/* * Copyright 2000-2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.diff.tools.util; import com.intellij.diff.util.DiffDividerDrawUtil; import com.intellij.diff.util.DiffDrawUtil; import com.intellij.diff.util.DiffUtil; import com.intellij.diff.util.LineRange; import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.FoldRegion; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.DocumentEvent; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.DocumentEx; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.EditorEx; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.FoldingListener; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.FoldingModelEx; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.RangeHighlighter; import com.intellij.openapi.util.BooleanGetter; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Computable; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Key; import com.intellij.openapi.util.UserDataHolder; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.util.Function; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import com.intellij.util.containers.HashSet; import gnu.trove.TIntFunction; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.awt.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /* * This class allows to add custom foldings to hide unchanged regions in diff. * EditorSettings#isAutoCodeFoldingEnabled() should be true, to avoid collisions with language-specific foldings * (as it's impossible to create partially overlapped folding regions) * @See DiffUtil.setFoldingModelSupport() * */ public class FoldingModelSupport { public static final String PLACEHOLDER = " "; private static final Key<FoldingCache> CACHE_KEY = Key.create("Diff.FoldingUtil.Cache"); protected final int myCount; @NotNull protected final EditorEx[] myEditors; @NotNull protected final List<FoldedBlock[]> myFoldings = new ArrayList<FoldedBlock[]>(); private boolean myDuringSynchronize; private final boolean[] myShouldUpdateLineNumbers; public FoldingModelSupport(@NotNull EditorEx[] editors, @NotNull Disposable disposable) { myEditors = editors; myCount = myEditors.length; myShouldUpdateLineNumbers = new boolean[myCount]; if (myCount > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < myCount; i++) { myEditors[i].getFoldingModel().addListener(new MyFoldingListener(i), disposable); myEditors[i].getGutterComponentEx().setLineNumberConvertor(getLineConvertor(i)); } } } // // Init // /* * Iterator returns ranges of changed lines: start1, end1, start2, end2, ... */ protected void install(@Nullable final Iterator<int[]> changedLines, @NotNull final UserDataHolder context, @NotNull final Settings settings) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertIsDispatchThread(); if (changedLines == null) return; if (settings.range == -1) return; runBatchOperation(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { FoldingBuilder builder = new FoldingBuilder(context, settings); builder.build(changedLines); } }); updateLineNumbers(true); } private class FoldingBuilder { @NotNull private final Settings mySettings; @NotNull private final ExpandSuggester myExpandSuggester; @NotNull private final int[] myLineCount; public FoldingBuilder(@NotNull UserDataHolder context, @NotNull Settings settings) { myExpandSuggester = new ExpandSuggester(context.getUserData(CACHE_KEY), settings.defaultExpanded); mySettings = settings; myLineCount = new int[myCount]; for (int i = 0; i < myCount; i++) { myLineCount[i] = myEditors[i].getDocument().getLineCount(); } } private void build(@NotNull final Iterator<int[]> changedLines) { int[] starts = new int[myCount]; int[] ends = new int[myCount]; int[] last = new int[myCount]; for (int i = 0; i < myCount; i++) { last[i] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; } while (changedLines.hasNext()) { int[] offsets = changedLines.next(); for (int i = 0; i < myCount; i++) { starts[i] = last[i]; ends[i] = offsets[i * 2]; last[i] = offsets[i * 2 + 1]; } addRange(starts, ends); } for (int i = 0; i < myCount; i++) { starts[i] = last[i]; ends[i] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } addRange(starts, ends); } private void addRange(int[] starts, int[] ends) { List<FoldedBlock> result = new ArrayList<FoldedBlock>(3); int[] rangeStarts = new int[myCount]; int[] rangeEnds = new int[myCount]; for (int number = 0; ; number++) { int shift = getRangeShift(mySettings.range, number); if (shift == -1) break; for (int i = 0; i < myCount; i++) { rangeStarts[i] = bound(starts[i] + shift, i); rangeEnds[i] = bound(ends[i] - shift, i); } ContainerUtil.addAllNotNull(result, createRange(rangeStarts, rangeEnds, myExpandSuggester.isExpanded(rangeStarts, rangeEnds))); } if (result.size() > 0) { FoldedBlock[] block = ContainerUtil.toArray(result, new FoldedBlock[result.size()]); for (FoldedBlock folding : block) { folding.installHighlighter(block); } myFoldings.add(block); } } @Nullable private FoldedBlock createRange(int[] starts, int[] ends, boolean expanded) { boolean hasFolding = false; FoldRegion[] regions = new FoldRegion[myCount]; boolean hasExpanded = false; // do not desync on runBatchFoldingOperationDoNotCollapseCaret for (int i = 0; i < myCount; i++) { if (ends[i] - starts[i] < 2) continue; regions[i] = addFolding(myEditors[i], starts[i], ends[i], expanded); hasFolding |= regions[i] != null; hasExpanded |= regions[i] != null && regions[i].isExpanded(); } if (hasExpanded && !expanded) { for (FoldRegion region : regions) { if (region != null) region.setExpanded(true); } } return hasFolding ? new FoldedBlock(regions) : null; } private int bound(int value, int index) { return Math.min(Math.max(value, 0), myLineCount[index]); } } @Nullable private static FoldRegion addFolding(@NotNull EditorEx editor, int start, int end, boolean expanded) { DocumentEx document = editor.getDocument(); final int startOffset = document.getLineStartOffset(start); final int endOffset = document.getLineEndOffset(end - 1); FoldRegion value = editor.getFoldingModel().addFoldRegion(startOffset, endOffset, PLACEHOLDER); if (value != null) value.setExpanded(expanded); return value; } private void runBatchOperation(@NotNull Runnable runnable) { Runnable lastRunnable = runnable; for (int i = 0; i < myCount; i++) { final Editor editor = myEditors[i]; final Runnable finalRunnable = lastRunnable; lastRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Runnable operation = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { finalRunnable.run(); } }; if (DiffUtil.isFocusedComponent(editor.getComponent())) { editor.getFoldingModel().runBatchFoldingOperationDoNotCollapseCaret(operation); } else { editor.getFoldingModel().runBatchFoldingOperation(operation); } } }; } myDuringSynchronize = true; try { lastRunnable.run(); } finally { myDuringSynchronize = false; } } public void destroy() { for (int i = 0; i < myCount; i++) { destroyFoldings(i); } for (FoldedBlock folding : getFoldedBlocks()) { folding.destroyHighlighter(); } myFoldings.clear(); } private void destroyFoldings(final int index) { final FoldingModelEx model = myEditors[index].getFoldingModel(); model.runBatchFoldingOperation(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (FoldedBlock folding : getFoldedBlocks()) { FoldRegion region = folding.getRegion(index); if (region != null) model.removeFoldRegion(region); } } }); } // // Line numbers // public void onDocumentChanged(@NotNull DocumentEvent e) { if (StringUtil.indexOf(e.getOldFragment(), '\n') != -1 || StringUtil.indexOf(e.getNewFragment(), '\n') != -1) { for (int i = 0; i < myCount; i++) { if (myEditors[i].getDocument() == e.getDocument()) { myShouldUpdateLineNumbers[i] = true; } } } } @NotNull protected TIntFunction getLineConvertor(final int index) { return new TIntFunction() { @Override public int execute(int value) { updateLineNumbers(false); for (FoldedBlock folding : getFoldedBlocks()) { // TODO: avoid full scan - it could slowdown painting int line = folding.getLine(index); if (line == -1) continue; if (line > value) break; FoldRegion region = folding.getRegion(index); if (line == value && region != null && !region.isExpanded()) return -1; } return value; } }; } private void updateLineNumbers(boolean force) { for (int i = 0; i < myCount; i++) { if (!myShouldUpdateLineNumbers[i] && !force) continue; myShouldUpdateLineNumbers[i] = false; ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertReadAccessAllowed(); for (FoldedBlock folding : getFoldedBlocks()) { folding.updateLineNumber(i); } } } // // Synchronized toggling of ranges // public void expandAll(final boolean expanded) { if (myDuringSynchronize) return; myDuringSynchronize = true; try { for (int i = 0; i < myCount; i++) { final int index = i; final FoldingModelEx model = myEditors[index].getFoldingModel(); model.runBatchFoldingOperation(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (FoldedBlock folding : getFoldedBlocks()) { FoldRegion region = folding.getRegion(index); if (region != null) region.setExpanded(expanded); } } }); } } finally { myDuringSynchronize = false; } } private class MyFoldingListener implements FoldingListener { private final int myIndex; @NotNull Set<FoldRegion> myModifiedRegions = new HashSet<FoldRegion>(); public MyFoldingListener(int index) { myIndex = index; } @Override public void onFoldRegionStateChange(@NotNull FoldRegion region) { if (myDuringSynchronize) return; myModifiedRegions.add(region); } @Override public void onFoldProcessingEnd() { if (myModifiedRegions.isEmpty()) return; myDuringSynchronize = true; try { for (int i = 0; i < myCount; i++) { if (i == myIndex) continue; final int pairedIndex = i; myEditors[pairedIndex].getFoldingModel().runBatchFoldingOperation(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (FoldedBlock folding : getFoldedBlocks()) { FoldRegion region = folding.getRegion(myIndex); if (region == null || !region.isValid()) continue; if (myModifiedRegions.contains(region)) { FoldRegion pairedRegion = folding.getRegion(pairedIndex); if (pairedRegion == null || !pairedRegion.isValid()) continue; pairedRegion.setExpanded(region.isExpanded()); } } } }); } myModifiedRegions.clear(); } finally { myDuringSynchronize = false; } } } // // Highlighting // protected class MyPaintable implements DiffDividerDrawUtil.DividerSeparatorPaintable { private final int myLeft; private final int myRight; public MyPaintable(int left, int right) { myLeft = left; myRight = right; } @Override public void process(@NotNull Handler handler) { for (FoldedBlock[] block : myFoldings) { for (FoldedBlock folding : block) { FoldRegion region1 = folding.getRegion(myLeft); FoldRegion region2 = folding.getRegion(myRight); if (region1 == null || !region1.isValid() || region1.isExpanded()) continue; if (region2 == null || !region2.isValid() || region2.isExpanded()) continue; int line1 = myEditors[myLeft].getDocument().getLineNumber(region1.getStartOffset()); int line2 = myEditors[myRight].getDocument().getLineNumber(region2.getStartOffset()); if (!handler.process(line1, line2)) return; break; } } } public void paintOnDivider(@NotNull Graphics2D gg, @NotNull Component divider) { DiffDividerDrawUtil.paintSeparators(gg, divider.getWidth(), myEditors[myLeft], myEditors[myRight], this); } public void paintOnScrollbar(@NotNull Graphics2D gg, int width) { DiffDividerDrawUtil.paintSeparatorsOnScrollbar(gg, width, myEditors[myLeft], myEditors[myRight], this); } } // // Cache // /* * To Cache: * For each block of foldings (foldings for a single unchanged block in diff) we remember biggest expanded and biggest collapsed range. * * From Cache: * We look into cache while building ranges, trying to find corresponding range in cached state. * "Corresponding range" now is just smallest covering range. * * If document was modified since cache creation, this will lead to strange results. But this is a rare case, and we can't do anything with it. */ private class ExpandSuggester { @Nullable private final FoldingCache myCache; private final int[] myIndex = new int[myCount]; private final boolean myDefault; public ExpandSuggester(@Nullable FoldingCache cache, boolean defaultValue) { myCache = cache; myDefault = defaultValue; } public boolean isExpanded(int[] starts, int[] ends) { if (myCache == null || myCache.ranges.length != myCount) return myDefault; if (myDefault != myCache.expandByDefault) return myDefault; Boolean state = null; for (int index = 0; index < myCount; index++) { Boolean sideState = getCachedExpanded(starts[index], ends[index], index); if (sideState == null) continue; if (state == null) { state = sideState; continue; } if (state != sideState) return myDefault; } return state == null ? myDefault : state; } @Nullable private Boolean getCachedExpanded(int start, int end, int index) { if (start == end) return null; //noinspection ConstantConditions List<FoldedRangeState> ranges = myCache.ranges[index]; for (; myIndex[index] < ranges.size(); myIndex[index]++) { FoldedRangeState range = ranges.get(myIndex[index]); LineRange lineRange = range.getLineRange(); if (lineRange.end <= start) continue; if (lineRange.contains(start, end)) { if (range.collapsed != null && range.collapsed.contains(start, end)) return false; if (range.expanded != null && range.expanded.contains(start, end)) return true; assert false : "Invalid LineRange" + range.expanded + ", " + range.collapsed + ", " + new LineRange(start, end); } if (lineRange.start >= start) return null; // we could need current range for enclosing next-level foldings } return null; } } public void updateContext(@NotNull UserDataHolder context, @NotNull final Settings settings) { if (myFoldings.isEmpty()) return; // do not rewrite cache by initial state context.putUserData(CACHE_KEY, getFoldingCache(settings)); } @NotNull private FoldingCache getFoldingCache(@NotNull final Settings settings) { return ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new Computable<FoldingCache>() { @Override public FoldingCache compute() { List<FoldedRangeState>[] result = new List[myCount]; for (int i = 0; i < myCount; i++) { result[i] = getFoldedRanges(i, settings); } return new FoldingCache(result, settings.defaultExpanded); } }); } @NotNull private List<FoldedRangeState> getFoldedRanges(int index, @NotNull Settings settings) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertReadAccessAllowed(); List<FoldedRangeState> ranges = new ArrayList<FoldedRangeState>(); DocumentEx document = myEditors[index].getDocument(); for (FoldedBlock[] blocks : myFoldings) { LineRange expanded = null; LineRange