package org.jgroups.tests; import org.jgroups.Global; import org.jgroups.TimeoutException; import org.jgroups.stack.Interval; import org.jgroups.stack.StaticInterval; import org.jgroups.util.DefaultTimeScheduler; import org.jgroups.util.Promise; import org.jgroups.util.TimeScheduler; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; /** * Test cases for TimeScheduler * @author Bela Ban */ @Test(groups=Global.TIME_SENSITIVE,dataProvider="createTimer",sequential=true) public class TimeSchedulerTest { static final int NUM_MSGS=1000; static int[] xmit_timeouts={1000, 2000, 4000, 8000}; static double PERCENTAGE_OFF=0.3; // how much can expected xmit_timeout and real timeout differ to still be okay ? @DataProvider(name="createTimer") Object[][] createTimer() { return Util.createTimer(); } @Test(dataProvider="createTimer") public void testCancel(TimeScheduler timer) throws InterruptedException { for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) timer.scheduleWithDynamicInterval(new OneTimeTask(1000)); assert timer.size() == 10; timer.stop(); assert timer.size() == 0 : "stopped timer should have no tasks"; } /** * Tests creating many tasks at the same time and then cancelling every second task. Asserts that not all tasks are cancelled; * this was the case in an early implementation of {@link org.jgroups.util.TimeScheduler2}. * @param timer */ @Test(dataProvider="createTimer") public void testSchedulingTasksThenCancellingEverySecondTask(TimeScheduler timer) { final int NUM=20; Future<?>[] futures=new Future<?>[NUM]; try { for(int i=0; i < NUM; i++) { futures[i]=timer.schedule(new MyRunnable(i), 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if(i % 2 == 0) futures[i].cancel(false); } Util.sleep(3000); for(int i=0; i < NUM; i++) { Future<?> future=futures[i]; System.out.println("[" + i + "] done=" + future.isDone() + ", cancelled=" + future.isCancelled()); } for(int i=0; i < NUM; i++) { Future<?> future=futures[i]; assert future.isDone(); if(i % 2 == 0) assert future.isCancelled(); else assert !future.isCancelled(); } } finally { timer.stop(); } } @Test(dataProvider="createTimer") public void testTaskCancellationBeforeTaskHasRun(TimeScheduler timer) throws InterruptedException { Future future; StressTask task=new StressTask(); try { future=timer.scheduleWithDynamicInterval(task); assert timer.size() == 1; future.cancel(true); assert timer.size() == 1; Util.sleep(200); int num_executions=task.getNumExecutions(); System.out.println("number of task executions=" + num_executions); assert num_executions ==0 : "task should never have executed as it was cancelled before execution"; if(timer instanceof DefaultTimeScheduler) ((DefaultTimeScheduler)timer).purge(); // removes cancelled tasks else Util.sleep(1000); assert timer.size() == 0; } finally { timer.stop(); } } @Test(dataProvider="createTimer") public void testTaskCancellationAfterHasRun(TimeScheduler timer) throws InterruptedException { Future future; StressTask task=new StressTask(); try { future=timer.scheduleWithDynamicInterval(task); assert timer.size() == 1; Util.sleep(500); // wait until task has executed future.cancel(true); int size=timer.size(); assert size == 1 : " timer size should be 1, but is " + size; int num_executions=task.getNumExecutions(); System.out.println("number of task executions=" + num_executions); assert num_executions >= 1 : "task should have executed at least 1 time, as it was cancelled after 500ms"; if(timer instanceof DefaultTimeScheduler) ((DefaultTimeScheduler)timer).purge(); // removes cancelled tasks else Util.sleep(1000); assert timer.size() == 0 : " timer size should be 0, but is " + size; } finally { timer.stop(); } } @Test(dataProvider="createTimer") public void testRepeatingTask(TimeScheduler timer) throws InterruptedException { Future future; RepeatingTask task=new RepeatingTask(300); try { future=timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, 0, 300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); Util.sleep(3200); System.out.println("<<< cancelling task"); future.cancel(true); Util.sleep(1000); int num=task.getNum(); System.out.println("task executed " + num + " times"); assert num >= 8 && num <= 11 : "number of executions is " + num + ", but should be >= 8 and <= 11\n" + "Execution times: " + printExecutionTimes(task); } finally { timer.stop(); } } private static String printExecutionTimes(RepeatingTask task) { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); List<Long> times=task.getExecutionTimes(); if(times.isEmpty()) return "[]"; int cnt=1; for(Long time: times) { sb.append("#" + cnt++ + ": ").append(time).append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } @Test(dataProvider="createTimer") public void testStress(TimeScheduler timer) throws InterruptedException { StressTask t; final int NUM_A=500, NUM_B=1000; int cnt=0, print=NUM_A * NUM_B / 10; try { System.out.println("-- adding "+ (NUM_A * NUM_B) + " tasks..."); for(int i=0; i < NUM_A; i++) { for(int j=0; j < NUM_B; j++) { t=new StressTask(); Future future=timer.scheduleWithDynamicInterval(t); future.cancel(true); cnt++; if(cnt > 0 && cnt % print == 0) System.out.println(cnt); } } System.out.println("-- added "+ (NUM_A * NUM_B) + " tasks, waiting for termination"); Util.sleep(1000); for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { int size=timer.size(); System.out.println(size); if(size == 0) break; Util.sleep(500); } assert timer.size() == 0; } finally { timer.stop(); } } @Test(dataProvider="createTimer") public void testDynamicTask(TimeScheduler timer) throws InterruptedException { TimeScheduler.Task task=new DynamicTask(); try { Future<?> future=timer.scheduleWithDynamicInterval(task); assert !(future.isCancelled()); assert !(future.isDone()); Thread.sleep(3000); assert !(future.isCancelled()); assert !(future.isDone()); future.cancel(true); assert future.isCancelled(); assert future.isDone(); } finally { timer.stop(); } } @Test(dataProvider="createTimer") public void testDynamicTaskCancel(TimeScheduler timer) throws InterruptedException { try { TimeScheduler.Task task=new DynamicTask(); Future<?> future=timer.scheduleWithDynamicInterval(task); assert !(future.isCancelled()); assert !(future.isDone()); Thread.sleep(3000); assert !(future.isCancelled()); assert !(future.isDone()); assert future.cancel(true); assert future.isCancelled(); assert future.isDone(); assert future.cancel(true) == false; } finally { timer.stop(); } } @Test(dataProvider="createTimer") public void testIsDone(TimeScheduler timer) throws InterruptedException { try { TimeScheduler.Task task=new DynamicTask(); Future<?> future=timer.scheduleWithDynamicInterval(task); assert !(future.isCancelled()); assert !(future.isDone()); Thread.sleep(3000); assert !(future.isCancelled()); assert !(future.isDone()); future.cancel(true); assert future.isCancelled(); assert future.isDone(); } finally { timer.stop(); } } @Test(dataProvider="createTimer") public void testIsDone2(TimeScheduler timer) throws InterruptedException { try { TimeScheduler.Task task=new DynamicTask(new long[]{1000,2000,-1}); Future<?> future=timer.scheduleWithDynamicInterval(task); assert !future.isCancelled(); assert !future.isDone(); Thread.sleep(5000); assert !future.isCancelled(); assert future.isDone(); assert !future.cancel(true); // cancel() fails because the task is done assert future.isCancelled(); assert future.isDone(); assert !future.cancel(true); } finally { timer.stop(); } } @Test(dataProvider="createTimer") public void testIsDone3(TimeScheduler timer) throws InterruptedException { try { TimeScheduler.Task task=new DynamicTask(new long[]{-1}); Future<?> future=timer.scheduleWithDynamicInterval(task); Thread.sleep(100); assert !future.isCancelled(); assert future.isDone(); assert !future.cancel(true); assert future.isCancelled(); assert future.isDone(); } finally { timer.stop(); } } @Test(dataProvider="createTimer") public void testImmediateExecution(TimeScheduler timer) throws InterruptedException { try { Promise<Boolean> p=new Promise<Boolean>(); ImmediateTask task=new ImmediateTask(p); timer.execute(task); try { long start=System.currentTimeMillis(), stop; p.getResultWithTimeout(500); stop=System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("task took " + (stop-start) + "ms"); } catch(TimeoutException e) { assert false : "ran into timeout - task should have executed immediately"; } } finally { timer.stop(); } } @Test(dataProvider="createTimer") public void test2Tasks(TimeScheduler timer) throws InterruptedException { int size; try { System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() + ": adding task"); timer.schedule(new