/* * Copyright 2000-2009 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.ide.projectView; import com.intellij.ide.util.treeView.PresentableNodeDescriptor; import com.intellij.navigation.ColoredItemPresentation; import com.intellij.navigation.ItemPresentation; import com.intellij.navigation.ItemPresentationWithSeparator; import com.intellij.navigation.LocationPresentation; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.colors.TextAttributesKey; import com.intellij.ui.SimpleTextAttributes; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import com.intellij.util.ui.update.ComparableObject; import com.intellij.util.ui.update.ComparableObjectCheck; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.List; /** * Default implementation of the {@link com.intellij.navigation.ItemPresentation} interface. */ public class PresentationData implements ColoredItemPresentation, ComparableObject, LocationPresentation { protected final List<PresentableNodeDescriptor.ColoredFragment> myColoredText = ContainerUtil.createLockFreeCopyOnWriteList(); private Icon myIcon; private String myLocationString; private String myPresentableText; private String myTooltip; private TextAttributesKey myAttributesKey; private Color myForcedTextForeground; private Font myFont; private boolean mySeparatorAbove = false; private boolean myChanged; private String myLocationPrefix; private String myLocationSuffix; /** * Creates an instance with the specified parameters. * * @param presentableText the name of the object to be presented in most renderers across the program. * @param locationString the location of the object (for example, the package of a class). The location * string is used by some renderers and usually displayed as grayed text next to * the item name. * @param icon the icon shown for the node when it is collapsed in a tree, or when it is displayed * in a non-tree view. * @param attributesKey the attributes for rendering the item text. */ public PresentationData(String presentableText, String locationString, Icon icon, @Nullable TextAttributesKey attributesKey) { myIcon = icon; myLocationString = locationString; myPresentableText = presentableText; myAttributesKey = attributesKey; } /** * @deprecated Use constructor with single icon instead. */ public PresentationData(String presentableText, String locationString, Icon openIcon, Icon closedIcon, @Nullable TextAttributesKey attributesKey) { this(presentableText, locationString, closedIcon, attributesKey); } /** * Creates an instance with no parameters specified. */ public PresentationData() { } @Override public Icon getIcon(boolean open) { return myIcon; } @Nullable public Color getForcedTextForeground() { return myForcedTextForeground; } public void setForcedTextForeground(@Nullable Color forcedTextForeground) { myForcedTextForeground = forcedTextForeground; } @Override public String getLocationString() { return myLocationString; } @Override public String getPresentableText() { return myPresentableText; } public void setIcon(Icon icon) { myIcon = icon; } /** * Sets the location of the object (for example, the package of a class). The location * string is used by some renderers and usually displayed as grayed text next to the item name. * * @param locationString the location of the object. */ public void setLocationString(String locationString) { myLocationString = locationString; } /** * Sets the name of the object to be presented in most renderers across the program. * * @param presentableText the name of the object. */ public void setPresentableText(String presentableText) { myPresentableText = presentableText; } /** * @param closedIcon the closed icon for the node. * @see #setIcons(javax.swing.Icon) * @deprecated Different icons for open/closed no longer supported. Use setIcon instead * Sets the icon shown for the node when it is collapsed in a tree, or when it is displayed * in a non-tree view. */ public void setClosedIcon(Icon closedIcon) { setIcon(closedIcon); } /** * @param openIcon the open icon for the node. * @see #setIcons(javax.swing.Icon) * @deprecated Different icons for open/closed no longer supported. This function is no op. * Sets the icon shown for the node when it is expanded in the tree. */ @Deprecated public void setOpenIcon(Icon openIcon) { } /** * @param icon the icon for the node. * @see #setOpenIcon(javax.swing.Icon) * @see #setClosedIcon(javax.swing.Icon) * @deprecated Different icons for open/closed no longer supported. Use setIcon instead. * Sets both the open and closed icons of the node to the specified icon. */ public void setIcons(Icon icon) { setIcon(icon); } /** * Copies the presentation parameters from the specified presentation instance. * * @param presentation the instance to copy the parameters from. */ public void updateFrom(ItemPresentation presentation) { setIcon(presentation.getIcon(false)); setPresentableText(presentation.getPresentableText()); setLocationString(presentation.getLocationString()); if (presentation instanceof ColoredItemPresentation) { setAttributesKey(((ColoredItemPresentation)presentation).getTextAttributesKey()); } setSeparatorAbove(presentation instanceof ItemPresentationWithSeparator); if (presentation instanceof LocationPresentation) { myLocationPrefix = ((LocationPresentation)presentation).getLocationPrefix(); myLocationSuffix = ((LocationPresentation)presentation).getLocationSuffix(); } } public boolean hasSeparatorAbove() { return mySeparatorAbove; } public void setSeparatorAbove(final boolean b) { mySeparatorAbove = b; } @Override public TextAttributesKey getTextAttributesKey() { return myAttributesKey; } /** * Sets the attributes for rendering the item text. * * @param attributesKey the attributes for rendering the item text. */ public void setAttributesKey(final TextAttributesKey attributesKey) { myAttributesKey = attributesKey; } public String getTooltip() { return myTooltip; } public void setTooltip(@Nullable final String tooltip) { myTooltip = tooltip; } public boolean isChanged() { return myChanged; } public void setChanged(boolean changed) { myChanged = changed; } @NotNull public List<PresentableNodeDescriptor.ColoredFragment> getColoredText() { return myColoredText; } public void addText(PresentableNodeDescriptor.ColoredFragment coloredFragment) { myColoredText.add(coloredFragment); } public void addText(String text, SimpleTextAttributes attributes) { myColoredText.add(new PresentableNodeDescriptor.ColoredFragment(text, attributes)); } public void clearText() { myColoredText.clear(); } public void clear() { myIcon = null; clearText(); myAttributesKey = null; myFont = null; myForcedTextForeground = null; myLocationString = null; myPresentableText = null; myTooltip = null; myChanged = false; mySeparatorAbove = false; myLocationSuffix = null; myLocationPrefix = null; } @Override @NotNull public Object[] getEqualityObjects() { return new Object[]{myIcon, myColoredText, myAttributesKey, myFont, myForcedTextForeground, myPresentableText, myLocationString, mySeparatorAbove, myLocationPrefix, myLocationSuffix}; } @Override public int hashCode() { return ComparableObjectCheck.hashCode(this, super.hashCode()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return ComparableObjectCheck.equals(this, obj); } public void copyFrom(PresentationData from) { if (from == this) { return; } myAttributesKey = from.myAttributesKey; myIcon = from.myIcon; clearText(); myColoredText.addAll(from.myColoredText); myFont = from.myFont; myForcedTextForeground = from.myForcedTextForeground; myLocationString = from.myLocationString; myPresentableText = from.myPresentableText; myTooltip = from.myTooltip; mySeparatorAbove = from.mySeparatorAbove; myLocationPrefix = from.myLocationPrefix; myLocationSuffix = from.myLocationSuffix; } @Override public PresentationData clone() { PresentationData clone = new PresentationData(); clone.copyFrom(this); return clone; } public void applyFrom(PresentationData from) { myAttributesKey = getValue(myAttributesKey, from.myAttributesKey); myIcon = getValue(myIcon, from.myIcon); if (myColoredText.isEmpty()) { myColoredText.addAll(from.myColoredText); } myFont = getValue(myFont, from.myFont); myForcedTextForeground = getValue(myForcedTextForeground, from.myForcedTextForeground); myLocationString = getValue(myLocationString, from.myLocationString); myPresentableText = getValue(myPresentableText, from.myPresentableText); myTooltip = getValue(myTooltip, from.myTooltip); mySeparatorAbove = mySeparatorAbove || from.mySeparatorAbove; myLocationPrefix = getValue(myLocationPrefix, from.myLocationPrefix); myLocationSuffix = getValue(myLocationSuffix, from.myLocationSuffix); } private static <T> T getValue(T ownValue, T fromValue) { return ownValue != null ? ownValue : fromValue; } @Override public String getLocationPrefix() { return myLocationPrefix == null ? DEFAULT_LOCATION_PREFIX : myLocationPrefix; } @Override public String getLocationSuffix() { return myLocationSuffix == null ? DEFAULT_LOCATION_SUFFIX : myLocationSuffix; } }