/* * Copyright 2000-2016 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.notification; import com.intellij.execution.filters.HyperlinkInfo; import com.intellij.notification.impl.NotificationsConfigurationImpl; import com.intellij.notification.impl.NotificationsManagerImpl; import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnAction; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.components.AbstractProjectComponent; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.RangeMarker; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.DocumentImpl; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.RangeHighlighter; import com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbAwareRunnable; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.project.ProjectManager; import com.intellij.openapi.startup.StartupManager; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.popup.Balloon; import com.intellij.openapi.util.*; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.wm.*; import com.intellij.ui.BalloonLayoutData; import com.intellij.ui.awt.RelativePoint; import com.intellij.ui.content.Content; import com.intellij.util.*; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import com.intellij.util.containers.hash.LinkedHashMap; import com.intellij.util.text.CharArrayUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkEvent; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * @author peter */ public class EventLog { public static final String LOG_REQUESTOR = "Internal log requestor"; public static final String LOG_TOOL_WINDOW_ID = "Event Log"; public static final String HELP_ID = "reference.toolwindows.event.log"; private static final String A_CLOSING = "</a>"; private static final Pattern TAG_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("<[^>]*>"); private static final Pattern A_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("<a ([^>]* )?href=[\"\']([^>]*)[\"\'][^>]*>"); private static final Set<String> NEW_LINES = ContainerUtil.newHashSet("<br>", "</br>", "<br/>", "<p>", "</p>", "<p/>"); private static final String DEFAULT_CATEGORY = ""; private final LogModel myModel = new LogModel(null, ApplicationManager.getApplication()); public EventLog() { ApplicationManager.getApplication().getMessageBus().connect().subscribe(Notifications.TOPIC, new NotificationsAdapter() { @Override public void notify(@NotNull Notification notification) { final Project[] openProjects = ProjectManager.getInstance().getOpenProjects(); if (openProjects.length == 0) { myModel.addNotification(notification); } for (Project p : openProjects) { getProjectComponent(p).printNotification(notification); } } }); } public static void expireNotification(@NotNull Notification notification) { getApplicationComponent().myModel.removeNotification(notification); for (Project p : ProjectManager.getInstance().getOpenProjects()) { getProjectComponent(p).myProjectModel.removeNotification(notification); } } public static void showNotification(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull String groupId, @NotNull List<String> ids) { getProjectComponent(project).showNotification(groupId, ids); } private static EventLog getApplicationComponent() { return ApplicationManager.getApplication().getComponent(EventLog.class); } @NotNull public static LogModel getLogModel(@Nullable Project project) { return project != null ? getProjectComponent(project).myProjectModel : getApplicationComponent().myModel; } public static void markAllAsRead(@Nullable Project project) { LogModel model = getLogModel(project); Set<String> groups = new HashSet<String>(); for (Notification notification : model.getNotifications()) { groups.add(notification.getGroupId()); model.removeNotification(notification); notification.expire(); } if (project != null && !groups.isEmpty()) { clearNMore(project, groups); } } public static void clearNMore(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull Collection<String> groups) { getProjectComponent(project).clearNMore(groups); } @Nullable public static Trinity<Notification, String, Long> getStatusMessage(@Nullable Project project) { return getLogModel(project).getStatusMessage(); } public static LogEntry formatForLog(@NotNull final Notification notification, final String indent) { DocumentImpl logDoc = new DocumentImpl("",true); AtomicBoolean showMore = new