/* * Copyright 2000-2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.execution.ui.layout.impl; import com.intellij.execution.ui.layout.*; import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable; import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.DataProvider; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.NullableComponent; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.Splitter; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.ThreeComponentsSplitter; import com.intellij.openapi.util.ActionCallback; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Disposer; import com.intellij.ui.components.panels.Wrapper; import com.intellij.ui.content.Content; import com.intellij.ui.switcher.SwitchTarget; import com.intellij.ui.tabs.JBTabsPresentation; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; public class GridImpl extends Wrapper implements Grid, Disposable, DataProvider { private final ThreeComponentsSplitter myTopSplit = new ThreeComponentsSplitter(false, true); private final Splitter mySplitter = new Splitter(true); private final Map<PlaceInGrid, GridCellImpl> myPlaceInGrid2Cell = new EnumMap<>(PlaceInGrid.class); private final String mySessionName; private final List<Content> myContents = new ArrayList<>(); private final Map<Content, GridCellImpl> myContent2Cell = new HashMap<>(); private final Comparator<Content> myContentComparator = (o1, o2) -> getCellFor(o1).getPlaceInGrid().compareTo(getCellFor(o2).getPlaceInGrid()); private final ViewContextEx myViewContext; public GridImpl(ViewContextEx viewContext, String sessionName) { myViewContext = viewContext; mySessionName = sessionName; Disposer.register(myViewContext, this); Disposer.register(this, myTopSplit); Placeholder left = new Placeholder(); myPlaceInGrid2Cell.put(PlaceInGrid.left, new GridCellImpl(myViewContext, this, left, PlaceInGrid.left)); Placeholder center = new Placeholder(); myPlaceInGrid2Cell.put(PlaceInGrid.center, new GridCellImpl(myViewContext, this, center, PlaceInGrid.center)); Placeholder right = new Placeholder(); myPlaceInGrid2Cell.put(PlaceInGrid.right, new GridCellImpl(myViewContext, this, right, PlaceInGrid.right)); Placeholder bottom = new Placeholder(); myPlaceInGrid2Cell.put(PlaceInGrid.bottom, new GridCellImpl(myViewContext, this, bottom, PlaceInGrid.bottom)); setContent(mySplitter); setOpaque(false); setFocusCycleRoot(true); myTopSplit.setFirstComponent(left); myTopSplit.setInnerComponent(center); myTopSplit.setLastComponent(right); myTopSplit.setMinSize(48); mySplitter.setFirstComponent(myTopSplit); mySplitter.setSecondComponent(bottom); } @Override public void addNotify() { super.addNotify(); processAddToUi(true); } @Override public void removeNotify() { super.removeNotify(); processRemoveFromUi(); } public void processAddToUi(boolean restoreProportions) { if (restoreProportions) { for (final GridCellImpl cell : myPlaceInGrid2Cell.values()) { cell.restoreProportions(); } } updateSelection(true); } public void processRemoveFromUi() { if (Disposer.isDisposed(this)) return; updateSelection(false); } private void updateSelection(boolean isShowing) { for (GridCellImpl each : myPlaceInGrid2Cell.values()) { each.updateSelection(isShowing); } } void add(final Content content) { GridCellImpl cell = getCellFor(content); cell.add(content); myContents.add(content); myContent2Cell.put(content, cell); Collections.sort(myContents, myContentComparator); } void remove(final Content content) { getCellFor(content).remove(content); myContents.remove(content); myContent2Cell.remove(content); } public void setToolbarHorizontal(boolean horizontal) { for (final GridCellImpl cell : myPlaceInGrid2Cell.values()) { cell.setToolbarHorizontal(horizontal); } } @Override public GridCellImpl getCellFor(final Content content) { // check if the content is already in some cell GridCellImpl current = myContent2Cell.get(content); if (current != null) return current; // view may be shared between several contents with the same ID in different cells // (temporary contents like "Dump Stack" or "Console Result") View view = getStateFor(content); final GridCellImpl cell = myPlaceInGrid2Cell.get(view.getPlaceInGrid()); assert cell != null : "Unknown place in grid: " + view.getPlaceInGrid().name(); return cell; } View getStateFor(final Content content) { return myViewContext.getStateFor(content); } public boolean updateGridUI() { for (final GridCellImpl cell : myPlaceInGrid2Cell.values()) { cell.setHideTabs(myContents.size() == 1); } final Content onlyContent = myContents.get(0); return onlyContent.getSearchComponent() != null; } public boolean isEmpty() { return myContent2Cell.isEmpty(); } public ActionCallback restoreLastUiState() { final ActionCallback result = new ActionCallback(myPlaceInGrid2Cell.values().size()); for (final GridCellImpl cell : myPlaceInGrid2Cell.values()) { cell.restoreLastUiState().notifyWhenDone(result); } return result; } public void saveUiState() { for (final GridCellImpl cell : myPlaceInGrid2Cell.values()) { cell.saveUiState(); } } @Nullable public Tab getTabIndex() { return getTab(); } public ActionCallback select(final Content content, final boolean requestFocus) { return getCellFor(content).select(content, requestFocus); } public void processAlert(final Content