package; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.util.*; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Entry point for interactions with Hibernate-Search. * * This class provides a SearchFactory instance that can be used to perform searches using hibernate-search. */ public class HibernateSearchSupport { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HibernateSearchSupport.class); private static final Set<Class<?>> INDEXED_CLASSES = new HashSet<Class<?>>(getIndexedDomainClasses()); private static SearchFactoryImplementor searchFactory; /** * Returns the SearchFactory instance. Null when HibernateSearchSupport is disabled. */ public static SearchFactoryImplementor getSearchFactory() { return searchFactory; } static void initializeSearchFactory(Properties hibernateSearchConfiguration) { if (searchFactory != null) { throw new RuntimeException("Tried to initialize already initialized HibernateSearchSupport"); } if (INDEXED_CLASSES.isEmpty()) { logger.warn("Hibernate Search enabled but no domain classes are marked with @Indexed"); } SearchConfiguration configuration = new SearchConfiguration(hibernateSearchConfiguration, getBuiltinMapping(), INDEXED_CLASSES); searchFactory = new SearchFactoryBuilder().configuration(configuration).buildSearchFactory(); } protected static void updateIndex(TransactionContext context, Collection<DomainObject> objects, WorkType workType) { try { for (DomainObject obj : objects) { if (!INDEXED_CLASSES.contains(obj.getClass())) continue; searchFactory.getWorker().performWork(new Work<DomainObject>(obj, workType), context); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { logger.warn("Problem inside updateIndex", e); throw e; } } /** Built-in default programatic mapping for hibernate-search **/ private static SearchMapping getBuiltinMapping() { SearchMapping mapping = new SearchMapping(); // Map the getExternalId() method as a documentId for all domain classes // Note that hibernate-search currently requires this method to really exist in the // AbstractDomainObject class mapping .entity(AbstractDomainObject.class) .property("externalId", ElementType.METHOD) .documentId() .name("id"); return mapping; } /** Scans for domain classes annotated with @Indexed **/ private static Set<Class<?>> getIndexedDomainClasses() { Set<Class<?>> classList = new HashSet<Class<?>>(); for (DomainClass dc : FenixFramework.getDomainModel().getDomainClasses()) { try { Class<?> domainClass = Class.forName(dc.getFullName()); if (domainClass.getAnnotation( != null) { logger.trace("Indexing " + dc.getFullName()); classList.add(domainClass); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return classList; } }