package org.jgroups; import org.jgroups.annotations.MBean; import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedAttribute; import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedOperation; import org.jgroups.blocks.MethodCall; import org.jgroups.conf.ConfiguratorFactory; import org.jgroups.conf.ProtocolConfiguration; import org.jgroups.conf.ProtocolStackConfigurator; import org.jgroups.logging.Log; import org.jgroups.logging.LogFactory; import org.jgroups.protocols.TP; import org.jgroups.stack.*; import org.jgroups.util.*; import org.jgroups.util.UUID; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import*; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; /** * JChannel is a default implementation of a Channel abstraction. * <p/> * * JChannel is instantiated using an appropriate form of a protocol stack description. Protocol * stack can be described using a file, URL or a stream containing XML stack description. * * @author Bela Ban * @since 2.0 */ @MBean(description="JGroups channel") public class JChannel extends Channel { /** The default protocol stack used by the default constructor */ public static final String DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_STACK="udp.xml"; /*the address of this JChannel instance*/ protected Address local_addr; protected AddressGenerator address_generator; protected String name; /*the channel (also know as group) name*/ private String cluster_name; /*the latest view of the group membership*/ private View my_view; /*the protocol stack, used to send and receive messages from the protocol stack*/ private ProtocolStack prot_stack; private final Promise<StateTransferResult> state_promise=new Promise<StateTransferResult>(); /** channel connected flag */ protected volatile boolean connected=false; /** channel closed flag*/ protected volatile boolean closed=false; // close() has been called, channel is unusable /** True if a state transfer protocol is available, false otherwise */ private boolean state_transfer_supported=false; // set by CONFIG event from STATE_TRANSFER protocol /** True if a flush protocol is available, false otherwise */ private volatile boolean flush_supported=false; // set by CONFIG event from FLUSH protocol protected final ConcurrentMap<String,Object> config=Util.createConcurrentMap(16); protected final Log log=LogFactory.getLog(JChannel.class); /** Collect statistics */ @ManagedAttribute(description="Collect channel statistics",writable=true) protected boolean stats=true; protected long sent_msgs=0, received_msgs=0, sent_bytes=0, received_bytes=0; private final DiagnosticsHandler.ProbeHandler probe_handler=new MyProbeHandler(); /** * Creates a JChannel without a protocol stack; used for programmatic creation of channel and protocol stack * @param create_protocol_stack If true, the default configuration will be used. If false, no protocol stack * will be created * @param create_protocol_stack Creates the default stack if true, or no stack if false */ public JChannel(boolean create_protocol_stack) { if(create_protocol_stack) { try { init(ConfiguratorFactory.getStackConfigurator(DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_STACK)); } catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } /** * Constructs a <code>JChannel</code> instance with the protocol stack * specified by the <code>DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_STACK</code> member. * @throws Exception If problems occur during the initialization of the protocol stack. */ public JChannel() throws Exception { this(DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_STACK); } /** * Constructs a JChannel instance with the protocol stack configuration contained by the specified file. * @param properties A file containing a JGroups XML protocol stack configuration. * @throws Exception If problems occur during the configuration or initialization of the protocol stack. */ public JChannel(File properties) throws Exception { this(ConfiguratorFactory.getStackConfigurator(properties)); } /** * Constructs a JChannel instance with the protocol stack configuration contained by the specified XML element. * @param properties An XML element containing a JGroups XML protocol stack configuration. * @throws Exception If problems