package org.jgroups.protocols; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import org.jgroups.Address; import org.jgroups.View; import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedAttribute; import org.jgroups.annotations.Property; import org.jgroups.blocks.locking.LockNotification; import org.jgroups.util.Owner; import org.jgroups.util.Util; /** * Implementation of a locking protocol which acquires locks by contacting the coordinator.</p> Because the * coordinator maintains all locks, no total order configuration is required.<p> * CENTRAL_LOCK has all members send lock and unlock requests to a central coordinator. The coordinator has a queue for * incoming requests, and grants locks based on order of arrival. To prevent all acquired locks from being forgotten * when the coordinator crashes, setting num_backups lets the coordinator backup lock information to a number of * backup nodes. Valid values for num_backups are 0 (no backup) to N-1, e.g. in a cluster of 4, we can have only 3 backup * nodes.</p> * Say we have a cluster of {A,B,C,D,E} and num_backups=1. A is the coordinator, and A updates all locks (and released * locks) in B as well. When A crashes, everybody falls over to B for sending lock and unlock requests. * B in turn copies all existing locks over to C and - when locks are acquired or released - forwards this * information to C as well. * <p/> * An alternative is also the {@link org.jgroups.protocols.PEER_LOCK} protocol. * @author Bela Ban * @since 2.12 * @see Locking * @see PEER_LOCK */ public class CENTRAL_LOCK extends Locking implements LockNotification { @Property(description="Number of backups to the coordinator. Server locks get replicated to these nodes as well") protected int num_backups=1; protected Address coord; @ManagedAttribute protected boolean is_coord; protected final List<Address> backups=new ArrayList<Address>(); public CENTRAL_LOCK() { super(); addLockListener(this); } public Address getCoord() { return coord; } public boolean isCoord() { return is_coord; } @ManagedAttribute public String getCoordinator() { return coord != null? coord.toString() : "n/a"; } public int getNumberOfBackups() { return num_backups; } public void setNumberOfBackups(int num_backups) { this.num_backups=num_backups; } @ManagedAttribute public String getBackups() { return backups != null? backups.toString() : null; } protected void sendGrantLockRequest(String lock_name, Owner owner, long timeout, boolean is_trylock) { if(coord != null) sendRequest(coord, Type.GRANT_LOCK, lock_name, owner, timeout, is_trylock); } protected void sendReleaseLockRequest(String lock_name, Owner owner) { if(coord != null) sendRequest(coord, Type.RELEASE_LOCK, lock_name, owner, 0, false); } protected void sendCreateLockRequest(Address dest, String lock_name, Owner owner) { sendRequest(dest, Type.CREATE_LOCK, lock_name, owner, 0, false); } protected void sendDeleteLockRequest(Address dest, String lock_name) { sendRequest(dest, Type.DELETE_LOCK, lock_name, null, 0, false); } @Override protected void sendAwaitConditionRequest(String lock_name, Owner owner) { sendRequest(coord, Type.LOCK_AWAIT, lock_name, owner, 0, false); } @Override protected void sendSignalConditionRequest(String lock_name, boolean all) { sendRequest(coord, all ? Type.COND_SIG_ALL : Type.COND_SIG, lock_name, null, 0, false); } @Override protected void sendDeleteAwaitConditionRequest(String lock_name, Owner owner) { sendRequest(coord, Type.DELETE_LOCK_AWAIT, lock_name, owner, 0, false); } public void handleView(View view) { super.handleView(view); Address old_coord=coord; if(view.size() > 0) { coord=view.getMembers().iterator().next(); is_coord=coord.equals(local_addr); if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("local_addr=" + local_addr + ", coord=" + coord + ", is_coord=" + is_coord); } if(is_coord && num_backups > 0) { List<Address> new_backups=Util.pickNext(view.getMembers(), local_addr, num_backups); List<Address> copy_locks_list=null; synchronized(backups) { if(!backups.equals(new_backups)) { copy_locks_list=new ArrayList<Address>(new_backups); copy_locks_list.removeAll(backups); backups.clear(); backups.addAll(new_backups); } } if(copy_locks_list != null && !copy_locks_list.isEmpty()) copyLocksTo(copy_locks_list); } // For all non-acquired client locks, send the GRANT_LOCK request to the new coordinator (if changed) if(old_coord != null && !old_coord.equals(coord)) { if(!client_locks.isEmpty()) { for(Map<Owner,ClientLock> map: client_locks.values()) { for(ClientLock lock: map.values()) { if(!lock.acquired && !lock.denied) sendGrantLockRequest(, lock.owner, lock.timeout, lock.is_trylock); } } } } } public void lockCreated(String name) { } public void lockDeleted(String name) { } public void locked(String lock_name, Owner owner) { if(is_coord) updateBackups(Type.CREATE_LOCK, lock_name, owner); } public void unlocked(String lock_name, Owner owner) { if(is_coord) updateBackups(Type.DELETE_LOCK, lock_name, owner); } public void awaiting(String lock_name, Owner owner) { if(is_coord) updateBackups(Type.CREATE_AWAITER, lock_name, owner); } public void awaited(String lock_name, Owner owner) { if(is_coord) updateBackups(Type.DELETE_AWAITER, lock_name, owner); } protected void updateBackups(Type type, String lock_name, Owner owner) { synchronized(backups) { for(Address backup: backups) sendRequest(backup, type, lock_name, owner, 0, false); } } protected void copyLocksTo(List<Address> new_joiners) { Map<String,ServerLock> copy; synchronized(server_locks) { copy=new HashMap<String,ServerLock>(server_locks); } if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("copying locks to " + new_joiners); for(Map.Entry<String,ServerLock> entry: copy.entrySet()) { for(Address joiner: new_joiners) { ServerLock lock = entry.getValue(); if (lock.current_owner != null) { sendCreateLockRequest(joiner, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().current_owner); } synchronized (lock.condition) { Queue<Owner> queue = lock.condition.queue; for (Owner owner : queue) { sendAwaitConditionRequest(lock.lock_name, owner); } } } } } }