package org.jgroups.protocols; import org.jgroups.Address; import org.jgroups.View; import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedAttribute; import org.jgroups.annotations.Property; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * This is a central executor service where each request is sent to the coordinator * for either a task or a current waiting thread. * * @author wburns * @since 2.12.0 */ public class CENTRAL_EXECUTOR extends Executing { @Property(description="Number of backups to the coordinator. Queue State gets replicated to these nodes as well") protected int num_backups=1; protected Address coord; @ManagedAttribute protected boolean is_coord; protected final List<Address> backups=new ArrayList<Address>(); public CENTRAL_EXECUTOR() { super(); } public Address getCoord() { return coord; } public boolean isCoord() { return is_coord; } @ManagedAttribute public String getCoordinator() { return coord != null? coord.toString() : "n/a"; } public int getNumberOfBackups() { return num_backups; } public void setNumberOfBackups(int num_backups) { this.num_backups=num_backups; } @ManagedAttribute public String getBackups() { return backups != null? backups.toString() : null; } public void handleView(View view) { Address oldCoord = coord; if(view.size() > 0) { coord=view.getMembers().iterator().next(); is_coord=coord.equals(local_addr); if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("local_addr=" + local_addr + ", coord=" + coord + ", is_coord=" + is_coord); } // If we got a new coordinator we have to send all the requests for // tasks and consumers again just incase they were missed when // coordinator went down // We are okay with duplicates since we don't add multiple times. // We also have a problem that if a task/consumer was picked up as the // consumer is changing we may have duplicates. But this is technically // okay in that an extra consumer will reject and an extra task will just // be ran and return nowhere, but at least we won't lose data. if (oldCoord != coord) { for (Long requests : _requestId.values()) { sendToCoordinator(Type.RUN_REQUEST, requests, local_addr); } for (Long requests : _consumerId.keySet()) { sendToCoordinator(Type.CONSUMER_READY, requests, local_addr); } } if(num_backups > 0) { if (is_coord) { List<Address> new_backups=Util.pickNext(view.getMembers(), local_addr, num_backups); List<Address> new_members=null; synchronized(backups) { if(!backups.equals(new_backups)) { new_members=new ArrayList<Address>(new_backups); new_members.removeAll(backups); backups.clear(); backups.addAll(new_backups); } } if(new_members != null && !new_members.isEmpty()) copyQueueTo(new_members); } // We keep what backups we have ourselves, so that when we become // the coordinator we don't update them again. Technically we can // send multiple requests but don't if to prevent more message being // sent. else { List<Address> possiblebackups = Util.pickNext(view.getMembers(), coord, num_backups); boolean foundMyself = false; List<Address> myBackups = new ArrayList<Address>(); for (Address backup : possiblebackups) { if (foundMyself) { myBackups.add(backup); } else if (backup.equals(local_addr)) { foundMyself = true; } } synchronized (backups) { backups.clear(); backups.addAll(myBackups); } } } // Need to run this last so the backups are updated super.handleView(view); } protected void updateBackups(Type type, Owner obj) { synchronized(backups) { for(Address backup: backups) sendRequest(backup, type, obj.getRequestId(), obj.getAddress()); } } protected void copyQueueTo(List<Address> new_joiners) { Set<Owner> copyRequests; Set<Owner> copyConsumers; _consumerLock.lock(); try { copyRequests = new HashSet<Owner>(_runRequests); copyConsumers = new HashSet<Owner>(_consumersAvailable); } finally { _consumerLock.unlock(); } if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("copying queue to " + new_joiners); for(Address joiner: new_joiners) { for(Owner address: copyRequests) { sendRequest(joiner, Type.CREATE_RUN_REQUEST, address.getRequestId(), address.getAddress()); } for(Owner address: copyConsumers) { sendRequest(joiner, Type.CREATE_CONSUMER_READY, address.getRequestId(), address.getAddress()); } } } // @see org.jgroups.protocols.Executing#sendToCoordinator(org.jgroups.protocols.Executing.Type, long, org.jgroups.Address) @Override protected void sendToCoordinator(Type type, final long requestId, final Address value) { if (is_coord) { if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("[redirect] <--> [" + local_addr + "] " + + " [" + value + (requestId != -1 ? " request id: " + requestId : "") + "]"); switch(type) { case RUN_REQUEST: handleTaskRequest(requestId, value); break; case CONSUMER_READY: handleConsumerReadyRequest(requestId, value); break; case CONSUMER_UNREADY: handleConsumerUnreadyRequest(requestId, value); break; }; } else sendRequest(coord, type, requestId, value); } // @see org.jgroups.protocols.Executing#sendNewRunRequest(org.jgroups.protocols.Executing.Owner) @Override protected void sendNewRunRequest(Owner sender) { if(is_coord) updateBackups(Type.CREATE_RUN_REQUEST, sender); } // @see org.jgroups.protocols.Executing#sendRemoveRunRequest(org.jgroups.protocols.Executing.Owner) @Override protected void sendRemoveRunRequest(Owner sender) { if(is_coord) updateBackups(Type.DELETE_RUN_REQUEST, sender); } // @see org.jgroups.protocols.Executing#sendNewConsumerRequest(org.jgroups.protocols.Executing.Owner) @Override protected void sendNewConsumerRequest(Owner sender) { if(is_coord) updateBackups(Type.CREATE_CONSUMER_READY, sender); } // @see org.jgroups.protocols.Executing#sendRemoveConsumerRequest(org.jgroups.protocols.Executing.Owner) @Override protected void sendRemoveConsumerRequest(Owner sender) { if(is_coord) updateBackups(Type.DELETE_CONSUMER_READY, sender); } }