content, final boolean activate) { GridCellImpl cell = getCellFor(content); cell.processAlert(content, activate); } @Nullable public GridCellImpl findCell(final Content content) { return myContent2Cell.get(content); } public void rebuildTabPopup() { final List<Content> contents = getContents(); for (Content each : contents) { GridCellImpl cell = findCell(each); if (cell != null) { cell.rebuildPopupGroup(); } } } public boolean isMinimized(Content content) { return getCellFor(content).isMinimized(content); } static class Placeholder extends Wrapper implements NullableComponent { private JComponent myContent; public CellTransform.Restore detach() { if (getComponentCount() == 1) { myContent = (JComponent)getComponent(0); removeAll(); } if (getParent() instanceof JComponent) { ((JComponent)getParent()).revalidate(); getParent().repaint(); } return new CellTransform.Restore() { @Override public ActionCallback restoreInGrid() { if (myContent != null) { setContent(myContent); myContent = null; } return ActionCallback.DONE; } }; } @Override public void doLayout() { super.doLayout(); Component child = getComponentCount() == 1 ? getComponent(0) : null; if (child instanceof JBTabsPresentation) { if (!((JBTabsPresentation)child).isHideTabs()) { Rectangle bounds = child.getBounds(); bounds.y --; bounds.height ++; child.setBounds(bounds); } } } } @Override public void dispose() { } void saveSplitterProportions(final PlaceInGrid placeInGrid) { if (getRootPane() == null) return; final Rectangle bounds = getBounds(); if (bounds.width == 0 && bounds.height == 0) return; final GridCellImpl cell = myPlaceInGrid2Cell.get(placeInGrid); if (!cell.isValidForCalculateProportions()) return; final TabImpl tab = (TabImpl)getTab(); if (tab != null) { switch (placeInGrid) { case left: tab.setLeftProportion(getLeftProportion()); break; case right: tab.setRightProportion(getRightProportion()); break; case bottom: tab.setBottomProportion(getBottomPropertion()); case center: break; } } } @Nullable public Tab getTab() { return myViewContext.getTabFor(this); } void restoreLastSplitterProportions(PlaceInGrid placeInGrid) { if (getRootPane() == null) return; if (!RunnerContentUi.ensureValid(this)) return; final TabImpl tab = (TabImpl)getTab(); if (tab != null) { switch (placeInGrid) { case left: setLeftProportion(tab.getLeftProportion()); break; case right: setRightProportion(tab.getRightProportion()); break; case bottom: mySplitter.setProportion(tab.getBottomProportion()); break; case center: break; } } } float getLeftProportion() { final float totalSize = myTopSplit.getOrientation() ? myTopSplit.getHeight() : myTopSplit.getWidth(); final float componentSize = myTopSplit.getFirstSize(); return componentSize / (totalSize - 2.0f * myTopSplit.getDividerWidth()); } void setLeftProportion(float proportion) { final int totalSize = myTopSplit.getOrientation() ? myTopSplit.getHeight() : myTopSplit.getWidth(); myTopSplit.setFirstSize((int)(proportion * (float)(totalSize - 2 * myTopSplit.getDividerWidth()))); } float getRightProportion() { final float totalSize = myTopSplit.getOrientation() ? myTopSplit.getHeight() : myTopSplit.getWidth(); final float componentSize = myTopSplit.getLastSize(); return componentSize / (totalSize - 2.0f * myTopSplit.getDividerWidth()); } float getBottomPropertion() { final float totalSize = mySplitter.getOrientation() ? mySplitter.getHeight() : mySplitter.getWidth(); final float componentSize = mySplitter.getOrientation() ? mySplitter.getFirstComponent().getHeight() : mySplitter.getFirstComponent().getWidth(); return componentSize / (totalSize - mySplitter.getDividerWidth()); } void setRightProportion(float proportion) { final int componentSize = myTopSplit.getOrientation() ? myTopSplit.getHeight() : myTopSplit.getWidth(); myTopSplit.setLastSize((int)(proportion * (float)(componentSize - 2 * myTopSplit.getDividerWidth()))); } public List<Content> getAttachedContents() { ArrayList<Content> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Content each : getContents()) { result.add(each); } return result; } @Override public List<Content> getContents() { return myContents; } public void minimize(final Content content, final CellTransform.Restore restore) { myViewContext.getCellTransform().minimize(content, new CellTransform.Restore() { @Override public ActionCallback restoreInGrid() { return restore.restoreInGrid(); } }); } @Override @Nullable public Object getData(@NonNls final String dataId) { if (ViewContext.CONTEXT_KEY.is(dataId)) { return myViewContext; } else if (ViewContext.CONTENT_KEY.is(dataId)) { List<Content> contents = getContents(); return contents.toArray(new Content[contents.size()]); } return null; } @Nullable public SwitchTarget getCellFor(Component c) { Component eachParent = c; while (eachParent != null) { for (GridCellImpl eachCell : myContent2Cell.values()) { if (eachCell.contains(eachParent)) { return eachCell.getTargetForSelection(); } } eachParent = eachParent.getParent(); } return null; } public List<SwitchTarget> getTargets(boolean onlyVisible) { Collection<GridCellImpl> cells = myPlaceInGrid2Cell.values(); ArrayList<SwitchTarget> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (GridCellImpl each : cells) { result.addAll(each.getTargets(onlyVisible)); } return result; } }