/* * Copyright 2000-2016 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.impl; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.BinaryFileDecompiler; import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.BinaryFileTypeDecompilers; import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.CharsetUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.FileType; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Key; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Trinity; import com.intellij.openapi.util.io.FileUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.CharsetToolkit; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.encoding.EncodingManager; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.encoding.EncodingRegistry; import com.intellij.testFramework.LightVirtualFile; import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil; import com.intellij.util.ObjectUtils; import com.intellij.util.text.CharArrayUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException; public final class LoadTextUtil { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.impl.LoadTextUtil"); @Nls private static final String AUTO_DETECTED_FROM_BOM = "auto-detected from BOM"; private static final int UNLIMITED = -1; private LoadTextUtil() { } @NotNull private static Pair<CharSequence, String> convertLineSeparators(@NotNull CharBuffer buffer) { int dst = 0; char prev = ' '; int crCount = 0; int lfCount = 0; int crlfCount = 0; final int length = buffer.length(); final char[] bufferArray = CharArrayUtil.fromSequenceWithoutCopying(buffer); for (int src = 0; src < length; src++) { char c = bufferArray != null ? bufferArray[src]:buffer.charAt(src); switch (c) { case '\r': if(bufferArray != null) bufferArray[dst++] = '\n'; else buffer.put(dst++, '\n'); crCount++; break; case '\n': if (prev == '\r') { crCount--; crlfCount++; } else { if(bufferArray != null) bufferArray[dst++] = '\n'; else buffer.put(dst++, '\n'); lfCount++; } break; default: if(bufferArray != null) bufferArray[dst++] = c; else buffer.put(dst++, c); break; } prev = c; } String detectedLineSeparator = null; if (crlfCount > crCount && crlfCount > lfCount) { detectedLineSeparator = "\r\n"; } else if (crCount > lfCount) { detectedLineSeparator = "\r"; } else if (lfCount > 0) { detectedLineSeparator = "\n"; } CharSequence result = buffer.length() == dst ? buffer : buffer.subSequence(0, dst); return Pair.create(result, detectedLineSeparator); } @NotNull private static Charset detectCharset(@NotNull VirtualFile virtualFile, @NotNull byte[] content, @NotNull FileType fileType) { Charset charset = null; String charsetName = fileType.getCharset(virtualFile, content); if (charsetName != null) { charset = CharsetToolkit.forName(charsetName); } else { Trinity<Charset,CharsetToolkit.GuessedEncoding, byte[]> guessed = guessFromContent(virtualFile, content, content.length); Charset hardCodedCharset = guessed == null ? null : guessed.first; if (hardCodedCharset == null) { Charset specifiedExplicitly = EncodingRegistry.getInstance().getEncoding(virtualFile, true); if (specifiedExplicitly != null) { charset = specifiedExplicitly; } } else { charset = hardCodedCharset; } } if (charset == null) { charset = EncodingRegistry.getInstance().getDefaultCharset(); } virtualFile.setCharset(charset); return charset; } @NotNull public static Charset detectCharsetAndSetBOM(@NotNull VirtualFile virtualFile, @NotNull byte[] content) { return doDetectCharsetAndSetBOM(virtualFile, content, true, virtualFile.getFileType()).getFirst(); } @NotNull private static Pair.NonNull<Charset, byte[]> doDetectCharsetAndSetBOM(@NotNull VirtualFile virtualFile, @NotNull byte[] content, boolean saveBOM, @NotNull FileType fileType) { @NotNull Charset charset = virtualFile.isCharsetSet() ? virtualFile.getCharset() : detectCharset(virtualFile, content,fileType); Pair.NonNull<Charset, byte[]> bomAndCharset = getCharsetAndBOM(content, charset); final byte[] bom = bomAndCharset.second; if (saveBOM && bom.length != 0) { virtualFile.setBOM(bom); setCharsetWasDetectedFromBytes(virtualFile, AUTO_DETECTED_FROM_BOM); } return bomAndCharset; } private static final boolean GUESS_UTF = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("idea.guess.utf.encoding", "true")); @Nullable("null means no luck, otherwise it's tuple(guessed encoding, hint about content if was unable to guess, BOM)") public static Trinity<Charset, CharsetToolkit.GuessedEncoding, byte[]> guessFromContent(@NotNull VirtualFile virtualFile, @NotNull byte[] content, int length) { Charset defaultCharset = ObjectUtils.notNull(EncodingManager.getInstance().getEncoding(virtualFile, true), CharsetToolkit.getDefaultSystemCharset()); CharsetToolkit toolkit = GUESS_UTF ? new CharsetToolkit(content, defaultCharset) : null; String detectedFromBytes = null; try { if (GUESS_UTF) { toolkit.setEnforce8Bit(true); Charset charset = toolkit.guessFromBOM(); if (charset != null) { detectedFromBytes = AUTO_DETECTED_FROM_BOM; byte[] bom = ObjectUtils.notNull(CharsetToolkit.getMandatoryBom(charset), CharsetToolkit.UTF8_BOM); return Trinity.create(charset, null, bom); } CharsetToolkit.GuessedEncoding guessed = toolkit.guessFromContent(length); if (guessed == CharsetToolkit.GuessedEncoding.VALID_UTF8) { detectedFromBytes = "auto-detected from bytes"; return Trinity.create(CharsetToolkit.UTF8_CHARSET, guessed, null); //UTF detected, ignore all directives } if (guessed == CharsetToolkit.GuessedEncoding.SEVEN_BIT) { return Trinity.create(null, guessed, null); } } return null; } finally { setCharsetWasDetectedFromBytes(virtualFile, detectedFromBytes); } } @NotNull private static Pair.NonNull<Charset,byte[]> getCharsetAndBOM(@NotNull byte[] content, @NotNull Charset charset) { if (charset.name().contains(CharsetToolkit.UTF8) && CharsetToolkit.hasUTF8Bom(content)) { return Pair.createNonNull(charset, CharsetToolkit.UTF8_BOM); } try { Charset fromBOM = CharsetToolkit.guessFromBOM(content); if (fromBOM != null) { return Pair.createNonNull(fromBOM, ObjectUtils.notNull(CharsetToolkit.getMandatoryBom(fromBOM), ArrayUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY)); } } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException ignore) { } return Pair.createNonNull(charset, ArrayUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY); } public static void changeLineSeparators(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile file, @NotNull String newSeparator, @NotNull Object requestor) throws IOException { CharSequence currentText = getTextByBinaryPresentation(file.contentsToByteArray(), file, true, false); String currentSeparator = detectLineSeparator(file, false); if (newSeparator.equals(currentSeparator)) { return; } String newText = StringUtil.convertLineSeparators(currentText.toString(), newSeparator); file.setDetectedLineSeparator(newSeparator); write(project, file, requestor, newText, -1); } /** * Overwrites file with text and sets modification stamp and time stamp to the specified values. * <p/> * Normally you should not use this method. * * @param requestor any object to control who called this method. Note that * it is considered to be an external change if {@code requestor} is {@code null}. * See {@link com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFileEvent#getRequestor} * @param newModificationStamp new modification stamp or -1 if no special value should be set @return {@code Writer} * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs * @see VirtualFile#getModificationStamp() */ public static void write(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile virtualFile, @NotNull Object requestor, @NotNull String text, long newModificationStamp) throws IOException { Charset existing = virtualFile.getCharset(); Pair.NonNull<Charset, byte[]> chosen = charsetForWriting(project, virtualFile, text, existing); Charset charset = chosen.first; byte[] buffer = chosen.second; if (!charset.equals(existing)) { virtualFile.setCharset(charset); } setDetectedFromBytesFlagBack(virtualFile, buffer); virtualFile.setBinaryContent(buffer, newModificationStamp, -1, requestor); } @NotNull private static Pair.NonNull<Charset, byte[]> charsetForWriting(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile virtualFile, @NotNull String text, @NotNull Charset existing) { Charset specified = extractCharsetFromFileContent(project, virtualFile, text); Pair.NonNull<Charset, byte[]> chosen = chooseMostlyHarmlessCharset(existing, specified, text); Charset charset = chosen.first; // in case of "UTF-16", OutputStreamWriter sometimes adds BOM on it's own. // see http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6800103 byte[] bom = virtualFile.getBOM(); Charset fromBom = bom == null ? null : CharsetToolkit.guessFromBOM(bom); if (fromBom != null && !fromBom.equals(charset)) { chosen = Pair.createNonNull(fromBom, toBytes(text, fromBom)); } return chosen; } private static void setDetectedFromBytesFlagBack(@NotNull VirtualFile virtualFile, @NotNull byte[] content) { if (virtualFile.getBOM() == null) { guessFromContent(virtualFile, content, content.length); } else { // prevent file to be reloaded in other encoding after save with BOM setCharsetWasDetectedFromBytes(virtualFile, AUTO_DETECTED_FROM_BOM); } } @NotNull public static Pair.NonNull<Charset, byte[]> chooseMostlyHarmlessCharset(@NotNull Charset existing, @NotNull Charset specified, @NotNull String text) { try { if (specified.equals(existing)) { return Pair.createNonNull(specified, toBytes(text, existing)); } byte[] out = isSupported(specified, text); if (out != null) { return Pair.createNonNull(specified, out); //if explicitly specified encoding is safe, return it } out = isSupported(existing, text); if (out != null) { return Pair.createNonNull(existing, out); //otherwise stick to the old encoding if it's ok } return Pair.createNonNull(specified, toBytes(text, specified)); //if both are bad there is no difference } catch (RuntimeException e) { return Pair.createNonNull(Charset.defaultCharset(), toBytes(text, null)); //if both are bad and there is no hope, use the default charset } } @NotNull private static byte[] toBytes(@NotNull String text, @Nullable Charset charset) throws RuntimeException { //noinspection SSBasedInspection return charset == null ? text.getBytes() : text.getBytes(charset); } @Nullable("null means not supported, otherwise it is converted byte stream") private static byte[] isSupported(@NotNull Charset charset, @NotNull String str) { try { if (!charset.canEncode()) return null; byte[] bytes = str.getBytes(charset); if (!str.equals(new String(bytes, charset))) { return null; } return bytes; } catch (Exception e) { return null;//wow, some charsets throw NPE inside .getBytes() when unable to encode (JIS_X0212-1990) } } @NotNull public static Charset extractCharsetFromFileContent(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile virtualFile, @NotNull CharSequence text) { return ObjectUtils.notNull(charsetFromContentOrNull(project, virtualFile, text), virtualFile.getCharset()); } @Nullable("returns null if cannot determine from content") public static Charset charsetFromContentOrNull(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile virtualFile, @NotNull CharSequence text) { return CharsetUtil.extractCharsetFromFileContent(project, virtualFile, virtualFile.getFileType(), text); } @NotNull public static CharSequence loadText(@NotNull final VirtualFile file) { FileType type = file.getFileType(); if (type.isBinary()) { final BinaryFileDecompiler decompiler = BinaryFileTypeDecompilers.INSTANCE.forFileType(type); if (decompiler != null) { CharSequence text = decompiler.decompile(file); try { StringUtil.assertValidSeparators(text); } catch (AssertionError e) { LOG.error(e); } return text; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to load text for binary file which doesn't have a decompiler plugged in: " + file.getPresentableUrl() + ". File type: " + type.getName()); } return loadText(file, UNLIMITED); } /** * Loads content of given virtual file. If limit is {@value UNLIMITED} then full CharSequence will be returned. Else CharSequence * will be truncated by limit if it has bigger length. * @param file Virtual file for content loading * @param limit Maximum characters count or {@value UNLIMITED} * @throws IllegalArgumentException for binary files * @return Full or truncated CharSequence with file content */ @NotNull public static CharSequence loadText(@NotNull final VirtualFile file, int limit) { FileType type = file.getFileType(); if (type.isBinary()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Attempt