package; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.SortedMap; /** * Inner node of a B+-Tree. These nodes do not contain elements. They only * contain M keys (ordered) and M+1 sub-nodes (M > 0). The n-th sub-node will * contain elements whose keys are all less than the n-th key, except for the * last sub-node (L) which will contain elements whose keys will be greater * than or equal to the M-th key. */ public class InnerNode extends InnerNode_Base { private InnerNode() { super(); } InnerNode(AbstractNode leftNode, AbstractNode rightNode, Comparable splitKey) { TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> newMap = new TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode>(BPlusTree.COMPARATOR_SUPPORTING_LAST_KEY); newMap.put(splitKey, leftNode); newMap.put(BPlusTree.LAST_KEY, rightNode); setSubNodes(newMap); leftNode.setParent(this); rightNode.setParent(this); } private InnerNode(TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> subNodes) { setSubNodes(subNodes); for (AbstractNode subNode : subNodes.values()) { // smf: either don't do this or don't setParent when making new subNode.setParent(this); } } private TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> duplicateMap() { return new TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode>(getSubNodes()); } @Override public AbstractNode insert(Comparable key, Serializable value) { return findSubNode(key).insert(key, value); } // this method is invoked when a node in the next depth level got full, it // was split and now needs to pass a new key to its parent (this) AbstractNode rebase(AbstractNode subLeftNode, AbstractNode subRightNode, Comparable middleKey) { TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> newMap = justInsertUpdatingParentRelation(middleKey, subLeftNode, subRightNode); if (newMap.size() <= BPlusTree.MAX_NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS) { // this node can accommodate the new split return getRoot(); } else { // must split this node // find middle position (key to move up amd sub-node to move left) Iterator<Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode>> entriesIterator = newMap.entrySet().iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < BPlusTree.LOWER_BOUND; i++) {; } Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> splitEntry =; Comparable keyToSplit = splitEntry.getKey(); AbstractNode subNodeToMoveLeft = splitEntry.getValue(); Comparable nextKey =; // Split node in two. Notice that the 'keyToSplit' is left out of // this level. It will be moved up. TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> leftSubNodes = new TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode>(newMap.headMap(keyToSplit)); leftSubNodes.put(BPlusTree.LAST_KEY, subNodeToMoveLeft); InnerNode leftNode = new InnerNode(leftSubNodes); subNodeToMoveLeft.setParent(leftNode); // smf: maybe it is not necessary because of the code in the constructor InnerNode rightNode = new InnerNode(new TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode>(newMap.tailMap(nextKey))); // propagate split to parent if (this.getParent() == null) { InnerNode newRoot = new InnerNode(leftNode, rightNode, keyToSplit); return newRoot; } else { return this.getParent().rebase(leftNode, rightNode, keyToSplit); } } } private TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> justInsert(Comparable middleKey, AbstractNode subLeftNode, AbstractNode subRightNode) { TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> newMap = duplicateMap(); // find smallest key greater than middleKey Comparable keyJustAfterMiddleKey = newMap.higherKey(middleKey); newMap.put(keyJustAfterMiddleKey, subRightNode); // this replaces the previous mapping newMap.put(middleKey, subLeftNode); // this adds the new split setSubNodes(newMap); return newMap; } private TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> justInsertUpdatingParentRelation(Comparable middleKey, AbstractNode subLeftNode, AbstractNode subRightNode) { TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> newMap = justInsert(middleKey, subLeftNode, subRightNode); subLeftNode.setParent(this); subRightNode.setParent(this); return newMap; } @Override public AbstractNode remove(Comparable key) { return findSubNode(key).remove(key); } AbstractNode replaceDeletedKey(Comparable deletedKey, Comparable replacementKey) { AbstractNode subNode = this.getSubNodes().get(deletedKey); if (subNode != null) { // found the key a this level return replaceDeletedKey(deletedKey, replacementKey, subNode); } else if (this.getParent() != null) { return this.getParent().replaceDeletedKey(deletedKey, replacementKey); } else { return this; } } // replaces the key for the given sub-node. The deletedKey