package org.jgroups.blocks; import org.jgroups.*; import org.jgroups.conf.ClassConfigurator; import org.jgroups.logging.Log; import org.jgroups.logging.LogFactory; import org.jgroups.protocols.TP; import org.jgroups.AnycastAddress; import org.jgroups.protocols.relay.SiteMaster; import org.jgroups.stack.DiagnosticsHandler; import org.jgroups.stack.Protocol; import org.jgroups.util.Buffer; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; /** * Framework to send requests and receive matching responses (matching on * request ID). * Multiple requests can be sent at a time. Whenever a response is received, * the correct <code>RspCollector</code> is looked up (key = id) and its * method <code>receiveResponse()</code> invoked. A caller may use * <code>done()</code> to signal that no more responses are expected, and that * the corresponding entry may be removed. * <p> * <code>RequestCorrelator</code> can be installed at both client and server * sides, it can also switch roles dynamically; i.e., send a request and at * the same time process an incoming request (when local delivery is enabled, * this is actually the default). * <p> * * @author Bela Ban */ public class RequestCorrelator { /** The protocol layer to use to pass up/down messages. Can be either a Protocol or a Transport */ protected Protocol transport=null; /** * The table of pending requests (keys=Long (request IDs), values=<tt>RequestEntry</tt>) */ protected final ConcurrentMap<Long, RspCollector> requests=Util.createConcurrentMap(); /** The handler for the incoming requests. It is called from inside the dispatcher thread */ protected RequestHandler request_handler=null; /** Possibility for an external marshaller to marshal/unmarshal responses */ protected RpcDispatcher.Marshaller marshaller=null; /** makes the instance unique (together with IDs) */ protected short id=ClassConfigurator.getProtocolId(this.getClass()); /** The address of this group member */ protected Address local_addr=null; protected volatile View view; protected boolean started=false; private final MyProbeHandler probe_handler=new MyProbeHandler(requests); protected static final Log log=LogFactory.getLog(RequestCorrelator.class); /** * Constructor. Uses transport to send messages. If <code>handler</code> * is not null, all incoming requests will be dispatched to it (via * <code>handle(Message)</code>). * * @param id Used to differentiate between different RequestCorrelators * (e.g. in different protocol layers). Has to be unique if multiple * request correlators are used. * * @param transport Used to send/pass up requests. Is a Protocol (up_prot.up()/down_prot.down() will be used) * * @param handler Request handler. Method <code>handle(Message)</code> * will be called when a request is received. */ public RequestCorrelator(short id, Protocol transport, RequestHandler handler, Address local_addr) { = id; this.transport = transport; this.local_addr = local_addr; request_handler = handler; start(); } public RequestCorrelator(Protocol transport, RequestHandler handler, Address local_addr) { this.transport = transport; this.local_addr = local_addr; request_handler = handler; start(); } public void setRequestHandler(RequestHandler handler) { request_handler=handler; start(); } public RpcDispatcher.Marshaller getMarshaller() { return marshaller; } public void setMarshaller(RpcDispatcher.Marshaller marshaller) { this.marshaller=marshaller; } public void sendRequest(long id, List<Address> dest_mbrs, Message msg, RspCollector coll) throws Exception { sendRequest(id, dest_mbrs, msg, coll, new RequestOptions().setAnycasting(false)); } /** * Sends a request to a group. If no response collector is given, no responses are expected (making the call asynchronous) * * @param id The request ID. Must be unique for this JVM (e.g. current time in millisecs) * @param dest_mbrs The list of members who should receive the call. Usually a group RPC * is sent via multicast, but a receiver drops the request if its own address * is not in this list. Will not be used if it is null. * @param msg The request to be sent. The body of the message carries * the request data * * @param coll A response collector (usually the object that invokes this method). Its methods * <code>receiveResponse()</code> and <code>suspect()</code> will be invoked when a message has been received * or a member is suspected, respectively. */ public void sendRequest(long id, Collection<Address> dest_mbrs, Message msg, RspCollector coll, RequestOptions options) throws Exception { if(transport == null) { if(log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn("transport is not available !"); return; } // i. Create the request correlator header and add it to the msg // ii. If a reply is expected (coll != null), add a coresponding entry in the pending requests table // iii. If deadlock detection is enabled, set/update the call stack // iv. Pass the msg down to the protocol layer below Header hdr=options.hasExclusionList()? new MultiDestinationHeader(Header.REQ, id, (coll != null),, options.getExclusionList()) : new Header(Header.REQ, id, (coll != null),; msg.putHeader(, hdr); if(coll != null) { addEntry(, coll); // make sure no view is received before we add ourself as a view handler ( coll.viewChange(view); } if(options.getAnycasting()) { if(options.useAnycastAddresses()) { Message copy=msg.copy(true); AnycastAddress dest=new AnycastAddress(dest_mbrs); copy.setDest(dest); transport.down(new Event(Event.MSG, copy)); } else { for(Address mbr: dest_mbrs) { Message copy=msg.copy(true); copy.setDest(mbr); transport.down(new Event(Event.MSG, copy)); } } } else transport.down(new Event(Event.MSG, msg)); } /** * Sends a request to a single destination * @param id * @param target * @param msg * @param coll * @throws Exception */ public void sendUnicastRequest(long id, Address target, Message msg, RspCollector coll) throws Exception { if(transport == null) { if(log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn("transport is not available !"); return; } // i. Create the request correlator header and add it to the msg // ii. If a reply is expected (coll != null), add a coresponding entry in the pending requests table // iii. If deadlock detection is enabled, set/update the call stack // iv. Pass the msg down to the protocol layer below Header hdr=new Header(Header.REQ, id, (coll != null),; msg.putHeader(, hdr); if(coll != null) { addEntry(, coll); // make sure no view is received before we add ourself as a view handler ( coll.viewChange(view); } transport.down(new Event(Event.MSG, msg)); } /** * Used to signal that a certain request may be garbage collected as all responses have been received. */ public void done(long id) { removeEntry(id); } /** * <b>Callback</b>. * <p> * Called by the protocol below when a message has been received. The * algorithm should test whether the message is destined for us and, * if not, pass it up to the next layer. Otherwise, it should remove * the header and check whether the message is a request or response. * In the first case, the message will be delivered to the request * handler registered (calling its <code>handle()</code> method), in the * second case, the corresponding response collector is looked up and * the message delivered. * @param evt The event to be received * @return Whether or not the event was consumed. If true, don't pass message up, else pass it up */ public boolean receive(Event evt) { switch(evt.getType()) { case Event.SUSPECT: // don't wait for responses from faulty members receiveSuspect((Address)evt.getArg()); break; case Event.VIEW_CHANGE: // adjust number of responses to wait for receiveView((View)evt.getArg()); break; case Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS: setLocalAddress((Address)evt.getArg()); break; case Event.MSG: if(receiveMessage((Message)evt.getArg())) return true; // message was consumed, don't pass it up break; case Event.SITE_UNREACHABLE: SiteMaster site_master=(SiteMaster)evt.getArg(); short site=site_master.getSite(); setSiteUnreachable(site); return true; } return false; } public final void start() { started=true; } public void stop() { started=false; for(RspCollector coll: requests.values()) coll.transportClosed(); requests.clear(); } public void registerProbeHandler(TP transport) { if(transport != null) transport.registerProbeHandler(probe_handler); } public void unregisterProbeHandler(TP transport) { if(transport != null) transport.unregisterProbeHandler(probe_handler); } // ....................................................................... /** * <tt>Event.SUSPECT</tt> event received from a layer below. * <p> * All response collectors currently registered will * be notified that <code>mbr</code> may have crashed, so they won't * wait for its response. */ public void receiveSuspect(Address mbr) { if(mbr == null) return; if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("suspect=" + mbr); // copy so we don't run into bug #761804 - Bela June 27 2003 // copy=new ArrayList(requests.values()); // removed because ConcurrentReaderHashMap can tolerate concurrent mods (bela May 8 2006) for(RspCollector coll: requests.values()) { if(coll != null) coll.suspect(mbr); } } /** An entire site is down; mark all requests that point to that site as unreachable (used by RELAY2) */ public void setSiteUnreachable(short site) { for(RspCollector coll: requests.values()) { if(coll != null) coll.siteUnreachable(site); } } /** * <tt>Event.VIEW_CHANGE</tt> event received from a layer below. * <p> * Mark all responses from members that are not in new_view as * NOT_RECEIVED. * */ public void receiveView(View new_view) { // ArrayList copy; // copy so we don't run into bug #761804 - Bela June 27 2003 // copy=new ArrayList(requests.values()); // removed because ConcurrentHashMap can tolerate concurrent mods (bela May 8 2006) view=new_view; // move this before the iteration (JGRP-1428) for(RspCollector coll: requests.values()) { if(coll != null) coll.viewChange(new_view); } } /** * Handles a message coming from a layer below * * @return true if the message was consumed, don't pass it further up, else false */ public boolean receiveMessage(Message msg) { // i. If header