package org.jgroups.tests; import org.jgroups.Global; import org.jgroups.Message; import org.jgroups.Address; import org.jgroups.Version; import org.jgroups.protocols.TpHeader; import org.jgroups.protocols.UNICAST; import org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.NakAckHeader; import org.jgroups.util.*; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import; /** * Tests the size of marshalled messages (multicast, unicast) * @author Bela Ban */ @Test(groups=Global.FUNCTIONAL) public class MessageSizeTest { private static final byte MULTICAST=2; private static final short UDP_ID=100; private static final short UNICAST_ID=101; private static final short NAKACK_ID=102; private static final int MCAST_MAX_SIZE=84; private static final int UNICAST_MAX_SIZE=102; /** * Tests size of a multicast message. * Current record: 84 bytes (March 2010) * Prev: 166, 109, 103, 84 * @throws Exception */ public static void testMulticast() throws Exception { Address src=Util.createRandomAddress(); Message msg=createMessage(null, src); Buffer buf=marshal(msg); System.out.println("buf = " + buf); int len=buf.getLength(); System.out.println("len = " + len); assert len <= MCAST_MAX_SIZE; if(len < MCAST_MAX_SIZE) { double percentage=compute(len, MCAST_MAX_SIZE); System.out.println("multicast message (" + len + " bytes) is " + Util.format(percentage) + "% smaller than previous max size (" + MCAST_MAX_SIZE + " bytes)"); } } /** * Tests size of a unicast message. * Current record: 102 (March 2010) * Prev: 161, 127, 121, 102 * @throws Exception */ public static void testUnicast() throws Exception { Address dest=Util.createRandomAddress(); Address src=Util.createRandomAddress(); Message msg=createMessage(dest, src); Buffer buf=marshal(msg); System.out.println("buf = " + buf); int len=buf.getLength(); System.out.println("len = " + len); assert len <= UNICAST_MAX_SIZE; if(len < UNICAST_MAX_SIZE) { double percentage=compute(len, UNICAST_MAX_SIZE); System.out.println("multicast message (" + len + " bytes) is " + Util.format(percentage) + "% smaller than previous max size (" + UNICAST_MAX_SIZE + " bytes)"); } } private static double compute(int new_length, int old_length) { if(new_length >= old_length) return 0.0; return 100.0* (1.0 - (new_length / (double)old_length)); } private static Buffer marshal(Message msg) throws Exception { ExposedByteArrayOutputStream out_stream=new ExposedByteArrayOutputStream((int)(msg.size() + 50)); ExposedDataOutputStream dos=new ExposedDataOutputStream(out_stream); Address dest=msg.getDest(); boolean multicast=dest == null; writeMessage(msg, dos, multicast); return new Buffer(out_stream.getRawBuffer(), 0, out_stream.size()); } protected static void writeMessage(Message msg, DataOutputStream dos, boolean multicast) throws Exception { byte flags=0; dos.writeShort(Version.version); // write the version if(multicast) flags+=MULTICAST; dos.writeByte(flags); msg.writeTo(dos); } static Message createMessage(Address dest, Address src) { Message msg=new Message(dest, src, "hello world"); msg.putHeader(NAKACK_ID, NakAckHeader.createMessageHeader(322649)); msg.putHeader(UNICAST_ID, UNICAST.UnicastHeader.createDataHeader(465784, (short)23323, true)); msg.putHeader(UDP_ID, new TpHeader("DrawDemo")); return msg; } }