package test; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; public class MainApp { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MainApp.class); public static final int AUTH_COUNT = 10; public static final int PUB_COUNT = 20; public static final int BOOK_COUNT = 50; public static final int SLEEP_TIME = 10000; public static final String NAME_SPLITTER = "_"; private static String nodeName; public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length < 2) { error("Expected two arguments: <hostname> and <number of nodes expected>"); System.exit(1); } nodeName = args[0]; int expectedNodes = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); try { initDomain(); sleepAWhile(); doQueries(); modifyDomain(); sleepAWhile(); doMoreQueries(); FenixFramework.barrier("finish", expectedNodes); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.error("Interrupted!"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error", e); } finally { FenixFramework.shutdown(); } } @Atomic public static void populateAuthors() { DomainRoot domainRoot = FenixFramework.getDomainRoot(); // Authors debug("Populate " + AUTH_COUNT + " authors"); for (int i = 0; i < AUTH_COUNT; i++) { domainRoot.addTheAuthors(new Author(authorName(i))); } } @Atomic public static void populatedPublishers() { DomainRoot domainRoot = FenixFramework.getDomainRoot(); // Publishers debug("Populate " + PUB_COUNT + " publishers"); for (int i = 0; i < PUB_COUNT; i++) { domainRoot.addThePublishers(new Publisher(publisherName(i))); } } @Atomic public static void populateBooks() { DomainRoot domainRoot = FenixFramework.getDomainRoot(); // Books debug("Populate " + BOOK_COUNT + " books"); for (int i = 0; i < BOOK_COUNT; i++) { Book book = null; switch (i%3) { case 0: book = new Book(bookName(i)); break; case 1: book = new ComicBook(bookName(i)); break; case 2: book = new ScifiBook(bookName(i)); break; } domainRoot.addTheBooks(book); } } public static void initDomain() { info("Populate domain"); populateAuthors(); populatedPublishers(); populateBooks(); info("Populate domain finished"); } @Atomic public static void doQueries() { debug("Doing example queries. Configured " + AUTH_COUNT + " authors, " + PUB_COUNT + " publishers, and " + BOOK_COUNT + " books"); debug("Find " + bookName(BOOK_COUNT / 2) + ": " + performQuery(Book.class, "bookName", bookName(BOOK_COUNT / 2))); debug("Find Book*1: " + performWildcardQuery(Book.class, "bookName", "book*1")); debug("Find ScifiBook*: " + performWildcardQuery(ScifiBook.class, "bookName", "book*")); debug("Find Scifi Books by " + authorName(0) + ": " + performQuery(ScifiBook.class, "", getAuthorByName(authorName(0)).getExternalId())); } @Atomic public static void modifyDomain() { debug("Adding books to " + authorName(0)); Author auth0 = getAuthorByName(authorName(0)); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { auth0.addBooks(getBookByName(bookName(i))); } } @Atomic public static void doMoreQueries() { debug("Find Scifi Books by " + authorName(0) + ": " + performQuery(ScifiBook.class, "", getAuthorByName(authorName(0)).getExternalId())); } // See // // for more examples on how to build queries @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> Collection<T> performQuery(Class<T> cls, String field, String queryString) { ArrayList<T> matchingObjects = new ArrayList<T>(); QueryBuilder qb = HibernateSearchSupport.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder().forEntity(cls).get(); Query query = qb.keyword().onField(field).matching(queryString).createQuery(); HSQuery hsQuery = HibernateSearchSupport.getSearchFactory().createHSQuery().luceneQuery(query) .targetedEntities(Arrays.<Class<?>>asList(cls)); hsQuery.getTimeoutManager().start(); for (EntityInfo ei : hsQuery.queryEntityInfos()) { matchingObjects.add((T) FenixFramework.getDomainObject((String) ei.getId())); } hsQuery.getTimeoutManager().stop(); return matchingObjects; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> Collection<T> performWildcardQuery(Class<T> cls, String field, String queryString) { ArrayList<T> matchingObjects = new ArrayList<T>(); QueryBuilder qb = HibernateSearchSupport.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder().forEntity(cls).get(); Query query = qb.keyword().wildcard().onField(field).matching(queryString).createQuery(); HSQuery hsQuery = HibernateSearchSupport.getSearchFactory().createHSQuery().luceneQuery(query) .targetedEntities(Arrays.<Class<?>>asList(cls)); hsQuery.getTimeoutManager().start(); for (EntityInfo ei : hsQuery.queryEntityInfos()) { matchingObjects.add((T) FenixFramework.getDomainObject((String) ei.getId())); } hsQuery.getTimeoutManager().stop(); return matchingObjects; } @Atomic public static Author getAuthorByName(String authorName) { DomainRoot domainRoot = FenixFramework.getDomainRoot(); for (Author author : domainRoot.getTheAuthors()) { if (author.getName().equals(authorName)) { return author; } } return null; } @Atomic public static Book getBookByName(String bookName) { DomainRoot domainRoot = FenixFramework.getDomainRoot(); for (Book book : domainRoot.getTheBooks()) { if (book.getBookName().equals(bookName)) { return book; } } return null; } public static void sleepAWhile() { try { debug("Sleeping for " + SLEEP_TIME + " milliseconds"); Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME); } catch (InterruptedException e) { //no-op } } private static String authorName(int id) { return "Author" + NAME_SPLITTER + nodeName + NAME_SPLITTER + id; } private static String bookName(int id) { return "Book" + NAME_SPLITTER + nodeName + NAME_SPLITTER + id; } private static String publisherName(int id) { return "Publisher" + NAME_SPLITTER + nodeName + NAME_SPLITTER + id; } private static void debug(String message) { logger.debug("[" + nodeName + "] " + message); } private static void info(String message) {"[" + nodeName + "] " + message); } private static void error(String message) { logger.error("[" + nodeName + "] " + message); } }