package org.jgroups.protocols; import org.jgroups.Global; import org.jgroups.Header; import org.jgroups.ViewId; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import*; /** * @author Bela Ban */ public class PingHeader extends Header { public static final byte GET_MBRS_REQ=1; // arg = null public static final byte GET_MBRS_RSP=2; // arg = PingData (local_addr, creator) public byte type=0; public PingData data=null; public String cluster_name=null; // when set, we don't need the address mappings, but only the view. // This is typically done for a merge-triggered discovery request public ViewId view_id=null; public PingHeader() { } public PingHeader(byte type, String cluster_name) { this.type=type; this.cluster_name=cluster_name; } public PingHeader(byte type, PingData data) { this.type=type;; } public PingHeader(byte type, PingData data, String cluster_name) { this(type, data); this.cluster_name=cluster_name; } public int size() { int retval=Global.BYTE_SIZE *3; // type, data presence and cluster_name presence if(data != null) retval+=data.size(); if(cluster_name != null) retval += cluster_name.length() +2; retval+=Util.size(view_id); return retval; } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); sb.append("[PING: type=" + type2Str(type)); if(cluster_name != null) sb.append(", cluster=").append(cluster_name); if(data != null) sb.append(", arg=" + data); if(view_id != null) sb.append(", view_id=").append(view_id); sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } static String type2Str(byte t) { switch(t) { case GET_MBRS_REQ: return "GET_MBRS_REQ"; case GET_MBRS_RSP: return "GET_MBRS_RSP"; default: return "<unkown type (" + t + ")>"; } } public void writeTo(DataOutput outstream) throws Exception { outstream.writeByte(type); Util.writeStreamable(data, outstream); Util.writeString(cluster_name, outstream); Util.writeViewId(view_id, outstream); } public void readFrom(DataInput instream) throws Exception { type=instream.readByte(); data=(PingData)Util.readStreamable(PingData.class, instream); cluster_name=Util.readString(instream); view_id=Util.readViewId(instream); } }