/* * Copyright 2000-2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.diff.comparison; import com.intellij.diff.comparison.LineFragmentSplitter.WordBlock; import com.intellij.diff.comparison.iterables.DiffIterable; import com.intellij.diff.comparison.iterables.DiffIterableUtil.*; import com.intellij.diff.comparison.iterables.FairDiffIterable; import com.intellij.diff.fragments.DiffFragment; import com.intellij.diff.fragments.MergeWordFragment; import com.intellij.diff.util.MergeRange; import com.intellij.diff.util.Range; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressIndicator; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Couple; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.util.text.MergingCharSequence; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static com.intellij.diff.comparison.ComparisonManagerImpl.convertIntoDiffFragments; import static com.intellij.diff.comparison.ComparisonManagerImpl.convertIntoMergeWordFragments; import static com.intellij.diff.comparison.TrimUtil.*; import static com.intellij.diff.comparison.TrimUtil.trim; import static com.intellij.diff.comparison.iterables.DiffIterableUtil.*; import static com.intellij.diff.comparison.iterables.DiffIterableUtil.trim; import static com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil.isWhiteSpace; public class ByWord { @NotNull public static List<DiffFragment> compare(@NotNull CharSequence text1, @NotNull CharSequence text2, @NotNull ComparisonPolicy policy, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { indicator.checkCanceled(); List<InlineChunk> words1 = getInlineChunks(text1); List<InlineChunk> words2 = getInlineChunks(text2); return compare(text1, words1, text2, words2, policy, indicator); } @NotNull public static List<DiffFragment> compare(@NotNull CharSequence text1, @NotNull List<InlineChunk> words1, @NotNull CharSequence text2, @NotNull List<InlineChunk> words2, @NotNull ComparisonPolicy policy, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { FairDiffIterable wordChanges = diff(words1, words2, indicator); wordChanges = optimizeWordChunks(text1, text2, words1, words2, wordChanges, indicator); FairDiffIterable delimitersIterable = matchAdjustmentDelimiters(text1, text2, words1, words2, wordChanges, indicator); DiffIterable iterable = matchAdjustmentWhitespaces(text1, text2, delimitersIterable, policy, indicator); return convertIntoDiffFragments(iterable); } @NotNull public static List<MergeWordFragment> compare(@NotNull CharSequence text1, @NotNull CharSequence text2, @NotNull CharSequence text3, @NotNull ComparisonPolicy policy, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { indicator.checkCanceled(); List<InlineChunk> words1 = getInlineChunks(text1); List<InlineChunk> words2 = getInlineChunks(text2); List<InlineChunk> words3 = getInlineChunks(text3); FairDiffIterable wordChanges1 = diff(words2, words1, indicator); wordChanges1 = optimizeWordChunks(text2, text1, words2, words1, wordChanges1, indicator); FairDiffIterable iterable1 = matchAdjustmentDelimiters(text2, text1, words2, words1, wordChanges1, indicator); FairDiffIterable wordChanges2 = diff(words2, words3, indicator); wordChanges2 = optimizeWordChunks(text2, text3, words2, words3, wordChanges2, indicator); FairDiffIterable iterable2 = matchAdjustmentDelimiters(text2, text3, words2, words3, wordChanges2, indicator); List<MergeRange> wordConflicts = ComparisonMergeUtil.buildFair(iterable1, iterable2, indicator); List<MergeRange> result = matchAdjustmentWhitespaces(text1, text2, text3, wordConflicts, policy, indicator); return convertIntoMergeWordFragments(result); } @NotNull public static List<LineBlock> compareAndSplit(@NotNull CharSequence text1, @NotNull CharSequence text2, @NotNull ComparisonPolicy policy, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { indicator.checkCanceled(); // TODO: figure out, what do we exactly want from 'Split' logic // -- it is used for trimming of ignored