is expected to exist in this node private AbstractNode replaceDeletedKey(Comparable deletedKey, Comparable replacementKey, AbstractNode subNode) { TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> newMap = duplicateMap(); newMap.remove(deletedKey); newMap.put(replacementKey, subNode); setSubNodes(newMap); return getRoot(); } /* * Deal with underflow from LeafNode */ // null in replacement key means that deletedKey does not have to be // replaced. Corollary: the deleted key was not the first key in its leaf // node AbstractNode underflowFromLeaf(Comparable deletedKey, Comparable replacementKey) { Iterator<Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode>> it = this.getSubNodes().entrySet().iterator(); Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> previousEntry = null; Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> entry =; Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> nextEntry = null;; // first, identify the deletion point while (, deletedKey) <= 0) { previousEntry = entry; entry =; } // Now, the value() of 'entry' holds the child where the deletion occurred. /* * Decide whether to shift or merge, and whether to use the left * or the right sibling. We prefer merging to shifting. * * Also, we may need to replace the deleted key in some scenarios * (namely when the key was deleted from the left side of a node * AND that side was not changed by a merge/move with/from the left. */ if (previousEntry == null) { // the deletedKey was removed from the first sub-node nextEntry =; // always exists because of LAST_KEY if (nextEntry.getValue().shallowSize() == BPlusTree.LOWER_BOUND) { // can we merge with the right? rightLeafMerge(entry, nextEntry); } else { // cannot merge with the right. We have to move an element from the right to here moveChildFromRightToLeft(entry, nextEntry); } if (replacementKey != null && this.getParent() != null) { // the deletedKey occurs somewhere atop only this.getParent().replaceDeletedKey(deletedKey, replacementKey); } } else if (previousEntry.getValue().shallowSize() == BPlusTree.LOWER_BOUND) { // can we merge with the left? leftLeafMerge(previousEntry, entry); } else { // cannot merge with the left if (!it.hasNext() || (nextEntry = > BPlusTree.LOWER_BOUND) { // caution: tricky test!! // either there is no next or the next is above the lower bound moveChildFromLeftToRight(previousEntry, entry); } else { rightLeafMerge(entry, nextEntry); if (replacementKey != null) { // the deletedKey occurs anywhere (or at this level ONLY?) this.replaceDeletedKey(deletedKey, replacementKey, previousEntry.getValue()); } } } return checkForUnderflow(); } private AbstractNode checkForUnderflow() { TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> localSubNodes = this.getSubNodes(); // Now, just check for underflow in this node. The LAST_KEY is fake, so it does not count for the total. if (localSubNodes.size() < BPlusTree.LOWER_BOUND_WITH_LAST_KEY) { // the LAST_KEY is merely an indirection. This only occurs in the root node. We can reduce one depth. if (localSubNodes.size() == 1) { // This only occurs in the root node // (size == 1) => (parent == null), but NOT the inverse assert(this.getParent() == null); AbstractNode child = localSubNodes.firstEntry().getValue(); child.setParent(null); return child; } else if (this.getParent() != null) { return this.getParent().underflowFromInner(this); } } return getRoot(); } private void rightLeafMerge(Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> entry, Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> nextEntry) { leftLeafMerge(entry, nextEntry); } private void leftLeafMerge(Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> previousEntry, Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> entry) { entry.getValue().mergeWithLeftNode(previousEntry.getValue(), null); // remove the superfluous node TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> newMap = duplicateMap(); newMap.remove(previousEntry.getKey()); setSubNodes(newMap); } void mergeWithLeftNode(AbstractNode leftNode, Comparable splitKey) { InnerNode left = (InnerNode)leftNode; // this node does not know how to merge with another kind TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> newMap = duplicateMap(); TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> newLeftSubNodes = left.duplicateMap(); // change the parent of all the left sub-nodes InnerNode uncle = newMap.get(BPlusTree.LAST_KEY).getParent(); for (AbstractNode leftSubNode : newLeftSubNodes.values()) { leftSubNode.setParent(uncle); } // remove the entry for left's LAST_KEY Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> higherLeftValue = newLeftSubNodes.pollLastEntry(); // add the higher left value