MyTask(), 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); size=timer.size(); System.out.println("queue size=" + size); Assert.assertEquals(1, size); Thread.sleep(1000); size=timer.size(); System.out.println("queue size=" + size); Assert.assertEquals(0, size); Thread.sleep(1500); System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() + ": adding task"); timer.schedule(new MyTask(), 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() + ": adding task"); timer.schedule(new MyTask(), 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() + ": adding task"); timer.schedule(new MyTask(), 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); size=timer.size(); System.out.println("queue size=" + size); Assert.assertEquals(3, size); Thread.sleep(1000); size=timer.size(); System.out.println("queue size=" + size); Assert.assertEquals(0, size); } finally { timer.stop(); } } /** * Tests whether retransmits are called at correct times for 1000 messages. A retransmit should not be * more than 30% earlier or later than the scheduled retransmission time */ @Test(dataProvider="createTimer") public void testRetransmits(TimeScheduler timer) throws InterruptedException { Entry entry; int num_non_correct_entries=0; Map<Long,Entry> msgs=new ConcurrentHashMap<Long,Entry>(); // keys=seqnos (Long), values=Entries try { // 1. Add NUM_MSGS messages: System.out.println("-- adding " + NUM_MSGS + " messages:"); for(long i=0; i < NUM_MSGS; i++) { entry=new Entry(i); msgs.put(new Long(i), entry); timer.scheduleWithDynamicInterval(entry); } System.out.println("-- done"); // 2. Wait for at least 4 xmits/msg: total of 1000 + 2000 + 4000 + 8000ms = 15000ms; wait for 20000ms System.out.println("-- waiting for all retransmits"); // 3. Check whether all Entries have correct retransmission times long end_time=System.currentTimeMillis() + 20000L, start=System.currentTimeMillis(); while(System.currentTimeMillis() < end_time) { num_non_correct_entries=check(msgs, false); if(num_non_correct_entries == 0) break; Util.sleep(1000); } System.out.println("-- waited for " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms"); num_non_correct_entries=check(msgs, true); if(num_non_correct_entries > 0) System.err.println("Number of incorrect retransmission timeouts: " + num_non_correct_entries); assert num_non_correct_entries == 0: "expected 0 incorrect entries but got " + num_non_correct_entries; } finally { timer.stop(); } } /** * Tests adding a task and - before it executes - adding tasks which are to be executed sooner * @param timer */ @Test(dataProvider="createTimer") public void testTasksPreemptingEachOther(TimeScheduler timer) { final List<Integer> results=new ArrayList<Integer>(3); long execution_time=4000; final long base=System.currentTimeMillis(); for(int num: new Integer[]{1,2,3}) { final int cnt=num; timer.schedule(new Runnable() { public void run() { results.add(cnt); System.out.println("[" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - base) + "] " + cnt); } }, execution_time, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); execution_time-=1300; Util.sleep(300); } for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { if(results.size() == 3) break; Util.sleep(500); } System.out.println("results = " + results); assert results.size() == 3: "results = " + results; assert results.get(0) == 3: "results = " + results; assert results.get(1) == 2: "results = " + results; assert results.get(2) == 1: "results = " + results; } /** * Tests the initial-delay argument of * {@link TimeScheduler#scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)} */ @Test(dataProvider="createTimer") public void testSchedulerWithFixedDelay(TimeScheduler timer) { final AtomicBoolean set=new AtomicBoolean(false); Future<?> future=timer.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() { public void run() { set.set(true); } }, 0, 3000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); Util.sleep(500); future.cancel(true); System.out.println("variable was set: " + set); assert set.get(); future=timer.