package org.jgroups; import org.jgroups.conf.ClassConfigurator; import org.jgroups.logging.Log; import org.jgroups.logging.LogFactory; import org.jgroups.util.Buffer; import org.jgroups.util.Headers; import org.jgroups.util.Streamable; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import*; import java.util.Map; /** * A Message encapsulates data sent to members of a group. It contains among other things the * address of the sender, the destination address, a payload (byte buffer) and a list of headers. * Headers are added by protocols on the sender side and removed by protocols on the receiver's * side. * <p> * The byte buffer can point to a reference, and we can subset it using index and length. However, * when the message is serialized, we only write the bytes between index and length. * * @since 2.0 * @author Bela Ban */ public class Message implements Streamable { protected Address dest_addr; protected Address src_addr; /** The payload */ private byte[] buf; /** The index into the payload (usually 0) */ protected int offset; /** The number of bytes in the buffer (usually buf.length is buf not equal to null). */ protected int length; /** All headers are placed here */ protected Headers headers; private volatile short flags; private volatile byte transient_flags; // transient_flags is neither marshalled nor copied protected static final Log log=LogFactory.getLog(Message.class); static final byte DEST_SET = 1; static final byte SRC_SET = 1 << 1; static final byte BUF_SET = 1 << 2; // =============================== Flags ==================================== public static enum Flag { OOB((short) 1), // message is out-of-band DONT_BUNDLE( (short)(1 << 1)), // don't bundle message at the transport NO_FC( (short)(1 << 2)), // bypass flow control SCOPED( (short)(1 << 3)), // when a message has a scope NO_RELIABILITY((short)(1 << 4)), // bypass UNICAST(2) and NAKACK NO_TOTAL_ORDER((short)(1 << 5)), // bypass total order (e.g. SEQUENCER) NO_RELAY((short) (1 << 6)), // bypass relaying (RELAY) RSVP((short) (1 << 7)); // ack of a multicast ( final short value; Flag(short value) {this.value=value;} public short value() {return value;} } public static final Flag OOB=Flag.OOB; public static final Flag DONT_BUNDLE=Flag.DONT_BUNDLE; public static final Flag NO_FC=Flag.NO_FC; public static final Flag SCOPED=Flag.SCOPED; public static final Flag NO_RELIABILITY=Flag.NO_RELIABILITY; public static final Flag NO_TOTAL_ORDER=Flag.NO_TOTAL_ORDER; public static final Flag NO_RELAY=Flag.NO_RELAY; public static final Flag RSVP=Flag.RSVP; // =========================== Transient flags ============================== public static enum TransientFlag { OOB_DELIVERED((short)1); final short value; TransientFlag(short flag) {value=flag;} public short value() {return value;} } public static final TransientFlag OOB_DELIVERED=TransientFlag.OOB_DELIVERED; // OOB which has already been delivered up the stack /** * Constructs a Message given a destination Address * * @param dest * Address of receiver. If it is <em>null</em> then the message sent to the group. * Otherwise, it contains a single destination and is sent to that member. * <p> */ public Message(Address dest) { setDest(dest); headers=createHeaders(3); } /** * Constructs a Message given a destination Address, a source Address and the payload byte buffer * * @param dest * Address of receiver. If it is <em>null</em> then the message sent to the group. * Otherwise, it contains a single destination and is sent to that member. * <p> * @param src * Address of sender * @param buf * Message to be sent. Note that this buffer must not be modified (e.g. buf[0]=0 is not * allowed), since we don't copy the contents on clopy() or clone(). */ public Message(Address dest, Address src, byte[] buf) { this(dest); setSrc(src); setBuffer(buf); } public Message(Address dest, byte[] buf) { this(dest, null, buf); } /** * Constructs a message. The index and length parameters allow to provide a <em>reference</em> to * a byte buffer, rather than a copy, and refer to a subset of the buffer. This is important when * we want to avoid copying. When the message is serialized, only the subset is serialized.