package org.jgroups.blocks; import org.jgroups.util.Streamable; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import org.jgroups.annotations.Experimental; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Set; /** * Subclass of File to iterate through directories and files in a grid * @author Bela Ban */ @Experimental public class GridFile extends File { private static final long serialVersionUID=-6729548421029004260L; private final ReplCache<String,Metadata> cache; private final GridFilesystem fs; private final String name; private int chunk_size; GridFile(String pathname, ReplCache<String, Metadata> cache, int chunk_size, GridFilesystem fs) { super(pathname); this.fs=fs;; this.cache=cache; this.chunk_size=chunk_size; initMetadata(); } GridFile(String parent, String child, ReplCache<String, Metadata> cache, int chunk_size, GridFilesystem fs) { super(parent, child); this.fs=fs; + File.separator + child); this.cache=cache; this.chunk_size=chunk_size; initMetadata(); } GridFile(File parent, String child, ReplCache<String, Metadata> cache, int chunk_size, GridFilesystem fs) { super(parent, child); this.fs=fs; + File.separator + child); this.cache=cache; this.chunk_size=chunk_size; initMetadata(); } public String getName() { return name; } public String getPath() { String my_path=super.getPath(); if(my_path != null && my_path.endsWith(File.separator)) { int index=my_path.lastIndexOf(File.separator); if(index != -1) my_path=my_path.substring(0, index); } return my_path; } public long length() { Metadata metadata=cache.get(getPath()); if(metadata != null) return metadata.length; return 0; } void setLength(int new_length) { Metadata metadata=cache.get(getPath()); if(metadata != null) { metadata.length=new_length; metadata.setModificationTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); cache.put(getPath(), metadata, (short)-1, 0, false); } else System.err.println("metadata for " + getPath() + " not found !"); } public int getChunkSize() { return chunk_size; } public boolean createNewFile() throws IOException { if(exists()) return true; if(!checkParentDirs(getPath(), false)) return false; cache.put(getPath(), new Metadata(0, System.currentTimeMillis(), chunk_size, Metadata.FILE), (short)-1, 0, true); return true; } public boolean delete() { return delete(false); // asynchronous delete by default } public boolean delete(boolean synchronous) { if(!exists()) return false; if(isFile()) { fs.remove(getPath(), synchronous); // removes all the chunks belonging to the file cache.remove(getPath(), synchronous); // removes the metadata information return true; } if(isDirectory()) { File[] files=listFiles(); if(files != null && files.length > 0) return false; fs.remove(getPath(), synchronous); // removes all the chunks belonging to the file cache.remove(getPath(), synchronous); // removes the metadata information } return true; } public boolean mkdir() { try { boolean parents_exist=checkParentDirs(getPath(), false); if(!parents_exist) return false; cache.put(getPath(), new Metadata(0, System.currentTimeMillis(), chunk_size, Metadata.DIR), (short)-1, 0, true); return true; } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } public boolean mkdirs() { try { boolean parents_exist=checkParentDirs(getPath(), true); if(!parents_exist) return false; cache.put(getPath(), new Metadata(0, System.currentTimeMillis(), chunk_size, Metadata.DIR), (short)-1, 0, true); return true; } catch(IOException e) { return false; } } public boolean exists() { return cache.get(getPath()) != null; } public String[] list() { return list(null); } public String[] list(FilenameFilter filter) { return _list(filter); } public File[] listFiles() { return listFiles((FilenameFilter)null); } public File[] listFiles(FilenameFilter filter) { return _listFiles(filter); } public File[] listFiles(FileFilter filter) { return _listFiles(filter); } public boolean isDirectory() { Metadata val=cache.get(getPath()); return val.isDirectory(); } public boolean isFile() { Metadata val=cache.get(getPath()); return val.isFile(); } protected void initMetadata() { Metadata metadata=cache.get(getPath()); if(metadata != null) this.chunk_size=metadata.getChunkSize(); } protected File[] _listFiles(Object filter) { String[] files=_list(filter); File[] retval=new File[files.length]; for(int i=0; i < files.length; i++) retval[i]=new GridFile(files[i], cache, chunk_size, fs); return retval; } protected String[] _list(Object filter) { Cache<String, ReplCache.Value<Metadata>> internal_cache=cache.getL2Cache(); Set<String> keys=internal_cache.getInternalMap().keySet(); if(keys == null) return null; Collection<String> list=new ArrayList<String>(keys.size()); for(String str: keys) { if(isChildOf(getPath(), str)) { if(filter instanceof FilenameFilter && !