blocks. So we want whitespace-only leading/trailing lines to be separate block. // -- old approach: split by matched '\n's // TODO: other approach could lead to better results: // * Compare words-only // * prefer big chunks // -- here we can try to minimize number of matched pairs 'pair[i]' and 'pair[i+1]' such that // containsNewline(pair[i].left .. pair[i+1].left) XOR containsNewline(pair[i].right .. pair[i+1].right) == true // ex: "A X C" - "A Y C \n M C" - do not match with last 'C' // ex: "A \n" - "A B \n \n" - do not match with last '\n' // Try some greedy approach ? // * split into blocks // -- squash blocks with too small unchanged words count (1 matched word out of 40 - is a bad reason to create new block) // * match adjustment punctuation // * match adjustment whitespaces ('\n' are matched here) List<InlineChunk> words1 = getInlineChunks(text1); List<InlineChunk> words2 = getInlineChunks(text2); FairDiffIterable wordChanges = diff(words1, words2, indicator); wordChanges = optimizeWordChunks(text1, text2, words1, words2, wordChanges, indicator); List<WordBlock> wordBlocks = new LineFragmentSplitter(text1, text2, words1, words2, wordChanges, indicator).run(); List<LineBlock> lineBlocks = new ArrayList<>(wordBlocks.size()); for (WordBlock block : wordBlocks) { Range offsets = block.offsets; Range words = block.words; CharSequence subtext1 = text1.subSequence(offsets.start1, offsets.end1); CharSequence subtext2 = text2.subSequence(offsets.start2, offsets.end2); List<InlineChunk> subwords1 = words1.subList(words.start1, words.end1); List<InlineChunk> subwords2 = words2.subList(words.start2, words.end2); FairDiffIterable subiterable = fair(trim(wordChanges, words.start1, words.end1, words.start2, words.end2)); FairDiffIterable delimitersIterable = matchAdjustmentDelimiters(subtext1, subtext2, subwords1, subwords2, subiterable, offsets.start1, offsets.start2, indicator); DiffIterable iterable = matchAdjustmentWhitespaces(subtext1, subtext2, delimitersIterable, policy, indicator); List<DiffFragment> fragments = convertIntoDiffFragments(iterable); int newlines1 = countNewlines(subwords1); int newlines2 = countNewlines(subwords2); lineBlocks.add(new LineBlock(fragments, offsets, newlines1, newlines2)); } return lineBlocks; } // // Impl // @NotNull private static FairDiffIterable optimizeWordChunks(@NotNull CharSequence text1, @NotNull CharSequence text2, @NotNull List<InlineChunk> words1, @NotNull List<InlineChunk> words2, @NotNull FairDiffIterable iterable, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { return new ChunkOptimizer.WordChunkOptimizer(words1, words2, text1, text2, iterable, indicator).build(); } @NotNull private static FairDiffIterable matchAdjustmentDelimiters(@NotNull CharSequence text1, @NotNull CharSequence text2, @NotNull List<InlineChunk> words1, @NotNull List<InlineChunk> words2, @NotNull FairDiffIterable changes, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { return matchAdjustmentDelimiters(text1, text2, words1, words2, changes, 0, 0, indicator); } @NotNull private static FairDiffIterable matchAdjustmentDelimiters(@NotNull CharSequence text1, @NotNull CharSequence text2, @NotNull List<InlineChunk> words1, @NotNull List<InlineChunk> words2, @NotNull FairDiffIterable changes, int startShift1, int startShift2, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { return new AdjustmentPunctuationMatcher(text1, text2, words1, words2, startShift1, startShift2, changes, indicator).build(); } @NotNull private static DiffIterable matchAdjustmentWhitespaces(@NotNull CharSequence text1, @NotNull CharSequence text2, @NotNull FairDiffIterable iterable, @NotNull ComparisonPolicy policy, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { switch (policy) { case DEFAULT: return new DefaultCorrector(iterable, text1, text2, indicator).build(); case TRIM_WHITESPACES: DiffIterable defaultIterable = new DefaultCorrector(iterable, text1, text2, indicator).build(); return new