/* * Copyright 2000-2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.openapi.vfs.impl; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationInfoImpl; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.openapi.util.SystemInfo; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFileManager; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.ManagingFS; import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; // all file pointers we store in the tree with nodes corresponding to the file structure on disk class FilePointerPartNode { private static final FilePointerPartNode[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new FilePointerPartNode[0]; @NotNull private String part; // common prefix of all file pointers beneath @NotNull FilePointerPartNode[] children; FilePointerPartNode parent; // file pointers for this exact path (e.g. concatenation of all "part" fields down from the root). // Either VirtualFilePointerImpl or VirtualFilePointerImpl[] (when it so happened that several pointers merged into one node - e.g. after file rename onto existing pointer) private Object leaves; // in case there is file pointer exists for this part, its info is saved here volatile Pair<VirtualFile, String> myFileAndUrl; // must not be both null private volatile long myLastUpdated = -1; volatile int useCount; int pointersUnder; // number of alive pointers in this node plus all nodes beneath private static final VirtualFileManager ourFileManager = VirtualFileManager.getInstance(); private static final ManagingFS ourManagingFS = ManagingFS.getInstance(); FilePointerPartNode(@NotNull String part, FilePointerPartNode parent, Pair<VirtualFile,String> fileAndUrl) { this.part = part; this.parent = parent; children = EMPTY_ARRAY; myFileAndUrl = fileAndUrl; } @Override public String toString() { return part + (children.length == 0 ? "" : " -> "+children.length); } // returns the node and length of matched characters in that node, or null if there is no match private int position(@Nullable VirtualFile parent, @Nullable CharSequence parentName, boolean separator, @NotNull CharSequence childName, @NotNull FilePointerPartNode[] outNode) { checkConsistency(); int partStart; if (parent == null) { partStart = 0; outNode[0] = this; } else { VirtualFile gParent = parent.getParent(); CharSequence gParentName = gParent == null ? null : gParent.getNameSequence(); partStart = position(gParent, gParentName, gParentName != null && !StringUtil.equals(gParentName, "/"), parentName, outNode); if (partStart == -1) return -1; } boolean childSeparator = false; if (separator) { if (partStart == outNode[0].part.length()) { childSeparator = true; } else { int sepIndex = indexOfFirstDifferentChar("/", 0, outNode[0].part, partStart); if (sepIndex != 1) return -1; partStart++; } } int index = indexOfFirstDifferentChar(childName, 0, outNode[0].part, partStart); if (index == childName.length()) { return partStart+index; } if (partStart + index == outNode[0].part.length()) { // go to children for (FilePointerPartNode child : outNode[0].children) { int childPos = child.position(null, null, childSeparator, childName.subSequence(index, childName.length()), outNode); if (childPos != -1) return childPos; } } // else there is no match return -1; } // appends to "out" all nodes under this node whose path (beginning from this node) starts in prefix.subSequence(start), then parent.getPath(), then childName void addPointersUnder(@Nullable VirtualFile parent, boolean separator, @NotNull CharSequence childName, @NotNull List<FilePointerPartNode> out) { FilePointerPartNode[] outNode = new FilePointerPartNode[1]; CharSequence parentName = parent == null ? null : parent.getNameSequence(); int position = position(parent, parentName, separator, childName, outNode); if (position != -1) { FilePointerPartNode node = outNode[0]; addAllPointersUnder(node, out); } } private static void addAllPointersUnder(@NotNull FilePointerPartNode node, @NotNull List<FilePointerPartNode> out) { if (node.leaves != null) { out.add(node); } for (FilePointerPartNode child : node.children) { addAllPointersUnder(child, out); } } private static final boolean UNIT_TEST = ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode(); void checkConsistency() { if (UNIT_TEST && !ApplicationInfoImpl.isInPerformanceTest()) { doCheckConsistency(); } } private void doCheckConsistency() { int childSum = 0; for (FilePointerPartNode child : children) { childSum += child.pointersUnder; child.doCheckConsistency(); assert child.parent == this; } childSum += leavesNumber(); assert (useCount == 0) == (leaves == null) : useCount + " - " + (leaves instanceof VirtualFilePointerImpl ? leaves : Arrays.toString((VirtualFilePointerImpl[])leaves)); assert pointersUnder == childSum : "expected: "+pointersUnder+"; actual: "+childSum; } @NotNull FilePointerPartNode findPointerOrCreate(@NotNull String path, int start, @NotNull Pair<VirtualFile, String> fileAndUrl, int pointersToStore) { // invariant: upper nodes are matched int index = indexOfFirstDifferentChar(path, start); if (index == path.length() // query matched entirely && index - start == part.length()) { if (leaves == null) { pointersUnder+=pointersToStore; // the pointer is going to be written here } return this; } if (index - start == part.length() // part matched entirely, check children ) { for (FilePointerPartNode child : children) { // find the right child (its part should start with ours) int i = child.indexOfFirstDifferentChar(path, index); if (i != index && (i > index+1 || path.charAt(index) != '/' || index == 0)) { FilePointerPartNode node = child.findPointerOrCreate(path, index, fileAndUrl, pointersToStore); if (node.leaves == null) { pointersUnder+=pointersToStore; // the new node's been created } return node; } } // cannot insert to children, create child node manually String pathRest = path.substring(index); FilePointerPartNode newNode = new FilePointerPartNode(pathRest, this, fileAndUrl); newNode.pointersUnder+=pointersToStore; children = ArrayUtil.append(children, newNode); pointersUnder+=pointersToStore; return newNode; } // else there is no match // split // try to make "/" start the splitted part if (index > start + 1 && index != path.length() && path.charAt(index - 1) == '/') index--; String pathRest = path.substring(index); FilePointerPartNode newNode = pathRest.isEmpty() ? this : new FilePointerPartNode(pathRest, this, fileAndUrl); if (newNode != this) { newNode.pointersUnder = pointersToStore; } String commonPredecessor = StringUtil.first(part, index - start, false); FilePointerPartNode splittedAway = new FilePointerPartNode(part.substring(index - start), this, myFileAndUrl); splittedAway.children = children; for (FilePointerPartNode child : children) { child.parent = splittedAway; } splittedAway.pointersUnder = pointersUnder; splittedAway.useCount = useCount; splittedAway.associate(leaves, myFileAndUrl); associate(null, null); useCount = 0; part = commonPredecessor; children = newNode == this ? new FilePointerPartNode[]{splittedAway} : new FilePointerPartNode[]{splittedAway, newNode}; pointersUnder+=pointersToStore; return newNode; } // returns root node @NotNull FilePointerPartNode remove() { int pointersNumber = leavesNumber(); assert leaves != null : toString(); associate(null, null); useCount = 0; myLastUpdated = -1; FilePointerPartNode node; for (node = this; node.parent != null; node = node.parent) { node.pointersUnder-=pointersNumber; } if ((node.pointersUnder-=pointersNumber) == 0) { node.children = EMPTY_ARRAY; // clear root node, especially in tests } return node; } private int indexOfFirstDifferentChar(@NotNull CharSequence path, int start) { return indexOfFirstDifferentChar(path, start, part, 0); } @NotNull // returns pair.second != null always Pair<VirtualFile, String> update() { long lastUpdated = myLastUpdated; Pair<VirtualFile, String> fileAndUrl = myFileAndUrl; long fsModCount = ourManagingFS.getStructureModificationCount(); if (lastUpdated == fsModCount) return fileAndUrl; VirtualFile file = fileAndUrl.first; String url = fileAndUrl.second; boolean changed = false; if (url == null) { url = file.getUrl(); if (!file.isValid()) file = null; changed = true; } boolean fileIsValid = file != null && file.isValid(); if (file != null && !fileIsValid) { file = null; changed = true; } if (file == null) { file = ourFileManager.findFileByUrl(url); fileIsValid = file != null && file.isValid(); if (file != null) { changed = true; } } if (file != null) { if (fileIsValid) { url = file.getUrl(); // refresh url, it can differ changed |= !url.equals(fileAndUrl.second); } else { file = null; // can't find, try next time changed = true; } } Pair<VirtualFile, String> result; if (changed) { result = Pair.create(file, url); myFileAndUrl = result; } else { result = fileAndUrl; } myLastUpdated = fsModCount; return result; } private static int indexOfFirstDifferentChar(@NotNull CharSequence s1, int start1, @NotNull String s2, int start2) { boolean ignoreCase = !SystemInfo.isFileSystemCaseSensitive; int len1 = s1.length(); int len2 = s2.length(); while (start1 < len1 && start2 < len2) { char c1 = s1.charAt(start1); char c2 = s2.charAt(start2); if (!StringUtil.charsEqual(c1, c2, ignoreCase)) { return start1; } start1++; start2++; } return start1; } void associate(Object leaves, Pair<VirtualFile, String> fileAndUrl) { if (leaves != null) { if (leaves instanceof VirtualFilePointerImpl) { ((VirtualFilePointerImpl)leaves).myNode = this; } else { for (VirtualFilePointerImpl pointer : (VirtualFilePointerImpl[])leaves) { pointer.myNode = this; } } } this.leaves = leaves; myFileAndUrl = fileAndUrl; myLastUpdated = -1; } int incrementUsageCount(int delta) { return useCount+=delta; } int numberOfPointersUnder() { return pointersUnder; } VirtualFilePointerImpl getAnyPointer() { Object leaves = this.leaves; return leaves == null ? null : leaves instanceof VirtualFilePointerImpl ? (VirtualFilePointerImpl)leaves : ((VirtualFilePointerImpl[])leaves)[0]; } private int leavesNumber() { Object leaves = this.leaves; return leaves == null ? 0 : leaves instanceof VirtualFilePointerImpl ? 1 : ((VirtualFilePointerImpl[])leaves).length; } void addAllPointersTo(@NotNull Collection<? super VirtualFilePointerImpl> outList) { Object leaves = this.leaves; if (leaves == null) { return; } if (leaves instanceof VirtualFilePointerImpl) { outList.add((VirtualFilePointerImpl)leaves); } else { ContainerUtil.addAll(outList, (VirtualFilePointerImpl[])leaves); } } }