package org.jgroups.util; import org.jgroups.Address; import org.jgroups.Event; import org.jgroups.Message; import org.jgroups.logging.Log; import org.jgroups.stack.Protocol; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.NavigableSet; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; /** * Forwards messages in FIFO order to a destination. Uses IDs to prevent duplicates. Used by * {@link org.jgroups.protocols.SEQUENCER} and {@link org.jgroups.protocols.FORWARD_TO_COORD}. * @author Bela Ban * @since 3.3 */ public class ForwardQueue { protected Protocol up_prot, down_prot; protected Address local_addr; /** The address to send messages to (e.g. the coordinator in {@link org.jgroups.protocols.FORWARD_TO_COORD}) */ // protected volatile Address target; /** Maintains messages forwarded to the target which which no ack has been received yet. * Needs to be sorted so we can resend them in the right order */ protected final NavigableMap<Long,Message> forward_table=new ConcurrentSkipListMap<Long,Message>(); protected final Lock send_lock=new ReentrantLock(); protected final Condition send_cond=send_lock.newCondition(); /** Set when we block all sending threads to resend all messages from forward_table */ protected volatile boolean flushing=false; protected volatile boolean running=true; /** Keeps track of the threads sending messages */ protected final AtomicInteger in_flight_sends=new AtomicInteger(0); // Maintains received seqnos, so we can weed out dupes protected final ConcurrentMap<Address,NavigableSet<Long>> delivery_table=Util.createConcurrentMap(); protected volatile Flusher flusher; /** Used for each resent message to wait until the message has been received */ protected final Promise<Long> ack_promise=new Promise<Long>(); protected final Log log; /** Size of the set to store received seqnos (for duplicate checking) */ protected int delivery_table_max_size=2000; public ForwardQueue(Log log) { this.log=log; } public Protocol getUpProt() {return up_prot;} public void setUpProt(Protocol up_prot) {this.up_prot=up_prot;} public Protocol getDownProt() {return down_prot;} public void setDownProt(Protocol down_prot) {this.down_prot=down_prot;} public Address getLocalAddr() {return local_addr;} public void setLocalAddr(Address local_addr) {this.local_addr=local_addr;} public int getDeliveryTableMaxSize() {return delivery_table_max_size;} public void setDeliveryTableMaxSize(int max_size) {this.delivery_table_max_size=max_size;} public void start() { running=true; } public void stop() { running=false; unblockAll(); stopFlusher(); forward_table.clear(); } public void send(long id, Message msg) { if(flushing) block(); in_flight_sends.incrementAndGet(); try { forward_table.put(id, msg); if(running && !flushing) down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, msg)); } finally { in_flight_sends.decrementAndGet(); } } public void receive(long id, Message msg) { Address sender=msg.getSrc(); if(sender == null) { if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error(local_addr + ": sender is null, cannot deliver message " + "::" + id); return; } if(!canDeliver(sender, id)) { if(log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn(local_addr + ": dropped duplicate message " + sender + "::" + id); return; } if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace(local_addr + ": delivering " + sender + "::" + id); up_prot.up(new Event(Event.MSG, msg)); } public void flush(Address new_target, final List<Address> mbrs) { delivery_table.keySet().retainAll(mbrs); if(new_target != null) { stopFlusher(); startFlusher(new_target); // needs to be done in the background, to prevent blocking if down() would block } } public void ack(long id) { forward_table.remove(id); ack_promise.setResult(id); // lock acquition, but most of the times it is uncontended, so this is not a cost } public int size() {return forward_table.size();} protected void doFlush(final Address new_target) throws InterruptedException { // wait until all threads currently sending messages have returned (new threads after flushing=true) will block // flushing is set to true in startFlusher() while(flushing && running) { if(in_flight_sends.get() == 0) break; Thread.sleep(100); } send_lock.lockInterruptibly(); try { if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace(local_addr + ": target changed to " + new_target); flushMessagesInForwardTable(new_target); } finally { if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace(local_addr + ": flushing completed"); flushing=false; send_cond.signalAll(); send_lock.unlock(); } } /** * Sends all messages currently in forward_table to the new target (changing the dest field). * This needs to be done, so the underlying reliable unicast protocol (e.g. UNICAST) adds these messages * to its retransmission mechanism<br/> * Note that we need to resend the messages in order of their seqnos ! We also need to prevent other message * from being inserted until we're done, that's why there's synchronization.