occur during the configuration or initialization of the protocol stack. */ public JChannel(Element properties) throws Exception { this(ConfiguratorFactory.getStackConfigurator(properties)); } /** * Constructs a JChannel instance with the protocol stack configuration indicated by the specified URL. * @param properties A URL pointing to a JGroups XML protocol stack configuration. * @throws Exception If problems occur during the configuration or initialization of the protocol stack. */ public JChannel(URL properties) throws Exception { this(ConfiguratorFactory.getStackConfigurator(properties)); } /** * Constructs a JChannel instance with the protocol stack configuration based upon the specified properties parameter. * @param props A file containing a JGroups XML configuration, a URL pointing to an XML configuration, or an old * style plain configuration string. * @throws Exception If problems occur during the configuration or initialization of the protocol stack. */ public JChannel(String props) throws Exception { this(ConfiguratorFactory.getStackConfigurator(props)); } /** * Creates a channel with a configuration based on an input stream. * @param input An input stream, pointing to a streamed configuration * @throws Exception */ public JChannel(InputStream input) throws Exception { this(ConfiguratorFactory.getStackConfigurator(input)); } /** * Constructs a JChannel with the protocol stack configuration contained by the protocol stack configurator parameter. * <p> * All of the public constructors of this class eventually delegate to this method. * @param configurator A protocol stack configurator containing a JGroups protocol stack configuration. * @throws Exception If problems occur during the initialization of the protocol stack. */ public JChannel(ProtocolStackConfigurator configurator) throws Exception { init(configurator); } /** * Creates a channel from an array of protocols. Note that after a {@link org.jgroups.JChannel#close()}, the protocol * list <em>should not</em> be reused, ie. new JChannel(protocols) would reuse the same protocol list, and this * might lead to problems ! * @param protocols The list of protocols, from bottom to top, ie. the first protocol in the list is the transport, * the last the top protocol * @throws Exception */ public JChannel(Protocol ... protocols) throws Exception { this(Arrays.asList(protocols)); } /** * Creates a channel from an array of protocols. Note that after a {@link org.jgroups.JChannel#close()}, the protocol * list <em>should not</em> be reused, ie. new JChannel(protocols) would reuse the same protocol list, and this * might lead to problems ! * @param protocols The list of protocols, from bottom to top, ie. the first protocol in the list is the transport, * the last the top protocol * @throws Exception */ public JChannel(Collection<Protocol> protocols) throws Exception { prot_stack=new ProtocolStack(); setProtocolStack(prot_stack); for(Protocol prot: protocols) { prot_stack.addProtocol(prot); prot.setProtocolStack(prot_stack); } prot_stack.init(); } /** * Creates a channel with the same configuration as the channel passed to this constructor. This is used by * testing code, and should not be used by clients ! * @param ch * @throws Exception */ public JChannel(JChannel ch) throws Exception { init(ch); discard_own_messages=ch.discard_own_messages; } /** * Returns the protocol stack */ public ProtocolStack getProtocolStack() { return prot_stack; } public void setProtocolStack(ProtocolStack stack) { this.prot_stack=stack; if(prot_stack != null) prot_stack.setChannel(this); } protected Log getLog() {return log;} /** * Returns the protocol stack configuration in string format. An example of this property is<br/> * "UDP:PING:FD:STABLE:NAKACK:UNICAST:FRAG:FLUSH:GMS:VIEW_ENFORCER:STATE_TRANSFER:QUEUE" */ public String getProperties() {return prot_stack != null? prot_stack.printProtocolSpec(true) : null;} public boolean statsEnabled() {return stats;} public void enableStats(boolean stats) {this.stats=stats;} @ManagedAttribute public boolean isOpen() {return !closed;} @ManagedAttribute public boolean isConnected() {return connected;} @ManagedOperation public void resetStats() {sent_msgs=received_msgs=sent_bytes=received_bytes=0;} @ManagedAttribute public long getSentMessages() {return sent_msgs;} @ManagedAttribute public long getSentBytes() {return sent_bytes;} @ManagedAttribute public long getReceivedMessages() {return received_msgs;} @ManagedAttribute public long getReceivedBytes() {return received_bytes;} @ManagedAttribute public int getNumberOfTasksInTimer() { TimeScheduler timer=getTimer(); return timer != null? timer.size() : -1; } @ManagedAttribute public int getTimerThreads() { TimeScheduler timer=getTimer(); return timer != null? timer.getMinThreads() : -1; } @ManagedOperation public String dumpTimerQueue() { TimeScheduler timer=getTimer(); return timer != null? timer.dumpTimerTasks() : "<n/a"; } /** * Returns a pretty-printed form of all the protocols. If include_properties * is set, the properties for each protocol will also be printed. */ @ManagedOperation public String printProtocolSpec(boolean include_properties) { ProtocolStack ps=getProtocolStack(); return ps != null? ps.printProtocolSpec(include_properties) : null; } @ManagedOperation(description="Connects the channel to a group") public synchronized void connect(String cluster_name) throws Exception { connect(cluster_name, true); } /** * Connects the channel to a group. * @see JChannel#connect(String) */ @ManagedOperation(description="Connects the channel to a group") protected synchronized void connect(String cluster_name, boolean useFlushIfPresent) throws Exception { if(!_preConnect(cluster_name)) return; if(cluster_name != null) { // only connect if we are not a unicast channel Event connect_event=useFlushIfPresent? new Event(Event.CONNECT_USE_FLUSH, cluster_name) : new Event(Event.CONNECT, cluster_name); _connect(connect_event); } connected=true; notifyChannelConnected(this); } public synchronized void connect(String cluster_name, Address target, long timeout) throws Exception { connect(cluster_name, target, timeout,true); } /** * Connects this channel to a group and gets a state from a specified state provider.<p/> * This method invokes <code>connect()<code> and then <code>getState<code>.<p/> * If the FLUSH protocol is in the channel's stack definition, only one flush round is executed for both connecting and * fetching the state rather than two flushes if we invoke <code>connect<code> and <code>getState<code> in succession. * <p/> * If the channel is already connected, an error message will be printed to the error log. * If the channel is closed a ChannelClosed exception will be thrown. * @param cluster_name The cluster name to connect to. Cannot be null. * @param target The state provider. If null, the state will be fetched from the coordinator, unless this channel * is the coordinator. * @param timeout The timeout for the state transfer. * * @exception Exception The protocol stack cannot be started, or the JOIN failed * @exception IllegalStateException The channel is closed or disconnected * @exception StateTransferException State transfer was not successful * */ public synchronized void connect(String cluster_name, Address target, long timeout, boolean useFlushIfPresent) throws Exception { if(!_preConnect(cluster_name)) return; if(cluster_name == null) // only connect if we are not a unicast channel return; boolean canFetchState=false; try { Event connect_event=useFlushIfPresent? new Event(Event.CONNECT_WITH_STATE_TRANSFER_USE_FLUSH, cluster_name) : new Event(Event.CONNECT_WITH_STATE_TRANSFER, cluster_name); _connect(connect_event); connected=true; notifyChannelConnected(this); canFetchState=getView() != null && getView().size() > 1; // if I am not the only member in cluster then if(canFetchState) getState(target, timeout, false); // fetch state from target } finally { if(flushSupported() && useFlushIfPresent) { if(canFetchState || !connected) // stopFlush if we fetched the state or failed to connect... stopFlush(); } } } @ManagedOperation(description="Disconnects the channel if connected") public synchronized void disconnect() { if(closed) return; if(connected) { if(cluster_name != null) { // Send down a DISCONNECT event, which travels down to the GMS, where a response is returned Event disconnect_event=new Event(Event.DISCONNECT, local_addr); down(disconnect_event); // DISCONNECT is handled by each layer } connected=false; stopStack(true, false); notifyChannelDisconnected(this); init(); // sets local_addr=null; changed March 18 2003 (bela) -- prevented successful rejoining } } @ManagedOperation(description="Disconnects and destroys the channel") public synchronized void close() { _close(true); // by default disconnect before closing channel and close mq } @ManagedOperation public Map<String,Object> dumpStats() { Map<String,Object> retval=prot_stack.dumpStats(); if(retval != null) { Map<String,Long> tmp=dumpChannelStats(); if(tmp != null) retval.put("channel", tmp); } return retval; } public Map<String,Object> dumpStats(String protocol_name, List<String> attrs) { return prot_stack.dumpStats(protocol_name, attrs); } @ManagedOperation public Map<String,Object> dumpStats(String protocol_name) { return prot_stack.dumpStats(protocol_name, null); } protected Map<String,Long> dumpChannelStats() { Map<String,Long> retval=new HashMap<String,Long>(); retval.put("sent_msgs", sent_msgs); retval.put("sent_bytes", sent_bytes); retval.put("received_msgs", received_msgs); retval.put("received_bytes", received_bytes); return retval; } public void send(Message msg) throws Exception { checkClosedOrNotConnected(); if(msg == null) throw new NullPointerException("msg is null"); if(stats) { sent_msgs++; sent_bytes+=msg.getLength(); } down(new Event(Event.MSG, msg)); } public void send(Address dst, Object obj) throws Exception { send(new Message(dst, null, obj)); } public void send(Address dst, byte[] buf) throws Exception { send(new Message(dst, null, buf)); } public void send(Address dst, byte[] buf, int offset, int length) throws Exception { send(new Message(dst, null, buf, offset, length)); } public View getView() { return closed || !connected ? null : my_view; } @ManagedAttribute(name="View") public String getViewAsString() { View v=getView(); return v != null ? v.toString() : "n/a"; } @ManagedAttribute public static String getVersion() {return Version.printDescription();} public Address getAddress() {return closed ? null : local_addr;} @ManagedAttribute(name="Address") public String getAddressAsString() {return local_addr != null? local_addr.toString() : "n/a";} @ManagedAttribute(name="Address (UUID)") public String getAddressAsUUID() {return local_addr instanceof UUID? ((UUID)local_addr).toStringLong() : null;} public String getName() {return name;} public String getName(Address member) {return member != null? UUID.get(member) : null;} @ManagedAttribute(writable=true, description="The logical name of this channel. Stays with the channel until " + "the channel is closed") public void setName(String name) { if(name != null) { if(isConnected()) throw new IllegalStateException("name cannot be set if channel is connected (should be done before)");; if(local_addr != null) UUID.add(local_addr,; } } @ManagedAttribute(description="Returns cluster name this channel is connected to") public String getClusterName() {return closed ? null : !connected ? null : cluster_name;} /** * Returns the current {@link AddressGenerator}, or null if none is set * @return * @since 2.12 */ public AddressGenerator getAddressGenerator() {return address_generator;} /** * Sets the new {@link AddressGenerator}. New addresses will be generated using the new generator. This * should <em>not</em> be done while a channel is connected, but before connecting. * @param address_generator * @since 2.12 */ public void setAddressGenerator(AddressGenerator address_generator) {this.address_generator=address_generator;} public void getState(Address target, long timeout) throws Exception { getState(target, timeout, true); } /** * Retrieves state from the target member. See {@link #getState(Address,long)} for details. */ public void getState(Address target, long timeout, boolean useFlushIfPresent) throws Exception { Callable<Boolean> flusher = new Callable<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() throws Exception { return Util.startFlush(JChannel.this); } }; getState(target, timeout, useFlushIfPresent?flusher:null); } protected boolean _preConnect(String cluster_name) throws Exception { if(connected) { if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("already connected to " + this.cluster_name); return false; } setAddress(); startStack(cluster_name); return