((FilenameFilter)filter).accept(new File(name), filename(str))) continue; else if(filter instanceof FileFilter && !((FileFilter)filter).accept(new File(str))) continue; list.add(str); } } String[] retval=new String[list.size()]; int index=0; for(String tmp: list) retval[index++]=tmp; return retval; } /** * Verifies whether child is a child (dir or file) of parent * @param parent * @param child * @return True if child is a child, false otherwise */ protected static boolean isChildOf(String parent, String child) { if(parent == null || child == null) return false; if(!child.startsWith(parent)) return false; if(child.length() <= parent.length()) return false; int from=parent.equals(File.separator)? parent.length() : parent.length() +1; // if(from-1 > child.length()) // return false; String[] comps=Util.components(child.substring(from), File.separator); return comps != null && comps.length <= 1; } protected static String filename(String full_path) { String[] comps=Util.components(full_path, File.separator); return comps != null? comps[comps.length -1] : null; } /** * Checks whether the parent directories are present (and are directories). If create_if_absent is true, * creates missing dirs * @param path * @param create_if_absent * @return */ protected boolean checkParentDirs(String path, boolean create_if_absent) throws IOException { String[] components=Util.components(path, File.separator); if(components == null) return false; if(components.length == 1) // no parent directories to create, e.g. "data.txt" return true; StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); boolean first=true; for(int i=0; i < components.length-1; i++) { String tmp=components[i]; if(!tmp.equals(File.separator)) { if(first) first=false; else sb.append(File.separator); } sb.append(tmp); String comp=sb.toString(); if(exists(comp)) { if(isFile(comp)) throw new IOException("cannot create " + path + " as component " + comp + " is a file"); } else { if(create_if_absent) cache.put(comp, new Metadata(0, System.currentTimeMillis(), chunk_size, Metadata.DIR), (short)-1, 0); else return false; } } return true; } protected static String trim(String str) { if(str == null) return null; str=str.trim(); if(str.equals(File.separator)) return str; String[] comps=Util.components(str, File.separator); return comps != null && comps.length > 0? comps[comps.length-1] : null; } private boolean exists(String key) { return cache.get(key) != null; } private boolean isFile(String key) { Metadata val=cache.get(key); return val.isFile(); } public static class Metadata implements Streamable { public static final byte FILE = 1 << 0; public static final byte DIR = 1 << 1; private int length =0; private long modification_time=0; private int chunk_size=0; private byte flags=0; public Metadata() { } public Metadata(int length, long modification_time, int chunk_size, byte flags) { this.length=length; this.modification_time=modification_time; this.chunk_size=chunk_size; this.flags=flags; } public int getLength() { return length; } public void setLength(int length) { this.length=length; } public long getModificationTime() { return modification_time; } public void setModificationTime(long modification_time) { this.modification_time=modification_time; } public int getChunkSize() { return chunk_size; } public boolean isFile() { return Util.isFlagSet(flags, FILE); } public boolean isDirectory() { return Util.isFlagSet(flags, DIR); } public String toString() { boolean is_file=Util.isFlagSet(flags, FILE); StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); sb.append(getType()); if(is_file) sb.append(", len=" + Util.printBytes(length) + ", chunk_size=" + chunk_size); sb.append(", mod_time=" + new Date(modification_time)); return sb.toString(); } public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws Exception { out.writeInt(length); out.writeLong(modification_time); out.writeInt(chunk_size); out.writeByte(flags); } public void readFrom(DataInput in) throws Exception { length=in.readInt(); modification_time=in.readLong(); chunk_size=in.readInt(); flags=in.readByte(); } private String getType() { if(Util.isFlagSet(flags, FILE)) return "file"; if(Util.isFlagSet(flags, DIR)) return "dir"; return "n/a"; } } }