<br/> * Access to the forward_table doesn't need to be synchronized as there won't be any insertions during flushing * (all down-threads are blocked) */ protected void flushMessagesInForwardTable(Address target) { // for forwarded messages, we need to receive the forwarded message from the coordinator, to prevent this case: // - V1={A,B,C} // - A crashes // - C installs V2={B,C} // - C forwards messages 3 and 4 to B (the new coord) // - B drops 3 because its view is still V1 // - B installs V2 // - B receives message 4 and broadcasts it // ==> C's message 4 is delivered *before* message 3 ! // ==> By resending 3 until it is received, then resending 4 until it is received, we make sure this won't happen // (see // Forward the first entry and wait for the ack Map.Entry<Long,Message> first=forward_table.firstEntry(); if(first == null) return; Long key=first.getKey(); Message val=first.getValue(); Message forward_msg; while(flushing && running && !forward_table.isEmpty()) { forward_msg=val.copy(); forward_msg.setDest(target); forward_msg.setFlag(Message.Flag.DONT_BUNDLE); if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace(local_addr + ": flushing (forwarding) " + "::" + key + " to target " + target); ack_promise.reset(); down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, forward_msg)); Long ack=ack_promise.getResult(500); if((ack != null && ack.equals(key)) || !forward_table.containsKey(key)) break; } for(Map.Entry<Long,Message> entry: forward_table.entrySet()) { key=entry.getKey(); val=entry.getValue(); if(flushing && running) { forward_msg=val.copy(); forward_msg.setDest(target); forward_msg.setFlag(Message.Flag.DONT_BUNDLE); if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace(local_addr + ": flushing (forwarding) " + "::" + key + " to target " + target); down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, forward_msg)); } } } /** * Checks if seqno has already been received from sender. This weeds out duplicates. * Note that this method is never called concurrently for the same sender. */ protected boolean canDeliver(Address sender, long seqno) { NavigableSet<Long> seqno_set=delivery_table.get(sender); if(seqno_set == null) { seqno_set=new ConcurrentSkipListSet<Long>(); NavigableSet<Long> existing=delivery_table.put(sender,seqno_set); if(existing != null) seqno_set=existing; } boolean added=seqno_set.add(seqno); int size=seqno_set.size(); if(size > delivery_table_max_size) { // trim the seqno_set to delivery_table_max_size elements by removing the first N seqnos for(int i=0; i < size - delivery_table_max_size; i++) { if(seqno_set.pollFirst() == null) break; } } return added; } protected void block() { send_lock.lock(); try { while(flushing && running) { try { send_cond.await(); } catch(InterruptedException e) { } } } finally { send_lock.unlock(); } } protected void unblockAll() { flushing=false; send_lock.lock(); try { send_cond.signalAll(); ack_promise.setResult(null); } finally { send_lock.unlock(); } } protected synchronized void startFlusher(final Address new_coord) { if(flusher == null || !flusher.isAlive()) { if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace(local_addr + ": flushing started"); // causes subsequent message sends (broadcasts and forwards) to block ( flushing=true; flusher=new Flusher(new_coord); flusher.setName("Flusher"); flusher.start(); } } protected void stopFlusher() { flushing=false; Thread tmp=flusher; while(tmp != null && tmp.isAlive()) { tmp.interrupt(); ack_promise.setResult(null); try { tmp.join(); } catch(InterruptedException e) { } } } protected class Flusher extends Thread { protected final Address new_coord; public Flusher(Address new_coord) { this.new_coord=new_coord; } public void run() { try { doFlush(new_coord); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } }