/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.util.messages.impl; import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProcessCanceledException; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Disposer; import com.intellij.util.ConcurrencyUtil; import com.intellij.util.SmartList; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import com.intellij.util.lang.CompoundRuntimeException; import com.intellij.util.messages.MessageBus; import com.intellij.util.messages.MessageBusConnection; import com.intellij.util.messages.Topic; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; /** * @author max */ public class MessageBusImpl implements MessageBus { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.util.messages.impl.MessageBusImpl"); private static final Comparator<MessageBusImpl> MESSAGE_BUS_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<MessageBusImpl>() { @Override public int compare(MessageBusImpl bus1, MessageBusImpl bus2) { return ContainerUtil.compareLexicographically(bus1.myOrderRef.get(), bus2.myOrderRef.get()); } }; @SuppressWarnings("SSBasedInspection") private final ThreadLocal<Queue<DeliveryJob>> myMessageQueue = createThreadLocalQueue(); /** * Root's order is empty * Child bus's order is its parent order plus one more element, an int that's bigger than that of all sibling buses that come before * Sorting by these vectors lexicographically gives DFS order */ private final AtomicReference<List<Integer>> myOrderRef = new AtomicReference<List<Integer>>(); private final ConcurrentMap<Topic, Object> mySyncPublishers = ContainerUtil.newConcurrentMap(); private final ConcurrentMap<Topic, Object> myAsyncPublishers = ContainerUtil.newConcurrentMap(); /** * This bus's subscribers */ private final ConcurrentMap<Topic, List<MessageBusConnectionImpl>> mySubscribers = ContainerUtil.newConcurrentMap(); /** * Caches subscribers for this bus and its children or parent, depending on the topic's broadcast policy */ private final ConcurrentMap<Topic, List<MessageBusConnectionImpl>> mySubscriberCache = ContainerUtil.newConcurrentMap(); private final Deque<MessageBusImpl> myChildBuses = new LinkedBlockingDeque<MessageBusImpl>(); private final ConcurrentMap<List<Integer>, Boolean> myChildOrders = ContainerUtil.newConcurrentMap(); private static final Object NA = new Object(); private MessageBusImpl myParentBus; //is used for debugging purposes private final String myOwner; private boolean myDisposed; private final Disposable myConnectionDisposable; public MessageBusImpl(@NotNull Object owner, @NotNull MessageBus parentBus) { myOwner = owner + " of " + owner.getClass(); myConnectionDisposable = Disposer.newDisposable(myOwner); myParentBus = (MessageBusImpl)parentBus; myParentBus.onChildBusCreated(this); LOG.assertTrue(myParentBus.myChildBuses.contains(this)); LOG.assertTrue(myOrderRef.get() != null); } private MessageBusImpl(Object owner) { myOwner = owner + " of " + owner.getClass(); myConnectionDisposable = Disposer.newDisposable(myOwner); myOrderRef.set(Collections.<Integer>emptyList()); } @Override public MessageBus getParent() { return myParentBus; } @NotNull private RootBus getRootBus() { return myParentBus != null ? myParentBus.getRootBus() : asRoot(); } private MessageBusImpl rootBus() { // return MessageBusImpl instead of RootBus to save one cast when accessing MessageBusImpl's private members return getRootBus(); } private RootBus asRoot() { if (this instanceof RootBus) { return (RootBus)this; } throw new AssertionError("Accessing disposed message bus " + this); } @Override public String toString() { return super.toString() + "; owner=" + myOwner + (myDisposed ? "; disposed" : ""); } /** * Notifies current bus that a child bus is created. Has two responsibilities: * <ul> * <li>stores given child bus in {@link #myChildBuses} collection</li> * <li> * calculates {@link #myOrderRef} for the given child bus * </li> * </ul> * <p/> * Thread-safe. * * @param childBus newly created child bus */ private void onChildBusCreated(final MessageBusImpl childBus) { LOG.assertTrue(childBus.myParentBus == this); // It's possible that new child bus objects are created concurrently, i.e. current method is called at the same // time from different threads for different child bus objects. We had a race condition with that which resulted // in NPE - https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/UP-4322. // // The general idea is that we keep child buses orders in a concurrent set (myChildOrders) and use it as a synchronization // point on new child registration, i.e. the algorithm is as follows: // 1. Calculate an order for the given child bus on the currently registered buses basis; // 2. Store given order in the myChildOrders if it doesn't contain such order yet; // 3.1. Failure (such order is already there) - another child is being registered at the same time and the same order // was calculated for it. Retry (go to 1.); // 3.2. Success - store given bus at child buses collection. // Note: it's important to respect that order on bus de-registration (onChildBusDisposed()) - first