true; } protected void _connect(Event connect_event) throws Exception { try { down(connect_event); } catch(Throwable t) { stopStack(true, false); init(); throw new Exception("connecting to channel \"" + connect_event.getArg() + "\" failed", t); } } protected void getState(Address target, long timeout, Callable<Boolean> flushInvoker) throws Exception { checkClosedOrNotConnected(); if(!state_transfer_supported) throw new IllegalStateException("fetching state will fail as state transfer is not supported. " + "Add one of the state transfer protocols to your configuration"); if(target == null) target=determineCoordinator(); if(target != null && local_addr != null && target.equals(local_addr)) { if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("cannot get state from myself (" + target + "): probably the first member"); return; } boolean initiateFlush=flushSupported() && flushInvoker != null; if(initiateFlush) { boolean successfulFlush=false; try {; } catch(Throwable e) { successfulFlush=false; // } if(!successfulFlush) throw new IllegalStateException("Node " + local_addr + " could not flush the cluster for state retrieval"); } state_promise.reset(); StateTransferInfo state_info=new StateTransferInfo(target, timeout); down(new Event(Event.GET_STATE, state_info)); StateTransferResult result=state_promise.getResult(state_info.timeout); if(initiateFlush) stopFlush(); if(result != null && result.hasException()) throw new StateTransferException("state transfer failed", result.getException()); } /** * Callback method <BR> * Called by the ProtocolStack when a message is received. * @param evt the event carrying the message from the protocol stack */ public Object up(Event evt) { switch(evt.getType()) { case Event.MSG: Message msg=(Message)evt.getArg(); if(stats) { received_msgs++; received_bytes+=msg.getLength(); } // discard local messages (sent by myself to me) if(discard_own_messages && local_addr != null && msg.getSrc() != null && local_addr.equals(msg.getSrc())) return null; break; case Event.VIEW_CHANGE: View tmp=(View)evt.getArg(); if(tmp instanceof MergeView) my_view=new View(tmp.getVid(), tmp.getMembers()); else my_view=tmp; // Bela&Vladimir Oct 27th,2006 (JGroups 2.4): we need to set connected=true because a client can // call channel.getView() in viewAccepted() callback invoked on this thread (see Event.VIEW_CHANGE handling below) // not good: we are only connected when we returned from connect() - bela June 22 2007 // Changed: when a channel gets a view of which it is a member then it should be // connected even if connect() hasn't returned yet ! (bela Noc 2010) if(connected == false) connected=true; break; case Event.CONFIG: Map<String,Object> cfg=(Map<String,Object>)evt.getArg(); if(cfg != null) { if(cfg.containsKey("state_transfer")) { state_transfer_supported=(Boolean)cfg.get("state_transfer"); } if(cfg.containsKey("flush_supported")) { flush_supported=(Boolean)cfg.get("flush_supported"); } cfg.putAll(cfg); } break; case Event.GET_STATE_OK: StateTransferResult result=(StateTransferResult)evt.getArg(); if(up_handler != null) { try { Object retval=up_handler.up(evt); state_promise.setResult(new StateTransferResult()); return retval; } catch(Throwable t) { state_promise.setResult(new StateTransferResult(t)); } } byte[] state=result.getBuffer(); if(receiver != null) { try { ByteArrayInputStream input=new ByteArrayInputStream(state); receiver.setState(input); state_promise.setResult(new StateTransferResult()); } catch(Throwable t) { state_promise.setResult(new StateTransferResult(t)); } } break; case Event.STATE_TRANSFER_INPUTSTREAM_CLOSED: state_promise.setResult((StateTransferResult)evt.getArg()); break; case Event.STATE_TRANSFER_INPUTSTREAM: // Oct 13,2006 moved to down() when Event.STATE_TRANSFER_INPUTSTREAM_CLOSED is received // state_promise.setResult(is != null? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); if(up_handler != null) return up_handler.up(evt); InputStream is=(InputStream)evt.getArg(); if(is != null && receiver != null) { try { receiver.setState(is); } catch(Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException("failed calling setState() in state requester", t); } } break; case Event.STATE_TRANSFER_OUTPUTSTREAM: if(receiver != null && evt.getArg() != null) { try { receiver.getState((OutputStream)evt.getArg()); } catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("failed calling getState() in state provider", e); } } break; case Event.GET_LOCAL_ADDRESS: return local_addr; default: break; } // If UpHandler is installed, pass all events to it and return (UpHandler is e.g. a building block) if(up_handler != null) return up_handler.up(evt); if(receiver != null) return invokeCallback(evt.getType(), evt.getArg()); return null; } /** * Sends a message through the protocol stack if the stack is available * @param evt the message to send down, encapsulated in an event */ public Object down(Event evt) { if(evt == null) return null; return prot_stack.down(evt); } @ManagedOperation public String toString(boolean details) { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); sb.append("local_addr=").append(local_addr).append('\n'); sb.append("cluster_name=").append(cluster_name).append('\n'); sb.append("my_view=").append(my_view).append('\n'); sb.append("connected=").append(connected).append('\n'); sb.append("closed=").append(closed).append('\n'); if(details) { sb.append("discard_own_messages=").append(discard_own_messages).append('\n'); sb.append("state_transfer_supported=").append(state_transfer_supported).append('\n'); sb.append("props=").append(getProperties()).append('\n'); } return sb.toString(); } /* ----------------------------------- Private Methods ------------------------------------- */ protected Object invokeCallback(int type, Object arg) { switch(type) { case Event.MSG: receiver.receive((Message)arg); break; case Event.VIEW_CHANGE: receiver.viewAccepted((View)arg); break; case Event.SUSPECT: receiver.suspect((Address)arg); break; case Event.GET_APPLSTATE: byte[] tmp_state=null; if(receiver != null) { ByteArrayOutputStream output=new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024); try { receiver.getState(output); tmp_state=output.toByteArray(); } catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(local_addr + ": failed getting state from application", e); } } return new StateTransferInfo(null, 0L, tmp_state); case Event.BLOCK: receiver.block(); return true; case Event.UNBLOCK: receiver.unblock(); } return null; } protected final void init(ProtocolStackConfigurator configurator) throws Exception { List<ProtocolConfiguration> configs=configurator.getProtocolStack(); for(ProtocolConfiguration config: configs) config.substituteVariables(); // replace vars with system props synchronized(Channel.class) { prot_stack=new ProtocolStack(this); prot_stack.setup(configs); // Setup protocol stack (creates protocol, calls init() on them) } } protected final void init(JChannel ch) throws Exception { if(ch == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("channel is null"); synchronized(JChannel.class) { prot_stack=new ProtocolStack(this); prot_stack.setup(ch.getProtocolStack()); // Setup protocol stack (creates protocol, calls init() on them) } } /** * Initializes all variables. Used after <tt>close()</tt> or <tt>disconnect()</tt>, * to be ready for new <tt>connect()</tt> */ private void init() { if(local_addr != null) down(new Event(Event.REMOVE_ADDRESS, local_addr)); local_addr=null; cluster_name=null; my_view=null; // changed by Bela Sept 25 2003 //if(mq != null && mq.closed()) // mq.reset(); connected=false; } private void startStack(String cluster_name) throws Exception { /*make sure the channel is not closed*/ checkClosed(); /*make sure we have a valid channel name*/ if(cluster_name == null) { if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("cluster_name is null, assuming unicast channel"); } else this.cluster_name=cluster_name; if(socket_factory != null) prot_stack.getTopProtocol().setSocketFactory(socket_factory); prot_stack.startStack(cluster_name, local_addr); // calls start() in all protocols, from top to bottom /*create a temporary view, assume this channel is the only member and is the coordinator*/ List<Address> t=new ArrayList<Address>(1); t.add(local_addr); my_view=new View(local_addr, 0, t); // create a dummy view TP transport=prot_stack.getTransport(); transport.registerProbeHandler(probe_handler); } /** * Generates new UUID and sets local address. Sends down a REMOVE_ADDRESS (if