to load truncated text for binary file: " + file.getPresentableUrl() + ". File type: " + type.getName() ); if (file instanceof LightVirtualFile) { return limitCharSequence(((LightVirtualFile)file).getContent(), limit); } if (file.isDirectory()) { throw new AssertionError("'" + file.getPresentableUrl() + "' is a directory"); } try { byte[] bytes = limit == UNLIMITED ? file.contentsToByteArray() : FileUtil.loadFirstAndClose(file.getInputStream(), limit); return getTextByBinaryPresentation(bytes, file); } catch (IOException e) { return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_CHAR_SEQUENCE; } } @NotNull private static CharSequence limitCharSequence(@NotNull CharSequence sequence, int limit) { return limit == UNLIMITED ? sequence : sequence.subSequence(0, Math.min(limit, sequence.length())); } @NotNull public static CharSequence getTextByBinaryPresentation(@NotNull final byte[] bytes, @NotNull VirtualFile virtualFile) { return getTextByBinaryPresentation(bytes, virtualFile, true, true); } @NotNull public static CharSequence getTextByBinaryPresentation(@NotNull byte[] bytes, @NotNull VirtualFile virtualFile, boolean saveDetectedSeparators, boolean saveBOM) { return getTextByBinaryPresentation(bytes, virtualFile, saveDetectedSeparators, saveBOM, virtualFile.getFileType()); } @NotNull public static CharSequence getTextByBinaryPresentation(@NotNull byte[] bytes, @NotNull VirtualFile virtualFile, boolean saveDetectedSeparators, boolean saveBOM, @NotNull FileType fileType) { Pair.NonNull<Charset, byte[]> pair = doDetectCharsetAndSetBOM(virtualFile, bytes, saveBOM, fileType); Charset charset = pair.getFirst(); byte[] bom = pair.getSecond(); int offset = bom.length; Pair<CharSequence, String> result = convertBytes(bytes, charset, offset); if (saveDetectedSeparators) { virtualFile.setDetectedLineSeparator(result.getSecond()); } return result.getFirst(); } /** * Get detected line separator, if the file never been loaded, is loaded if checkFile parameter is specified. * * @param file the file to check * @param checkFile if the line separator was not detected before, try to detect it * @return the detected line separator or null */ @Nullable public static String detectLineSeparator(@NotNull VirtualFile file, boolean checkFile) { String lineSeparator = getDetectedLineSeparator(file); if (lineSeparator == null && checkFile) { try { getTextByBinaryPresentation(file.contentsToByteArray(), file); lineSeparator = getDetectedLineSeparator(file); } catch (IOException e) { // null will be returned } } return lineSeparator; } static String getDetectedLineSeparator(@NotNull VirtualFile file) { return file.getDetectedLineSeparator(); } @NotNull public static CharSequence getTextByBinaryPresentation(@NotNull byte[] bytes, @NotNull Charset charset) { Pair.NonNull<Charset, byte[]> pair = getCharsetAndBOM(bytes, charset); byte[] bom = pair.getSecond(); int offset = bom.length; final Pair<CharSequence, String> result = convertBytes(bytes, pair.first, offset); return result.getFirst(); } // do not need to think about BOM here. it is processed outside @NotNull private static Pair<CharSequence, String> convertBytes(@NotNull byte[] bytes, @NotNull Charset charset, final int startOffset) { ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, startOffset, bytes.length - startOffset); CharBuffer charBuffer; try { charBuffer = charset.decode(byteBuffer); } catch (Exception e) { // esoteric charsets can throw any kind of exception charBuffer = CharBuffer.wrap(ArrayUtil.EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY); } return convertLineSeparators(charBuffer); } private static final Key<String> CHARSET_WAS_DETECTED_FROM_BYTES = Key.create("CHARSET_WAS_DETECTED_FROM_BYTES"); @Nullable("null if was not detected, otherwise the reason it was") public static String wasCharsetDetectedFromBytes(@NotNull VirtualFile virtualFile) { return virtualFile.getUserData(CHARSET_WAS_DETECTED_FROM_BYTES); } public static void setCharsetWasDetectedFromBytes(@NotNull VirtualFile virtualFile, @Nullable("null if was not detected, otherwise the reason it was") String reason) { virtualFile.putUserData(CHARSET_WAS_DETECTED_FROM_BYTES, reason); } }