remove child bus // from the buses collection, second remove its order from child orders. List<Integer> childOrder = new ArrayList<Integer>(myOrderRef.get().size() + 1); childOrder.addAll(myOrderRef.get()); childOrder.add(1); // Dummy holder, just to be able to call set(index) later while (true) { final MessageBusImpl lastChild = myChildBuses.peekLast(); final int lastChildIndex; if (lastChild == null) { lastChildIndex = 0; } else { final List<Integer> lastChildOrder = lastChild.myOrderRef.get(); lastChildIndex = lastChildOrder.get(lastChildOrder.size() - 1); } if (lastChildIndex == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { LOG.error("Too many child buses"); } childOrder.set(childOrder.size() - 1, lastChildIndex + 1); if (myChildOrders.putIfAbsent(childOrder, Boolean.TRUE) == null) { break; } } childBus.myOrderRef.set(childOrder); myChildBuses.add(childBus); rootBus().clearSubscriberCache(); } private void onChildBusDisposed(final MessageBusImpl childBus) { boolean removed = myChildBuses.remove(childBus); myChildOrders.remove(childBus.myOrderRef.get()); Map<MessageBusImpl, Integer> map = getRootBus().myWaitingBuses.get(); if (map != null) map.remove(childBus); rootBus().clearSubscriberCache(); LOG.assertTrue(removed); } private static class DeliveryJob { public DeliveryJob(final MessageBusConnectionImpl connection, final Message message) { this.connection = connection; this.message = message; } public final MessageBusConnectionImpl connection; public final Message message; @NonNls @Override public String toString() { return "{ DJob connection:" + connection + "; message: " + message + " }"; } } @Override @NotNull public MessageBusConnection connect() { return connect(myConnectionDisposable); } @Override @NotNull public MessageBusConnection connect(@NotNull Disposable parentDisposable) { checkNotDisposed(); final MessageBusConnection connection = new MessageBusConnectionImpl(this); Disposer.register(parentDisposable, connection); return connection; } @Override @NotNull @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <L> L syncPublisher(@NotNull final Topic<L> topic) { checkNotDisposed(); L publisher = (L)mySyncPublishers.get(topic); if (publisher == null) { final Class<L> listenerClass = topic.getListenerClass(); InvocationHandler handler = new InvocationHandler() { @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { sendMessage(new Message(topic, method, args)); return NA; } }; publisher = (L)Proxy.newProxyInstance(listenerClass.getClassLoader(), new Class[]{listenerClass}, handler); publisher = (L)ConcurrencyUtil.cacheOrGet(mySyncPublishers, topic, publisher); } return publisher; } @Override @NotNull @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <L> L asyncPublisher(@NotNull final Topic<L> topic) { checkNotDisposed(); L publisher = (L)myAsyncPublishers.get(topic); if (publisher == null) { final Class<L> listenerClass = topic.getListenerClass(); InvocationHandler handler = new InvocationHandler() { @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { postMessage(new Message(topic, method, args)); return NA; } }; publisher = (L)Proxy.newProxyInstance(listenerClass.getClassLoader(), new Class[]{listenerClass}, handler); publisher = (L)ConcurrencyUtil.cacheOrGet(myAsyncPublishers, topic, publisher); } return publisher; } @Override public void dispose() { checkNotDisposed(); Disposer.dispose(myConnectionDisposable); Queue<DeliveryJob> jobs = myMessageQueue.get(); if (!jobs.isEmpty()) { LOG.error("Not delivered events in the queue: " + jobs); } myMessageQueue.remove(); if (myParentBus != null) { myParentBus.onChildBusDisposed(this); myParentBus = null; } else { asRoot().myWaitingBuses.remove(); } myDisposed = true; } @Override public boolean hasUndeliveredEvents(@NotNull Topic<?> topic) { if (!isDispatchingAnything()) return false; for (MessageBusConnectionImpl connection : getTopicSubscribers(topic)) { if (connection.containsMessage(topic)) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean isDispatchingAnything() { return getRootBus().myWaitingBuses.get() != null; } private void checkNotDisposed() { if (myDisposed) { LOG.error("Already disposed: " + this); } } private void calcSubscribers(Topic topic, List<MessageBusConnectionImpl> result) { final List<MessageBusConnectionImpl> topicSubscribers = mySubscribers.get(topic); if (topicSubscribers != null) { result.addAll(topicSubscribers); } Topic.BroadcastDirection direction = topic.getBroadcastDirection(); if (direction == Topic.BroadcastDirection.TO_CHILDREN) { for (MessageBusImpl childBus : myChildBuses) { childBus.calcSubscribers(topic, result); } } if (direction == Topic.BroadcastDirection.TO_PARENT && myParentBus != null) { myParentBus.calcSubscribers(topic, result); } } private void postMessage(Message message) { checkNotDisposed(); List<MessageBusConnectionImpl> topicSubscribers = getTopicSubscribers(message.getTopic()); if (!topicSubscribers.isEmpty()) { for (MessageBusConnectionImpl subscriber : topicSubscribers) { subscriber.getBus().myMessageQueue.get().offer(new