package org.jgroups.blocks; import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedAttribute; import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedOperation; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.ClosedSelectorException; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; /** Class which listens on a server socket for memcached clients, reads the requests, forwards them to an instance of * PartitionedHashMap and sends the response. A memcached client should be able to work without changes once the * memcached protocol ( has been implemented * completely.<br/> * @author Bela Ban */ public class MemcachedConnector implements Runnable { @ManagedAttribute(writable=false) private int port=11211; @ManagedAttribute(writable=false) private InetAddress bind_addr=null; private PartitionedHashMap<String, byte[]> cache=null; private Thread thread=null; private ServerSocket srv_sock; @ManagedAttribute(writable=true) private int core_threads=1; @ManagedAttribute(writable=true) private int max_threads=500; @ManagedAttribute(writable=true) private long idle_time=5000L; private Executor thread_pool; private long start_time; private final byte[] STORED="STORED\r\n".getBytes(); private final byte[] DELETED="DELETED\r\n".getBytes(); private final byte[] END="END\r\n".getBytes(); private final byte[] RN="\r\n".getBytes(); public MemcachedConnector(InetAddress bind_addr, int port, PartitionedHashMap<String, byte[]> cache) { this.bind_addr=bind_addr; this.cache=cache; this.port=port; } public InetAddress getBindAddress() { return bind_addr; } public void setBindAddress(InetAddress bind_addr) { this.bind_addr=bind_addr; } public int getPort() { return port; } public void setPort(int port) { this.port=port; } public PartitionedHashMap<String, byte[]> getCache() { return cache; } public void setCache(PartitionedHashMap<String, byte[]> cache) { this.cache=cache; } public int getThreadPoolCoreThreads() { return core_threads; } public void setThreadPoolCoreThreads(int core_threads) { this.core_threads=core_threads; } public int getThreadPoolMaxThreads() { return max_threads; } public void setThreadPoolMaxThreads(int max_threads) { this.max_threads=max_threads; } public long getThreadPoolIdleTime() { return idle_time; } public void setThreadPoolIdleTime(long idle_time) { this.idle_time=idle_time; } public Executor getThreadPool() { return thread_pool; } public void setThreadPool(Executor thread_pool) { if(this.thread_pool instanceof ExecutorService) { ((ExecutorService)thread_pool).shutdown(); } this.thread_pool=thread_pool; } public Map<String, Object> getStats() { Map<String,Object> stats=new HashMap<String,Object>(); stats.put("time", System.currentTimeMillis()); stats.put("uptime", (System.currentTimeMillis() - start_time) / 1000L); return stats; } @ManagedOperation public void start() throws IOException, MalformedObjectNameException, MBeanRegistrationException { srv_sock=new ServerSocket(port, 50, bind_addr); if(thread_pool == null) { thread_pool=new ThreadPoolExecutor(core_threads, max_threads, idle_time, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>(), new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy()); // thread_pool=new DirectExecutor(); } if(thread == null || !thread.isAlive()) { thread=new Thread(this, "Acceptor"); thread.start(); } start_time=System.currentTimeMillis(); } @ManagedOperation public void stop() throws IOException { Util.close(srv_sock); thread=null; if(thread_pool instanceof ExecutorService) ((ExecutorService)thread_pool).shutdown(); } public void run() { System.out.println("MemcachedConnector listening on " + srv_sock.getLocalSocketAddress()); while(thread != null && Thread.currentThread().equals(thread)) { Socket client_sock=null; try { client_sock=srv_sock.accept(); // System.out.println("ACCEPT: " + client_sock.getRemoteSocketAddress()); final RequestHandler handler=new RequestHandler(client_sock); /*new Thread() { public void run() {; } }.start(); */ thread_pool.execute(handler); } catch(ClosedSelectorException closed) { Util.close(client_sock); break; } catch(Throwable e) { } } } private class RequestHandler implements Runnable { private final Socket client_sock; private final