TrimSpacesCorrector(defaultIterable, text1, text2, indicator).build(); case IGNORE_WHITESPACES: return new IgnoreSpacesCorrector(iterable, text1, text2, indicator).build(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(policy.name()); } } @NotNull private static List<MergeRange> matchAdjustmentWhitespaces(@NotNull CharSequence text1, @NotNull CharSequence text2, @NotNull CharSequence text3, @NotNull List<MergeRange> conflicts, @NotNull ComparisonPolicy policy, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { switch (policy) { case DEFAULT: return new MergeDefaultCorrector(conflicts, text1, text2, text3, indicator).build(); case TRIM_WHITESPACES: List<MergeRange> defaultConflicts = new MergeDefaultCorrector(conflicts, text1, text2, text3, indicator).build(); return new MergeTrimSpacesCorrector(defaultConflicts, text1, text2, text3, indicator).build(); case IGNORE_WHITESPACES: return new MergeIgnoreSpacesCorrector(conflicts, text1, text2, text3, indicator).build(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(policy.name()); } } // // Punctuation matching // /* * sample: "[ X { A ! B } Y ]" "( X ... Y )" will lead to comparison of 3 groups of separators * "[" vs "(", * "{" + "}" vs "..." * "]" vs ")" */ private static class AdjustmentPunctuationMatcher { @NotNull private final CharSequence myText1; @NotNull private final CharSequence myText2; @NotNull private final List<InlineChunk> myWords1; @NotNull private final List<InlineChunk> myWords2; @NotNull private final FairDiffIterable myChanges; @NotNull private final ProgressIndicator myIndicator; private final int myStartShift1; private final int myStartShift2; private final int myLen1; private final int myLen2; private final ChangeBuilder myBuilder; public AdjustmentPunctuationMatcher(@NotNull CharSequence text1, @NotNull CharSequence text2, @NotNull List<InlineChunk> words1, @NotNull List<InlineChunk> words2, int startShift1, int startShift2, @NotNull FairDiffIterable changes, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { myText1 = text1; myText2 = text2; myWords1 = words1; myWords2 = words2; myStartShift1 = startShift1; myStartShift2 = startShift2; myChanges = changes; myIndicator = indicator; myLen1 = text1.length(); myLen2 = text2.length(); myBuilder = new ChangeBuilder(myLen1, myLen2); } @NotNull public FairDiffIterable build() { execute(); return fair(myBuilder.finish()); } int lastStart1; int lastStart2; int lastEnd1; int lastEnd2; private void execute() { clearLastRange(); matchForward(-1, -1); for (Range ch : myChanges.iterateUnchanged()) { int count = ch.end1 - ch.start1; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int index1 = ch.start1 + i; int index2 = ch.start2 + i; int start1 = getStartOffset1(index1); int start2 = getStartOffset2(index2); int end1 = getEndOffset1(index1); int end2 = getEndOffset2(index2); matchBackward(index1, index2); myBuilder.markEqual(start1, start2, end1, end2); matchForward(index1, index2); } } matchBackward(myWords1.size(), myWords2.size()); } private void clearLastRange() { lastStart1 = -1; lastStart2 = -1; lastEnd1 = -1; lastEnd2 = -1; } private void matchBackward(int index1, int index2) { int start1 = index1 == 0 ? 0 : getEndOffset1(index1 - 1); int start2 = index2 == 0 ? 0 : getEndOffset2(index2 - 1); int end1 = index1 == myWords1.size() ? myLen1 : getStartOffset1(index1); int end2 = index2 == myWords2.size() ? myLen2 : getStartOffset2(index2); matchBackward(start1, start2, end1, end2); clearLastRange(); } private void matchForward(int index1, int index2) { int start1 = index1 == -1 ? 0 : getEndOffset1(index1); int start2 = index2 == -1 ? 