package org.jgroups.blocks; import org.jgroups.annotations.Experimental; import*; /** * Entry point for GridFile and GridInputStream / GridOutputStream * @author Bela Ban */ @Experimental public class GridFilesystem { protected final ReplCache<String,byte[]> data; protected final ReplCache<String,GridFile.Metadata> metadata; protected final int default_chunk_size; protected final short default_repl_count; /** * Creates an instance. The data and metadata caches should already have been setup and started * @param data * @param metadata * @param default_chunk_size */ public GridFilesystem(ReplCache<String, byte[]> data, ReplCache<String, GridFile.Metadata> metadata, short default_repl_count, int default_chunk_size) {; this.metadata=metadata; this.default_chunk_size=default_chunk_size; this.default_repl_count=default_repl_count; } public GridFilesystem(ReplCache<String, byte[]> data, ReplCache<String, GridFile.Metadata> metadata) { this(data, metadata, (short)1, 8000); } public File getFile(String pathname) { return getFile(pathname, default_chunk_size); } public File getFile(String pathname, int chunk_size) { return new GridFile(pathname, metadata, chunk_size, this); } public File getFile(String parent, String child) { return getFile(parent, child, default_chunk_size); } public File getFile(String parent, String child, int chunk_size) { return new GridFile(parent, child, metadata, chunk_size, this); } public File getFile(File parent, String child) { return getFile(parent, child, default_chunk_size); } public File getFile(File parent, String child, int chunk_size) { return new GridFile(parent, child, metadata, chunk_size, this); } public OutputStream getOutput(String pathname) throws IOException { return getOutput(pathname, false, default_repl_count, default_chunk_size); } public OutputStream getOutput(String pathname, boolean append) throws IOException { return getOutput(pathname, append, default_repl_count, default_chunk_size); } public OutputStream getOutput(String pathname, boolean append, short repl_count, int chunk_size) throws IOException { GridFile file=(GridFile)getFile(pathname, chunk_size); if(!file.createNewFile()) throw new IOException("creation of " + pathname + " failed"); return new GridOutputStream(file, append, data, repl_count, chunk_size); } public OutputStream getOutput(GridFile file) throws IOException { if(!file.createNewFile()) throw new IOException("creation of " + file + " failed"); return new GridOutputStream(file, false, data, default_repl_count, default_chunk_size); } public InputStream getInput(String pathname) throws FileNotFoundException { GridFile file=(GridFile)getFile(pathname); if(!file.exists()) throw new FileNotFoundException(pathname); return new GridInputStream(file, data, default_chunk_size); } public InputStream getInput(File pathname) throws FileNotFoundException { return pathname != null? getInput(pathname.getPath()) : null; } public void remove(String path, boolean synchronous) { if(path == null) return; GridFile.Metadata md=metadata.get(path); if(md == null) return; int num_chunks=md.getLength() / md.getChunkSize() + 1; for(int i=0; i < num_chunks; i++) data.remove(path + ".#" + i, synchronous); } }