is not an instance of request correlator header, ignore // // ii. Check whether the message was sent by a request correlator with // the same name (there may be multiple request correlators in the same // protocol stack...) Header hdr=(Header)msg.getHeader(; if(hdr == null) return false; if(hdr.corrId != { if(log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(new StringBuilder("id of request correlator header (").append(hdr.corrId). append(") is different from ours (").append("). Msg not accepted, passed up")); } return false; } if(hdr instanceof MultiDestinationHeader) { // If the header contains an exclusion list, and we are part of it, then we discard the // request (was addressed to other members) java.util.Collection exclusion_list=((MultiDestinationHeader)hdr).exclusion_list; if(exclusion_list != null && local_addr != null && exclusion_list.contains(local_addr)) { if(log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(new StringBuilder("discarded request from ").append(msg.getSrc()). append(" as we are in the exclusion list (local_addr="). append(local_addr).append(", hdr=").append(hdr).append(')')); } return true; // don't pass this message further up } } // [Header.REQ]: // i. If there is no request handler, discard // ii. Check whether priority: if synchronous and call stack contains // address that equals local address -> add priority request. Else // add normal request. // // [Header.RSP]: // Remove the msg request correlator header and notify the associated // <tt>RspCollector</tt> that a reply has been received switch(hdr.type) { case Header.REQ: if(request_handler == null) { if(log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn("there is no request handler installed to deliver request !"); } return true; } handleRequest(msg, hdr); break; case Header.RSP: case Header.EXC_RSP: RspCollector coll=requests.get(; if(coll != null) { boolean is_exception=hdr.type == Header.EXC_RSP; Address sender=msg.getSrc(); Object retval; byte[] buf=msg.getBuffer(); int offset=msg.getOffset(), length=msg.getLength(); try { retval=marshaller != null? marshaller.objectFromBuffer(buf, offset, length) : Util.objectFromByteBuffer(buf, offset, length); } catch(Exception e) { log.error("failed unmarshalling buffer into return value", e); retval=e; is_exception=true; } coll.receiveResponse(retval, sender, is_exception); } break; default: msg.getHeader(; if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("header's type is neither REQ nor RSP !"); break; } return true; // message was consumed } public Address getLocalAddress() { return local_addr; } public void setLocalAddress(Address local_addr) { this.local_addr=local_addr; } // ....................................................................... /** * Add an association of:<br> * ID -> <tt>RspCollector</tt> */ private void addEntry(long id, RspCollector coll) { requests.putIfAbsent(id, coll); } /** * Remove the request entry associated with the given ID * * @param id the id of the <tt>RequestEntry</tt> to remove */ private void removeEntry(long id) { // changed by bela Feb 28 2003 (bug fix for 690606) // changed back to use synchronization by bela June 27 2003 (bug fix for #761804), // we can do this because we now copy for iteration (viewChange() and suspect()) requests.remove(id); } /** * Handle a request msg for this correlator * * @param req the request msg */ protected void handleRequest(Message req, Header hdr) { Object retval; boolean threwException = false; // i. Get the request correlator header from the msg and pass it to // the registered handler // // ii. If a reply is expected, pack the return value from the request // handler to a reply msg and send it back. The reply msg has the same // ID as the request and the name of the sender request correlator if(log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(new StringBuilder("calling (").append((request_handler != null? request_handler.getClass().getName() : "null")). append(") with request ").append(; } MessageRequest messageRequest = new MessageRequestImpl(req, hdr); try { retval=request_handler.handle(messageRequest); } catch(Throwable t) { // if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("error invoking method", t); retval=t; threwException = true; } messageRequest.sendReply(retval, threwException); } protected void prepareResponse(Message rsp) { ; } // ....................................................................... private class MessageRequestImpl implements MessageRequest { private final Message request; private final Header header; private MessageRequestImpl(Message request, Header header) { this.request = request; this.header = header; } @Override public final Message getMessage() { return request; } @Override public final void sendReply(Object reply, boolean exceptionThrown) { if(!header.rsp_expected || reply == RequestHandler.DO_NOT_REPLY) // asynchronous call, we don't need to send a response; terminate call here return; if(transport == null) { if(log.isErrorEnabled()) { log.error("failure sending response; no transport available"); } return; } Object