<br/> * <em> * Note that the byte[] buffer passed as argument must not be modified. Reason: if we retransmit the * message, it would still have a ref to the original byte[] buffer passed in as argument, and so we would * retransmit a changed byte[] buffer ! * </em> * * @param dest * Address of receiver. If it is <em>null</em> then the message sent to the group. * Otherwise, it contains a single destination and is sent to that member. * <p> * @param src * Address of sender * @param buf * A reference to a byte buffer * @param offset * The index into the byte buffer * @param length * The number of bytes to be used from <tt>buf</tt>. Both index and length are checked * for array index violations and an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown if * invalid */ public Message(Address dest, Address src, byte[] buf, int offset, int length) { this(dest); setSrc(src); setBuffer(buf, offset, length); } public Message(Address dest, byte[] buf, int offset, int length) { this(dest, null, buf, offset, length); } /** * Constructs a Message given a destination Address, a source Address and the payload Object * * @param dest * Address of receiver. If it is <em>null</em> then the message sent to the group. * Otherwise, it contains a single destination and is sent to that member. * <p> * @param src * Address of sender * @param obj * The object will be marshalled into the byte buffer. * <em>Obj has to be serializable (e.g. implementing * Serializable, Externalizable or Streamable, or be a basic type (e.g. Integer, Short etc)).</em> * ! The resulting buffer must not be modified (e.g. buf[0]=0 is not allowed), since we * don't copy the contents on clopy() or clone(). * <p/> */ public Message(Address dest, Address src, Object obj) { this(dest); setSrc(src); setObject(obj); } public Message(Address dest, Object obj) { this(dest, null, obj); } public Message() { headers=createHeaders(3); } public Message(boolean create_headers) { if(create_headers) headers=createHeaders(3); } public Address getDest() { return dest_addr; } public void setDest(Address new_dest) { dest_addr=new_dest; } public Address getSrc() { return src_addr; } public void setSrc(Address new_src) { src_addr=new_src; } /** * Returns a <em>reference</em> to the payload (byte buffer). Note that this buffer should not be * modified as we do not copy the buffer on copy() or clone(): the buffer of the copied message * is simply a reference to the old buffer.<br/> * Even if offset and length are used: we return the <em>entire</em> buffer, not a subset. */ public byte[] getRawBuffer() { return buf; } /** * Returns a copy of the buffer if offset and length are used, otherwise a reference. * * @return byte array with a copy of the buffer. */ final public byte[] getBuffer() { if(buf == null) return null; if(offset == 0 && length == buf.length) return buf; else { byte[] retval=new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(buf, offset, retval, 0, length); return retval; } } final public void setBuffer(byte[] b) { buf=b; if(buf != null) { offset=0; length=buf.length; } else { offset=length=0; } } /** * Set the internal buffer to point to a subset of a given buffer * * @param b * The reference to a given buffer. If null, we'll reset the buffer to null * @param offset * The initial position * @param length * The number of bytes */ final public void setBuffer(byte[] b, int offset, int length) { buf=b; if(buf != null) { if(offset < 0 || offset > buf.length) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(offset); if((offset + length) > buf.length) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException((offset+length)); this.offset=offset; this.length=length; } else { this.offset=this.length=0; } } /** * <em> * Note that the byte[] buffer passed as argument must not be modified. Reason: if we retransmit the * message, it would still have a ref to the original byte[] buffer passed in as argument, and so we would * retransmit a changed byte[] buffer ! * </em> */ public final void setBuffer(Buffer buf) { if(buf != null) { this.buf=buf.getBuf(); this.offset=buf.getOffset(); this.length=buf.getLength(); } } /** * * Returns the offset into the buffer at which the data starts * */ public int getOffset() { return offset; } /** * * Returns the number of bytes in the buffer * */ public int getLength() { return length; } /** * Returns a reference to the headers hashmap, which is <em>immutable</em>. Any attempt to modify * the returned map will cause a runtime exception */ public Map<Short,Header> getHeaders() { return headers.getHeaders(); } public String printHeaders() { return headers.printHeaders(); } public int getNumHeaders() { return headers != null? headers.size() : 0; } /** * Takes an object and uses Java serialization to generate the byte[] buffer which is set in the * message. Parameter 'obj' has to be serializable (e.g. implementing Serializable, * Externalizable or Streamable, or be