package; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; /** * This DefaultContextFactoryViaReflection tries to find, via reflection, the {@link *} class of the backend in use. It does so, first by * getting the current <code>BackEndId</code> (by reflection) and then by getting the factory class * (through <code>getAtomicContextFactoryClass()</code> --- again by reflection). It delegates to * that factory the creation of the appropriate {@link AtomicContext}. If it fails, it throws an * Error, indicating such condition. */ public final class DefaultContextFactoryViaReflection extends ContextFactory { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultContextFactoryViaReflection.class); private static final String BACKEND_ID_FULL_CLASS_NAME = CodeGenerator.BACKEND_PACKAGE + "." + CodeGenerator.ABSTRACT_BACKEND_ID_CLASS; // This code uses reflection, but it only runs once per occurrence of the @Atomic annotation in // the code, regardless of the number of times that such method runs. public static AtomicContext newContext(Atomic atomic) { logger.trace("Creating a new AtomicContext via reflection"); try { // GOAL: currentBackendId = BackEndId.getInstance(); Class backendIdClass = Class.forName(BACKEND_ID_FULL_CLASS_NAME); Method getInstance = backendIdClass.getMethod("getBackEndId"); Object currentBackendId = getInstance.invoke(null); // GOAL: Class<? extends ContextFactory> factoryClass = BackEndId.getAtomicContextFactoryClass() Method getAtomicContextFactoryClass = currentBackendId.getClass().getMethod("getAtomicContextFactoryClass"); Class<? extends ContextFactory> factoryClass = (Class<? extends ContextFactory>)getAtomicContextFactoryClass.invoke(currentBackendId); // GOAL: return (AtomicContext)contextFactory.newContext(atomic); Method newContext = factoryClass.getMethod("newContext", new Class[]{Atomic.class}); return (AtomicContext)newContext.invoke(null, new Object[]{atomic}); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error("Could not obtain an AtomicContext via the ContextFactory", e); } } }