0 : getEndOffset2(index2); int end1 = index1 + 1 == myWords1.size() ? myLen1 : getStartOffset1(index1 + 1); int end2 = index2 + 1 == myWords2.size() ? myLen2 : getStartOffset2(index2 + 1); matchForward(start1, start2, end1, end2); } private void matchForward(int start1, int start2, int end1, int end2) { assert lastStart1 == -1 && lastStart2 == -1 && lastEnd1 == -1 && lastEnd2 == -1; lastStart1 = start1; lastStart2 = start2; lastEnd1 = end1; lastEnd2 = end2; } private void matchBackward(int start1, int start2, int end1, int end2) { assert lastStart1 != -1 && lastStart2 != -1 && lastEnd1 != -1 && lastEnd2 != -1; if (lastStart1 == start1 && lastStart2 == start2) { // pair of adjustment matched words, match gap between ("A B" - "A B") assert lastEnd1 == end1 && lastEnd2 == end2; matchRange(start1, start2, end1, end2); return; } if (lastStart1 < start1 && lastStart2 < start2) { // pair of matched words, with few unmatched ones between ("A X B" - "A Y B") assert lastEnd1 <= start1 && lastEnd2 <= start2; matchRange(lastStart1, lastStart2, lastEnd1, lastEnd2); matchRange(start1, start2, end1, end2); return; } // one side adjustment, and other has non-matched words between ("A B" - "A Y B") matchComplexRange(lastStart1, lastStart2, lastEnd1, lastEnd2, start1, start2, end1, end2); } private void matchRange(int start1, int start2, int end1, int end2) { if (start1 == end1 && start2 == end2) return; CharSequence sequence1 = myText1.subSequence(start1, end1); CharSequence sequence2 = myText2.subSequence(start2, end2); DiffIterable changes = ByChar.comparePunctuation(sequence1, sequence2, myIndicator); for (Range ch : changes.iterateUnchanged()) { myBuilder.markEqual(start1 + ch.start1, start2 + ch.start2, start1 + ch.end1, start2 + ch.end2); } } private void matchComplexRange(int start11, int start12, int end11, int end12, int start21, int start22, int end21, int end22) { if (start11 == start21 && end11 == end21) { matchComplexRangeLeft(start11, end11, start12, end12, start22, end22); } else if (start12 == start22 && end12 == end22) { matchComplexRangeRight(start12, end12, start11, end11, start21, end21); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } private void matchComplexRangeLeft(int start1, int end1, int start12, int end12, int start22, int end22) { CharSequence sequence1 = myText1.subSequence(start1, end1); CharSequence sequence21 = myText2.subSequence(start12, end12); CharSequence sequence22 = myText2.subSequence(start22, end22); Couple<FairDiffIterable> changes = comparePunctuation2Side(sequence1, sequence21, sequence22, myIndicator); for (Range ch : changes.first.iterateUnchanged()) { myBuilder.markEqual(start1 + ch.start1, start12 + ch.start2, start1 + ch.end1, start12 + ch.end2); } for (Range ch : changes.second.iterateUnchanged()) { myBuilder.markEqual(start1 + ch.start1, start22 + ch.start2, start1 + ch.end1, start22 + ch.end2); } } private void matchComplexRangeRight(int start2, int end2, int start11, int end11, int start21, int end21) { CharSequence sequence11 = myText1.subSequence(start11, end11); CharSequence sequence12 = myText1.subSequence(start21, end21); CharSequence sequence2 = myText2.subSequence(start2, end2); Couple<FairDiffIterable> changes = comparePunctuation2Side(sequence2, sequence11, sequence12, myIndicator); // Mirrored ch.*1 and ch.*2 as we use "compare2Side" that works with 2 right side, while we have 2 left here for (Range ch : changes.first.iterateUnchanged()) { myBuilder.markEqual(start11 + ch.start2, start2 + ch.start1, start11 + ch.end2, start2 + ch.end1); } for (Range ch : changes.second.iterateUnchanged()) { myBuilder.markEqual(start21 + ch.start2, start2 + ch.start1, start21 + ch.end2, start2 + ch.end1); } } private int getStartOffset1(int index) { return myWords1.get(index).getOffset1() - myStartShift1; } private int getStartOffset2(int index) { return myWords2.get(index).getOffset1() - myStartShift2; } private int getEndOffset1(int index) { return myWords1.get(index).getOffset2() - myStartShift1; } private int getEndOffset2(int index) { return myWords2.get(index).getOffset2() - myStartShift2; } } /* * Compare one char sequence with two others (as if they were single sequence) * * Return two DiffIterable: (0, len1) - (0, len21) and (0, len1) - (0, len22) */ @NotNull private