/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.ui; import com.intellij.ui.border.IdeaTitledBorder; import com.intellij.util.ui.JBInsets; import org.intellij.lang.annotations.MagicConstant; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import javax.swing.border.Border; import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder; import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder; import java.awt.*; public class IdeBorderFactory { public static final int BORDER_ROUNDNESS = 5; public static final int TITLED_BORDER_TOP_INSET = TitledSeparator.TOP_INSET; public static final int TITLED_BORDER_LEFT_INSET = 0; public static final int TITLED_BORDER_BOTTOM_INSET = 10; public static final int TITLED_BORDER_RIGHT_INSET = 0; public static final int TITLED_BORDER_INDENT = 20; private IdeBorderFactory() { } public static Border createBorder() { return createBorder(SideBorder.ALL); } public static Border createBorder(@MagicConstant(flagsFromClass = SideBorder.class) int borders) { return new SideBorder(getBorderColor(), borders); } @NotNull public static RoundedLineBorder createRoundedBorder() { return createRoundedBorder(BORDER_ROUNDNESS); } @NotNull public static RoundedLineBorder createRoundedBorder(int arcSize) { return new RoundedLineBorder(getBorderColor(), arcSize); } @NotNull public static RoundedLineBorder createRoundedBorder(int arcSize, final int thickness) { return new RoundedLineBorder(getBorderColor(), arcSize, thickness); } public static Border createEmptyBorder(Insets insets) { return new EmptyBorder(JBInsets.create(insets)); } public static Border createEmptyBorder() { return createEmptyBorder(0); } public static Border createEmptyBorder(int thickness) { return new EmptyBorder(new JBInsets(thickness, thickness, thickness, thickness)); } public static Border createEmptyBorder(int top, int left, int bottom, int right) { return new EmptyBorder(new JBInsets(top, left, bottom, right)); } public static TitledBorder createTitledBorder(String s) { return createTitledBorder(s, true); } @Deprecated public static IdeaTitledBorder createTitledBorder(String title, boolean hasBoldFont, boolean hasIndent, boolean hasSmallFont) { return createTitledBorder(title, hasIndent); } @Deprecated public static IdeaTitledBorder createTitledBorder(String title, boolean hasBoldFont, boolean hasIndent, boolean hasSmallFont, Insets insets) { return createTitledBorder(title, hasIndent, insets); } public static IdeaTitledBorder createTitledBorder(String title, boolean hasIndent) { Insets insets = new Insets(TITLED_BORDER_TOP_INSET, TITLED_BORDER_LEFT_INSET, TITLED_BORDER_BOTTOM_INSET, TITLED_BORDER_RIGHT_INSET); return createTitledBorder(title, hasIndent, insets); } public static IdeaTitledBorder createTitledBorder(String title, boolean hasIndent, Insets insets) { int indent = hasIndent ? TITLED_BORDER_INDENT : 0; return new IdeaTitledBorder(title, indent, insets); } @Deprecated // Don't remove, used in TeamCity plugin. public static TitledBorder createTitledHeaderBorder(String title) { return new IdeaTitledBorder(title, 10, new Insets(5, 0, 10, 0)); } private static Color getBorderColor() { return JBColor.border(); } public static class PlainSmallWithIndent { private PlainSmallWithIndent() { } public static TitledBorder createTitledBorder(Border border, String title, int titleJustification, int titlePosition, Font titleFont, Color titleColor) { return IdeBorderFactory.createTitledBorder(title, true); } } public static class PlainSmallWithoutIndent { private PlainSmallWithoutIndent() { } public static TitledBorder createTitledBorder(Border border, String title, int titleJustification, int titlePosition, Font titleFont, Color titleColor) { return IdeBorderFactory.createTitledBorder(title, false); } } public static class PlainSmallWithoutIndentWithoutInsets { private PlainSmallWithoutIndentWithoutInsets() { } public static TitledBorder createTitledBorder(Border border, String title, int titleJustification, int titlePosition, Font titleFont, Color titleColor) { return IdeBorderFactory.createTitledBorder(title, false, new Insets(TITLED_BORDER_TOP_INSET,0,0,0)); } } public static class PlainSmallWithIndentWithoutInsets { private PlainSmallWithIndentWithoutInsets() { } public static TitledBorder createTitledBorder(Border border, String title, int titleJustification, int titlePosition, Font titleFont, Color titleColor) { return IdeBorderFactory.createTitledBorder(title, true, new Insets(TITLED_BORDER_TOP_INSET,0,0,0)); } } }