package org.jgroups.conf; import org.jgroups.Global; import org.jgroups.View; import org.jgroups.stack.Configurator; import org.jgroups.stack.IpAddress; import org.jgroups.stack.Protocol; import org.jgroups.util.StackType; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; /** * Groups a set of standard PropertyConverter(s) supplied by JGroups. * * <p> * Third parties can provide their own converters if such need arises by implementing * {@link PropertyConverter} interface and by specifying that converter as converter on a specific * Property annotation of a field or a method instance. * * @author Vladimir Blagojevic */ public class PropertyConverters { public static class NetworkInterfaceList implements PropertyConverter { public Object convert(Object obj, Class<?> propertyFieldType, String propertyName, String propertyValue, boolean check_scope) throws Exception { return Util.parseInterfaceList(propertyValue); } public String toString(Object value) { List<NetworkInterface> list=(List<NetworkInterface>)value; return Util.print(list); } } public static class FlushInvoker implements PropertyConverter { public Object convert(Object obj, Class<?> propertyFieldType, String propertyName, String propertyValue, boolean check_scope) throws Exception { if (propertyValue == null) { return null; } else { Class<Callable<Boolean>> invoker = (Class<Callable<Boolean>>) Class.forName(propertyValue); invoker.getDeclaredConstructor(View.class); return invoker; } } public String toString(Object value) { return value.getClass().getName(); } } public static class InitialHosts implements PropertyConverter { public Object convert(Object obj, Class<?> propertyFieldType, String propertyName, String prop_val, boolean check_scope) throws Exception { int port_range = getPortRange((Protocol)obj) ; return Util.parseCommaDelimitedHosts(prop_val, port_range); } public String toString(Object value) { if(value instanceof Collection) { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); Collection<IpAddress> list=(Collection<IpAddress>)value; boolean first=true; for(IpAddress addr: list) { if(first) first=false; else sb.append(","); sb.append(addr.getIpAddress().getHostAddress()).append("[").append(addr.getPort()).append("]"); } return sb.toString(); } else return value.getClass().getName(); } private static int getPortRange(Protocol protocol) throws Exception { Field f = protocol.getClass().getDeclaredField("port_range") ; return ((Integer) Util.getField(f,protocol)).intValue(); } } public static class InitialHosts2 implements PropertyConverter { public Object convert(Object obj, Class<?> propertyFieldType, String propertyName, String prop_val, boolean check_scope) throws Exception { // port range is 1 return Util.parseCommaDelimitedHosts2(prop_val, 1); } public String toString(Object value) { if(value instanceof Collection) { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); Collection<InetSocketAddress> list=(Collection<InetSocketAddress>)value; boolean first=true; for(InetSocketAddress addr: list) { if(first) first=false; else sb.append(","); sb.append(addr.getAddress().getHostAddress()).append("[").append(addr.getPort()).append("]"); } return sb.toString(); } else return value.getClass().getName(); } } public static class BindInterface implements PropertyConverter { public Object convert(Object obj, Class<?> propertyFieldType, String propertyName, String propertyValue, boolean check_scope) throws Exception { // get the existing bind address - possibly null InetAddress old_bind_addr = (InetAddress)Configurator.getValueFromProtocol((Protocol)obj, "bind_addr"); // apply a bind interface constraint InetAddress new_bind_addr = Util.validateBindAddressFromInterface(old_bind_addr, propertyValue); if (new_bind_addr != null) setBindAddress((Protocol)obj, new_bind_addr) ; // if no bind_interface specified, set it to the empty string to avoid exception // from @Property processing if (propertyValue != null) return propertyValue ; else return "" ; } private static void setBindAddress(Protocol protocol, InetAddress bind_addr) throws Exception { Field f=Util.getField(protocol.getClass(), "bind_addr"); Util.setField(f, protocol, bind_addr) ; } // return a String version of the converted value public String toString(Object value) { return (String) value ; } } public static class IntegerArray implements PropertyConverter { public Object convert(Object obj, Class<?