/* * Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.openapi.ui; import com.intellij.util.ui.JBUI; import org.intellij.lang.annotations.MagicConstant; import java.awt.*; import java.io.Serializable; public class VerticalFlowLayout extends FlowLayout implements Serializable { public static final int BOTTOM = 2; public static final int MIDDLE = 1; public static final int TOP = 0; private boolean myVerticalFill; private boolean myHorizontalFill; private final int vGap; private final int hGap; @MagicConstant(intValues = {TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM}) public @interface VerticalFlowAlignment {} public VerticalFlowLayout() { this(TOP, JBUI.scale(5), JBUI.scale(5), true, false); } public VerticalFlowLayout(@VerticalFlowAlignment int alignment) { this(alignment, JBUI.scale(5), JBUI.scale(5), true, false); } public VerticalFlowLayout(boolean fillHorizontally, boolean fillVertically) { this(TOP, JBUI.scale(5), JBUI.scale(5), fillHorizontally, fillVertically); } public VerticalFlowLayout(@VerticalFlowAlignment int alignment, boolean fillHorizontally, boolean fillVertically) { this(alignment, JBUI.scale(5), JBUI.scale(5), fillHorizontally, fillVertically); } public VerticalFlowLayout(int hGap, int vGap) { this(TOP, hGap, vGap, true, false); } public VerticalFlowLayout(@VerticalFlowAlignment int alignment, int hGap, int vGap, boolean fillHorizontally, boolean fillVertically) { setAlignment(alignment); this.hGap = hGap; this.vGap = vGap; myHorizontalFill = fillHorizontally; myVerticalFill = fillVertically; } @Override public void layoutContainer(Container container) { Insets insets = container.getInsets(); int i = container.getSize().height - (insets.top + insets.bottom + vGap * 2); int j = container.getSize().width - (insets.left + insets.right + hGap * 2); int componentCount = container.getComponentCount(); int l = insets.left + hGap; int i1 = 0; int j1 = 0; int k1 = 0; for(int l1 = 0; l1 < componentCount; l1++){ Component component = container.getComponent(l1); if (!component.isVisible()) continue; Dimension dimension = component.getPreferredSize(); if (myVerticalFill && l1 == componentCount - 1){ dimension.height = Math.max(i - i1, component.getPreferredSize().height); } if (myHorizontalFill){ component.setSize(j, dimension.height); dimension.width = j; } else{ component.setSize(dimension.width, dimension.height); } if (i1 + dimension.height > i){ a(container, l, insets.top + vGap, j1, i - i1, k1, l1); i1 = dimension.height; l += hGap + j1; j1 = dimension.width; k1 = l1; continue; } if (i1 > 0){ i1 += vGap; } i1 += dimension.height; j1 = Math.max(j1, dimension.width); } a(container, l, insets.top + vGap, j1, i - i1, k1, componentCount); } private void a(Container container, int i, int j, int k, int l, int i1, int j1) { int k1 = getAlignment(); if (k1 == 1){ j += l / 2; } if (k1 == 2){ j += l; } for(int l1 = i1; l1 < j1; l1++){ Component component = container.getComponent(l1); Dimension dimension = component.getSize(); if (component.isVisible()){ int i2 = i + (k - dimension.width) / 2; component.setLocation(i2, j); j += vGap + dimension.height; } } } public boolean getHorizontalFill() { return myHorizontalFill; } public void setHorizontalFill(boolean flag) { myHorizontalFill = flag; } public boolean getVerticalFill() { return myVerticalFill; } public void setVerticalFill(boolean flag) { myVerticalFill = flag; } @Override public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container container) { Dimension dimension = new Dimension(0, 0); for(int i = 0; i < container.getComponentCount(); i++){ Component component = container.getComponent(i); if (!component.isVisible()) continue; Dimension dimension1 = component.getMinimumSize(); dimension.width = Math.max(dimension.width, dimension1.width); if (i > 0){ dimension.height += vGap; } dimension.height += dimension1.height; } Insets insets = container.getInsets(); dimension.width += insets.left + insets.right + hGap * 2; dimension.height += insets.top + insets.bottom + vGap * 2; return dimension; } @Override public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container container) { Dimension dimension = new Dimension(0, 0); for(int i = 0; i < container.getComponentCount(); i++){ Component component = container.getComponent(i); if (!component.isVisible()) continue; Dimension dimension1 = component.getPreferredSize(); dimension.width = Math.max(dimension.width, dimension1.width); if (i > 0){ dimension.height += hGap; } dimension.height += dimension1.height; } Insets insets = container.getInsets(); dimension.width += insets.left + insets.right + hGap * 2; dimension.height += insets.top + insets.bottom + vGap * 2; return dimension; } }