rsp_buf; // changed (bela Feb 20 2004): catch exception and return exception try { // retval could be an exception, or a real value rsp_buf = marshaller != null ? marshaller.objectToBuffer(reply) : Util.objectToByteBuffer(reply); } catch(Throwable t) { try { // this call should succeed (all exceptions are serializable) rsp_buf=marshaller != null? marshaller.objectToBuffer(t) : Util.objectToByteBuffer(t); exceptionThrown = true; } catch(Throwable tt) { if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("failed sending rsp: return value (" + reply + ") is not serializable"); return; } } Message response = request.makeReply(); prepareResponse(response); response.setFlag(Message.OOB); response.setFlag(Message.DONT_BUNDLE); if(request.isFlagSet(Message.NO_FC)) response.setFlag(Message.NO_FC); if(request.isFlagSet(Message.NO_RELIABILITY)) response.setFlag(Message.NO_RELIABILITY); if(request.isFlagSet(Message.NO_TOTAL_ORDER)) response.setFlag(Message.NO_TOTAL_ORDER); if(rsp_buf instanceof Buffer) response.setBuffer((Buffer)rsp_buf); else if (rsp_buf instanceof byte[]) response.setBuffer((byte[])rsp_buf); Header responseHeader = new Header(exceptionThrown ? Header.EXC_RSP : Header.RSP,, false,; response.putHeader(, responseHeader); if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace(new StringBuilder("sending rsp for ").append(" to ") .append(response.getDest())); transport.down(new Event(Event.MSG, response)); } } /** * The header for <tt>RequestCorrelator</tt> messages */ public static class Header extends org.jgroups.Header { public static final byte REQ = 0; public static final byte RSP = 1; public static final byte EXC_RSP = 2; // exception /** Type of header: request or reply */ public byte type; /** * The id of this request to distinguish among other requests from the same <tt>RequestCorrelator</tt> */ public long id; /** msg is synchronous if true */ public boolean rsp_expected; /** The unique ID of the associated <tt>RequestCorrelator</tt> */ public short corrId; /** * Used for externalization */ public Header() {} /** * @param type type of header (<tt>REQ</tt>/<tt>RSP</tt>) * @param id id of this header relative to ids of other requests * originating from the same correlator * @param rsp_expected whether it's a sync or async request * @param corr_id The ID of the <tt>RequestCorrelator</tt> from which */ public Header(byte type, long id, boolean rsp_expected, short corr_id) { this.type = type; = id; this.rsp_expected = rsp_expected; this.corrId = corr_id; } public String toString() { StringBuilder ret=new StringBuilder(); ret.append("id=" + corrId + ", type="); switch(type) { case REQ: ret.append("REQ"); break; case RSP: ret.append("RSP"); break; case EXC_RSP: ret.append("EXC_RSP"); break; default: ret.append("<unknown>"); } ret.append(", id=" + id); ret.append(", rsp_expected=" + rsp_expected); return ret.toString(); } public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws Exception { out.writeByte(type); Util.writeLong(id, out); out.writeBoolean(rsp_expected); out.writeShort(corrId); } public void readFrom(DataInput in) throws Exception { type=in.readByte(); id=Util.readLong(in); rsp_expected=in.readBoolean(); corrId=in.readShort(); } public int size() { return Global.BYTE_SIZE // type + Util.size(id) // id + Global.BYTE_SIZE // rsp_expected + Global.SHORT_SIZE; // corrId } } public static final class MultiDestinationHeader extends Header { /** Contains a list of members who should not receive the request (others will drop). Ignored if null */ public java.util.Collection<? extends Address> exclusion_list; public MultiDestinationHeader() { } public MultiDestinationHeader(byte type, long id, boolean rsp_expected, short corr_id, Collection<Address> exclusion_list) { super(type, id, rsp_expected, corr_id); this.exclusion_list=exclusion_list; } public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws Exception { super.writeTo(out); Util.writeAddresses(exclusion_list, out); } public void readFrom(DataInput in) throws Exception { super.readFrom(in); exclusion_list=Util.readAddresses(in, LinkedList.class); } public int size() { return (int)(super.size() + Util.size(exclusion_list)); } public String toString() { String str=super.toString(); if(exclusion_list != null) str=str+ ", exclusion_list=" + exclusion_list; return str; } } private static class MyProbeHandler implements DiagnosticsHandler.ProbeHandler { private final ConcurrentMap<Long,RspCollector> requests; private MyProbeHandler(ConcurrentMap<Long,RspCollector> requests) { this.requests=requests; } public Map<String, String> handleProbe(String... keys) { if(requests == null) return null; Map<String,String> retval=new HashMap<String,String>(); for(String key: keys) { if(key.equals("requests")) { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); for(Map.Entry<Long,RspCollector> entry: requests.entrySet()) { sb.append(entry.getKey()).append(": ").append(entry.getValue()).append("\n"); } retval.put("requests", sb.toString()); break; } } return retval; } public String[] supportedKeys() { return new String[]{"requests"}; } } }