existing address was present) and * a SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS */ protected void setAddress() { Address old_addr=local_addr; local_addr=address_generator != null? address_generator.generateAddress() : UUID.randomUUID(); if(old_addr != null) down(new Event(Event.REMOVE_ADDRESS, old_addr)); if(name == null || name.isEmpty()) // generate a logical name if not set name=Util.generateLocalName(); if(name != null && !name.isEmpty()) UUID.add(local_addr, name); Event evt=new Event(Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS, local_addr); down(evt); if(up_handler != null) up_handler.up(evt); } /** * health check<BR> * throws a ChannelClosed exception if the channel is closed */ protected void checkClosed() { if(closed) throw new IllegalStateException("channel is closed"); } protected void checkClosedOrNotConnected() { if(closed) throw new IllegalStateException("channel is closed"); if(!connected) throw new IllegalStateException("channel is disconnected"); } /** * Disconnects and closes the channel. This method does the following things * <ol> * <li>Calls <code>this.disconnect</code> if the disconnect parameter is true * <li>Calls <code>ProtocolStack.stop</code> on the protocol stack * <li>Calls <code>ProtocolStack.destroy</code> on the protocol stack * <li>Sets the channel closed and channel connected flags to true and false * <li>Notifies any channel listener of the channel close operation * </ol> */ protected void _close(boolean disconnect) { Address old_addr=local_addr; if(closed) return; if(disconnect) disconnect(); // leave group if connected stopStack(true, true); closed=true; connected=false; notifyChannelClosed(this); init(); // sets local_addr=null; changed March 18 2003 (bela) -- prevented successful rejoining if(old_addr != null) UUID.remove(old_addr); } protected void stopStack(boolean stop, boolean destroy) { if(prot_stack != null) { try { if(stop) prot_stack.stopStack(cluster_name); if(destroy) prot_stack.destroy(); } catch(Exception e) { if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("failed destroying the protocol stack", e); } TP transport=prot_stack.getTransport(); if(transport != null) transport.unregisterProbeHandler(probe_handler); } } public boolean flushSupported() { return flush_supported; } public void startFlush(boolean automatic_resume) throws Exception { if(!flushSupported()) throw new IllegalStateException("Flush is not supported, add pbcast.FLUSH protocol to your configuration"); try { down(new Event(Event.SUSPEND)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Flush failed", e.getCause()); } finally { if (automatic_resume) stopFlush(); } } public void startFlush(List<Address> flushParticipants, boolean automatic_resume) throws Exception { if (!flushSupported()) throw new IllegalStateException("Flush is not supported, add pbcast.FLUSH protocol to your configuration"); View v = getView(); boolean validParticipants = v != null && v.getMembers().containsAll(flushParticipants); if (!validParticipants) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Current view " + v + " does not contain all flush participants " + flushParticipants); try { down(new Event(Event.SUSPEND, flushParticipants)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Flush failed", e.getCause()); } finally { if (automatic_resume) stopFlush(flushParticipants); } } public void stopFlush() { if(!flushSupported()) throw new IllegalStateException("Flush is not supported, add pbcast.FLUSH protocol to your configuration"); down(new Event(Event.RESUME)); } public void stopFlush(List<Address> flushParticipants) { if(!flushSupported()) throw new IllegalStateException("Flush is not supported, add pbcast.FLUSH protocol to your configuration"); down(new Event(Event.RESUME, flushParticipants)); } Address determineCoordinator() { List<Address> mbrs=my_view != null? my_view.getMembers() : null; if(mbrs == null) return null; if(!mbrs.isEmpty()) return mbrs.iterator().next(); return null; } private TimeScheduler getTimer() { if(prot_stack != null) { TP transport=prot_stack.getTransport(); if(transport != null) return transport.getTimer(); } return null; } /* ------------------------------- End of Private Methods ---------------------------------- */ class