package org.jgroups.stack; import org.jgroups.*; import org.jgroups.annotations.Property; import org.jgroups.conf.ClassConfigurator; import org.jgroups.conf.PropertyConverter; import org.jgroups.conf.ProtocolConfiguration; import org.jgroups.protocols.TP; import org.jgroups.util.Tuple; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; /** * A ProtocolStack manages a number of protocols layered above each other. It * creates all protocol classes, initializes them and, when ready, starts all of * them, beginning with the bottom most protocol. It also dispatches messages * received from the stack to registered objects (e.g. channel, GMP) and sends * messages sent by those objects down the stack. * <p> * The ProtocolStack makes use of the Configurator to setup and initialize * stacks, and to destroy them again when not needed anymore * * @author Bela Ban */ public class ProtocolStack extends Protocol { public static final int ABOVE = 1; // used by insertProtocol() public static final int BELOW = 2; // used by insertProtocol() /** * Holds the shared transports, keyed by 'TP.singleton_name'. The values are the transport and the use count for * init() (decremented by destroy()) and start() (decremented by stop() */ private static final ConcurrentMap<String,Tuple<TP,RefCounter>> singleton_transports=new ConcurrentHashMap<String,Tuple<TP,RefCounter>>(); private Protocol top_prot; private Protocol bottom_prot; // protected List<ProtocolConfiguration> configs; private JChannel channel; private volatile boolean stopped=true; private final DiagnosticsHandler.ProbeHandler props_handler=new DiagnosticsHandler.ProbeHandler() { public Map<String, String> handleProbe(String... keys) { for(String key: keys) { if(key.equals("props")) { String tmp=printProtocolSpec(true); HashMap<String, String> map=new HashMap<String, String>(1); map.put("props", tmp); return map; } if(key.startsWith("print-protocols")) { List<Protocol> prots=getProtocols(); Collections.reverse(prots); StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); for(Protocol prot: prots) sb.append(prot.getName()).append("\n"); HashMap<String, String> map=new HashMap<String, String>(1); map.put("protocols", sb.toString()); return map; } if(key.startsWith("remove-protocol")) { key=key.substring("remove-protocol".length()); int index=key.indexOf("="); if(index != -1) { String prot_name=key.substring(index +1); if(prot_name != null && prot_name.length() > 0) { try { Protocol removed=removeProtocol(prot_name); if(removed != null) log.debug("removed protocol " + prot_name + " from stack"); } catch(Exception e) { log.error("failed removing protocol " + prot_name, e); } } } } if(key.startsWith("insert-protocol")) { key=key.substring("insert-protocol".length()+1); int index=key.indexOf("="); if(index == -1) break; // 1. name of the protocol to be inserted String prot_name=key.substring(0, index).trim(); Protocol prot=null; try { prot=createProtocol(prot_name); prot.init(); prot.start(); } catch(Exception e) { log.error("failed creating an instance of " + prot_name, e); break; } key=key.substring(index+1); index=key.indexOf('='); if(index == -1) { log.error("= missing in insert-protocol command"); break; } // 2. "above" or "below" String tmp=key.substring(0, index); if(!tmp.equalsIgnoreCase("above") && !tmp.equalsIgnoreCase("below")) { log.error("Missing \"above\" or \"below\" in insert-protocol command"); break; } key=key.substring(index+1); String neighbor_prot=key.trim(); Protocol neighbor=findProtocol(neighbor_prot); if(neighbor == null) { log.error("Neighbor protocol " + neighbor_prot + " not found in stack"); break; } int position=tmp.equalsIgnoreCase("above")? ABOVE : BELOW; try { insertProtocol(prot, position, neighbor.getClass()); } catch(Exception e) { log.error("failed inserting protocol " + prot_name + " " + tmp + " " + neighbor_prot, e); } } } return null; } public String[] supportedKeys() { return new String[]{"props", "print-protocols", "\nremove-protocol=<name>", "\ninsert-protocol=<name>;above | below=<name>"}; } }; public ProtocolStack(JChannel channel) throws Exception {; Class<?> tmp=ClassConfigurator.class; // load this class, trigger init() tmp.newInstance(); } /** Used for programmatic creation of ProtocolStack */ public ProtocolStack() { } public JChannel getChannel() {return channel;} public void setChannel(JChannel ch) {; } /** Returns all protocols in a list, from top to bottom. <em>These are not copies of protocols, so modifications will affect the actual instances !</em> */ public List<Protocol> getProtocols() { List<Protocol> v=new ArrayList<Protocol>(15); Protocol p=top_prot; while(p != null) { v.add(p); p=p.getDownProtocol(); } return v; } public List<Protocol> copyProtocols(ProtocolStack targetStack) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { List<Protocol> list=getProtocols(); List<Protocol> retval=new ArrayList<Protocol>(list.size()); for(Protocol prot: list) { Protocol new_prot=prot.getClass().newInstance(); new_prot.setProtocolStack(targetStack); retval.add(new_prot); for(Class<?> clazz=prot.getClass(); clazz != null; clazz=clazz.getSuperclass()) { // copy all fields marked with @Property Field[] fields=clazz.getDeclaredFields(); for(Field field: fields) { if(field.isAnnotationPresent(Property.class)) { Object value=Util.getField(field, prot); Util.setField(field, new_prot, value); } } // copy all setters marked with @Property Method[] methods=clazz.getDeclaredMethods(); for(Method method: methods) { String methodName=method.getName(); if(method.isAnnotationPresent(Property.class) && Configurator.isSetPropertyMethod(method)) { Property annotation=method.getAnnotation(Property.class); List<String> possible_names=new LinkedList<String>(); if( != null) possible_names.add(; possible_names.add(methodName.substring(3)); possible_names.add(Util.methodNameToAttributeName(methodName)); Field field=findField(prot, possible_names); if(field != null) { Object value=Util.getField(field, prot); Util.setField(field, new_prot, value); } } } } } return retval; } private static Field findField(Object target, List<String> possible_names) { if(target == null) return null; for(Class<?> clazz=target.getClass(); clazz != null; clazz=clazz.getSuperclass()) { for(String name: possible_names) { try { Field field=clazz.getDeclaredField(name); if(field != null) return field; } catch(NoSuchFieldException e) { } } } return null; } /** Returns the bottom most protocol */ public TP getTransport() { return (TP)getBottomProtocol(); } public static ConcurrentMap<String, Tuple<TP,RefCounter>> getSingletonTransports() { return singleton_transports; } /** * * @return Map<String,Map<key,val>> */ public Map<String,Object> dumpStats() { Protocol p; Map<String,Object> retval=new HashMap<String,Object>(), tmp; String prot_name; p=top_prot; while(p != null) { prot_name=p.getName(); tmp=p.dumpStats(); if(prot_name != null && tmp != null) retval.put(prot_name, tmp); p=p.getDownProtocol(); } return retval; } public Map<String,Object> dumpStats(String protocol_name) { return dumpStats(protocol_name, null); } public Map<String,Object> dumpStats(String protocol_name, List<String> attrs) { Protocol prot=findProtocol(protocol_name); if(prot == null) return null; Map<String,Object> retval=new HashMap<String,Object>(), tmp; tmp=prot.dumpStats(); if(tmp != null) { if(attrs != null && !attrs.isEmpty()) { // weed out attrs not in list for(Iterator<String> it=tmp.