectBlocks(block.getSubBlocks(), before, after, bounds); } } } @Nullable private static DataLanguageBlockWrapper createAndAddBlock(List<DataLanguageBlockWrapper> list, Block block, @Nullable final Indent indent) { DataLanguageBlockWrapper wrapper = DataLanguageBlockWrapper.create(block, indent); if (wrapper != null) { list.add(wrapper); } return wrapper; } public static List<Block> mergeBlocks(@NotNull List<TemplateLanguageBlock> tlBlocks, @NotNull List<DataLanguageBlockWrapper> foreignBlocks) { ArrayList<Block> result = new ArrayList<Block>(tlBlocks.size() + foreignBlocks.size()); int vInd = 0; int fInd = 0; while (vInd < tlBlocks.size() && fInd < foreignBlocks.size()) { final TemplateLanguageBlock v = tlBlocks.get(vInd); final DataLanguageBlockWrapper f = foreignBlocks.get(fInd); final TextRange vRange = v.getTextRange(); final TextRange fRange = f.getTextRange(); if (vRange.getStartOffset() >= fRange.getEndOffset()) { // add leading foreign blocks result.add(f); fInd++; } else if (vRange.getEndOffset() <= fRange.getStartOffset()) { // add leading TL blocks result.add(v); vInd++; } else if (vRange.getStartOffset() < fRange.getStartOffset() || vRange.getStartOffset() == fRange.getStartOffset() && vRange.getEndOffset() >= fRange.getEndOffset()) { // add including TL blocks and split intersecting foreign blocks result.add(v); while (fInd < foreignBlocks.size() && vRange.contains(foreignBlocks.get(fInd).getTextRange())) { v.addForeignChild(foreignBlocks.get(fInd++)); } if (fInd < foreignBlocks.size()) { final DataLanguageBlockWrapper notContainedF = foreignBlocks.get(fInd); if (vRange.intersectsStrict(notContainedF.getTextRange())) { Pair<List<DataLanguageBlockWrapper>, List<DataLanguageBlockWrapper>> splitBlocks = splitBlocksByRightBound(notContainedF.getOriginal(), vRange); v.addForeignChildren(splitBlocks.getFirst()); foreignBlocks.remove(fInd); if (splitBlocks.getSecond().size() > 0) { foreignBlocks.addAll(fInd, splitBlocks.getSecond()); } } } vInd++; } else if (vRange.getStartOffset() > fRange.getStartOffset() || vRange.getStartOffset() == fRange.getStartOffset() && vRange.getEndOffset() < fRange.getEndOffset()) { // add including foreign blocks or split them if needed int lastContainedTlInd = vInd; while (lastContainedTlInd < tlBlocks.size() && fRange.intersectsStrict(tlBlocks.get(lastContainedTlInd).getTextRange())) { lastContainedTlInd++; } if (fRange.contains(tlBlocks.get(lastContainedTlInd - 1).getTextRange())) { result.add(f); fInd++; while (vInd < lastContainedTlInd) { f.addTlChild(tlBlocks.get(vInd++)); } } else { foreignBlocks.remove(fInd); foreignBlocks.addAll(fInd, buildChildWrappers(f.getOriginal())); } } } while (vInd < tlBlocks.size()) { result.add(tlBlocks.get(vInd++)); } while (fInd < foreignBlocks.size()) { result.add(foreignBlocks.get(fInd++)); } return result; } @NotNull public static List<DataLanguageBlockWrapper> filterBlocksByRange(@NotNull List<DataLanguageBlockWrapper> list, @NotNull TextRange textRange) { int i = 0; while (i < list.size()) { final DataLanguageBlockWrapper wrapper = list.get(i); final TextRange range = wrapper.getTextRange(); if (textRange.contains(range)) { i++; } else if (range.intersectsStrict(textRange)) { list.remove(i); list.addAll(i, buildChildWrappers(wrapper.getOriginal())); } else { list.remove(i); } } return list; } static List<Block> splitBlockIntoFragments(@NotNull Block block, @NotNull List<TemplateLanguageBlock> subBlocks) { final List<Block> children = new ArrayList<Block>(5); final TextRange range = block.getTextRange(); int childStartOffset = range.getStartOffset(); TemplateLanguageBlock lastTLBlock = null; for (TemplateLanguageBlock tlBlock : subBlocks) { final TextRange tlTextRange = tlBlock.getTextRange(); if (tlTextRange.getStartOffset() > childStartOffset) { TextRange dataBlockTextRange = new TextRange(childStartOffset, tlTextRange.getStartOffset()); if (tlBlock.isRequiredRange(dataBlockTextRange)) { children.add(new DataLanguageBlockFragmentWrapper(block, dataBlockTextRange)); } } children.add(tlBlock); lastTLBlock = tlBlock; childStartOffset = tlTextRange.getEndOffset(); } if (range.getEndOffset() > childStartOffset) { TextRange dataBlockTextRange = new TextRange(childStartOffset, range.getEndOffset()); if (lastTLBlock == null || lastTLBlock.isRequiredRange(dataBlockTextRange) ) { children.add(new DataLanguageBlockFragmentWrapper(block, dataBlockTextRange)); } } return children; } static void printBlocks(@Nullable TextRange textRange, @NotNull List<Block> list) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(textRange)).append(": "); for (Block block : list) { ASTNode node = block instanceof ASTBlock ? ((ASTBlock)block).getNode() : null; TextRange r = block.getTextRange(); sb.append(" [").append(node != null ? node.getElementType() : null)//.append(" ").append(((BlockWithParent)block).getParent() != null) .append(r).append(block.getIndent()).append(block.getAlignment()).append("] "); } System.out.println(sb); } static List<Block> setParent(List<Block> children, BlockWithParent parent) { for (Block block : children) { if (block instanceof BlockWithParent) ((BlockWithParent)block).setParent(parent); } return children; } }