AtomicBoolean(false); Map<RangeMarker, HyperlinkInfo> links = new LinkedHashMap<RangeMarker, HyperlinkInfo>(); List<RangeMarker> lineSeparators = new ArrayList<RangeMarker>(); String title = notification.getTitle(); String subtitle = notification.getSubtitle(); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(title) && StringUtil.isNotEmpty(subtitle)) { title += " (" + subtitle + ")"; } title = truncateLongString(showMore, title); String content = truncateLongString(showMore, notification.getContent()); RangeMarker afterTitle = null; boolean hasHtml = parseHtmlContent(addIndents(title, indent), notification, logDoc, showMore, links, lineSeparators); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(title)) { if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(content)) { appendText(logDoc, ": "); afterTitle = logDoc.createRangeMarker(logDoc.getTextLength() - 2, logDoc.getTextLength()); } } int titleLength = logDoc.getTextLength(); hasHtml |= parseHtmlContent(addIndents(content, indent), notification, logDoc, showMore, links, lineSeparators); List<AnAction> actions = notification.getActions(); if (NotificationsManagerImpl.newEnabled() && !actions.isEmpty()) { String text = "<p>" + StringUtil.join(actions, new Function<AnAction, String>() { private int index; @Override public String fun(AnAction action) { return "<a href=\"" + index++ + "\">" + action.getTemplatePresentation().getText() + "</a>"; } }, isLongLine(actions) ? "<br>" : " ") + "</p>"; Notification n = new Notification("", "", ".", NotificationType.INFORMATION, new NotificationListener() { @Override public void hyperlinkUpdate(@NotNull Notification n, @NotNull HyperlinkEvent event) { Notification.fire(notification, notification.getActions().get(Integer.parseInt(event.getDescription()))); } }); if (title.length() > 0 || content.length() > 0) { lineSeparators.add(logDoc.createRangeMarker(TextRange.from(logDoc.getTextLength(), 0))); } hasHtml |= parseHtmlContent(text, n, logDoc, showMore, links, lineSeparators); } String status = getStatusText(logDoc, showMore, lineSeparators, indent, hasHtml); indentNewLines(logDoc, lineSeparators, afterTitle, hasHtml, indent); ArrayList<Pair<TextRange, HyperlinkInfo>> list = new ArrayList<Pair<TextRange, HyperlinkInfo>>(); for (RangeMarker marker : links.keySet()) { if (!marker.isValid()) { showMore.set(true); continue; } list.add(Pair.create(new TextRange(marker.getStartOffset(), marker.getEndOffset()), links.get(marker))); } if (showMore.get()) { String sb = "show balloon"; if (!logDoc.getText().endsWith(" ")) { appendText(logDoc, " "); } appendText(logDoc, "(" + sb + ")"); list.add(new Pair<TextRange, HyperlinkInfo>(TextRange.from(logDoc.getTextLength() - 1 - sb.length(), sb.length()), new ShowBalloon(notification))); } return new LogEntry(logDoc.getText(), status, list, titleLength); } @NotNull private static String addIndents(@NotNull String text, @NotNull String indent) { return StringUtil.replace(text, "\n", "\n" + indent); } private static boolean isLongLine(@NotNull List<AnAction> actions) { int size = actions.size(); if (size > 3) { return true; } if (size > 1) { int length = 0; for (AnAction action : actions) { length += StringUtil.length(action.getTemplatePresentation().getText()); } return length > 30; } return false; } @NotNull private static String truncateLongString(AtomicBoolean showMore, String title) { if (title.length() > 1000) { showMore.set(true); return title.substring(0, 1000) + "..."; } return title; } private static void indentNewLines(DocumentImpl logDoc, List<RangeMarker> lineSeparators, RangeMarker afterTitle, boolean hasHtml, String indent) { if (!hasHtml) { int i = -1; while (true) { i = StringUtil.indexOf(logDoc.getText(), '\n', i + 1); if (i < 0) { break; } lineSeparators.add(logDoc.createRangeMarker(i, i + 1)); } } if (!lineSeparators.isEmpty() && afterTitle != null && afterTitle.isValid()) { lineSeparators.add(afterTitle); } int nextLineStart = -1; for (RangeMarker separator : lineSeparators) { if (separator.isValid()) { int start = separator.getStartOffset(); if (start == nextLineStart) { continue; } logDoc.replaceString(start, separator.getEndOffset(), "\n" + indent); nextLineStart = start + 1 + indent.length(); while (nextLineStart < logDoc.getTextLength() && Character.isWhitespace(logDoc.getCharsSequence().charAt(nextLineStart))) { logDoc.deleteString(nextLineStart, nextLineStart + 1); } } } } private static String getStatusText(DocumentImpl logDoc, AtomicBoolean showMore, List<RangeMarker> lineSeparators, String indent, boolean hasHtml) { DocumentImpl statusDoc = new DocumentImpl(logDoc.getImmutableCharSequence(),true); List<RangeMarker> statusSeparators = new ArrayList<RangeMarker>(); for (RangeMarker separator : lineSeparators) { if (separator.isValid()) { statusSeparators.add(statusDoc.createRangeMarker(separator.getStartOffset(), separator.getEndOffset())); } } removeJavaNewLines(statusDoc, statusSeparators, indent, hasHtml); insertNewLineSubstitutors(statusDoc, showMore, statusSeparators); return statusDoc.getText(); } private static boolean parseHtmlContent(String text, Notification notification, Document document, AtomicBoolean showMore, Map<RangeMarker, HyperlinkInfo> links, List<RangeMarker> lineSeparators) { String content = StringUtil.convertLineSeparators(text); int initialLen = document.getTextLength(); boolean hasHtml = false; while (true) { Matcher tagMatcher = TAG_PATTERN.matcher(content); if (!tagMatcher.find()) { appendText(document, content); break; } String tagStart = tagMatcher.group(); appendText(document, content.substring(0, tagMatcher.start())); Matcher aMatcher = A_PATTERN.matcher(tagStart); if (aMatcher.matches()) { final String href = aMatcher.group(2); int linkEnd = content.indexOf(A_CLOSING, tagMatcher.end()); if (linkEnd > 0) { String linkText = content.substring(tagMatcher.end(), linkEnd).replaceAll(TAG_PATTERN.pattern(), ""); int linkStart = document.getTextLength(); appendText(document, linkText); links.put(document.createRangeMarker(new TextRange(linkStart, document.getTextLength())), new NotificationHyperlinkInfo(notification, href)); content = content.substring(linkEnd + A_CLOSING.length()); continue; } } if (isTag(HTML_TAGS, tagStart)) { hasHtml = true; if (NEW_LINES.contains(tagStart)) { if (initialLen != document.getTextLength()) { lineSeparators.add(document.createRangeMarker(TextRange.from(document.getTextLength(), 0))); } } else if (!isTag(SKIP_TAGS, tagStart)) { showMore.set(true); } } else { appendText(document, content.substring(tagMatcher.start(), tagMatcher.end())); } content = content.substring(tagMatcher.end()); } for (Iterator<RangeMarker> iterator = lineSeparators.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { RangeMarker next = iterator.next(); if (next.getEndOffset() == document.getTextLength()) { iterator.remove(); } } return hasHtml; } private static final String[] HTML_TAGS = {"a", "abbr", "acronym", "address", "applet", "area", "article", "aside", "audio", "b", "base", "basefont", "bdi", "bdo", "big", "blockquote", "body", "br", "button", "canvas", "caption", "center", "cite", "code", "col", "colgroup", "command", "datalist", "dd", "del", "details", "dfn", "dir", "div", "dl", "dt", "em", "embed", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "font", "footer", "form", "frame", "frameset", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "html", "i", "iframe", "img", "input", "ins", "kbd", "keygen", "label", "legend", "li", "link", "map", "mark", "menu", "meta", "meter", "nav", "noframes", "noscript", "object", "ol", "optgroup", "option", "output", "p", "param", "pre", "progress", "q", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "s", "samp", "script", "section", "select", "small", "source", "span", "strike", "strong", "style", "sub", "summary", "sup", "table", "tbody", "td", "textarea", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "time", "title", "tr", "track", "tt", "u", "ul", "var", "video", "wbr"}; private static final String[] SKIP_TAGS = {"html", "body", "b", "i", "font"}; private static boolean isTag(@NotNull String []tags, @NotNull String tag) { tag = tag.substring(1, tag.length() - 1); // skip <> tag = StringUtil.trimEnd(StringUtil.trimStart(tag, "/"), "/"); // skip / int index = tag.indexOf(' '); if (index != -1) { tag = tag.substring(0, index); } return ArrayUtil.indexOf(tags, tag) != -1; } private static void insertNewLineSubstitutors(Document document, AtomicBoolean showMore, List<RangeMarker> lineSeparators) { for (RangeMarker marker : lineSeparators) { if (!marker.isValid()) { showMore.set(true); continue; } int offset = marker.getStartOffset(); if (offset == 0 || offset == document.getTextLength()) { continue; } boolean spaceBefore = offset > 0 && Character.isWhitespace(document.getCharsSequence().charAt(offset - 1)); if (offset < document.getTextLength()) { boolean spaceAfter = Character.isWhitespace(document.getCharsSequence().charAt(offset)); int next = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(document.getCharsSequence(), offset, " \t"); if (next < document.getTextLength() && !Character.isLowerCase(document.getCharsSequence().charAt(next))) { document.insertString(offset, (spaceBefore ? "" : " ") + "//" + (spaceAfter ? "" : " ")); continue; } if (spaceAfter) { continue; } } if (spaceBefore) { continue; } document.insertString(offset, " "); } } private static void removeJavaNewLines(Document document, List<RangeMarker> lineSeparators, String indent, boolean hasHtml) { CharSequence text = document.getCharsSequence(); int i = 0; while (true) { i = StringUtil.indexOf(text, '\n', i); if (i < 0) break; int j = i + 1; if (StringUtil.startsWith(text, j, indent)) { j += indent.length(); } document.deleteString(i, j); if (!hasHtml) { lineSeparators.add(document.createRangeMarker(TextRange.from(i, 0))); } } } private static void appendText(Document document, String text) { text = StringUtil.replace(text, " ", " "); text = StringUtil.replace(text, "»", ">>"); text = StringUtil.replace(text, "«", "<<"); text = StringUtil.replace(text, "…", "..."); document.insertString(document.getTextLength(), StringUtil.unescapeXml(text)); } public static class LogEntry { public final String message; public final String status; public final List<Pair<TextRange, HyperlinkInfo>> links; public final int titleLength; public LogEntry(@NotNull String message, @NotNull String status, @NotNull List<Pair<TextRange, HyperlinkInfo>> links, int titleLength) { this.message = message; this.status = status; this.links = links; this.titleLength = titleLength; } } @Nullable public static ToolWindow getEventLog(Project project) { return project == null ? null : ToolWindowManager.getInstance(project).getToolWindow(LOG_TOOL_WINDOW_ID); } public static void toggleLog(@Nullable final Project project, @Nullable final Notification notification) { final ToolWindow eventLog = getEventLog(project); if (eventLog != null) { if (!eventLog.isVisible()) { activate(eventLog, notification == null ? null :notification.getGroupId(), null); } else { eventLog.hide(null); } } } private static void activate(@NotNull final ToolWindow eventLog, @Nullable final String groupId, @Nullable final Runnable r) { eventLog.activate(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (groupId == null) return; String contentName = getContentName(groupId); Content content = eventLog.getContentManager().findContent(contentName); if (content != null) { eventLog.getContentManager().setSelectedContent(content); } if (r != null) { r.run(); } } }, true); } public static class ProjectTracker extends AbstractProjectComponent { private final Map<String, EventLogConsole> myCategoryMap = ContainerUtil.newConcurrentMap(); private final List<Notification> myInitial = ContainerUtil.createLockFreeCopyOnWriteList(); private final LogModel myProjectModel; public ProjectTracker(@NotNull final Project project) { super(project); myProjectModel = new LogModel(project, project); for (Notification notification : getApplicationComponent().myModel.takeNotifications()) { printNotification(notification); } project.getMessageBus().connect(project).subscribe(Notifications.TOPIC, new NotificationsAdapter() { @Override public void notify(@NotNull Notification notification) { printNotification(notification); } }); } void initDefaultContent() { createNewContent(DEFAULT_CATEGORY); for (Notification notification : myInitial) { doPrintNotification(notification, ObjectUtils.assertNotNull(getConsole(notification))); } myInitial.clear(); } @Override public void projectOpened() { } @Override public void projectClosed() { getApplicationComponent().myModel.setStatusMessage(null, 0); StatusBar.Info.set("", null, LOG_REQUESTOR); } private void printNotification(Notification notification) { if (!NotificationsConfigurationImpl.getSettings(notification.getGroupId()).isShouldLog()) { return; } myProjectModel.addNotification(notification); EventLogConsole console = getConsole(notification); if (console == null) { myInitial.add(notification); } else { doPrintNotification(notification, console); } } private void doPrintNotification(@NotNull