MyProbeHandler implements DiagnosticsHandler.ProbeHandler { public Map<String, String> handleProbe(String... keys) { Map<String, String> map=new HashMap<String, String>(2); for(String key: keys) { if(key.startsWith("jmx")) { handleJmx(map, key); continue; } if(key.startsWith("invoke") || key.startsWith("op")) { int index=key.indexOf("="); if(index != -1) { try { handleOperation(map, key.substring(index+1)); } catch(Throwable throwable) { log.error("failed invoking operation " + key.substring(index+1), throwable); } } } } map.put("version", Version.description); if(my_view != null && !map.containsKey("view")) map.put("view", my_view.toString()); map.put("local_addr", getAddressAsString() + " [" + getAddressAsUUID() + "]"); PhysicalAddress physical_addr=(PhysicalAddress)down(new Event(Event.GET_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS, local_addr)); if(physical_addr != null) map.put("physical_addr", physical_addr.toString()); map.put("cluster", getClusterName()); return map; } public String[] supportedKeys() { return new String[]{"jmx", "invoke=<operation>[<args>]", "\nop=<operation>[<args>]"}; } protected void handleJmx(Map<String, String> map, String input) { Map<String, Object> tmp_stats; int index=input.indexOf("="); if(index > -1) { List<String> list=null; String protocol_name=input.substring(index +1); index=protocol_name.indexOf("."); if(index > -1) { String rest=protocol_name; protocol_name=protocol_name.substring(0, index); String attrs=rest.substring(index +1); // e.g. "num_sent,msgs,num_received_msgs" list=Util.parseStringList(attrs, ","); // check if there are any attribute-sets in the list for(Iterator<String> it=list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String; index=tmp.indexOf("="); if(index != -1) { String attrname=tmp.substring(0, index); String attrvalue=tmp.substring(index+1); Protocol prot=prot_stack.findProtocol(protocol_name); Field field=prot != null? Util.getField(prot.getClass(), attrname) : null; if(field != null) { Object value=MethodCall.convert(attrvalue, field.getType()); if(value != null) prot.setValue(attrname, value); } else { if(log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn("Field \"" + attrname + "\" not found in protocol " + protocol_name); } it.remove(); } } } tmp_stats=dumpStats(protocol_name, list); } else tmp_stats=dumpStats(); map.put("jmx", tmp_stats != null? Util.mapToString(tmp_stats) : "null"); } /** * Invokes an operation and puts the return value into map * @param map * @param operation Protocol.OperationName[args], e.g.[arg1 arg2 arg3] */ private void handleOperation(Map<String, String> map, String operation) throws Exception { int index=operation.indexOf("."); if(index == -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("operation " + operation + " is missing the protocol name"); String prot_name=operation.substring(0, index); Protocol prot=prot_stack.findProtocol(prot_name); if(prot == null) return; // less drastic than throwing an exception... int args_index=operation.indexOf("["); String method_name; if(args_index != -1) method_name=operation.substring(index +1, args_index).trim(); else method_name=operation.substring(index+1).trim(); String[] args=null; if(args_index != -1) { int end_index=operation.indexOf("]"); if(end_index == -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("] not found"); List<String> str_args=Util.parseCommaDelimitedStrings(operation.substring(args_index + 1, end_index)); Object[] strings=str_args.toArray(); args=new String[strings.length]; for(int i=0; i < strings.length; i++) args[i]=(String)strings[i]; } Method method=MethodCall.findMethod(prot.getClass(), method_name, args); if(method == null) { if(log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn(local_addr + ": method " + prot.getClass().getSimpleName() + "." + method_name + " not found"); return; } MethodCall call=new MethodCall(method); Object[] converted_args=null; if(args != null) { converted_args=new Object[args.length]; Class<?>[] types=method.getParameterTypes(); for(int i=0; i < args.length; i++) converted_args[i]=MethodCall.convert(args[i], types[i]); } Object retval=call.invoke(prot, converted_args); if(retval != null) map.put(prot_name + "." + method_name, retval.toString()); } } }