associated with the split-key newMap.put(splitKey, higherLeftValue.getValue()); // merge the remaining left sub-nodes newMap.putAll(newLeftSubNodes); setSubNodes(newMap); } // Get the rightmost key-value pair from the left sub-node and move it to the given sub-node. Update the split key private void moveChildFromLeftToRight(Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> leftEntry, Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> rightEntry) { AbstractNode leftSubNode = leftEntry.getValue(); Map.Entry<Comparable,Serializable> leftBiggestKeyValue = leftSubNode.removeBiggestKeyValue(); rightEntry.getValue().addKeyValue(leftBiggestKeyValue); // update the split key to be the key we just moved TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> newMap = duplicateMap(); newMap.remove(leftEntry.getKey()); newMap.put(leftBiggestKeyValue.getKey(), leftSubNode); setSubNodes(newMap); } // Get the leftmost key-value pair from the right sub-node and move it to the given sub-node. Update the split key private void moveChildFromRightToLeft(Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> leftEntry, Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> rightEntry) { AbstractNode rightSubNode = rightEntry.getValue(); Map.Entry<Comparable,Serializable> rightSmallestKeyValue = rightSubNode.removeSmallestKeyValue(); AbstractNode leftSubNode = leftEntry.getValue(); leftSubNode.addKeyValue(rightSmallestKeyValue); // update the split key to be the key after the one we just moved Comparable rightNextSmallestKey = rightSubNode.getSmallestKey(); TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> newMap = duplicateMap(); newMap.remove(leftEntry.getKey()); newMap.put(rightNextSmallestKey, leftSubNode); setSubNodes(newMap); } /* * Deal with underflow from InnerNode */ AbstractNode underflowFromInner(InnerNode deletedNode) { Iterator<Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode>> it = this.getSubNodes().entrySet().iterator(); Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> previousEntry = null; Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> entry = null; Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> nextEntry = null;; // first, identify the deletion point do { previousEntry = entry; entry =; } while (entry.getValue() != deletedNode); // Now, the value() of 'entry' holds the child where the deletion occurred. /* * Decide whether to shift or merge, and whether to use the left * or the right sibling. We prefer merging to shifting. */ if (previousEntry == null) { // the deletion occurred in the first sub-node nextEntry =; // always exists because of LAST_KEY if (nextEntry.getValue().shallowSize() == BPlusTree.LOWER_BOUND_WITH_LAST_KEY) { // can we merge with the right? rightInnerMerge(entry, nextEntry); } else { // cannot merge with the right. We have to move an element from the right to here rotateRightToLeft((Map.Entry)entry, (Map.Entry)nextEntry); } } else if (previousEntry.getValue().shallowSize() == BPlusTree.LOWER_BOUND_WITH_LAST_KEY) { // can we merge with the left? leftInnerMerge(previousEntry, entry); } else { // cannot merge with the left if (!it.hasNext() || (nextEntry = > BPlusTree.LOWER_BOUND_WITH_LAST_KEY) { // caution: tricky test!! // either there is no next or the next is above the lower bound rotateLeftToRight((Map.Entry)previousEntry, (Map.Entry)entry); } else { rightInnerMerge(entry, nextEntry); } } return checkForUnderflow(); } private void rightInnerMerge(Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> entry, Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> nextEntry) { leftInnerMerge(entry, nextEntry); } private void leftInnerMerge(Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> previousEntry, Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> entry) { Comparable splitKey = previousEntry.getKey(); entry.getValue().mergeWithLeftNode(previousEntry.getValue(), splitKey); // remove the superfluous node TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> newMap = duplicateMap(); newMap.remove(splitKey); setSubNodes(newMap); } private void rotateLeftToRight(Map.Entry<Comparable,InnerNode> leftEntry, Map.Entry<Comparable,InnerNode> rightEntry) { InnerNode leftSubNode = leftEntry.getValue(); InnerNode rightSubNode = rightEntry.getValue(); TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> newLeftSubNodeSubNodes = leftSubNode.duplicateMap(); TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> newRightSubNodeSubNodes = rightSubNode.duplicateMap(); Comparable leftHighestKey = newLeftSubNodeSubNodes.lowerKey(BPlusTree.LAST_KEY); AbstractNode leftHighestValue = newLeftSubNodeSubNodes.get(BPlusTree.LAST_KEY); // move the highest value from the left to the right. Use the