package org.jgroups.stack; import org.jgroups.Address; import org.jgroups.logging.Log; import org.jgroups.logging.LogFactory; import org.jgroups.util.TimeScheduler; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * Abstract class of a retransmitter. * Maintains a pool of sequence numbers of messages that need to be retransmitted. Messages * are aged and retransmission requests sent according to age (configurable backoff). If a * TimeScheduler instance is given to the constructor, it will be used, otherwise Reransmitter * will create its own. The retransmit timeouts have to be set first thing after creating an instance. * The <code>add()</code> method adds the sequence numbers of messages to be retransmitted. The * <code>remove()</code> method removes a sequence number again, cancelling retransmission requests for it. * Whenever a message needs to be retransmitted, the <code>RetransmitCommand.retransmit()</code> method is called. * It can be used e.g. by an ack-based scheme (e.g. AckSenderWindow) to retransmit a message to the receiver, or * by a nak-based scheme to send a retransmission request to the sender of the missing message.<br/> * @author Bela Ban */ public abstract class Retransmitter { /** Default retransmit intervals (ms) - exponential approx. */ protected Interval retransmit_timeouts=new ExponentialInterval(300); protected final Address sender; protected final RetransmitCommand cmd; protected final TimeScheduler timer; protected long xmit_stagger_timeout=0; protected static final Log log=LogFactory.getLog(Retransmitter.class); /** Retransmit command (see Gamma et al.) used to retrieve missing messages */ public interface RetransmitCommand { /** * Get the missing messages between sequence numbers <code>first_seqno</code> and <code>last_seqno</code>. * This can either be done by sending a retransmit message to destination <code>sender</code> * (nak-based scheme), or by retransmitting the missing message(s) to <code>sender</code> (ack-based scheme). * @param first_seqno The sequence number of the first missing message * @param last_seqno The sequence number of the last missing message * @param sender The destination of the member to which the retransmit request will be sent * (nak-based scheme), or to which the message will be retransmitted (ack-based scheme). */ void retransmit(long first_seqno, long last_seqno, Address sender); } /** * Create a new Retransmitter associated with the given sender address * @param sender the address from which retransmissions are expected or to which retransmissions are sent * @param cmd the retransmission callback reference * @param sched retransmissions scheduler */ public Retransmitter(Address sender, RetransmitCommand cmd, TimeScheduler sched) { this.sender=sender; this.cmd=cmd; timer=sched; } public void setRetransmitTimeouts(Interval interval) { if(interval != null) retransmit_timeouts=interval; } public long getXmitStaggerTimeout() { return xmit_stagger_timeout; } public void setXmitStaggerTimeout(long xmit_stagger_timeout) { this.xmit_stagger_timeout=xmit_stagger_timeout; } /** * Add messages from <code>first_seqno</code> to <code>last_seqno</code/> for retransmission */ public abstract void add(long first_seqno, long last_seqno); /** * Remove the given sequence number from retransmission */ public abstract void remove(long seqno); /** * Reset the retransmitter: clear all msgs and cancel all the respective tasks */ public abstract void reset(); public abstract int size(); /* ------------------------------- Private Methods -------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------- End of Private Methods ------------------------------------ */ protected abstract class Task implements TimeScheduler.Task { protected final Interval intervals; protected volatile Future future; protected Address msg_sender=null; protected RetransmitCommand command; protected volatile boolean cancelled=false; protected Task(Interval intervals, RetransmitCommand cmd, Address msg_sender) { this.intervals=intervals; this.command=cmd; this.msg_sender=msg_sender; } public long nextInterval() { return; } public void doSchedule() { if(cancelled) { return; } long; if(xmit_stagger_timeout > 0) { long stagger_time=Util.random(xmit_stagger_timeout); delay+=stagger_time; } future=timer.schedule(this, delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } public void cancel() { if(!cancelled) { cancelled=true; } if(future != null) future.cancel(true); } public void run() { if(cancelled) { return; } try { callRetransmissionCommand(); } catch(Throwable t) { if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("failed retransmission task", t); } doSchedule(); } protected abstract void callRetransmissionCommand(); } }