static Couple<FairDiffIterable> comparePunctuation2Side(@NotNull CharSequence text1, @NotNull CharSequence text21, @NotNull CharSequence text22, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { CharSequence text2 = new MergingCharSequence(text21, text22); FairDiffIterable changes = ByChar.comparePunctuation(text1, text2, indicator); Couple<List<Range>> ranges = splitIterable2Side(changes, text21.length()); FairDiffIterable iterable1 = fair(createUnchanged(ranges.first, text1.length(), text21.length())); FairDiffIterable iterable2 = fair(createUnchanged(ranges.second, text1.length(), text22.length())); return Couple.of(iterable1, iterable2); } @NotNull private static Couple<List<Range>> splitIterable2Side(@NotNull FairDiffIterable changes, int offset) { final List<Range> ranges1 = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Range> ranges2 = new ArrayList<>(); for (Range ch : changes.iterateUnchanged()) { if (ch.end2 <= offset) { ranges1.add(new Range(ch.start1, ch.end1, ch.start2, ch.end2)); } else if (ch.start2 >= offset) { ranges2.add(new Range(ch.start1, ch.end1, ch.start2 - offset, ch.end2 - offset)); } else { int len2 = offset - ch.start2; ranges1.add(new Range(ch.start1, ch.start1 + len2, ch.start2, offset)); ranges2.add(new Range(ch.start1 + len2, ch.end1, 0, ch.end2 - offset)); } } return Couple.of(ranges1, ranges2); } // // Whitespaces matching // private static class DefaultCorrector { @NotNull private final DiffIterable myIterable; @NotNull private final CharSequence myText1; @NotNull private final CharSequence myText2; @NotNull private final ProgressIndicator myIndicator; @NotNull private final List<Range> myChanges; public DefaultCorrector(@NotNull DiffIterable iterable, @NotNull CharSequence text1, @NotNull CharSequence text2, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { myIterable = iterable; myText1 = text1; myText2 = text2; myIndicator = indicator; myChanges = new ArrayList<>(); } @NotNull public DiffIterable build() { for (Range range : myIterable.iterateChanges()) { int endCut = expandBackwardW(myText1, myText2, range.start1, range.start2, range.end1, range.end2); int startCut = expandForwardW(myText1, myText2, range.start1, range.start2, range.end1 - endCut, range.end2 - endCut); Range expand = new Range(range.start1 + startCut, range.end1 - endCut, range.start2 + startCut, range.end2 - endCut); if (!expand.isEmpty()) { myChanges.add(expand); } } return create(myChanges, myText1.length(), myText2.length()); } } private static class MergeDefaultCorrector { @NotNull private final List<MergeRange> myIterable; @NotNull private final CharSequence myText1; @NotNull private final CharSequence myText2; @NotNull private final CharSequence myText3; @NotNull private final ProgressIndicator myIndicator; @NotNull private final List<MergeRange> myChanges; public MergeDefaultCorrector(@NotNull List<MergeRange> iterable, @NotNull CharSequence text1, @NotNull CharSequence text2, @NotNull CharSequence text3, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { myIterable = iterable; myText1 = text1; myText2 = text2; myText3 = text3; myIndicator = indicator; myChanges = new ArrayList<>(); } @NotNull public List<MergeRange> build() { for (MergeRange range : myIterable) { int endCut = expandBackwardW(myText1, myText2, myText3, range.start1, range.start2, range.start3, range.end1, range.end2, range.end3); int startCut = expandForwardW(myText1, myText2, myText3, range.start1, range.start2, range.start3, range.end1 - endCut, range.end2 - endCut, range.end3 - endCut); MergeRange expand = new MergeRange(range.start1 + startCut, range.end1 - endCut, range.start2 + startCut, range.end2 - endCut, range.start3 + startCut, range.end3 - endCut); if (!expand.isEmpty()) { myChanges.add(expand); } } return myChanges; } } private static class IgnoreSpacesCorrector { @NotNull private final DiffIterable myIterable; @NotNull private final CharSequence myText1; @NotNull private final