package; /** * Thrown when the FenixFramework encounters some configuration problem. */ public class ConfigError extends Error { public static final String CONFIG_CLASS_NOT_FOUND = "Could not get the configuration class: "; public static final String MISSING_CONFIG = "Config is absent." + " Explicitly initialize the FenixFramework with FenixFramework.initialize(Config)" + " or via convention by providing a fenix-framework-<NNN>.properties resource before attempting getConfig()" + " (where <NNN> is the name of a BackEnd)."; public static final String MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD = "A required configuration of the Fenix Framework was not specified: "; public static final String UNKNOWN_PROPERTY = "Unknown runtime configuration property: "; public static final String COULD_NOT_SET_PROPERTY = "No method <propName>" + Config.SETTER_FROM_STRING + "(String) given, and property is not assignable from String: "; // public static final String NO_PROPERTY_SETTER = "No setter method for property."; public static final String NOT_INITIALIZED = "The Fenix Framework hasn't been initialized yet."; public static final String ALREADY_INITIALIZED = "Fenix Framework already initialized."; public static final String DUPLICATE_DEFINITION_OF_DOMAIN_MODEL_URLS = "conflicting initialization of domainModelURLs already initialized elsewhere"; public ConfigError(String message) { super(message); } public ConfigError(String message, String param) { super(message + param); } public ConfigError(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } public ConfigError(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } }