/* * Copyright 2000-2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.ui.content.impl; import com.intellij.ide.util.PropertiesComponent; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.ui.content.ContentManager; import com.intellij.ui.content.TabbedContent; import com.intellij.util.ContentUtilEx; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * @author Konstantin Bulenkov */ public class TabbedContentImpl extends ContentImpl implements TabbedContent { private final List<Pair<String, JComponent>> myTabs = new ArrayList<Pair<String, JComponent>>(); private String myPrefix; public TabbedContentImpl(JComponent component, String displayName, boolean isPinnable, String titlePrefix) { super(component, displayName, isPinnable); myPrefix = titlePrefix; addContent(component, displayName, true); } @Override public void addContent(@NotNull JComponent content, @NotNull String name, boolean selectTab) { Pair<String, JComponent> tab = Pair.create(name, content); if (!myTabs.contains(tab)) { myTabs.add(tab); } if (selectTab && getComponent() != content) { setComponent(content); } } @Override public void setComponent(JComponent component) { JComponent currentComponent = getComponent(); Container parent = currentComponent == null ? null : currentComponent.getParent(); if (parent != null) { parent.remove(currentComponent); parent.add(component); } super.setComponent(component); } @Override public void removeContent(@NotNull JComponent content) { Pair<String, JComponent> toRemove = null; for (Pair<String, JComponent> tab : myTabs) { if (tab.second == content) { toRemove = tab; break; } } int index = myTabs.indexOf(toRemove); if (index != -1) { myTabs.remove(index); index = index > 0 ? index-1 : index; if (index < myTabs.size()) { selectContent(index); } } } @Override public String getDisplayName() { return getTabName(); } @Override public void selectContent(int index) { Pair<String, JComponent> tab = myTabs.get(index); setDisplayName(tab.first); setComponent(tab.second); } public boolean findAndSelectContent(@NotNull JComponent contentComponent) { String tabName = findTabNameByComponent(contentComponent); if (tabName != null) { setDisplayName(tabName); setComponent(contentComponent); return true; } return false; } @Override public String getTabName() { String selected = findTabNameByComponent(getComponent()); if (myPrefix != null) { selected = myPrefix + ": " + selected; } return selected; } private String findTabNameByComponent(JComponent c) { for (Pair<String, JComponent> tab : myTabs) { if (tab.second == c) { return tab.first; } } return null; } @Override public List<Pair<String, JComponent>> getTabs() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(myTabs); } @Override public String getTitlePrefix() { return myPrefix; } @Override public void setTitlePrefix(String titlePrefix) { myPrefix = titlePrefix; } @Override public void split() { List<Pair<String, JComponent>> copy = new ArrayList<Pair<String, JComponent>>(myTabs); int selectedTab = ContentUtilEx.getSelectedTab(this); ContentManager manager = getManager(); String prefix = getTitlePrefix(); manager.removeContent(this, true); PropertiesComponent.getInstance().setValue(SPLIT_PROPERTY_PREFIX + prefix, Boolean.TRUE.toString()); for (int i = 0; i < copy.size(); i++) { final boolean select = i == selectedTab; final JComponent component = copy.get(i).second; final String tabName = copy.get(i).first; ContentUtilEx.addTabbedContent(manager, component, prefix, tabName, select); } } @Override public void dispose() { super.dispose(); myTabs.clear(); } }