package org.jgroups.protocols.tom; import org.jgroups.*; import org.jgroups.annotations.Experimental; import org.jgroups.annotations.MBean; import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedAttribute; import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedOperation; import org.jgroups.stack.Protocol; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; /** * Total Order Anycast with three communication steps (based on Skeen's Algorithm). Establishes total order for a * message sent to a subset of the cluster members (an anycast). Example: send a totally ordered message to {D,E} * out of a membership of {A,B,C,D,E,F}.<p/> * Skeen's algorithm uses consensus among the anycast target members to find the currently highest * sequence number (seqno) and delivers the message according to the order established by the seqnos. * * @author Pedro Ruivo * @since 3.1 */ @Experimental @MBean(description = "Implementation of Total Order Anycast based on Skeen's Algorithm") public class TOA extends Protocol implements DeliveryProtocol { //managers private DeliveryManagerImpl deliverManager; private SenderManager senderManager; // threads private final DeliveryThread deliverThread = new DeliveryThread(this); //local address private Address localAddress; //sequence numbers, messages ids and lock private final SequenceNumberManager sequenceNumberManager = new SequenceNumberManager(); private final AtomicLong messageIdCounter = new AtomicLong(0); //stats: profiling information private final StatsCollector statsCollector = new StatsCollector(); public TOA() { } @Override public void start() throws Exception { deliverManager = new DeliveryManagerImpl(); senderManager = new SenderManager(); deliverThread.start(deliverManager); statsCollector.setStatsEnabled(statsEnabled()); } @Override public void stop() { deliverThread.interrupt(); } @Override public Object down(Event evt) { switch (evt.getType()) { case Event.MSG: handleDownMessage(evt); return null; case Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS: this.localAddress = (Address) evt.getArg(); break; case Event.VIEW_CHANGE: handleViewChange((View) evt.getArg()); break; default: break; } return down_prot.down(evt); } @Override public Object up(Event evt) { switch (evt.getType()) { case Event.MSG: Message message = (Message) evt.getArg(); ToaHeader header = (ToaHeader) message.getHeader(; if (header == null) { break; } switch (header.getType()) { case ToaHeader.DATA_MESSAGE: handleDataMessage(message, header); break; case ToaHeader.PROPOSE_MESSAGE: handleSequenceNumberPropose(message.getSrc(), header); break; case ToaHeader.FINAL_MESSAGE: handleFinalSequenceNumber(header); break; case ToaHeader.SINGLE_DESTINATION_MESSAGE: if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Received message " + message + " with SINGLE_DESTINATION header. delivering..."); } deliverManager.deliverSingleDestinationMessage(message); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown header type received " + header); } return null; case Event.VIEW_CHANGE: handleViewChange((View) evt.getArg()); break; case Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS: this.localAddress = (Address) evt.getArg(); break; default: break; } return up_prot.up(evt); } @Override public void deliver(Message message) { message.setDest(localAddress); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Deliver message " + message + " in total order"); } up_prot.up(new Event(Event.MSG, message)); statsCollector.incrementMessageDeliver(); } private void handleViewChange(View view) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Handle view " + view); } // TODO: Future work: How to add fault tolerance? (simple and efficient) } private void handleDownMessage(Event evt) { Message message = (Message) evt.getArg(); Address dest = message.getDest(); if (dest != null && dest instanceof AnycastAddress && !message.isFlagSet(Message.Flag.NO_TOTAL_ORDER)) { //anycast message sendTotalOrderAnycastMessage(((AnycastAddress)dest).getAddresses(),message); } else if (dest != null && dest instanceof AnycastAddress) { //anycast address with NO_TOTAL_ORDER flag (should no be possible, but...) send(((AnycastAddress)dest).getAddresses(),message, true); } else { //normal message down_prot.down(evt); } } private void sendTotalOrderAnycastMessage(Collection<Address> destinations, Message message) { boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled(); boolean warn = log.isWarnEnabled(); long startTime =; long duration = -1; if (trace) { log.trace("sending total order anycast message"); } if (destinations.isEmpty()) { if (warn) { log.warn("sending an anycast with an empty list"); } throw new IllegalStateException("AnycastAddress must have at least one element"); } if (destinations.size() == 1) { if (warn) { log.warn("sending an AnycastAddress with 1 element"); } message.putHeader(id, ToaHeader.createSingleDestinationHeader()); message.setDest(destinations.iterator().next()); down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, message)); return; } boolean deliverToMySelf = destinations.contains(localAddress); try { MessageID messageID = new MessageID(localAddress, messageIdCounter.getAndIncrement()); long sequenceNumber = sequenceNumberManager.getAndIncrement(); ToaHeader header = ToaHeader.createNewHeader(ToaHeader.DATA_MESSAGE, messageID); header.setSequencerNumber(sequenceNumber); header.addDestinations(destinations); message.putHeader(, header); senderManager.addNewMessageToSend(messageID,destinations,sequenceNumber,deliverToMySelf); if (deliverToMySelf) { deliverManager.addNewMessageToDeliver(messageID, message, sequenceNumber); } if (trace) { log.trace("Sending message " + messageID + " to " + destinations + " with initial sequence number of " + sequenceNumber); } send(destinations,message, false); duration = - startTime; } catch (Exception e) { logException("Exception caught while sending anycast message. Error is " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } finally { statsCollector.addAnycastSentDuration(duration,(destinations.size() - (deliverToMySelf? 1 : 0))); } } private void send(Collection<Address> destinations, Message msg, boolean sendToMyself) { if (destinations == null) { down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG,msg)); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("sending anycast total order message " + msg + " to " + destinations); } for (Address address : destinations) { if (!sendToMyself && address.equals(localAddress)) { continue; } Message cpy = msg.copy(); cpy.setDest(address); down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG,cpy)); } } } private void handleDataMessage(Message message, ToaHeader header) { long startTime =; long duration = -1; try { MessageID messageID = header.getMessageID(); //create the sequence number and put it in deliver manager long myProposeSequenceNumber = sequenceNumberManager.updateAndGet(header.getSequencerNumber()); deliverManager.addNewMessageToDeliver(messageID, message, myProposeSequenceNumber); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Received the message with " + header + ". The proposed sequence number is " + myProposeSequenceNumber); } //create a new message and send it back Message proposeMessage = new Message(); proposeMessage.setSrc(localAddress); proposeMessage.setDest(messageID.getAddress()); ToaHeader newHeader = ToaHeader.createNewHeader( ToaHeader.PROPOSE_MESSAGE,messageID); newHeader.setSequencerNumber(myProposeSequenceNumber); proposeMessage.putHeader(, newHeader); proposeMessage.setFlag(Message.Flag.OOB); proposeMessage.setFlag(Message.Flag.DONT_BUNDLE); //multicastSenderThread.addUnicastMessage(proposeMessage); down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, proposeMessage)); duration = - startTime; } catch (Exception e) { logException("Exception caught while processing the data message " + header.getMessageID(), e); } finally { statsCollector.addDataMessageDuration(duration); } } private void handleSequenceNumberPropose(Address from, ToaHeader header) { long startTime =; long duration = -1; boolean lastProposeReceived = false; boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled(); try { MessageID messageID = header.getMessageID(); if (trace) { log.trace("Received the proposed sequence number message with " + header + " from " + from); } sequenceNumberManager.update(header.getSequencerNumber()); long finalSequenceNumber = senderManager.addPropose(messageID, from, header.getSequencerNumber()); if (finalSequenceNumber != SenderManager.NOT_READY) { lastProposeReceived = true; Message finalMessage = new Message(); finalMessage.setSrc(localAddress); ToaHeader finalHeader = ToaHeader.createNewHeader( ToaHeader.FINAL_MESSAGE,messageID); finalHeader.setSequencerNumber(finalSequenceNumber); finalMessage.putHeader(, finalHeader); finalMessage.setFlag(Message.Flag.OOB); finalMessage.setFlag(Message.Flag.DONT_BUNDLE); Set<Address> destinations = senderManager.getDestination(messageID); if (destinations.contains(localAddress)) { destinations.remove(localAddress); } if (trace) { log.trace("Message " + messageID + " is ready to be deliver. Final sequencer number is " + finalSequenceNumber); } send(destinations,finalMessage, false); //returns true if we are in destination set if (senderManager.markSent(messageID)) { deliverManager.markReadyToDeliver(messageID, finalSequenceNumber); } } duration = - startTime; } catch (Exception e) { logException("Exception caught while processing the propose sequence number for " + header.getMessageID(), e); } finally { statsCollector.addProposeSequenceNumberDuration(duration, lastProposeReceived); } } private void handleFinalSequenceNumber(ToaHeader header) { long startTime =; long duration = -1; try { MessageID messageID = header.getMessageID(); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Received the final sequence number message with " + header); } sequenceNumberManager.update(header.getSequencerNumber()); deliverManager.markReadyToDeliver(messageID, header.getSequencerNumber()); duration = - startTime; } catch (Exception e) { logException("Exception caught while processing the final sequence number for " + header.getMessageID(), e); } finally { statsCollector.addFinalSequenceNumberDuration(duration); } } private void logException(String msg, Exception e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(msg, e); } else if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn(msg + ". Error is " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } @ManagedOperation public String getMessageList() { return deliverManager.getMessageSet().toString(); } @Override public void enableStats(boolean flag) { super.enableStats(flag); statsCollector.setStatsEnabled(flag); } @Override public void resetStats() { super.resetStats(); statsCollector.clearStats(); } @ManagedAttribute(description = "The average duration (in milliseconds) in processing and sending the anycast " + "message to all the recipients", writable = false) public double getAvgToaSendDuration() { return statsCollector.getAvgAnycastSentDuration(); } @ManagedAttribute(description = "The average duration (in milliseconds) in processing a data message received", writable = false) public double getAvgDataMessageReceivedDuration() { return statsCollector.getAvgDataMessageReceivedDuration(); } @ManagedAttribute(description = "The average duration (in milliseconds) in processing a propose message received" + "(not the last one", writable = false) public double getAvgProposeMessageReceivedDuration() { return statsCollector.getAvgProposeMesageReceivedDuration(); } @ManagedAttribute(description = "The average duration (in milliseconds) in processing the last propose message " + "received. This last propose message will originate the sending of the final message", writable = false) public double getAvgLastProposeMessageReceivedDuration() { return statsCollector.getAvgLastProposeMessageReceivedDuration(); } @ManagedAttribute(description = "The average duration (in milliseconds) in processing a final message received", writable = false) public double getAvgFinalMessageReceivedDuration() { return statsCollector.getAvgFinalMessageReceivedDuration(); } @ManagedAttribute(description = "The number of anycast messages sent", writable = false) public int getNumberOfAnycastMessagesSent() { return statsCollector.getNumberOfAnycastMessagesSent(); } @ManagedAttribute(description = "The number of final anycast sent", writable = false) public int getNumberOfFinalAnycastSent() { return statsCollector.getNumberOfFinalAnycastsSent(); } @ManagedAttribute(description = "The number of anycast messages delivered", writable = false) public int getNumberOfAnycastMessagesDelivered() { return statsCollector.getAnycastDelivered(); } @ManagedAttribute(description = "The number of propose messages sent", writable = false) public int getNumberOfProposeMessageSent() { return statsCollector.getNumberOfProposeMessagesSent(); } @ManagedAttribute(description = "The number of final messages delivered", writable = false) public int getNumberOfFinalMessagesDelivered() { return statsCollector.getNumberOfFinalMessagesDelivered(); } @ManagedAttribute(description = "The number of data messages delivered", writable = false) public int getNumberOfDataMessagesDelivered() { return statsCollector.getNumberOfProposeMessagesSent(); } @ManagedAttribute(description = "The number of propose messages received", writable = false) public int getNumberOfProposeMessageReceived() { return statsCollector.getNumberOfProposeMessagesReceived(); } @ManagedAttribute(description = "The average number of unicasts messages created per anycast message", writable = false) public double getAvgNumberOfUnicastSentPerAnycast() { return statsCollector.getAvgNumberOfUnicastSentPerAnycast(); } }