/* * Copyright 2000-2016 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.diff.merge; import com.intellij.diff.util.DiffUtil; import com.intellij.diff.util.LineRange; import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable; import com.intellij.openapi.command.UndoConfirmationPolicy; import com.intellij.openapi.command.undo.BasicUndoableAction; import com.intellij.openapi.command.undo.UndoManager; import com.intellij.openapi.command.undo.UnexpectedUndoException; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.DocumentAdapter; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.DocumentEvent; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import gnu.trove.TIntArrayList; import gnu.trove.TIntHashSet; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import consulo.annotations.RequiredDispatchThread; import consulo.annotations.RequiredWriteAction; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public abstract class MergeModelBase<S extends MergeModelBase.State> implements Disposable { public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(MergeModelBase.class); @Nullable private final Project myProject; @NotNull private final Document myDocument; @Nullable private final UndoManager myUndoManager; @NotNull private TIntArrayList myStartLines = new TIntArrayList(); @NotNull private TIntArrayList myEndLines = new TIntArrayList(); @NotNull private final TIntHashSet myChangesToUpdate = new TIntHashSet(); private int myBulkChangeUpdateDepth; private boolean myInsideCommand; private boolean myDisposed; public MergeModelBase(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull Document document) { myProject = project; myDocument = document; myUndoManager = myProject != null ? UndoManager.getInstance(myProject) : UndoManager.getGlobalInstance(); myDocument.addDocumentListener(new MyDocumentListener(), this); } @Override @RequiredDispatchThread public void dispose() { if (myDisposed) return; myDisposed = true; LOG.assertTrue(myBulkChangeUpdateDepth == 0); myStartLines.clear(); myEndLines.clear(); } public boolean isDisposed() { return myDisposed; } public int getChangesCount() { return myStartLines.size(); } public int getLineStart(int index) { return myStartLines.get(index); } public int getLineEnd(int index) { return myEndLines.get(index); } public void setChanges(@NotNull List<LineRange> changes) { myStartLines.clear(changes.size()); myEndLines.clear(changes.size()); for (LineRange range : changes) { myStartLines.add(range.start); myEndLines.add(range.end); } } @RequiredDispatchThread public boolean isInsideCommand() { return myInsideCommand; } private void setLineStart(int index, int line) { myStartLines.set(index, line); } private void setLineEnd(int index, int line) { myEndLines.set(index, line); } // // Repaint // @RequiredDispatchThread public void invalidateHighlighters(int index) { if (myBulkChangeUpdateDepth > 0) { myChangesToUpdate.add(index); } else { reinstallHighlighters(index); } } @RequiredDispatchThread public void enterBulkChangeUpdateBlock() { myBulkChangeUpdateDepth++; } @RequiredDispatchThread public void exitBulkChangeUpdateBlock() { myBulkChangeUpdateDepth--; LOG.assertTrue(myBulkChangeUpdateDepth >= 0); if (myBulkChangeUpdateDepth == 0) { myChangesToUpdate.forEach(index -> { reinstallHighlighters(index); return true; }); myChangesToUpdate.clear(); } } @RequiredDispatchThread protected abstract void reinstallHighlighters(int index); // // Undo // @NotNull @RequiredDispatchThread protected abstract S storeChangeState(int index); @RequiredDispatchThread protected void restoreChangeState(@NotNull S state) { setLineStart(state.myIndex, state.myStartLine); setLineEnd(state.myIndex, state.myEndLine); } @Nullable @RequiredDispatchThread protected S processDocumentChange(int index, int oldLine1, int oldLine2, int shift) { int line1 = getLineStart(index); int line2 = getLineEnd(index); DiffUtil.UpdatedLineRange newRange = DiffUtil.updateRangeOnModification(line1, line2, oldLine1, oldLine2, shift); // RangeMarker can be updated in a different way boolean rangeAffected = newRange.damaged || (oldLine2 >= line1 && oldLine1 <= line2); S oldState = rangeAffected ? storeChangeState(index) : null; setLineStart(index, newRange.startLine); setLineEnd(index, newRange.endLine); return oldState; } private class MyDocumentListener extends DocumentAdapter { @Override public void beforeDocumentChange(DocumentEvent e) { if (isDisposed()) return; enterBulkChangeUpdateBlock(); if (getChangesCount() == 0) return; LineRange lineRange = DiffUtil.getAffectedLineRange(e); int shift = DiffUtil.countLinesShift(e); List<S> corruptedStates = ContainerUtil.newSmartList(); for (int index = 0; index < getChangesCount(); index++) { S oldState = processDocumentChange(index, lineRange.start, lineRange.end, shift); if (oldState == null) continue; invalidateHighlighters(index); if (!isInsideCommand()) corruptedStates.add(oldState); } if (myUndoManager != null && !corruptedStates.isEmpty()) { // document undo is registered inside onDocumentChange, so our undo() will be called after its undo(). // thus thus we can avoid checks for isUndoInProgress() (to avoid modification of the same TextMergeChange by this listener) myUndoManager.undoableActionPerformed(new MyUndoableAction(MergeModelBase.this, corruptedStates, true)); } } @Override public void documentChanged(DocumentEvent e) { if (isDisposed()) return; exitBulkChangeUpdateBlock(); } } public void executeMergeCommand(@Nullable String commandName, @Nullable String commandGroupId, @NotNull UndoConfirmationPolicy confirmationPolicy, boolean underBulkUpdate, @Nullable TIntArrayList affectedChanges, @NotNull Runnable task) { TIntArrayList allAffectedChanges = affectedChanges != null ? collectAffectedChanges(affectedChanges) : null; DiffUtil.executeWriteCommand(myProject, myDocument, commandName, commandGroupId, confirmationPolicy, underBulkUpdate, () -> { LOG.assertTrue(!myInsideCommand); // We should restore states after changes in document (by DocumentUndoProvider) to avoid corruption by our onBeforeDocumentChange() // Undo actions are performed in backward order, while redo actions are performed in forward order. // Thus we should register two UndoableActions. myInsideCommand = true; enterBulkChangeUpdateBlock(); registerUndoRedo(true, allAffectedChanges); try { task.run(); } finally { registerUndoRedo(false, allAffectedChanges); exitBulkChangeUpdateBlock(); myInsideCommand = false; } }); } private void registerUndoRedo(boolean undo, @Nullable TIntArrayList affectedChanges) { if (myUndoManager == null) return; List<S> states; if (affectedChanges != null) { states = new ArrayList<>(affectedChanges.size()); affectedChanges.forEach((index) -> { states.add(storeChangeState(index)); return true; }); } else { states = new ArrayList<>(getChangesCount()); for (int index = 0; index < getChangesCount(); index++) { states.add(storeChangeState(index)); } } myUndoManager.undoableActionPerformed(new MyUndoableAction(this, states, undo)); } private static class MyUndoableAction extends BasicUndoableAction { @NotNull private final WeakReference<MergeModelBase> myModelRef; @NotNull private final List<? extends State> myStates; private final boolean myUndo; public MyUndoableAction(@NotNull MergeModelBase model, @NotNull List<? extends State> states, boolean undo) { super(model.myDocument); myModelRef = new WeakReference<>(model); myStates = states; myUndo = undo; } @Override public final void undo() throws UnexpectedUndoException { MergeModelBase model = myModelRef.get(); if (model != null && myUndo) restoreStates(model); } @Override public final void redo() throws UnexpectedUndoException { MergeModelBase model = myModelRef.get(); if (model != null && !myUndo) restoreStates(model); } private void restoreStates(@NotNull MergeModelBase model) { if (model.isDisposed()) return; if (model.getChangesCount() == 0) return; model.enterBulkChangeUpdateBlock(); try { for (State state : myStates) { //noinspection unchecked model.restoreChangeState(state); model.invalidateHighlighters(state.myIndex); } } finally { model.exitBulkChangeUpdateBlock(); } } } // // Actions // @RequiredWriteAction public void replaceChange(int index, @NotNull List<? extends CharSequence> newContent) { LOG.assertTrue(isInsideCommand()); int outputStartLine = getLineStart(index); int outputEndLine = getLineEnd(index); DiffUtil.applyModification(myDocument, outputStartLine, outputEndLine, newContent); if (outputStartLine == outputEndLine) { // onBeforeDocumentChange() should process other cases correctly int newOutputEndLine = outputStartLine + newContent.size(); moveChangesAfterInsertion(index, outputStartLine, newOutputEndLine); } } @RequiredWriteAction public void appendChange(int index, @NotNull List<? extends CharSequence> newContent) { LOG.assertTrue(isInsideCommand()); int outputStartLine = getLineStart(index); int outputEndLine = getLineEnd(index); DiffUtil.applyModification(myDocument, outputEndLine, outputEndLine, newContent); int newOutputEndLine = outputEndLine + newContent.size(); moveChangesAfterInsertion(index, outputStartLine, newOutputEndLine); } /* * We want to include inserted block into change, so we are updating endLine(BASE). * * It could break order of changes if there are other changes that starts/ends at this line. * So we should check all other changes and shift them if necessary. */ private void moveChangesAfterInsertion(int index, int newOutputStartLine, int newOutputEndLine) { LOG.assertTrue(isInsideCommand()); if (getLineStart(index) != newOutputStartLine || getLineEnd(index) != newOutputEndLine) { setLineStart(index, newOutputStartLine); setLineEnd(index, newOutputEndLine); invalidateHighlighters(index); } boolean beforeChange = true; for (int otherIndex = 0; otherIndex < getChangesCount(); otherIndex++) { int startLine = getLineStart(otherIndex); int endLine = getLineEnd(otherIndex); if (endLine < newOutputStartLine) continue; if (startLine > newOutputEndLine) break; if (index == otherIndex) { beforeChange = false; continue; } int newStartLine = beforeChange ? Math.min(startLine, newOutputStartLine) : Math.max(startLine, newOutputEndLine); int newEndLine = beforeChange ? Math.min(endLine, newOutputStartLine) : Math.max(endLine, newOutputEndLine); if (startLine != newStartLine || endLine != newEndLine) { setLineStart(otherIndex, newStartLine); setLineEnd(otherIndex, newEndLine); invalidateHighlighters(otherIndex); } } } /* * Nearby changes could be affected as well (ex: by moveChangesAfterInsertion) * * null means all changes could be affected */ @NotNull @RequiredDispatchThread private TIntArrayList collectAffectedChanges(@NotNull TIntArrayList directChanges) { TIntArrayList result = new TIntArrayList(directChanges.size()); int directArrayIndex = 0; int otherIndex = 0; while (directArrayIndex < directChanges.size() && otherIndex < getChangesCount()) { int directIndex = directChanges.get(directArrayIndex); if (directIndex == otherIndex) { result.add(directIndex); otherIndex++; continue; } int directStart = getLineStart(directIndex); int directEnd = getLineEnd(directIndex); int otherStart = getLineStart(otherIndex); int otherEnd = getLineEnd(otherIndex); if (otherEnd < directStart) { otherIndex++; continue; } if (otherStart > directEnd) { directArrayIndex++; continue; } result.add(otherIndex); otherIndex++; } LOG.assertTrue(directChanges.size() <= result.size()); return result; } // // Helpers // public static class State { public final int myIndex; public final int myStartLine; public final int myEndLine; public State(int index, int startLine, int endLine) { myIndex = index; myStartLine = startLine; myEndLine = endLine; } } }