a basic type (e.g. Integer, Short etc)). */ final public void setObject(Object obj) { if(obj == null) return; if(obj instanceof byte[]) { setBuffer((byte[])obj); return; } if(obj instanceof Buffer) { setBuffer((Buffer)obj); return; } try { byte[] tmp=Util.objectToByteBuffer(obj); setBuffer(tmp); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex); } } /** * Uses custom serialization to create an object from the buffer of the message. Note that this * is dangerous when using your own classloader, e.g. inside of an application server ! Most * likely, JGroups will use the system classloader to deserialize the buffer into an object, * whereas (for example) a web application will want to use the webapp's classloader, resulting * in a ClassCastException. The recommended way is for the application to use their own * serialization and only pass byte[] buffer to JGroups. * * @return */ final public Object getObject() { try { return Util.objectFromByteBuffer(buf, offset, length); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex); } } /** * Sets a number of flags in a message * @param flags The flag or flags * @return A reference to the message */ public Message setFlag(Flag ... flags) { if(flags != null) for(Flag flag: flags) if(flag != null) this.flags |= flag.value(); return this; } /** * Sets the flags from a short. <em>Not recommended</em> (use {@link #setFlag(org.jgroups.Message.Flag...)} instead), * as the internal representation of flags might change anytime. * @param flag * @return */ public Message setFlag(short flag) { flags |= flag; return this; } /** * Returns the internal representation of flags. Don't use this, as the internal format might change at any time ! * This is only used by unit test code * @return */ public short getFlags() {return flags;} /** * Clears a number of flags in a message * @param flags The flags * @return A reference to the message */ public Message clearFlag(Flag ... flags) { if(flags != null) for(Flag flag: flags) if(flag != null) this.flags &= ~flag.value(); return this; } public static boolean isFlagSet(short flags, Flag flag) { return flag != null && ((flags & flag.value()) == flag.value()); } /** * Checks if a given flag is set * @param flag The flag * @return Whether of not the flag is curently set */ public boolean isFlagSet(Flag flag) { return isFlagSet(flags, flag); } /** * Same as {@link #setFlag(Flag...)} except that transient flags are not marshalled * @param flag The flag */ public Message setTransientFlag(TransientFlag ... flags) { if(flags != null) for(TransientFlag flag: flags) if(flag != null) transient_flags |= flag.value(); return this; } /** * Atomically checks if a given flag is set and - if not - sets it. When multiple threads * concurrently call this method with the same flag, only one of them will be able to set the * flag * * @param flag * @return True if the flag could be set, false if not (was already set) */ public synchronized boolean setTransientFlagIfAbsent(TransientFlag flag) { if(isTransientFlagSet(flag)) return false; setTransientFlag(flag); return true; } public Message clearTransientFlag(TransientFlag ... flags) { if(flags != null) for(TransientFlag flag: flags) if(flag != null) transient_flags &= ~flag.value(); return this; } public boolean isTransientFlagSet(TransientFlag flag) { return flag != null && (transient_flags & flag.value()) == flag.value(); } public short getTransientFlags() { return transient_flags; } public void setScope(short scope) { Util.setScope(this, scope); } public short getScope() { return Util.getScope(this); } /*---------------------- Used by protocol layers ----------------------*/ /** Puts a header given an ID into the hashmap. Overwrites potential existing entry. */ public void putHeader(short id, Header hdr) { if(id < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("An ID of " + id + " is invalid"); headers.putHeader(id, hdr); } /** * Puts a header given a key into the map, only if the key doesn't exist yet * * @param id * @param hdr * @return the previous value associated with the specified key, or <tt>null</tt> if there was no * mapping for the key. (A <tt>null</tt> return can also indicate that the map previously * associated <tt>null</tt> with the key, if the implementation supports null values.) */ public Header putHeaderIfAbsent(short id, Header hdr) { if(id <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("An ID of " + id + " is invalid"); return headers.putHeaderIfAbsent(id, hdr); } public Header getHeader(short id) { if(id <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("An ID of " + id + " is invalid. Add the protocol which calls " + "getHeader() to jg-protocol-ids.xml"); return headers.getHeader(id); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public Message copy() { return copy(true); } /** * Create a copy of the message. If offset and length are used (to refer to another buffer), the * copy will contain only the subset offset and length point to, copying the subset into the new * copy. * * @param copy_buffer * @return Message with specified data */ public Message copy(boolean copy_buffer) { return copy(copy_buffer, true); } /** * Create a copy of the message. If offset and length are used (to refer to another buffer), the * copy will contain only the subset offset and length point to, copying the subset into the new * copy.<p/> * Note that for headers, only the arrays holding references to the headers are copied, not the headers themselves ! * The consequence is that the headers array of the copy hold the *same* references as the original, so do *not* * modify the headers ! If you want to change a header, copy it and call {@link Message#putHeader(short,Header)} again. * * @param copy_buffer * @param copy_headers * Copy the headers * @return Message with specified data */ public Message copy(boolean copy_buffer, boolean copy_headers) { Message retval=new Message(false); retval.dest_addr=dest_addr; retval.src_addr=src_addr; retval.flags=flags; retval.transient_flags=transient_flags; if(copy_buffer && buf != null) { // change bela Feb 26 2004: we don't resolve the reference retval.setBuffer(buf, offset, length); } retval.headers=copy_headers? createHeaders(headers) : createHeaders(3); return retval; } /** * Doesn't copy any headers except for those with ID >= copy_headers_above * * @param copy_buffer * @param starting_id * @return A message with headers whose ID are >= starting_id */ public Message copy(boolean copy_buffer, short starting_id) { Message retval=copy(copy_buffer, false); if(starting_id > 0) { for(Map.Entry<Short,Header> entry: getHeaders().entrySet()) { short id=entry.getKey(); if(id >= starting_id) retval.putHeader(id, entry.getValue()); } } return retval; } public Message makeReply() { Message retval=new Message(src_addr); if(dest_addr != null) retval.setSrc(dest_addr); return retval; } public String toString() { StringBuilder ret=new StringBuilder(64); ret.append("[dst: "); if(dest_addr == null) ret.append("<null>"); else ret.append(dest_addr); ret.append(", src: "); if(src_addr == null) ret.append("<null>"); else ret.append(src_addr); int size; if((size=getNumHeaders()) > 0) ret.append(" (").append(size).append(" headers)"); ret.append(", size="); if(buf != null && length > 0) ret.append(length); else ret.append('0'); ret.append(" bytes"); if(flags > 0) ret.append(", flags=").append(flagsToString(flags)); if(transient_flags > 0) ret.append(", transient_flags=" + transientFlagsToString()); ret.append(']'); return ret.toString(); } /** Tries to read an object from the message's buffer and prints it */ public String toStringAsObject() { if(buf == null) return null; try { Object obj=getObject(); return obj != null ? obj.toString() : ""; } catch(Exception e) { // it is not an object return ""; } } public String printObjectHeaders() { return headers.printObjectHeaders(); } /* ----------------------------------- Interface Streamable ------------------------------- */ /** * Streams all members (dest and src addresses, buffer and headers) to the output stream. * * * @param out * @throws Exception */ public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws Exception { byte leading=0; if(dest_addr != null) leading=Util.setFlag(leading, DEST_SET); if(src_addr != null) leading=Util.setFlag(leading, SRC_SET); if(buf != null) leading=Util.setFlag(leading, BUF_SET); // 1. write the leading byte first out.write(leading); // 2. the flags (e.g. OOB, LOW_PRIO) out.writeShort(flags); // 3. dest_addr if(dest_addr != null) Util.writeAddress(dest_addr, out); // 4. src_addr if(src_addr != null) Util.writeAddress(src_addr, out); // 5. buf if(buf != null) { out.writeInt(length); out.write(buf, offset, length); } // 6. headers int size=headers.size(); out.writeShort(size); final short[] ids=headers.getRawIDs(); final Header[] hdrs=headers.getRawHeaders(); for(int i=0; i < ids.length; i++) { if(ids[i] > 0) { out.writeShort(ids[i]); writeHeader(hdrs[i], out); } } } /** * Writes the message to the output stream, but excludes the dest and src addresses unless the * src address given as argument is different from