package org.jgroups.stack; import org.jgroups.Address; import org.jgroups.PhysicalAddress; import org.jgroups.annotations.GuardedBy; import org.jgroups.logging.Log; import org.jgroups.logging.LogFactory; import org.jgroups.protocols.PingData; import org.jgroups.protocols.TUNNEL.StubReceiver; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; /** * Client stub that talks to a remote GossipRouter * @author Bela Ban */ public class RouterStub { public static enum ConnectionStatus {INITIAL, CONNECTION_BROKEN, CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED, CONNECTED,DISCONNECTED}; protected final String router_host; // name of the router host protected final int router_port; // port on which router listens on protected Socket sock=null; // socket connecting to the router protected DataOutputStream output=null; protected DataInputStream input=null; protected volatile ConnectionStatus connectionState=ConnectionStatus.INITIAL; protected static final Log log=LogFactory.getLog(RouterStub.class); protected final ConnectionListener conn_listener; protected final InetAddress bind_addr; protected int sock_conn_timeout=3000; // max number of ms to wait for socket establishment to // GossipRouter protected int sock_read_timeout=3000; // max number of ms to wait for socket reads (0 means block // forever, or until the sock is closed) protected boolean tcp_nodelay=true; protected volatile StubReceiver receiver; // used to synchronize access to socket, and input and output stream protected final ReentrantLock lock=new ReentrantLock(); public interface ConnectionListener { void connectionStatusChange(RouterStub stub, ConnectionStatus state); } /** * Creates a stub for a remote Router object. * @param routerHost The name of the router's host * @param routerPort The router's port * @throws SocketException */ public RouterStub(String routerHost, int routerPort, InetAddress bindAddress, ConnectionListener l) { router_host=routerHost != null? routerHost : "localhost"; router_port=routerPort; bind_addr=bindAddress; conn_listener=l; } public void setReceiver(StubReceiver receiver) { this.receiver = receiver; } public StubReceiver getReceiver() { return receiver; } public boolean isTcpNoDelay() { return tcp_nodelay; } public void setTcpNoDelay(boolean tcp_nodelay) { this.tcp_nodelay=tcp_nodelay; } public void interrupt() { StubReceiver tmp=receiver; if(tmp != null) { Thread thread=tmp.getThread(); if(thread != null) thread.interrupt(); } } public void join(long wait) throws InterruptedException { StubReceiver tmp=receiver; if(tmp != null) { Thread thread=tmp.getThread(); if(thread != null) thread.join(wait); } } public int getSocketConnectionTimeout() { return sock_conn_timeout; } public void setSocketConnectionTimeout(int sock_conn_timeout) { this.sock_conn_timeout=sock_conn_timeout; } public int getSocketReadTimeout() { return sock_read_timeout; } public void setSocketReadTimeout(int sock_read_timeout) { this.sock_read_timeout=sock_read_timeout; } public boolean isConnected() { return !(connectionState == ConnectionStatus.CONNECTION_BROKEN || connectionState == ConnectionStatus.INITIAL); } public ConnectionStatus getConnectionStatus() { return connectionState; } /** * Register this process with the router under <code>group</code>. * @param group The name of the group under which to register */ public void connect(String group, Address addr, String logical_name, List<PhysicalAddress> phys_addrs) throws Exception { lock.lock(); try { _doConnect(); GossipData request=new GossipData(GossipRouter.CONNECT, group, addr, logical_name, phys_addrs); request.writeTo(output); output.flush(); byte result = input.readByte(); if(result == GossipRouter.CONNECT_OK) { connectionStateChanged(ConnectionStatus.CONNECTED); } else { connectionStateChanged(ConnectionStatus.DISCONNECTED); throw new Exception("Connect failed received from GR " + getGossipRouterAddress()); } } finally { if(lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) lock.unlock(); } } public void doConnect() throws Exception { lock.lock(); try { _doConnect(); } finally { if(lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) lock.unlock(); } } @GuardedBy("lock") protected void _doConnect() throws Exception { if(!isConnected()) { try { sock=new Socket(); sock.bind(new InetSocketAddress(bind_addr, 0)); sock.setSoTimeout(sock_read_timeout); sock.setSoLinger(true, 