package; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; public class ReadOnlyPersistentField extends FenixPersistentField { private final Method getterMethod; public ReadOnlyPersistentField() { super(); this.getterMethod = null; } public ReadOnlyPersistentField(Class declaringClass, String propName) { super(declaringClass, propName); this.getterMethod = findGetter(declaringClass, "get$" + propName); this.getterMethod.setAccessible(true); } public Class getType() { return getterMethod.getReturnType(); } public void set(Object obj, Object value) throws MetadataException { throw new Error("The set of a ReadOnlyPersistentField should never be called"); } public Object get(Object anObject) throws MetadataException { if (anObject == null) { // is this really needed? return null; } try { return getterMethod.invoke(anObject); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new MetadataException("Error invoking method:" + getterMethod.getName() + " in object " + anObject.getClass().getName(), e); } } }