/* * Copyright 2000-2009 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.refactoring.rename.naming; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.NameUtil; import gnu.trove.TIntIntHashMap; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.*; /** * @author dsl */ public class NameSuggester { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.refactoring.rename.naming.NameSuggester"); private final String[] myOldClassName; private final String[] myNewClassName; private final List<OriginalToNewChange> myChanges; // sorted from right to left private final String myOldClassNameAsGiven; private final String myNewClassNameAsGiven; public NameSuggester(String oldClassName, String newClassName) { myOldClassNameAsGiven = oldClassName; myNewClassNameAsGiven = newClassName; myOldClassName = NameUtil.splitNameIntoWords(oldClassName); myNewClassName = NameUtil.splitNameIntoWords(newClassName); myChanges = new ArrayList<OriginalToNewChange>(); int oldIndex = myOldClassName.length - 1; int oldLastMatch = myOldClassName.length; int newLastMatch = myNewClassName.length; while(oldIndex >= 0) { final String patternWord = myOldClassName[oldIndex]; final int matchingWordIndex = findInNewBackwardsFromIndex(patternWord, newLastMatch - 1); if (matchingWordIndex < 0) { // no matching word oldIndex--; } else { // matching word found if (oldIndex + 1 <= oldLastMatch - 1 || matchingWordIndex + 1 <= newLastMatch - 1) { final OriginalToNewChange change = new OriginalToNewChange( oldIndex + 1, oldLastMatch - 1, matchingWordIndex + 1, newLastMatch - 1); myChanges.add(change); } oldLastMatch = oldIndex; newLastMatch = matchingWordIndex; oldIndex--; } } if (0 <= oldLastMatch - 1 || 0 <= newLastMatch - 1) { myChanges.add(new OriginalToNewChange(0, oldLastMatch - 1, 0, newLastMatch - 1)); } } private int findInNewBackwardsFromIndex(String patternWord, int newIndex) { for (int i = newIndex; i >= 0; i--) { final String s = myNewClassName[i]; if (s.equals(patternWord)) return i; } return -1; } List<Pair<String,String>> getChanges() { final ArrayList<Pair<String,String>> result = new ArrayList<Pair<String,String>>(); for (int i = myChanges.size() - 1; i >=0; i--) { final OriginalToNewChange change = myChanges.get(i); result.add(Pair.create(change.getOldString(), change.getNewString())); } return result; } public String suggestName(final String propertyName) { if (myOldClassNameAsGiven.equals(propertyName)) return myNewClassNameAsGiven; final String[] propertyWords = NameUtil.splitNameIntoWords(propertyName); TIntIntHashMap matches = calculateMatches(propertyWords); if (matches.isEmpty()) return propertyName; TreeMap<Pair<Integer,Integer>, String> replacements = calculateReplacements(propertyWords, matches); if (replacements.isEmpty()) return propertyName; return calculateNewName(replacements, propertyWords, propertyName); } private static Pair<int[],int[]> calculateWordPositions(String s, String[] words) { int[] starts = new int[words.length + 1]; int[] prevEnds = new int[words.length + 1]; prevEnds[0] = -1; int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { final String word = words[i]; final int index = s.indexOf(word, pos); LOG.assertTrue(index >= 0); starts[i] = index; pos = index + word.length(); prevEnds[i + 1] = pos - 1; } starts[words.length] = s.length(); return Pair.create(starts, prevEnds); } private static String calculateNewName(TreeMap<Pair<Integer, Integer>, String> replacements, final String[] propertyWords, String propertyName) { StringBuffer resultingWords = new StringBuffer(); int currentWord = 0; final Pair<int[],int[]> wordIndicies = calculateWordPositions(propertyName, propertyWords); for (final Map.Entry<Pair<Integer, Integer>, String> entry : replacements.entrySet()) { final int first = entry.getKey().getFirst().intValue(); final int last = entry.getKey().getSecond().intValue(); for (int i = currentWord; i < first; i++) { resultingWords.append(calculateBetween(wordIndicies, i, propertyName)); final String propertyWord = propertyWords[i]; appendWord(resultingWords, propertyWord); } resultingWords.append(calculateBetween(wordIndicies, first, propertyName)); appendWord(resultingWords, entry.getValue()); currentWord = last + 1; } for(; currentWord < propertyWords.length; currentWord++) { resultingWords.append(calculateBetween(wordIndicies, currentWord, propertyName)); appendWord(resultingWords, propertyWords[currentWord]); } resultingWords.append(calculateBetween(wordIndicies, propertyWords.length, propertyName)); if (resultingWords.length() == 0) return propertyName; return decapitalizeProbably(resultingWords.toString(), propertyName); } private static void appendWord(StringBuffer resultingWords, String propertyWord) { if (resultingWords.length() > 0) { final char lastChar = resultingWords.charAt(resultingWords.length() - 1); if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(lastChar)) { propertyWord = StringUtil.capitalize(propertyWord); } } resultingWords.append(propertyWord); } private static String calculateBetween(final Pair<int[], int[]> wordIndicies, int i, String propertyName) { final int thisWordStart = wordIndicies.getFirst()[i]; final int prevWordEnd = wordIndicies.getSecond()[i]; return propertyName.substring(prevWordEnd + 1, thisWordStart); } /** * Calculates a map of replacements. Result has a form:<br> * {<first,last> -> replacement} <br> * where start and end are indices of property words range (inclusive), and replacement is a * string that this range must be replaced with.