> propertyFieldType, String propertyName, String propertyValue, boolean check_scope) throws Exception { int[] tmp=Util.parseCommaDelimitedInts(propertyValue); if(tmp != null && tmp.length > 0){ return tmp; } else return null; } public String toString(Object value) { if(value == null) return null; int[] val=(int[])value; StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); boolean first=true; for(int l: val) { if(first) first=false; else sb.append(","); sb.append(l); } return sb.toString(); } } public static class LongArray implements PropertyConverter { public Object convert(Object obj, Class<?> propertyFieldType, String propertyName, String propertyValue, boolean check_scope) throws Exception { long tmp [] = Util.parseCommaDelimitedLongs(propertyValue); if(tmp != null && tmp.length > 0){ return tmp; }else{ // throw new Exception ("Invalid long array specified in " + propertyValue); return null; } } public String toString(Object value) { if(value == null) return null; long[] val=(long[])value; StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); boolean first=true; for(long l: val) { if(first) first=false; else sb.append(","); sb.append(l); } return sb.toString(); } } public static class Default implements PropertyConverter { static final String prefix; static { String tmp="FF0e::"; try { tmp=System.getProperty(Global.IPV6_MCAST_PREFIX); } catch(Throwable t) { tmp="FF0e::"; } prefix=tmp != null? tmp : "FF0e::"; } public Object convert(Object obj, Class<?> propertyFieldType, String propertyName, String propertyValue, boolean check_scope) throws Exception { if(propertyValue == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property value cannot be null"); if(Boolean.TYPE.equals(propertyFieldType)) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(propertyValue); } else if (Integer.TYPE.equals(propertyFieldType)) { // return Integer.parseInt(propertyValue); return Util.readBytesInteger(propertyValue); } else if (Long.TYPE.equals(propertyFieldType)) { // return Long.parseLong(propertyValue); return Util.readBytesLong(propertyValue); } else if (Byte.TYPE.equals(propertyFieldType)) { return Byte.parseByte(propertyValue); } else if (Double.TYPE.equals(propertyFieldType)) { // return Double.parseDouble(propertyValue); return Util.readBytesDouble(propertyValue); } else if (Short.TYPE.equals(propertyFieldType)) { return Short.parseShort(propertyValue); } else if (Float.TYPE.equals(propertyFieldType)) { return Float.parseFloat(propertyValue); } else if(InetAddress.class.equals(propertyFieldType)) { InetAddress retval=null; Util.AddressScope addr_scope=null; try { addr_scope=Util.AddressScope.valueOf(propertyValue.toUpperCase()); } catch(Throwable ex) { } if(addr_scope != null) retval=Util.getAddress(addr_scope); else retval=InetAddress.getByName(propertyValue); if(retval instanceof Inet4Address && retval.isMulticastAddress() && Util.getIpStackType() == StackType.IPv6) { String tmp=prefix + propertyValue; retval=InetAddress.getByName(tmp); return retval; } if(check_scope && retval instanceof Inet6Address && retval.isLinkLocalAddress()) { // check scope Inet6Address addr=(Inet6Address)retval; int scope=addr.getScopeId(); if(scope == 0) { // fix scope Inet6Address ret=getScopedInetAddress(addr); if(ret != null) { retval=ret; } } } return retval; } return propertyValue; } protected static Inet6Address getScopedInetAddress(Inet6Address addr) { if(addr == null) return null; Enumeration<NetworkInterface> en; List<InetAddress> retval=new ArrayList<InetAddress>(); try { en=NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); while(en.hasMoreElements()) { NetworkInterface intf=en.nextElement(); Enumeration<InetAddress> addrs=intf.getInetAddresses(); while(addrs.hasMoreElements()) { InetAddress address=addrs.nextElement(); if(address.isLinkLocalAddress() && address instanceof Inet6Address && address.equals(addr) && ((Inet6Address)address).getScopeId() != 0) { retval.add(address); } } } if(retval.size() == 1) { return (Inet6Address)retval.get(0); } else return null; } catch(SocketException e) { return null; } } public String toString(Object value) { if(value instanceof InetAddress) return ((InetAddress)value).getHostAddress(); return value != null? value.toString() : null; } } }