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String; boolean found=false; for(String attr: attrs) { if(attrname.startsWith(attr)) { found=true; break; // found } } if(!found) it.remove(); } } retval.put(protocol_name, tmp); } return retval; } /** * Prints the names of the protocols, from the bottom to top. If include_properties is true, * the properties for each protocol will also be printed. */ public String printProtocolSpec(boolean include_properties) { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); List<Protocol> protocols=getProtocols(); if(protocols == null || protocols.isEmpty()) return null; boolean first_colon_printed=false; Collections.reverse(protocols); for(Protocol prot: protocols) { String prot_name=prot.getClass().getName(); int index=prot_name.indexOf(Global.PREFIX); if(index >= 0) prot_name=prot_name.substring(Global.PREFIX.length()); if(first_colon_printed) { sb.append(":"); } else { first_colon_printed=true; } sb.append(prot_name); if(include_properties) { Map<String,String> tmp=getProps(prot); if(!tmp.isEmpty()) { boolean printed=false; sb.append("("); for(Map.Entry<String,String> entry: tmp.entrySet()) { if(printed) { sb.append(";"); } else { printed=true; } sb.append(entry.getKey()).append("=").append(entry.getValue()); } sb.append(")\n"); } } } return sb.toString(); } public String printProtocolSpecAsXML() { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); Protocol prot=bottom_prot; int len, max_len=30; sb.append("<config>\n"); while(prot != null) { String prot_name=prot.getName(); if(prot_name != null) { if("ProtocolStack".equals(prot_name)) break; sb.append(" <").append(prot_name).append(" "); Map<String,String> tmpProps=getProps(prot); if(tmpProps != null) { len=prot_name.length(); String s; for(Iterator<Entry<String,String>> it=tmpProps.entrySet().iterator();it.hasNext();) { Entry<String,String>; s=entry.getKey() + "=\"" + entry.getValue() + "\" "; if(len + s.length() > max_len) { sb.append("\n "); len=8; } sb.append(s); len+=s.length(); } } sb.append("/>\n"); prot=prot.getUpProtocol(); } } sb.append("</config>"); return sb.toString(); } public String printProtocolSpecAsPlainString() { return printProtocolSpecAsPlainString(false); } private String printProtocolSpecAsPlainString(boolean print_props) { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); List<Protocol> protocols=getProtocols(); if(protocols == null) return null; Collections.reverse(protocols); for(Protocol prot: protocols) { sb.append(prot.getClass().getName()).append("\n"); if(print_props) { Map<String,String> tmp=getProps(prot); for(Map.Entry<String,String> entry: tmp.entrySet()) { sb.append(" ").append(entry.getKey()).append("=").append(entry.getValue()).append("\n"); } } } return sb.toString(); } private static Map<String,String> getProps(Protocol prot) { Map<String,String> retval=new HashMap<String,String>(); for(Class<?> clazz=prot.getClass(); clazz != null; clazz=clazz.getSuperclass()) { // copy all fields marked with @Property Field[] fields=clazz.getDeclaredFields(); Property annotation; for(Field field: fields) { if(field.isAnnotationPresent(Property.class)) { Object value=Util.getField(field, prot); if(value != null) { annotation=field.getAnnotation(Property.class); Class<?> conv_class=annotation.converter(); PropertyConverter conv=null; try { conv=(PropertyConverter)conv_class.newInstance(); } catch(Exception e) { } String tmp=conv != null? conv.toString(value) : value.toString(); retval.put(field.getName(), tmp); } } } // copy all setters marked with @Property Method[] methods=clazz.getDeclaredMethods(); for(Method method: methods) { String methodName=method.getName(); if(method.isAnnotationPresent(Property.class) && Configurator.isSetPropertyMethod(method)) { annotation=method.getAnnotation(Property.class); List<String> possible_names=new LinkedList<String>(); if( != null) possible_names.add(; possible_names.add(methodName.substring(3)); possible_names.add(Util.methodNameToAttributeName(methodName)); Field field=findField(prot, possible_names); if(field != null) { Object value=Util.getField(field, prot); if(value != null) { Class<?