final Notification notification, @NotNull final EventLogConsole console) { StartupManager.getInstance(myProject).runWhenProjectIsInitialized(new DumbAwareRunnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!ShutDownTracker.isShutdownHookRunning() && !myProject.isDisposed()) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { console.doPrintNotification(notification); } }); } } }); } private void showNotification(@NotNull final String groupId, @NotNull final List<String> ids) { ToolWindow eventLog = getEventLog(myProject); if (eventLog != null) { activate(eventLog, groupId, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { EventLogConsole console = ProjectTracker.this.getConsole(groupId); if (console != null) { console.showNotification(ids); } } }); } } private void clearNMore(@NotNull Collection<String> groups) { for (String group : groups) { EventLogConsole console = myCategoryMap.get(getContentName(group)); if (console != null) { console.clearNMore(); } } } @Nullable private EventLogConsole getConsole(@NotNull Notification notification) { return getConsole(notification.getGroupId()); } @Nullable private EventLogConsole getConsole(@NotNull String groupId) { if (myCategoryMap.get(DEFAULT_CATEGORY) == null) return null; // still not initialized String name = getContentName(groupId); EventLogConsole console = myCategoryMap.get(name); return console != null ? console : createNewContent(name); } @NotNull private EventLogConsole createNewContent(String name) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertIsDispatchThread(); EventLogConsole newConsole = new EventLogConsole(myProjectModel); EventLogToolWindowFactory.createContent(myProject, getEventLog(myProject), newConsole, name); myCategoryMap.put(name, newConsole); return newConsole; } } @NotNull private static String getContentName(String groupId) { for (EventLogCategory category : EventLogCategory.EP_NAME.getExtensions()) { if (category.acceptsNotification(groupId)) { return category.getDisplayName(); } } return DEFAULT_CATEGORY; } static ProjectTracker getProjectComponent(Project project) { return project.getComponent(ProjectTracker.class); } private static class NotificationHyperlinkInfo implements HyperlinkInfo { private final Notification myNotification; private final String myHref; public NotificationHyperlinkInfo(Notification notification, String href) { myNotification = notification; myHref = href; } @Override public void navigate(Project project) { NotificationListener listener = myNotification.getListener(); if (listener != null) { EventLogConsole console = ObjectUtils.assertNotNull(getProjectComponent(project).getConsole(myNotification)); JComponent component = console.getConsoleEditor().getContentComponent(); listener.hyperlinkUpdate(myNotification, IJSwingUtilities.createHyperlinkEvent(myHref, component)); } } } static class ShowBalloon implements HyperlinkInfo { private final Notification myNotification; private RangeHighlighter myRangeHighlighter; public ShowBalloon(Notification notification) { myNotification = notification; } public void setRangeHighlighter(RangeHighlighter rangeHighlighter) { myRangeHighlighter = rangeHighlighter; } @Override public void navigate(Project project) { hideBalloon(myNotification); for (Notification notification : getLogModel(project).getNotifications()) { hideBalloon(notification); } EventLogConsole console = ObjectUtil.assertNotNull(getProjectComponent(project).getConsole(myNotification)); if (myRangeHighlighter == null || !myRangeHighlighter.isValid()) { return; } RelativePoint target = console.getRangeHighlighterLocation(myRangeHighlighter); if (target != null) { IdeFrame frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getIdeFrame(project); assert frame != null; Ref<Object> layoutDataRef = null; if (NotificationsManagerImpl.newEnabled()) { BalloonLayoutData layoutData = new BalloonLayoutData(); layoutData.groupId = ""; layoutData.showFullContent = true; layoutData.showSettingButton = false; layoutDataRef = new Ref<Object>(layoutData); } Balloon balloon = NotificationsManagerImpl.createBalloon(frame, myNotification, true, true, layoutDataRef, project); balloon.show(target, Balloon.Position.above); } } private static void hideBalloon(Notification notification) { Balloon balloon = notification.getBalloon(); if (balloon != null) { balloon.hide(true); } } } }