2); sock.setTcpNoDelay(tcp_nodelay); sock.setKeepAlive(true); Util.connect(sock, new InetSocketAddress(router_host, router_port), sock_conn_timeout); output=new DataOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream()); input=new DataInputStream(sock.getInputStream()); connectionStateChanged(ConnectionStatus.CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED); } catch(Exception e) { Util.close(sock); Util.close(input); Util.close(output); connectionStateChanged(ConnectionStatus.CONNECTION_BROKEN); throw new Exception("Could not connect to " + getGossipRouterAddress() , e); } } } /** * Checks whether the connection is open * @return */ public void checkConnection() { GossipData request=new GossipData(GossipRouter.PING); lock.lock(); try { request.writeTo(output); output.flush(); } catch(Exception e) { connectionStateChanged(ConnectionStatus.CONNECTION_BROKEN); } finally { if(lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) lock.unlock(); } } public void disconnect(String group, Address addr) { lock.lock(); try { GossipData request=new GossipData(GossipRouter.DISCONNECT, group, addr); request.writeTo(output); output.flush(); } catch(Exception e) { } finally { connectionStateChanged(ConnectionStatus.DISCONNECTED); if(lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) // not needed as connectionStateChanged() unlocks, but this gets rid of the warning lock.unlock(); } } public void destroy() { lock.lock(); try { GossipData request = new GossipData(GossipRouter.CLOSE); request.writeTo(output); output.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { Util.close(output); Util.close(input); Util.close(sock); if(lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) lock.unlock(); } } /* * Used only in testing, never access socket directly * */ public Socket getSocket() { return sock; } public List<PingData> getMembers(final String group) throws Exception { List<PingData> retval=new ArrayList<PingData>(); lock.lock(); try { if(!isConnected() || input == null) throw new Exception ("not connected"); // we might get a spurious SUSPECT message from the router, just ignore it if(input.available() > 0) // fixes input.skipBytes(input.available()); GossipData request=new GossipData(GossipRouter.GOSSIP_GET, group, null); request.writeTo(output); output.flush(); short num_rsps=input.readShort(); for(int i=0; i < num_rsps; i++) { PingData rsp=new PingData(); rsp.readFrom(input); retval.add(rsp); } return retval; } catch(Exception e) { connectionStateChanged(ConnectionStatus.CONNECTION_BROKEN); throw new Exception("Connection to " + getGossipRouterAddress() + " broken. Could not send GOSSIP_GET request", e); } finally { if(lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) lock.unlock(); } } public InetSocketAddress getGossipRouterAddress() { return new InetSocketAddress(router_host, router_port); } public String toString() { return "RouterStub[localsocket=" + ((sock != null) ? sock.getLocalSocketAddress() : "null")+ ",router_host=" + router_host + "::" + router_port + ",connected=" + isConnected() + "]"; } public void sendToAllMembers(String group, byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws Exception { sendToMember(group, null, data, offset, length); // null destination represents mcast } public void sendToMember(String group, Address dest, byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws Exception { lock.lock(); try { GossipData request = new GossipData(GossipRouter.MESSAGE, group, dest, data, offset, length); request.writeTo(output); output.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { connectionStateChanged(ConnectionStatus.CONNECTION_BROKEN); throw new Exception("Connection to " + getGossipRouterAddress() + " broken. Could not send message to " + dest, e); } finally { if(lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) lock.unlock(); } } public DataInputStream getInputStream() { return input; } protected void connectionStateChanged(ConnectionStatus newState) { boolean notify=connectionState != newState; connectionState=newState; if(notify && conn_listener != null) { // release lock as the callback below might block: if(lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) lock.unlock(); try { conn_listener.connectionStatusChange(this, newState); } catch(Throwable t) { log.error("failed notifying ConnectionListener " + conn_listener, t); } } } }