/* * Copyright 2000-2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.diff; import com.intellij.diff.contents.DiffContent; import com.intellij.diff.contents.DocumentContent; import com.intellij.diff.contents.FileContent; import com.intellij.diff.merge.MergeRequest; import com.intellij.diff.merge.MergeResult; import com.intellij.diff.merge.TextMergeRequest; import com.intellij.diff.requests.BinaryMergeRequestImpl; import com.intellij.diff.requests.ContentDiffRequest; import com.intellij.diff.requests.SimpleDiffRequest; import com.intellij.diff.requests.TextMergeRequestImpl; import com.intellij.diff.util.DiffUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.diff.DiffBundle; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document; import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileDocumentManager; import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.FileType; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Comparing; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.FilePath; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.util.Consumer; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import com.intellij.vcsUtil.VcsUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class DiffRequestFactoryImpl extends DiffRequestFactory { private final DiffContentFactoryEx myContentFactory = DiffContentFactoryEx.getInstanceEx(); // // Diff // @NotNull @Override public ContentDiffRequest createFromFiles(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile file1, @NotNull VirtualFile file2) { DiffContent content1 = myContentFactory.create(project, file1); DiffContent content2 = myContentFactory.create(project, file2); String title1 = getContentTitle(file1); String title2 = getContentTitle(file2); String title = getTitle(file1, file2); return new SimpleDiffRequest(title, content1, content2, title1, title2); } @NotNull @Override public ContentDiffRequest createFromFiles(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile leftFile, @NotNull VirtualFile baseFile, @NotNull VirtualFile rightFile) { DiffContent content1 = myContentFactory.create(project, leftFile); DiffContent content2 = myContentFactory.create(project, baseFile); DiffContent content3 = myContentFactory.create(project, rightFile); String title1 = getContentTitle(leftFile); String title2 = getContentTitle(baseFile); String title3 = getContentTitle(rightFile); return new SimpleDiffRequest(null, content1, content2, content3, title1, title2, title3); } @NotNull @Override public ContentDiffRequest createClipboardVsValue(@NotNull String value) { DiffContent content1 = myContentFactory.createClipboardContent(); DiffContent content2 = myContentFactory.create(value); String title1 = DiffBundle.message("diff.content.clipboard.content.title"); String title2 = DiffBundle.message("diff.content.selected.value"); String title = DiffBundle.message("diff.clipboard.vs.value.dialog.title"); return new SimpleDiffRequest(title, content1, content2, title1, title2); } // // Titles // @NotNull @Override public String getContentTitle(@NotNull VirtualFile file) { return getContentTitle(VcsUtil.getFilePath(file)); } @NotNull @Override public String getTitle(@NotNull VirtualFile file1, @NotNull VirtualFile file2) { return getTitle(VcsUtil.getFilePath(file1), VcsUtil.getFilePath(file2), " vs "); } @NotNull @Override public String getTitle(@NotNull VirtualFile file) { return getTitle(file, file); } @NotNull public static String getContentTitle(@NotNull FilePath path) { if (path.isDirectory()) return path.getPresentableUrl(); FilePath parent = path.getParentPath(); return getContentTitle(path.getName(), path.getPresentableUrl(), parent != null ? parent.getPresentableUrl() : null); } @NotNull public static String getTitle(@NotNull FilePath path1, @NotNull FilePath path2, @NotNull String separator) { if ((path1.isDirectory() || path2.isDirectory()) && path1.getPath().equals(path2.getPath())) { return path1.getPresentableUrl(); } String name1 = path1.getName(); String name2 = path2.getName(); if (path1.isDirectory() ^ path2.isDirectory()) { if (path1.isDirectory()) name1 += File.separatorChar; if (path2.isDirectory()) name2 += File.separatorChar; } FilePath parent1 = path1.getParentPath(); FilePath parent2 = path2.getParentPath(); return getRequestTitle(name1, path1.getPresentableUrl(), parent1 != null ? parent1.getPresentableUrl() : null, name2, path2.getPresentableUrl(), parent2 != null ? parent2.getPresentableUrl() : null, separator); } @NotNull private static String getContentTitle(@NotNull String name, @NotNull String path, @Nullable String parentPath) { if (parentPath != null) { return name + " (" + parentPath + ")"; } else { return path; } } @NotNull private static String getRequestTitle(@NotNull String name1, @NotNull String path1, @Nullable String parentPath1, @NotNull String name2, @NotNull String path2, @Nullable String parentPath2, @NotNull String sep) { if (path1.equals(path2)) return getContentTitle(name1, path1, parentPath1); if (Comparing.equal(parentPath1, parentPath2)) { if (parentPath1 != null) { return name1 + sep + name2 + " (" + parentPath1 + ")"; } else { return path1 + sep + path2; } } else { if (name1.equals(name2)) { if (parentPath1 != null && parentPath2 != null) { return name1 + " (" + parentPath1 + sep + parentPath2 + ")"; } else { return path1 + sep + path2; } } else { if (parentPath1 != null && parentPath2 != null) { return name1 + sep + name2 + " (" + parentPath1 + sep + parentPath2 + ")"; } else { return path1 + sep + path2; } } } } // // Merge // @NotNull @Override public MergeRequest createMergeRequest(@Nullable Project project, @Nullable FileType fileType, @NotNull Document outputDocument, @NotNull List<String> textContents, @Nullable String title, @NotNull List<String> titles, @Nullable Consumer<MergeResult> applyCallback) throws InvalidDiffRequestException { if (textContents.size() != 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (titles.size() != 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (!DiffUtil.canMakeWritable(outputDocument)) throw new InvalidDiffRequestException("Output is read only"); DocumentContent outputContent = myContentFactory.create(project, outputDocument, fileType); CharSequence originalContent = outputDocument.getImmutableCharSequence(); List<DocumentContent> contents = new ArrayList<>(3); for (String text : textContents) { contents.add(myContentFactory.create(project, text, fileType)); } return new