collapsed = null; for (FoldedBlock folding : blocks) { FoldRegion region = folding.getRegion(index); if (region == null || !region.isValid()) continue; if (region.isExpanded()) { if (expanded == null) { int line1 = document.getLineNumber(region.getStartOffset()); int line2 = document.getLineNumber(region.getEndOffset()) + 1; expanded = new LineRange(line1, line2); } } else { int line1 = document.getLineNumber(region.getStartOffset()); int line2 = document.getLineNumber(region.getEndOffset()) + 1; collapsed = new LineRange(line1, line2); break; } } if (expanded != null || collapsed != null) { ranges.add(new FoldedRangeState(expanded, collapsed)); } } return ranges; } private static class FoldingCache { public final boolean expandByDefault; @NotNull public final List<FoldedRangeState>[] ranges; public FoldingCache(@NotNull List<FoldedRangeState>[] ranges, boolean expandByDefault) { this.ranges = ranges; this.expandByDefault = expandByDefault; } } private static class FoldedRangeState { @Nullable public final LineRange expanded; @Nullable public final LineRange collapsed; public FoldedRangeState(@Nullable LineRange expanded, @Nullable LineRange collapsed) { assert expanded != null || collapsed != null; this.expanded = expanded; this.collapsed = collapsed; } @NotNull public LineRange getLineRange() { //noinspection ConstantConditions return expanded != null ? expanded : collapsed; } } // // Impl // @NotNull private Iterable<FoldedBlock> getFoldedBlocks() { return new Iterable<FoldedBlock>() { @NotNull @Override public Iterator<FoldedBlock> iterator() { return new Iterator<FoldedBlock>() { private int myGroupIndex = 0; private int myBlockIndex = 0; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return myGroupIndex < myFoldings.size(); } @Override public FoldedBlock next() { FoldedBlock[] group = myFoldings.get(myGroupIndex); FoldedBlock folding = group[myBlockIndex]; if (group.length > myBlockIndex + 1) { myBlockIndex++; } else { myGroupIndex++; myBlockIndex = 0; } return folding; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } }; } protected class FoldedBlock { @NotNull private final FoldRegion[] myRegions; @NotNull private final int[] myLines; @NotNull private final List<RangeHighlighter> myHighlighters = new ArrayList<RangeHighlighter>(myCount); public FoldedBlock(@NotNull FoldRegion[] regions) { assert regions.length == myCount; myRegions = regions; myLines = new int[myCount]; } public void installHighlighter(@NotNull final FoldedBlock[] block) { assert myHighlighters.isEmpty(); for (int i = 0; i < myCount; i++) { FoldRegion region = myRegions[i]; if (region == null || !region.isValid()) continue; myHighlighters.addAll(DiffDrawUtil.createLineSeparatorHighlighter(myEditors[i], region.getStartOffset(), region.getEndOffset(), getHighlighterCondition(block, i))); } } public void destroyHighlighter() { for (RangeHighlighter highlighter : myHighlighters) { highlighter.dispose(); } myHighlighters.clear(); } public void updateLineNumber(int index) { FoldRegion region = myRegions[index]; if (region == null || !region.isValid()) { myLines[index] = -1; } else { myLines[index] = myEditors[index].getDocument().getLineNumber(region.getStartOffset()); } } @Nullable public FoldRegion getRegion(int index) { return myRegions[index]; } public int getLine(int index) { return myLines[index]; } @NotNull private BooleanGetter getHighlighterCondition(@NotNull final FoldedBlock[] block, final int index) { return new BooleanGetter() { @Override public boolean get() { if (!myEditors[index].getFoldingModel().isFoldingEnabled()) return false; for (FoldedBlock folding : block) { FoldRegion region = folding.getRegion(index); boolean visible = region != null && region.isValid() && !region.isExpanded(); if (folding == FoldedBlock.this) return visible; if (visible) return false; // do not paint separator, if 'parent' folding is collapsed } return false; } }; } } // // Helpers // /* * number - depth of folding insertion (from zero) * return: number of context lines. ('-1' - end) */ private static int getRangeShift(int range, int number) { switch (number) { case 0: return range; case 1: return range * 2; case 2: return range * 4; default: return -1; } } @Nullable @Contract("null, _ -> null; !null, _ -> !null") protected static <T, V> Iterator<V> map(@Nullable final List<T> list, @NotNull final Function<T, V> mapping) { if (list == null) return null; final Iterator<T> it = list.iterator(); return new Iterator<V>() { @Override public boolean hasNext() { return it.hasNext(); } @Override public V next() { return mapping.fun(it.next()); } @Override public void remove() { } }; } public static class Settings { public final int range; public final boolean defaultExpanded; public Settings(int range, boolean defaultExpanded) { this.range = range; this.defaultExpanded = defaultExpanded; } } }