DeliveryJob(subscriber, message)); subscriber.getBus().notifyPendingJobChange(1); subscriber.scheduleMessageDelivery(message); } } } @NotNull private List<MessageBusConnectionImpl> getTopicSubscribers(Topic topic) { List<MessageBusConnectionImpl> topicSubscribers = mySubscriberCache.get(topic); if (topicSubscribers == null) { topicSubscribers = new SmartList<MessageBusConnectionImpl>(); calcSubscribers(topic, topicSubscribers); mySubscriberCache.put(topic, topicSubscribers); } return topicSubscribers; } private void notifyPendingJobChange(int delta) { ThreadLocal<SortedMap<MessageBusImpl, Integer>> ref = getRootBus().myWaitingBuses; SortedMap<MessageBusImpl, Integer> map = ref.get(); if (map == null) { ref.set(map = new TreeMap<MessageBusImpl, Integer>(MESSAGE_BUS_COMPARATOR)); } Integer countObject = map.get(this); int count = countObject == null ? 0 : countObject; int newCount = count + delta; if (newCount > 0) { checkNotDisposed(); map.put(this, newCount); } else if (newCount == 0) { map.remove(this); } else { LOG.error("Negative job count: " + this); } } private void sendMessage(Message message) { pumpMessages(); postMessage(message); pumpMessages(); } private void pumpMessages() { checkNotDisposed(); if (myParentBus != null) { LOG.assertTrue(myParentBus.myChildBuses.contains(this)); myParentBus.pumpMessages(); } else { Map<MessageBusImpl, Integer> map = asRoot().myWaitingBuses.get(); if (map != null) { Set<MessageBusImpl> buses = map.keySet(); if (!buses.isEmpty()) { pumpWaitingBuses(map, new ArrayList<MessageBusImpl>(buses)); } } } } private static void pumpWaitingBuses(Map<MessageBusImpl, Integer> map, ArrayList<MessageBusImpl> buses) { List<Throwable> exceptions = null; for (MessageBusImpl bus : buses) { if (!ensureAlive(map, bus)) continue; exceptions = appendExceptions(exceptions, bus.doPumpMessages()); } rethrowExceptions(exceptions); } private static List<Throwable> appendExceptions(List<Throwable> exceptions, List<Throwable> busExceptions) { if (!busExceptions.isEmpty()) { if (exceptions == null) exceptions = new SmartList<Throwable>(); exceptions.addAll(busExceptions); } return exceptions; } private static void rethrowExceptions(List<Throwable> exceptions) { if (exceptions == null) return; ProcessCanceledException pce = ContainerUtil.findInstance(exceptions, ProcessCanceledException.class); if (pce != null) throw pce; CompoundRuntimeException.throwIfNotEmpty(exceptions); } private static boolean ensureAlive(Map<MessageBusImpl, Integer> map, MessageBusImpl bus) { if (bus.myDisposed) { map.remove(bus); LOG.error("Accessing disposed message bus " + bus); return false; } return true; } private List<Throwable> doPumpMessages() { Queue<DeliveryJob> queue = myMessageQueue.get(); List<Throwable> exceptions = null; do { DeliveryJob job = queue.poll(); if (job == null) break; notifyPendingJobChange(-1); try { job.connection.deliverMessage(job.message); } catch (Throwable e) { if (exceptions == null) { exceptions = new SmartList<Throwable>(); } exceptions.add(e); } } while (true); return exceptions == null ? Collections.<Throwable>emptyList() : exceptions; } void notifyOnSubscription(@NotNull MessageBusConnectionImpl connection, @NotNull Topic<?> topic) { checkNotDisposed(); List<MessageBusConnectionImpl> topicSubscribers = mySubscribers.get(topic); if (topicSubscribers == null) { topicSubscribers = ContainerUtil.createLockFreeCopyOnWriteList(); topicSubscribers = ConcurrencyUtil.cacheOrGet(mySubscribers, topic, topicSubscribers); } topicSubscribers.add(connection); rootBus().clearSubscriberCache(); } private void clearSubscriberCache() { mySubscriberCache.clear(); for (MessageBusImpl bus : myChildBuses) { bus.clearSubscriberCache(); } } void notifyConnectionTerminated(final MessageBusConnectionImpl connection) { for (List<MessageBusConnectionImpl> topicSubscribers : mySubscribers.values()) { topicSubscribers.remove(connection); } if (myDisposed) return; rootBus().clearSubscriberCache(); final Iterator<DeliveryJob> i = myMessageQueue.get().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { final DeliveryJob job = i.next(); if (job.connection == connection) { i.remove(); notifyPendingJobChange(-1); } } } void deliverSingleMessage() { checkNotDisposed(); final DeliveryJob job = myMessageQueue.get().poll(); if (job == null) return; notifyPendingJobChange(-1); job.connection.deliverMessage(job.message); } @NotNull static <T> ThreadLocal<Queue<T>> createThreadLocalQueue() { return new ThreadLocal<Queue<T>>() { @Override protected Queue<T> initialValue() { return new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<T>(); } }; } public static class RootBus extends MessageBusImpl { /** * Holds the counts of pending messages for all message buses in the hierarchy * This field is null for non-root buses * The map's keys are sorted by {@link #myOrderRef} * <p> * Used to avoid traversing the whole hierarchy when there are no messages to be sent in most of it */ private final ThreadLocal<SortedMap<MessageBusImpl, Integer>> myWaitingBuses = new ThreadLocal<SortedMap<MessageBusImpl, Integer>>(); public RootBus(@NotNull Object owner) { super(owner); } } }