package org.jgroups.protocols; import org.jgroups.*; import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedAttribute; import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedOperation; import org.jgroups.annotations.Property; import org.jgroups.conf.PropertyConverters; import org.jgroups.stack.IpAddress; import org.jgroups.util.BoundedList; import java.util.*; /** * The TCPPING protocol defines a static cluster membership. The cluster members are retrieved by * directly contacting the members listed in initial_hosts, sending point-to-point discovery requests. * <p/> * The TCPPING protocol defines a static configuration, which requires that you to know in advance where to find all * of the members of your cluster. * * @author Bela Ban */ public class TCPPING extends Discovery { /* ----------------------------------------- Properties --------------------------------------- */ @Property(description="Number of additional ports to be probed for membership. A port_range of 0 does not " + "probe additional ports. Example: initial_hosts=A[7800] port_range=0 probes A:7800, port_range=1 probes " + "A:7800 and A:7801") private int port_range=1; @Property(name="initial_hosts", description="Comma delimited list of hosts to be contacted for initial membership", converter=PropertyConverters.InitialHosts.class, dependsUpon="port_range", systemProperty=Global.TCPPING_INITIAL_HOSTS) private List<IpAddress> initial_hosts=Collections.EMPTY_LIST; @Property(description="max number of hosts to keep beyond the ones in initial_hosts") protected int max_dynamic_hosts=100; /* --------------------------------------------- Fields ------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * List of PhysicalAddresses */ /** */ protected final BoundedList<PhysicalAddress> dynamic_hosts=new BoundedList<PhysicalAddress>(max_dynamic_hosts); public TCPPING() { } public boolean isDynamic() { return false; } /** * Returns the list of initial hosts as configured by the user via XML. Note that the returned list is mutable, so * careful with changes ! * @return List<Address> list of initial hosts. This variable is only set after the channel has been created and * set Properties() has been called */ public List<IpAddress> getInitialHosts() { return initial_hosts; } public void setInitialHosts(List<IpAddress> initial_hosts) { this.initial_hosts=initial_hosts; } public int getPortRange() { return port_range; } public void setPortRange(int port_range) { this.port_range=port_range; } @ManagedAttribute public String getDynamicHostList() { return dynamic_hosts.toString(); } @ManagedOperation public void clearDynamicHostList() { dynamic_hosts.clear(); } @ManagedAttribute public String getInitialHostsList() { return initial_hosts.toString(); } public Collection<PhysicalAddress> fetchClusterMembers(String cluster_name) { Set<PhysicalAddress> combined_target_members=new HashSet<PhysicalAddress>(initial_hosts); combined_target_members.addAll(dynamic_hosts); return combined_target_members; } public boolean sendDiscoveryRequestsInParallel() { return true; } public Object down(Event evt) { Object retval=super.down(evt); switch(evt.getType()) { case Event.VIEW_CHANGE: for(Address logical_addr: members) { PhysicalAddress physical_addr=(PhysicalAddress)down_prot.down(new Event(Event.GET_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS, logical_addr)); if(physical_addr != null && !initial_hosts.contains(physical_addr)) { dynamic_hosts.addIfAbsent(physical_addr); } } break; } return retval; } public void discoveryRequestReceived(Address sender, String logical_name, Collection<PhysicalAddress> physical_addrs) { super.discoveryRequestReceived(sender, logical_name, physical_addrs); if(physical_addrs != null) { for(PhysicalAddress addr: physical_addrs) { if(!initial_hosts.contains(addr)) dynamic_hosts.addIfAbsent(addr); } } } }