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() { public void run() { set.set(true); } }, 300, 3000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); Util.sleep(1000); future.cancel(true); System.out.println("variable was set: " + set); assert set.get(); } static int check(Map<Long,Entry> msgs, boolean print) { int retval=0; for(long i=0; i < NUM_MSGS; i++) { Entry entry=msgs.get(new Long(i)); if(!entry.isCorrect(print)) { retval++; } } return retval; } static private class ImmediateTask implements Runnable { Promise<Boolean> p; public ImmediateTask(Promise<Boolean> p) { this.p=p; } public void run() { p.setResult(true); } } static class MyTask implements Runnable { public void run() { System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() + ": this is MyTask running - done"); } } static class DynamicTask implements TimeScheduler.Task { long[] times={1000,2000,4000}; int index=0; public DynamicTask() { } public DynamicTask(long[] times) { this.times=times; } public long nextInterval() { if(index == times.length -1) return times[index]; else return times[index++]; } public void run() { System.out.println("dynamic task run at " + new Date()); } } static class OneTimeTask implements TimeScheduler.Task { boolean done=false; private long timeout=0; OneTimeTask(long timeout) { this.timeout=timeout; } public long nextInterval() { return timeout; } public void run() { System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() + ": this is MyTask running - done"); done=true; } } static class RepeatingTask extends OneTimeTask { int num=0; List<Long> execution_times=new LinkedList<Long>(); private long base=0; RepeatingTask(long timeout) { super(timeout); } public int getNum() { return num; } public List<Long> getExecutionTimes() { return execution_times; } public void run() { if(base == 0) base=System.currentTimeMillis(); long time=System.currentTimeMillis() - base; System.out.println((num +1) + ": this is a repeating task (" + time + "ms after start)"); execution_times.add(time); num++; } } static class StressTask implements TimeScheduler.Task { int num_executions=0; public int getNumExecutions() { return num_executions; } public long nextInterval() { return 50; } public void run() { num_executions++; } } static class MyRunnable implements Runnable { final int num; public MyRunnable(int num) { this.num=num; } public void run() { System.out.println("[" + num + "] at " + System.currentTimeMillis()); } } private static class Entry implements TimeScheduler.Task { long start_time=0; // time message was added long first_xmit=0; // time between start_time and first_xmit should be ca. 1000ms long second_xmit=0; // time between first_xmit and second_xmit should be ca. 2000ms long third_xmit=0; // time between third_xmit and second_xmit should be ca. 4000ms long fourth_xmit=0; // time between third_xmit and second_xmit should be ca. 8000ms Interval interval=new StaticInterval(xmit_timeouts); long seqno=0; Entry(long seqno) { this.seqno=seqno; start_time=System.currentTimeMillis(); } public long nextInterval() { return; } public void run() { if(first_xmit == 0) first_xmit=System.currentTimeMillis(); else if(second_xmit == 0) second_xmit=System.currentTimeMillis(); else if(third_xmit == 0) third_xmit=System.currentTimeMillis(); else if(fourth_xmit == 0) fourth_xmit=System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * Entry is correct if xmit timeouts are not more than 30% off the mark */ boolean isCorrect(boolean print) { long t; long expected; long diff, delta; t=first_xmit - start_time; expected=xmit_timeouts[0]; diff=Math.abs(expected - t); delta=(long)(expected * PERCENTAGE_OFF); if(diff <= delta) return true; t=second_xmit - first_xmit; expected=xmit_timeouts[1]; diff=Math.abs(expected - t); delta=(long)(expected * PERCENTAGE_OFF); if(diff <= delta) return true; t=third_xmit - second_xmit; expected=xmit_timeouts[2]; diff=Math.abs(expected - t); delta=(long)(expected * PERCENTAGE_OFF); if(diff <= delta) return true; t=fourth_xmit - third_xmit; expected=xmit_timeouts[3]; diff=Math.abs(expected - t); delta=(long)(expected * PERCENTAGE_OFF); if(diff <= delta) return true; if(print) { System.err.println("#" + seqno + ": " + this + ": (" + "entry is more than " + PERCENTAGE_OFF + " percentage off "); } return false; } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); sb.append(first_xmit - start_time).append(", ").append(second_xmit - first_xmit).append(", "); sb.append(third_xmit - second_xmit).append(", ").append(fourth_xmit - third_xmit); return sb.toString(); } } }