/* * Copyright 2000-2009 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.history.core; import com.intellij.history.core.changes.*; import com.intellij.history.core.revisions.Revision; import com.intellij.history.core.storage.TestContent; import com.intellij.history.core.tree.Entry; import com.intellij.history.core.tree.FileEntry; import com.intellij.history.core.tree.RootEntry; import com.intellij.history.integration.TestVirtualFile; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Clock; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.junit.Assert; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; public abstract class LocalHistoryTestCase extends Assert { private static long myCurrentId = 0; public static long nextId() { return myCurrentId++; } protected static byte[] b(String s) { return s.getBytes(); } protected static Content c(String data) { return data == null ? null : new TestContent(b(data)); } public CreateFileChange createFile(RootEntry root, String path) { return createFile(root, path, null); } public CreateFileChange createFile(RootEntry root, String path, String content) { return createFile(root, path, content, -1, false); } public CreateFileChange createFile(RootEntry root, String path, String content, long timestamp, boolean isReadOnly) { root.ensureDirectoryExists(Paths.getParentOf(path)).addChild(new FileEntry(Paths.getNameOf(path), c(content), timestamp, isReadOnly)); return new CreateFileChange(nextId(), path); } public CreateDirectoryChange createDirectory(RootEntry root, String path) { root.ensureDirectoryExists(path); return new CreateDirectoryChange(nextId(), path); } public ContentChange changeContent(RootEntry root, String path, String content) { return changeContent(root, path, content, -1); } public ContentChange changeContent(RootEntry root, String path, String content, long timestamp) { Entry e = root.getEntry(path); ContentChange result = new ContentChange(nextId(), path, e.getContent(), e.getTimestamp()); e.setContent(c(content), timestamp); return result; } public ROStatusChange changeROStatus(RootEntry root, String path, boolean status) { Entry e = root.getEntry(path); ROStatusChange result = new ROStatusChange(nextId(), path, e.isReadOnly()); e.setReadOnly(status); return result; } public RenameChange rename(RootEntry root, String path, String newName) { Entry e = root.getEntry(path); RenameChange result = new RenameChange(nextId(), Paths.renamed(path, newName), e.getName()); e.setName(newName); return result; } public MoveChange move(RootEntry root, String path, String newParent) { Entry e = root.getEntry(path); MoveChange result = new MoveChange(nextId(), Paths.reparented(path, newParent), e.getParent().getPath()); e.getParent().removeChild(e); root.getEntry(newParent).addChild(e); return result; } public DeleteChange delete(RootEntry root, String path) { Entry e = root.getEntry(path); e.getParent().removeChild(e); return new DeleteChange(nextId(), path, e); } public <T extends StructuralChange> T add(LocalHistoryFacade vcs, T change) { vcs.beginChangeSet(); vcs.addChangeInTests(change); vcs.endChangeSet(null); return change; } public ChangeSet addChangeSet(LocalHistoryFacade facade, Change... changes) { return addChangeSet(facade, null, changes); } public ChangeSet addChangeSet(LocalHistoryFacade facade, String changeSetName, Change... changes) { facade.beginChangeSet(); for (Change each : changes) { if (each instanceof StructuralChange) { facade.addChangeInTests((StructuralChange)each); } else { facade.putLabelInTests((PutLabelChange)each); } } facade.endChangeSet(changeSetName); return (ChangeSet)facade.getChangeListInTests().getChangesInTests().get(0); } public static List<Revision> collectRevisions(LocalHistoryFacade facade, RootEntry root, String path, String projectId, @Nullable String pattern) { return new RevisionsCollector(facade, root, path, projectId, pattern).getResult(); } public static List<ChangeSet> collectChanges(LocalHistoryFacade facade, String path, String projectId, String pattern) { ChangeCollectingVisitor v = new ChangeCollectingVisitor(path, projectId, pattern); facade.accept(v); return v.getChanges(); } public static <T> T[] array(T... objects) { return objects; } public static <T> List<T> list(T... objects) { return Arrays.asList(objects); } protected static ChangeSet cs(Change... changes) { return cs(null, changes); } protected static ChangeSet cs(String name, Change... changes) { return cs(0, name, changes); } protected static ChangeSet cs(long timestamp, String name, Change... changes) { ChangeSet result = new ChangeSet(nextId(), timestamp); result.setName(name); for (Change each : changes) { result.addChange(each); } return result; } protected static void setCurrentTimestamp(long t) { Clock.setTime(t); } protected static void assertContent(String expected, Entry e) { assertContent(expected, e.getContent()); } protected static void assertContent(String expected, Content c) { assertEquals(expected, new String(c.getBytes())); } protected static void assertEquals(Object[] expected, Collection actual) { assertArrayEquals(actual.toString(), expected, actual.toArray()); } protected static TestVirtualFile testDir(String name) { return new TestVirtualFile(name); } protected static TestVirtualFile testFile(String name) { return testFile(name, ""); } protected static TestVirtualFile testFile(String name, String content) { return testFile(name, content, -1); } protected static TestVirtualFile testFile(String name, String content, long timestamp) { return testFile(name, content, timestamp, false); } protected static TestVirtualFile testFile(String name, String content, long timestamp, boolean isReadOnly) { return new TestVirtualFile(name, content, timestamp, isReadOnly); } }