package org.jgroups.protocols; import org.jgroups.*; import org.jgroups.stack.Protocol; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * Tests for contention on UNICAST, measured by the number of retransmissions in UNICAST * @author Bela Ban */ @Test(groups=Global.STACK_INDEPENDENT, sequential=true) public class UNICAST_ContentionTest { JChannel c1, c2; static final String unicast_props="SHARED_LOOPBACK(thread_pool.queue_max_size=5000;" + "thread_pool.rejection_policy=discard;thread_pool.min_threads=20;thread_pool.max_threads=20;" + "oob_thread_pool.rejection_policy=discard;enable_bundling=true)"+ ":UNICAST(xmit_interval=2000)"; static final String unicast2_props=unicast_props.replace("UNICAST", "UNICAST2"); static final int NUM_THREADS=100; static final int NUM_MSGS=100; static final int SIZE=1000; // default size of a message in bytes @AfterMethod protected void tearDown() throws Exception { Util.close(c2, c1); } @Test(dataProvider="provider") public void testSimpleMessageReception(String props) throws Exception { c1=new JChannel(props); c1.setName("A"); c2=new JChannel(props); c2.setName("B"); MyReceiver r1=new MyReceiver("c1"), r2=new MyReceiver("c2"); c1.setReceiver(r1); c2.setReceiver(r2); c1.connect("testSimpleMessageReception"); c2.connect("testSimpleMessageReception"); int NUM=100; Address c1_addr=c1.getAddress(), c2_addr=c2.getAddress(); for(int i=1; i <= NUM; i++) { c1.send(c1_addr, "bla"); c1.send(c2_addr, "bla"); c2.send(c2_addr, "bla"); c2.send(c1_addr, "bla"); } for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { if(r1.getNum() == NUM * 2 && r2.getNum() == NUM * 2) break; Util.sleep(500); } System.out.println("c1 received " + r1.getNum() + " msgs, " + getNumberOfRetransmissions(c1) + " retransmissions"); System.out.println("c2 received " + r2.getNum() + " msgs, " + getNumberOfRetransmissions(c2) + " retransmissions"); assert r1.getNum() == NUM * 2: "expected " + NUM *2 + ", but got " + r1.getNum(); assert r2.getNum() == NUM * 2: "expected " + NUM *2 + ", but got " + r2.getNum(); } /** * Multiple threads (NUM_THREADS) send messages (NUM_MSGS) * @throws Exception */ @Test(dataProvider="provider") public void testMessageReceptionUnderHighLoad(String props) throws Exception { CountDownLatch latch=new CountDownLatch(1); c1=new JChannel(props); c1.setName("A"); c2=new JChannel(props); c2.setName("B"); MyReceiver r1=new MyReceiver("c1"), r2=new MyReceiver("c2"); c1.setReceiver(r1); c2.setReceiver(r2); c1.connect("testSimpleMessageReception"); c2.connect("testSimpleMessageReception"); Address c1_addr=c1.getAddress(), c2_addr=c2.getAddress(); MySender[] c1_senders=new MySender[NUM_THREADS]; for(int i=0; i < c1_senders.length; i++) { c1_senders[i]=new MySender(c1, c2_addr, latch); c1_senders[i].start(); } MySender[] c2_senders=new MySender[NUM_THREADS]; for(int i=0; i < c2_senders.length; i++) { c2_senders[i]=new MySender(c2, c1_addr, latch); c2_senders[i].start(); } latch.countDown(); // starts all threads for(MySender sender: c1_senders) sender.join(); for(MySender sender: c2_senders) sender.join(); System.out.println("Senders are done, waiting for all messages to be received"); long NUM_EXPECTED_MSGS=NUM_THREADS * NUM_MSGS; for(int i=0; i < 20; i++) { if(r1.getNum() == NUM_EXPECTED_MSGS && r2.getNum() == NUM_EXPECTED_MSGS) break; Util.sleep(2000); UNICAST2 unicast2=(UNICAST2)c1.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(UNICAST2.class); if(unicast2 != null) unicast2.sendStableMessages(); unicast2=(UNICAST2)c2.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(UNICAST2.class); if(unicast2 != null) unicast2.sendStableMessages(); } System.out.println("c1 received " + r1.getNum() + " msgs, " + getNumberOfRetransmissions(c1) + " retransmissions"); System.out.println("c2 received " + r2.getNum() + " msgs, " + getNumberOfRetransmissions(c2) + " retransmissions"); assert r1.getNum() == NUM_EXPECTED_MSGS : "expected " + NUM_EXPECTED_MSGS + ", but got " + r1.getNum(); assert r2.getNum() == NUM_EXPECTED_MSGS : "expected " + NUM_EXPECTED_MSGS + ", but got " + r2.getNum(); } @DataProvider static Object[][] provider() { return new Object[][] { {unicast_props}, {unicast2_props} }; } private static long getNumberOfRetransmissions(JChannel ch) { Protocol prot=ch.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(UNICAST.class, UNICAST2.class); if(prot instanceof UNICAST) return ((UNICAST)prot).getNumXmits(); return -1; } private static class MySender extends Thread { private final JChannel ch; private final Address dest; private final CountDownLatch latch; private final byte[] buf=new byte[SIZE]; public MySender(JChannel ch, Address dest, CountDownLatch latch) {; this.dest=dest; this.latch=latch; } public void run() { try { latch.await(); } catch(InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for(int i=0; i < NUM_MSGS; i++) { try { Message msg=new Message(dest, null, buf); ch.send(msg); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } private static class MyReceiver extends ReceiverAdapter { final String name; final AtomicInteger num=new AtomicInteger(0); static final long MOD=NUM_MSGS * NUM_THREADS / 10; public MyReceiver(String name) {; } public void receive(Message msg) { if(num.incrementAndGet() % MOD == 0) { System.out.println("[" + name + "] received " + getNum() + " msgs"); } } public int getNum() { return num.get(); } } }