TextMergeRequestImpl(project, outputContent, originalContent, contents, title, titles, applyCallback); } @NotNull @Override public MergeRequest createMergeRequest(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile output, @NotNull List<byte[]> byteContents, @Nullable String title, @NotNull List<String> contentTitles, @Nullable Consumer<MergeResult> applyCallback) throws InvalidDiffRequestException { if (byteContents.size() != 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (contentTitles.size() != 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); try { return createTextMergeRequest(project, output, byteContents, title, contentTitles, applyCallback); } catch (InvalidDiffRequestException e) { return createBinaryMergeRequest(project, output, byteContents, title, contentTitles, applyCallback); } } @NotNull @Override public TextMergeRequest createTextMergeRequest(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile output, @NotNull List<byte[]> byteContents, @Nullable String title, @NotNull List<String> contentTitles, @Nullable Consumer<MergeResult> applyCallback) throws InvalidDiffRequestException { if (byteContents.size() != 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (contentTitles.size() != 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); final Document outputDocument = FileDocumentManager.getInstance().getDocument(output); if (outputDocument == null) throw new InvalidDiffRequestException("Can't get output document: " + output.getPresentableUrl()); if (!DiffUtil.canMakeWritable(outputDocument)) throw new InvalidDiffRequestException("Output is read only: " + output.getPresentableUrl()); DocumentContent outputContent = myContentFactory.create(project, outputDocument); CharSequence originalContent = outputDocument.getImmutableCharSequence(); List<DocumentContent> contents = new ArrayList<>(3); for (byte[] bytes : byteContents) { contents.add(myContentFactory.createDocumentFromBytes(project, bytes, output)); } return new TextMergeRequestImpl(project, outputContent, originalContent, contents, title, contentTitles, applyCallback); } @NotNull @Override public MergeRequest createBinaryMergeRequest(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile output, @NotNull List<byte[]> byteContents, @Nullable String title, @NotNull List<String> contentTitles, @Nullable Consumer<MergeResult> applyCallback) throws InvalidDiffRequestException { if (byteContents.size() != 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (contentTitles.size() != 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); try { FileContent outputContent = myContentFactory.createFile(project, output); if (outputContent == null) throw new InvalidDiffRequestException("Can't process file: " + output); byte[] originalContent = output.contentsToByteArray(); List<DiffContent> contents = new ArrayList<>(3); for (byte[] bytes : byteContents) { contents.add(myContentFactory.createFromBytes(project, bytes, output)); } return new BinaryMergeRequestImpl(project, outputContent, originalContent, contents, byteContents, title, contentTitles, applyCallback); } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidDiffRequestException("Can't read from file", e); } } @NotNull @Override public MergeRequest createMergeRequestFromFiles(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile output, @NotNull List<VirtualFile> fileContents, @Nullable Consumer<MergeResult> applyCallback) throws InvalidDiffRequestException { String title = "Merge " + output.getPresentableUrl(); List<String> titles = ContainerUtil.list("Your Version", "Base Version", "Their Version"); return createMergeRequestFromFiles(project, output, fileContents, title, titles, applyCallback); } @NotNull @Override public MergeRequest createMergeRequestFromFiles(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile output, @NotNull List<VirtualFile> fileContents, @Nullable String title, @NotNull List<String> contentTitles, @Nullable Consumer<MergeResult> applyCallback) throws InvalidDiffRequestException { if (fileContents.size() != 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (contentTitles.size() != 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); try { return createTextMergeRequestFromFiles(project, output, fileContents, title, contentTitles, applyCallback); } catch (InvalidDiffRequestException e) { return createBinaryMergeRequestFromFiles(project, output, fileContents, title, contentTitles, applyCallback); } } @NotNull @Override public TextMergeRequest createTextMergeRequestFromFiles(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile output, @NotNull List<VirtualFile> fileContents, @Nullable String title, @NotNull List<String> contentTitles, @Nullable Consumer<MergeResult> applyCallback) throws InvalidDiffRequestException { List<byte[]> byteContents = new ArrayList<>(3); for (VirtualFile file : fileContents) { try { byteContents.add(file.contentsToByteArray()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidDiffRequestException("Can't read from file: " + file.getPresentableUrl(), e); } } return createTextMergeRequest(project, output, byteContents, title, contentTitles, applyCallback); } @NotNull public MergeRequest createBinaryMergeRequestFromFiles(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile output, @NotNull List<VirtualFile> fileContents, @Nullable String title, @NotNull List<String> contentTitles, @Nullable Consumer<MergeResult> applyCallback) throws InvalidDiffRequestException { if (fileContents.size() != 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (contentTitles.size() != 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); try { FileContent outputContent = myContentFactory.createFile(project, output); if (outputContent == null) throw new InvalidDiffRequestException("Can't process file: " + output.getPresentableUrl()); byte[] originalContent = output.contentsToByteArray(); List<DiffContent> contents = new ArrayList<>(3); List<byte[]> byteContents = new ArrayList<>(3); for (VirtualFile file : fileContents) { FileContent content = myContentFactory.createFile(project, file); if (content == null) throw new InvalidDiffRequestException("Can't process file: " + file.getPresentableUrl()); contents.add(content); byteContents.add(file.contentsToByteArray()); // TODO: we can read contents from file when needed } return new BinaryMergeRequestImpl(project, outputContent, originalContent, contents, byteContents, title, contentTitles, applyCallback); } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidDiffRequestException("Can't read from file", e); } } }