split-key as the index. newRightSubNodeSubNodes.put(leftEntry.getKey(), leftHighestValue); leftHighestValue.setParent(rightSubNode); // shift a new child to the last entry on the left leftHighestValue = newLeftSubNodeSubNodes.remove(leftHighestKey); newLeftSubNodeSubNodes.put(BPlusTree.LAST_KEY, leftHighestValue); leftSubNode.setSubNodes(newLeftSubNodeSubNodes); rightSubNode.setSubNodes(newRightSubNodeSubNodes); // update the split-key to be the key we just removed from the left TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> newMap = duplicateMap(); newMap.remove(leftEntry.getKey()); newMap.put(leftHighestKey, leftSubNode); setSubNodes(newMap); } private void rotateRightToLeft(Map.Entry<Comparable,InnerNode> leftEntry, Map.Entry<Comparable,InnerNode> rightEntry) { InnerNode leftSubNode = leftEntry.getValue(); InnerNode rightSubNode = rightEntry.getValue(); TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> newLeftSubNodeSubNodes = leftSubNode.duplicateMap(); TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> newRightSubNodeSubNodes = rightSubNode.duplicateMap(); // re-index the left highest value under the split-key, which is moved down AbstractNode leftHighestValue = newLeftSubNodeSubNodes.get(BPlusTree.LAST_KEY); newLeftSubNodeSubNodes.put(leftEntry.getKey(), leftHighestValue); // remove right's lowest entry Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> rightLowestEntry = newRightSubNodeSubNodes.pollFirstEntry(); // set its value on the left AbstractNode rightLowestValue = rightLowestEntry.getValue(); newLeftSubNodeSubNodes.put(BPlusTree.LAST_KEY, rightLowestValue); rightLowestValue.setParent(leftSubNode); leftSubNode.setSubNodes(newLeftSubNodeSubNodes); rightSubNode.setSubNodes(newRightSubNodeSubNodes); // update the split-key to be the key we just removed from the right TreeMap<Comparable,AbstractNode> newMap = duplicateMap(); newMap.remove(leftEntry.getKey()); newMap.put(rightLowestEntry.getKey(), leftSubNode); setSubNodes(newMap); } @Override Map.Entry removeBiggestKeyValue() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented: removeBiggestKeyValue from inner node"); } @Override Map.Entry removeSmallestKeyValue() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented: removeSmallestKeyValue from inner node"); } @Override Comparable getSmallestKey() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented: getSmallestKey from inner node"); } @Override void addKeyValue(Map.Entry keyValue) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented: addKeyValue to inner node should account for LAST_KEY ?!?"); } @Override public Serializable get(Comparable key) { return findSubNode(key).get(key); } // travels to the leftmost leaf and goes from there; @Override public Serializable getIndex(int index) { return this.getSubNodes().firstEntry().getValue().getIndex(index); } // travels to the leftmost leaf and goes from there; @Override public AbstractNode removeIndex(int index) { return this.getSubNodes().firstEntry().getValue().removeIndex(index); } @Override public boolean containsKey(Comparable key) { return findSubNode(key).containsKey(key); } private AbstractNode findSubNode(Comparable key) { for (Map.Entry<Comparable,AbstractNode> subNode : this.getSubNodes().entrySet()) { Comparable splitKey = subNode.getKey(); if (, key) > 0) { // this will eventually be true because the LAST_KEY is greater than all return subNode.getValue(); } } throw new RuntimeException("findSubNode() didn't find a suitable sub-node!?"); } @Override int shallowSize() { return this.getSubNodes().size(); } @Override public int size() { int total = 0; for (AbstractNode subNode : this.getSubNodes().values()) { total += subNode.size(); } return total; } @Override Iterator<? extends Comparable> keysIterator() { return this.getSubNodes().firstEntry().getValue().keysIterator(); } @Override public Iterator iterator() { return this.getSubNodes().firstEntry().getValue().iterator(); } @Override public String dump(int level, boolean dumpKeysOnly, boolean dumpNodeIds) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder spaces = BPlusTree.spaces(level); str.append(spaces); str.append("[" + (dumpNodeIds ? this : "") + ": "); for (Map.Entry<Comparable, AbstractNode> entry : this.getSubNodes().entrySet()) { Comparable key = entry.getKey(); AbstractNode value = entry.getValue(); str.append("\n"); str.append(value.dump(level + 4, dumpKeysOnly, dumpNodeIds)); str.append(spaces); str.append("(" + key + ") "); } str.append("\n"); str.append(spaces); if (dumpNodeIds) { str.append("] ^" + this.getParent() + "\n"); } else { str.append("]\n"); } return str.toString(); } @Override Collection<? extends Comparable> getKeys() { return Collections.emptySet(); } }