package org.jgroups.blocks; import org.jgroups.Address; import org.jgroups.Global; import org.jgroups.stack.IpAddress; import org.jgroups.util.DefaultThreadFactory; import org.jgroups.util.ResourceManager; import org.jgroups.util.StackType; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; /** * Tests ConnectionMap * @author Bela Ban */ @Test(groups=Global.FUNCTIONAL,sequential=true) public class ConnectionMapTest { private TCPConnectionMap ct1, ct2; static final InetAddress loopback_addr; static { try { StackType type=Util.getIpStackType(); String tmp=type == StackType.IPv6? "::1" : ""; loopback_addr=InetAddress.getByName(tmp); } catch(UnknownHostException e) { throw new RuntimeException("failed initializing loopback_addr", e); } } static byte[] data={'b', 'e', 'l', 'a'}; protected int PORT1, PORT2; protected Address addr1, addr2; @BeforeMethod protected void init() throws Exception { List<Short> ports=ResourceManager.getNextTcpPorts(loopback_addr, 2); PORT1=ports.get(0); PORT2=ports.get(1); addr1=new IpAddress(loopback_addr, PORT1); addr2=new IpAddress(loopback_addr, PORT2); } @AfterMethod protected void tearDown() throws Exception { if(ct2 != null) { ct2.stop(); ct2=null; } if(ct1 != null) { ct1.stop(); ct1=null; } } /** * A connects to B and B connects to A at the same time. This test makes sure we only have <em>one</em> connection, * not two, e.g. a spurious connection. Tests<p/> * Turned concurrent test into a simple sequential test. We're going to replace this code with NIO2 soon anyway... */ public void testReuseOfConnection() throws Exception { TCPConnectionMap.Receiver dummy=new TCPConnectionMap.Receiver() { public void receive(Address sender, byte[] data, int offset, int length) {} }; ct1=new TCPConnectionMap("ConnectionMapTest1", new DefaultThreadFactory("ConnectionMapTest", true), null, dummy, loopback_addr, null, 0, PORT1, PORT1); ct1.start(); ct2=new TCPConnectionMap("ConnectionMapTest2", new DefaultThreadFactory("ConnectionMapTest", true), null, dummy, loopback_addr, null, 0, PORT2, PORT2); ct2.start(); int num_conns; num_conns=ct1.getNumConnections(); assert num_conns == 0; num_conns=ct2.getNumConnections(); assert num_conns == 0; ct1.send(addr2, data, 0, data.length); ct2.send(addr1, data, 0, data.length); String msg="ct1: " + ct1 + "\nct2: " + ct2; System.out.println(msg); num_conns=ct1.getNumConnections(); assert num_conns == 1 : "num_conns for ct1 is " + num_conns + ", " + msg; num_conns=ct2.getNumConnections(); assert num_conns == 1 : "num_conns for ct2 is " + num_conns + ", " + msg; assert ct1.connectionEstablishedTo(addr2) : "valid connection to peer"; assert ct2.connectionEstablishedTo(addr1) : "valid connection to peer"; } public static void testBlockingQueue() { final BlockingQueue queue=new LinkedBlockingQueue(); Thread taker=new Thread() { public void run() { try { System.out.println("taking an element from the queue"); queue.take(); System.out.println("clear"); } catch(InterruptedException e) { } } }; taker.start(); Util.sleep(500); queue.clear(); // does this release the taker thread ? Util.interruptAndWaitToDie(taker); assert !(taker.isAlive()) : "taker: " + taker; } public void testStopConnectionMapNoSendQueues() throws Exception { ct1=new TCPConnectionMap("ConnectionMapTest1", new DefaultThreadFactory("ConnectionMapTest", true), new DummyReceiver(), loopback_addr, null, 0, PORT1, PORT1, 60000, 120000); ct1.setUseSendQueues(false); ct1.start(); ct2=new TCPConnectionMap("ConnectionMapTest2", new DefaultThreadFactory("ConnectionMapTest", true), new DummyReceiver(), loopback_addr, null, 0, PORT2, PORT2, 60000, 120000); ct2.setUseSendQueues(false); ct2.start(); _testStop(ct1, ct2); } public void testStopConnectionMapWithSendQueues() throws Exception { ct1=new TCPConnectionMap("ConnectionMapTest1", new DefaultThreadFactory("ConnectionMapTest", true), new DummyReceiver(), loopback_addr, null, 0, PORT1, PORT1, 60000, 120000); ct1.start(); ct2=new TCPConnectionMap("ConnectionMapTest2", new DefaultThreadFactory("ConnectionMapTest", true), new DummyReceiver(), loopback_addr, null, 0, PORT2, PORT2, 60000, 120000); ct2.start(); _testStop(ct1, ct2); } /* public void testStopConnectionMapNIONoSendQueues() throws Exception { ct1=new ConnectionTableNIO(new DummyReceiver(), loopback_addr, null, PORT1, PORT1, 60000, 120000, false); ct1.setUseSendQueues(false); ct2=new ConnectionTableNIO(new DummyReceiver(), loopback_addr, null, PORT2, PORT2, 60000, 120000, false); ct2.setUseSendQueues(false); ct1.start(); ct2.start(); _testStop(ct1, ct2); } public void testStopConnectionMapNIOWithSendQueues() throws Exception { ct1=new ConnectionTableNIO(new DummyReceiver(), loopback_addr, null, PORT1, PORT1, 60000, 120000, false); ct2=new ConnectionTableNIO(new DummyReceiver(), loopback_addr, null, PORT2, PORT2, 60000, 120000, false); ct1.start(); ct2.start(); _testStop(ct1, ct2); }*/ private void _testStop(TCPConnectionMap table1, TCPConnectionMap table2) throws Exception { table1.send(addr1, data, 0, data.length); // send to self assert table1.getNumConnections() == 0; table1.send(addr2, data, 0, data.length); // send to other table2.send(addr2, data, 0, data.length); // send to self table2.send(addr1, data, 0, data.length); // send to other System.out.println("table1:\n" + table1 + "\ntable2:\n" + table2); int num_conns_table1=table1.getNumConnections(), num_conns_table2=table2.getNumConnections(); assert num_conns_table1 == 1 : "table1 should have 1 connection, but has " + num_conns_table1 + ": " + table1; assert num_conns_table2 == 1 : "table2 should have 1 connection, but has " + num_conns_table2 + ": " + table2; table2.stop(); table1.stop(); assert table1.getNumConnections() == 0 : "table1 should have 0 connections: " + table1; assert table2.getNumConnections() == 0 : "table2 should have 0 connections: " + table2; } static class DummyReceiver implements TCPConnectionMap.Receiver { public void receive(Address sender, byte[] data, int offset, int length) { System.out.println("-- received " + length + " bytes from " + sender); } } }