InputStream input; private final OutputStream output; public RequestHandler(Socket client_sock) throws IOException { this.client_sock=client_sock; this.input=new BufferedInputStream(client_sock.getInputStream()); this.output=new BufferedOutputStream(client_sock.getOutputStream()); } public void run() { byte[] val; String line; while(client_sock.isConnected()) { try { line=Util.readLine(input); if(line == null) break; // System.out.println("line = " + line); Request req=parseRequest(line); if(req == null) { break; } // System.out.println("req = " + req); switch(req.type) { case SET: byte[] data=new byte[req.number_of_bytes]; int, 0, data.length); if(num == -1) throw new EOFException(); cache.put(req.key, data, req.caching_time); output.write(STORED); output.flush(); Util.discardUntilNewLine(input); break; case GET: case GETS: if(req.keys != null && !req.keys.isEmpty()) { for(String key: req.keys) { val=cache.get(key); if(val != null) { int length=val.length; output.write(("VALUE " + key + " 0 " + length + "\r\n").getBytes()); output.write(val, 0, length); output.write(RN); } } } output.write(END); output.flush(); break; case DELETE: cache.remove(req.key); output.write(DELETED); output.flush(); break; case STATS: Map<String,Object> stats=getStats(); StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); for(Map.Entry<String,Object> entry: stats.entrySet()) { sb.append("STAT ").append(entry.getKey()).append(" ").append(entry.getValue()).append("\r\n"); } sb.append("END\r\n"); output.write(sb.toString().getBytes()); output.flush(); break; } } catch(StreamCorruptedException corrupted_ex) { try { output.write(("CLIENT_ERROR failed to parse request: " + corrupted_ex + ":\r\n").getBytes()); output.flush(); } catch(IOException e) {} } catch(EOFException end_of_file_ex) { break; } catch(Throwable e) { } } Util.close(client_sock); } private Request parseRequest(String line) throws IOException { Request req=new Request(); String[] args=line.trim().split(" +"); String tmp=args[0]; if(tmp == null) throw new EOFException(); if(tmp.equals("set")) req.type=Request.Type.SET; else if(tmp.equals("add")) req.type=Request.Type.ADD; else if(tmp.equals("replace")) req.type=Request.Type.REPLACE; else if(tmp.equals("prepend")) req.type=Request.Type.PREPEND; else if(tmp.equals("append")) req.type=Request.Type.APPEND; else if(tmp.equals("cas")) req.type=Request.Type.CAS; else if(tmp.equals("incr")) req.type=Request.Type.INCR; else if(tmp.equals("decr")) req.type=Request.Type.DECR; else if(tmp.equals("get")) req.type=Request.Type.GET; else if(tmp.equals("gets")) req.type=Request.Type.GETS; else if(tmp.equals("delete")) req.type=Request.Type.DELETE; else if(tmp.equals("stat")) req.type=Request.Type.STAT; else if(tmp.equals("stats")) req.type=Request.Type.STATS; else { throw new StreamCorruptedException("request \"" + line + "\" not known"); } switch(req.type) { case SET: case ADD: case REPLACE: case PREPEND: case APPEND: // key tmp=args[1]; if(tmp == null) throw new EOFException(); req.key=tmp; // read flags and discard: flags are not supported tmp=args[2]; if(tmp == null) throw new EOFException(); // expiry time tmp=args[3]; if(tmp == null) throw new EOFException(); req.caching_time=Long.parseLong(tmp) * 1000L; // convert from secs to ms // number of bytes tmp=args[4]; if(tmp == null) throw new EOFException(); req.number_of_bytes=Integer.parseInt(tmp); break; case GET: case GETS: req.keys=new ArrayList<String>(5); req.keys.addAll(Arrays.asList(args).subList(1, args.length)); break; case DELETE: // key tmp=args[1]; if(tmp == null) throw new EOFException(); req.key=tmp; break; case STATS: break; } return req; } } public static class Request { public static enum Type {SET, ADD, REPLACE, PREPEND, APPEND, CAS, INCR, DECR, GET, GETS, DELETE, STAT, STATS}; Type type; String key; List<String> keys=null; long caching_time; int number_of_bytes=0; public Request() { } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); sb.append(type + ": "); if(key != null) sb.append("key=" + key); else if(keys != null && !keys.isEmpty()) sb.append("keys=" + keys); sb.append(", caching_time=" + caching_time + ", number_of_bytes=" + number_of_bytes); return sb.toString(); } } }