CharSequence myText2; @NotNull private final ProgressIndicator myIndicator; @NotNull private final List<Range> myChanges; public IgnoreSpacesCorrector(@NotNull DiffIterable iterable, @NotNull CharSequence text1, @NotNull CharSequence text2, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { myIterable = iterable; myText1 = text1; myText2 = text2; myIndicator = indicator; myChanges = new ArrayList<>(); } @NotNull public DiffIterable build() { for (Range range : myIterable.iterateChanges()) { // match spaces if we can, ignore them if we can't Range expanded = expandW(myText1, myText2, range); Range trimmed = trim(myText1, myText2, expanded); if (!trimmed.isEmpty()) { myChanges.add(trimmed); } } return create(myChanges, myText1.length(), myText2.length()); } } private static class MergeIgnoreSpacesCorrector { @NotNull private final List<MergeRange> myIterable; @NotNull private final CharSequence myText1; @NotNull private final CharSequence myText2; @NotNull private final CharSequence myText3; @NotNull private final ProgressIndicator myIndicator; @NotNull private final List<MergeRange> myChanges; public MergeIgnoreSpacesCorrector(@NotNull List<MergeRange> iterable, @NotNull CharSequence text1, @NotNull CharSequence text2, @NotNull CharSequence text3, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { myIterable = iterable; myText1 = text1; myText2 = text2; myText3 = text3; myIndicator = indicator; myChanges = new ArrayList<>(); } @NotNull public List<MergeRange> build() { for (MergeRange range : myIterable) { MergeRange expanded = expandW(myText1, myText2, myText3, range); MergeRange trimmed = trim(myText1, myText2, myText3, expanded); if (!trimmed.isEmpty()) { myChanges.add(trimmed); } } return myChanges; } } private static class TrimSpacesCorrector { @NotNull private final DiffIterable myIterable; @NotNull private final CharSequence myText1; @NotNull private final CharSequence myText2; @NotNull private final ProgressIndicator myIndicator; @NotNull private final List<Range> myChanges; public TrimSpacesCorrector(@NotNull DiffIterable iterable, @NotNull CharSequence text1, @NotNull CharSequence text2, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { myIterable = iterable; myText1 = text1; myText2 = text2; myIndicator = indicator; myChanges = new ArrayList<>(); } @NotNull public DiffIterable build() { for (Range range : myIterable.iterateChanges()) { int start1 = range.start1; int start2 = range.start2; int end1 = range.end1; int end2 = range.end2; if (isLeadingTrailingSpace(myText1, start1)) { start1 = trimStart(myText1, start1, end1); } if (isLeadingTrailingSpace(myText1, end1 - 1)) { end1 = trimEnd(myText1, start1, end1); } if (isLeadingTrailingSpace(myText2, start2)) { start2 = trimStart(myText2, start2, end2); } if (isLeadingTrailingSpace(myText2, end2 - 1)) { end2 = trimEnd(myText2, start2, end2); } Range trimmed = new Range(start1, end1, start2, end2); if (!trimmed.isEmpty()) { myChanges.add(trimmed); } } return create(myChanges, myText1.length(), myText2.length()); } } private static class MergeTrimSpacesCorrector { @NotNull private final List<MergeRange> myIterable; @NotNull private final CharSequence myText1; @NotNull private final CharSequence myText2; @NotNull private final CharSequence myText3; @NotNull private final ProgressIndicator myIndicator; @NotNull private final List<MergeRange> myChanges; public MergeTrimSpacesCorrector(@NotNull List<MergeRange> iterable, @NotNull CharSequence text1, @NotNull CharSequence text2, @NotNull CharSequence text3, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { myIterable = iterable; myText1 = text1; myText2 = text2; myText3 = text3; myIndicator = indicator; myChanges = new ArrayList<>(); } @NotNull public List<MergeRange> build() { for (MergeRange range : myIterable) { int start1 = range.start1; int start2 = range.start2; int start3 = range.start3; int end1 = range.end1; int end2 = range.end2; int end3 = range.end3; if (isLeadingTrailingSpace(myText1, start1)) { start1 = trimStart(myText1, start1, end1); } if (isLeadingTrailingSpace(myText1, end1 - 1)) { end1 = trimEnd(myText1, start1, end1); } if (isLeadingTrailingSpace(myText2, start2)) { start2 = trimStart(myText2, start2, end2); } if (isLeadingTrailingSpace(myText2, end2 - 1)) { end2 = trimEnd(myText2, start2, end2); } if (isLeadingTrailingSpace(myText3, start3)) { start3 = trimStart(myText3, start3, end3); } if (isLeadingTrailingSpace(myText3, end3 - 1)) { end3 = trimEnd(myText3, start3, end3); } MergeRange trimmed = new MergeRange(start1, end1, start2, end2, start3, end3); if (!trimmed.isEmpty()) { myChanges.add(trimmed); } } return myChanges; } } private static boolean isLeadingTrailingSpace(@NotNull CharSequence text, int start) { return isLeadingSpace(text, start) || isTrailingSpace(text, start); } private static boolean isLeadingSpace(@NotNull CharSequence text, int start) { if (start < 0) return false; if (start == text.length()) return false; if (!isWhiteSpace(text.charAt(start))) return false; start--; while (start >= 0) { char c = text.charAt(start); if (c == '\n') return true; if (!isWhiteSpace(c)) return false; start--; } return true; } private static boolean isTrailingSpace(@NotNull CharSequence text, int end) { if (end < 0) return false; if (end == text.length()) return false; if (!isWhiteSpace(text.charAt(end))) return false; while (end < text.length()) { char c = text.charAt(end); if (c == '\n') return true; if (!isWhiteSpace(c)) return false; end++; } return true; } // // Misc // private static int countNewlines(@NotNull List<InlineChunk> words) { int count = 0; for (InlineChunk word : words) { if (word instanceof NewlineChunk) count++; } return count; } @NotNull public static List<InlineChunk> getInlineChunks(@NotNull final CharSequence text) { final List<InlineChunk> chunks = new ArrayList<>(); final int len = text.length(); int offset = 0; while (offset < len) { char ch = text.charAt(offset); if (isAlpha(ch)) { int startOffset = offset; int h = 0; while (offset < len) { char c = text.charAt(offset); if (!isAlpha(c)) break; h = 31 * h + c; offset++; } chunks.add(new WordChunk(text, startOffset, offset, h)); } else { while (offset < len) { char c = text.charAt(offset); if (isAlpha(c)) break; if (c == '\n') chunks.add(new NewlineChunk(offset)); offset++; } } } return chunks; } // // Helpers // public interface InlineChunk { int getOffset1(); int getOffset2(); } static class WordChunk implements InlineChunk { @NotNull private final CharSequence myText; private final int myOffset1; private final int myOffset2; private final int myHash; public WordChunk(@NotNull CharSequence text, int offset1, int offset2, int hash) { myText = text; myOffset1 = offset1; myOffset2 = offset2; myHash = hash; } @NotNull public CharSequence getContent() { return myText.subSequence(myOffset1, myOffset2); } public int getOffset1() { return myOffset1; } public int getOffset2() { return myOffset2; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; WordChunk word = (WordChunk)o; if (myHash != word.myHash) return false; return StringUtil.equals(getContent(), word.getContent()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return myHash; } } static class NewlineChunk implements InlineChunk { private final int myOffset; public NewlineChunk(int offset) { myOffset = offset; } @Override public int getOffset1() { return myOffset; } @Override public int getOffset2() { return myOffset + 1; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return getClass().hashCode(); } } public static class LineBlock { @NotNull public final List<DiffFragment> fragments; @NotNull public final Range offsets; public final int newlines1; public final int newlines2; public LineBlock(@NotNull List<DiffFragment> fragments, @NotNull Range offsets, int newlines1, int newlines2) { this.fragments = fragments; this.offsets = offsets; this.newlines1 = newlines1; this.newlines2 = newlines2; } } }