<br> * It is valid situation that <code>last == first - 1</code>: in this case replace means insertion * before first word. Furthermore, first may be equal to <code>propertyWords.length</code> - in * that case replacements transormates to appending. * @param propertyWords * @param matches * @return */ private TreeMap<Pair<Integer, Integer>, String> calculateReplacements(String[] propertyWords, TIntIntHashMap matches) { TreeMap<Pair<Integer,Integer>, String> replacements = new TreeMap<Pair<Integer,Integer>, String>(new Comparator<Pair<Integer, Integer>>() { @Override public int compare(Pair<Integer, Integer> pair, Pair<Integer, Integer> pair1) { return pair.getFirst().compareTo(pair1.getFirst()); } }); for (final OriginalToNewChange change : myChanges) { final int first = change.oldFirst; final int last = change.oldLast; if (change.getOldLength() > 0) { if (containsAllBetween(matches, first, last)) { final String newString = change.getNewString(); final int propertyWordFirst = matches.get(first); if (first >= myOldClassName.length || last >= myOldClassName.length) { LOG.error("old class name = " + myOldClassNameAsGiven + ", new class name = " + myNewClassNameAsGiven + ", propertyWords = " + Arrays.asList(propertyWords).toString()); } final String replacement = suggestReplacement(propertyWords[propertyWordFirst], newString); replacements.put(Pair.create(propertyWordFirst, matches.get(last)), replacement); } } else { final String newString = change.getNewString(); final int propertyWordToInsertBefore; if (matches.containsKey(first)) { propertyWordToInsertBefore = matches.get(first); } else { if (matches.contains(last)) { propertyWordToInsertBefore = matches.get(last) + 1; } else { propertyWordToInsertBefore = propertyWords.length; } } replacements.put(Pair.create(propertyWordToInsertBefore, propertyWordToInsertBefore - 1), newString); } } return replacements; } private static String suggestReplacement(String propertyWord, String newClassNameWords) { return decapitalizeProbably(newClassNameWords, propertyWord); } private static String decapitalizeProbably(String word, String originalWord) { if (originalWord.length() == 0) return word; if (Character.isLowerCase(originalWord.charAt(0))) { return StringUtil.decapitalize(word); } return word; } private static boolean containsAllBetween(TIntIntHashMap matches, int first, int last) { for (int i = first; i <= last; i++) { if (!matches.containsKey(i)) return false; } return true; } private TIntIntHashMap calculateMatches(final String[] propertyWords) { int classNameIndex = myOldClassName.length - 1; TIntIntHashMap matches = new TIntIntHashMap(); for (int i = propertyWords.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final String propertyWord = propertyWords[i]; Match match = null; for (int j = classNameIndex; j >= 0 && match == null; j--) { match = checkMatch(j, i, propertyWord); } if (match != null) { matches.put(match.oldClassNameIndex, i); classNameIndex = match.oldClassNameIndex - 1; } } return matches; } private class OriginalToNewChange { final int oldFirst; final int oldLast; final int newFirst; final int newLast; public OriginalToNewChange(int firstInOld, int lastInOld, int firstInNew, int lastInNew) { oldFirst = firstInOld; oldLast = lastInOld; newFirst = firstInNew; newLast = lastInNew; } int getOldLength() { return oldLast - oldFirst + 1; } String getOldString() { final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = oldFirst; i <= oldLast; i++) { buffer.append(myOldClassName[i]); } return buffer.toString(); } String getNewString() { final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = newFirst; i <= newLast; i++) { buffer.append(myNewClassName[i]); } return buffer.toString(); } } private static class Match { final int oldClassNameIndex; final int propertyNameIndex; final String propertyWord; public Match(int oldClassNameIndex, int propertyNameIndex, String propertyWord) { this.oldClassNameIndex = oldClassNameIndex; this.propertyNameIndex = propertyNameIndex; this.propertyWord = propertyWord; } } @Nullable private Match checkMatch(final int oldClassNameIndex, final int propertyNameIndex, final String propertyWord) { if (propertyWord.equalsIgnoreCase(myOldClassName[oldClassNameIndex])) { return new Match(oldClassNameIndex, propertyNameIndex, propertyWord); } else return null; } }