the message's src address * * @param src * @param out * @throws Exception */ public void writeToNoAddrs(Address src, DataOutputStream out) throws Exception { byte leading=0; boolean write_src_addr=src == null || src_addr != null && !src_addr.equals(src); if(write_src_addr) leading=Util.setFlag(leading, SRC_SET); if(buf != null) leading=Util.setFlag(leading, BUF_SET); // 1. write the leading byte first out.write(leading); // 2. the flags (e.g. OOB, LOW_PRIO) out.writeShort(flags); // 4. src_addr if(write_src_addr) Util.writeAddress(src_addr, out); // 5. buf if(buf != null) { out.writeInt(length); out.write(buf, offset, length); } // 6. headers int size=headers.size(); out.writeShort(size); final short[] ids=headers.getRawIDs(); final Header[] hdrs=headers.getRawHeaders(); for(int i=0; i < ids.length; i++) { if(ids[i] > 0) { out.writeShort(ids[i]); writeHeader(hdrs[i], out); } } } public void readFrom(DataInput in) throws Exception { // 1. read the leading byte first byte leading=in.readByte(); // 2. the flags flags=in.readShort(); // 3. dest_addr if(Util.isFlagSet(leading, DEST_SET)) dest_addr=Util.readAddress(in); // 4. src_addr if(Util.isFlagSet(leading, SRC_SET)) src_addr=Util.readAddress(in); // 5. buf if(Util.isFlagSet(leading, BUF_SET)) { int len=in.readInt(); buf=new byte[len]; in.readFully(buf, 0, len); length=len; } // 6. headers int len=in.readShort(); headers=createHeaders(len); short[] ids=headers.getRawIDs(); Header[] hdrs=headers.getRawHeaders(); for(int i=0; i < len; i++) { short id=in.readShort(); Header hdr=readHeader(in); ids[i]=id; hdrs[i]=hdr; } } /* --------------------------------- End of Interface Streamable ----------------------------- */ /** * Returns the exact size of the marshalled message. Uses method size() of each header to compute * the size, so if a Header subclass doesn't implement size() we will use an approximation. * However, most relevant header subclasses have size() implemented correctly. (See * org.jgroups.tests.SizeTest). * * @return The number of bytes for the marshalled message */ public long size() { long retval=Global.BYTE_SIZE // leading byte + Global.SHORT_SIZE; // flags if(dest_addr != null) retval+=Util.size(dest_addr); if(src_addr != null) retval+=Util.size(src_addr); if(buf != null) retval+=Global.INT_SIZE // length (integer) + length; // number of bytes in the buffer retval+=Global.SHORT_SIZE; // number of headers retval+=headers.marshalledSize(); return retval; } /* ----------------------------------- Private methods ------------------------------- */ public static String flagsToString(short flags) { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); boolean first=true; if(isFlagSet(flags, Flag.OOB)) { first=false; sb.append("OOB"); } if(isFlagSet(flags, Flag.DONT_BUNDLE)) { if(!first) sb.append("|"); else first=false; sb.append("DONT_BUNDLE"); } if(isFlagSet(flags, Flag.NO_FC)) { if(!first) sb.append("|"); else first=false; sb.append("NO_FC"); } if(isFlagSet(flags, Flag.SCOPED)) { if(!first) sb.append("|"); else first=false; sb.append("SCOPED"); } if(isFlagSet(flags, Flag.NO_RELIABILITY)) { if(!first) sb.append("|"); else first=false; sb.append("NO_RELIABILITY"); } if(isFlagSet(flags, Flag.NO_TOTAL_ORDER)) { if(!first) sb.append("|"); else first=false; sb.append("NO_TOTAL_ORDER"); } if(isFlagSet(flags, Flag.NO_RELAY)) { if(!first) sb.append("|"); else first=false; sb.append("NO_RELAY"); } if(isFlagSet(flags, Flag.RSVP)) { if(!first) sb.append("|"); else first=false; sb.append("RSVP"); } return sb.toString(); } public String transientFlagsToString() { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); if(isTransientFlagSet(TransientFlag.OOB_DELIVERED)) sb.append("OOB_DELIVERED"); return sb.toString(); } private static void writeHeader(Header hdr, DataOutput out) throws Exception { short magic_number=ClassConfigurator.getMagicNumber(hdr.getClass()); out.writeShort(magic_number); hdr.writeTo(out); } private static Header readHeader(DataInput in) throws Exception { short magic_number=in.readShort(); Class clazz=ClassConfigurator.get(magic_number); if(clazz == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("magic number " + magic_number + " is not available in magic map"); Header hdr=(Header)clazz.newInstance(); hdr.readFrom(in); return hdr; } private static Headers createHeaders(int size) { return size > 0? new Headers(size) : new Headers(3); } private static Headers createHeaders(Headers m) { return new Headers(m); } /* ------------------------------- End of Private methods ---------------------------- */ }