> conv_class=annotation.converter(); PropertyConverter conv=null; try { conv=(PropertyConverter)conv_class.newInstance(); } catch(Exception e) { } String tmp=conv != null? conv.toString(value) : value.toString(); retval.put(field.getName(), tmp); } } } } } return retval; } public void setup(List<ProtocolConfiguration> configs) throws Exception { if(top_prot == null) { top_prot=new Configurator(this).setupProtocolStack(configs); top_prot.setUpProtocol(this); this.setDownProtocol(top_prot); bottom_prot=getBottomProtocol(); initProtocolStack(); } } public void setup(ProtocolStack stack) throws Exception { if(top_prot == null) { top_prot=new Configurator(this).setupProtocolStack(stack); top_prot.setUpProtocol(this); this.setDownProtocol(top_prot); bottom_prot=getBottomProtocol(); initProtocolStack(); } } /** * Adds a protocol at the tail of the protocol list * @param prot * @return * @since 2.11 */ public ProtocolStack addProtocol(Protocol prot) { if(prot == null) return this; prot.setProtocolStack(this); prot.setUpProtocol(this); if(bottom_prot == null) { top_prot=bottom_prot=prot; return this; } prot.setDownProtocol(top_prot); prot.getDownProtocol().setUpProtocol(prot); top_prot=prot; return this; } /** * Adds a list of protocols * @param prots * @return * @since 2.11 */ public ProtocolStack addProtocols(Protocol ... prots) { if(prots != null) { for(Protocol prot: prots) addProtocol(prot); } return this; } /** * Adds a list of protocols * @param prots * @return * @since 2.1 */ public ProtocolStack addProtocols(List<Protocol> prots) { if(prots != null) { for(Protocol prot: prots) addProtocol(prot); } return this; } /** * Inserts an already created (and initialized) protocol into the protocol list. Sets the links * to the protocols above and below correctly and adjusts the linked list of protocols accordingly. * Note that this method may change the value of top_prot or bottom_prot. * @param prot The protocol to be inserted. Before insertion, a sanity check will ensure that none * of the existing protocols have the same name as the new protocol. * @param position Where to place the protocol with respect to the neighbor_prot (ABOVE, BELOW) * @param neighbor_prot The name of the neighbor protocol. An exception will be thrown if this name * is not found * @exception Exception Will be thrown when the new protocol cannot be created, or inserted. */ public void insertProtocol(Protocol prot, int position, String neighbor_prot) throws Exception { if(neighbor_prot == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("neighbor_prot is null"); if(position != ProtocolStack.ABOVE && position != ProtocolStack.BELOW) throw new IllegalArgumentException("position has to be ABOVE or BELOW"); Protocol neighbor=findProtocol(neighbor_prot); if(neighbor == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("protocol " + neighbor_prot + " not found in " + printProtocolSpec(false)); if(position == ProtocolStack.BELOW && neighbor instanceof TP) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot insert protocol " + prot.getName() + " below transport protocol"); insertProtocolInStack(prot, neighbor, position); } public void insertProtocolInStack(Protocol prot, Protocol neighbor, int position) { // connect to the protocol layer below and above if(position == ProtocolStack.BELOW) { prot.setUpProtocol(neighbor); Protocol below=neighbor.getDownProtocol(); prot.setDownProtocol(below); if(below != null) below.setUpProtocol(prot); neighbor.setDownProtocol(prot); } else { // ABOVE is default Protocol above=neighbor.getUpProtocol(); checkAndSwitchTop(neighbor, prot); prot.setUpProtocol(above); if(above != null) above.setDownProtocol(prot); prot.setDownProtocol(neighbor); neighbor.setUpProtocol(prot); } } private void checkAndSwitchTop(Protocol oldTop, Protocol newTop){ if(oldTop == top_prot) { top_prot = newTop; top_prot.setUpProtocol(this); } } public void insertProtocol(Protocol prot, int position, Class<? extends Protocol> neighbor_prot) throws Exception { if(neighbor_prot == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("neighbor_prot is null"); if(position != ProtocolStack.ABOVE && position != ProtocolStack.BELOW) throw new IllegalArgumentException("position has to be ABOVE or BELOW"); Protocol neighbor=findProtocol(neighbor_prot); if(neighbor == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("protocol \"" + neighbor_prot + "\" not found in " + stack.printProtocolSpec(false)); insertProtocolInStack(prot, neighbor, position); } public void insertProtocol(Protocol prot, int position, Class<? extends Protocol> ... neighbor_prots) throws Exception { if(neighbor_prots == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("neighbor_prots is null"); if(position != ProtocolStack.ABOVE && position != ProtocolStack.BELOW) throw new IllegalArgumentException("position has to be ABOVE or BELOW"); Protocol neighbor=findProtocol(neighbor_prots); if(neighbor == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("protocol \"" + Arrays.toString(neighbor_prots) + "\" not found in " + stack.printProtocolSpec(false)); insertProtocolInStack(prot, neighbor, position); } public void insertProtocolAtTop(Protocol prot) { if(prot == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("prot needs to be non-null"); // check if prot already exists (we cannot have more than 1 protocol of a given class) Class<? extends Protocol> clazz=prot.getClass(); Protocol existing_instance=findProtocol(clazz); if(existing_instance != null) return; top_prot.up_prot=prot; prot.down_prot=top_prot; prot.up_prot=this; top_prot=prot; if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("inserted " + prot + " at the top of the stack"); } /** * Removes a protocol from the stack. Stops the protocol and readjusts the linked lists of * protocols. * @param prot_name The name of the protocol. Since all protocol names in a stack have to be unique * (otherwise the stack won't be created), the name refers to just 1 protocol. * @exception Exception Thrown if the protocol cannot be stopped correctly. */ public Protocol removeProtocol(String prot_name) throws Exception { if(prot_name == null) return null; Protocol prot=findProtocol(prot_name); if(prot == null) return null; Protocol above=prot.getUpProtocol(), below=prot.getDownProtocol(); checkAndSwitchTop(prot, below); if(above != null) above.setDownProtocol(below); if(below != null) below.setUpProtocol(above); prot.setUpProtocol(null); prot.setDownProtocol(null); try { prot.stop(); } catch(Throwable t) { log.error("failed stopping " + prot.getName() + ": " + t); } try { prot.destroy(); } catch(Throwable t) { log.error("failed destroying " + prot.getName() + ": " + t); } return prot; } public void removeProtocols(String ... protocols) throws Exception { for(String protocol: protocols) removeProtocol(protocol); } public Protocol removeProtocol(Class ... protocols) { Protocol retval=null; if(protocols != null) for(Class cl: protocols) { Protocol tmp=removeProtocol(cl); if(tmp != null) { tmp.stop(); tmp.destroy(); retval=tmp; } } return retval; } public Protocol removeProtocol(Class prot) { if(prot == null) return null; Protocol retval=findProtocol(prot); if(retval == null) return null; Protocol above=retval.getUpProtocol(), below=retval.getDownProtocol(); checkAndSwitchTop(retval, below); if(above != null) above.setDownProtocol(below); if(below != null) below.setUpProtocol(above); retval.setUpProtocol(null); retval.setDownProtocol(null); return retval; } /** Returns a given protocol or null if not found */ public Protocol findProtocol(String name) { Protocol tmp=top_prot; String prot_name; while(tmp != null) { prot_name=tmp.getName(); if(prot_name != null && prot_name.equals(name)) return tmp; tmp=tmp.getDownProtocol(); } return null; } public Protocol getBottomProtocol() { Protocol curr_prot=this; while(curr_prot != null && curr_prot.getDownProtocol() !=null) { curr_prot=curr_prot.getDownProtocol(); } return curr_prot; } public Protocol getTopProtocol() { return top_prot; } public Protocol findProtocol(Class<?> clazz) { Protocol tmp=top_prot; while(tmp != null) { Class<?> protClass=tmp.getClass(); if(clazz.isAssignableFrom(protClass)){ return tmp; } tmp=tmp.getDownProtocol(); } return null; } /** * Finds the first protocol of a list and returns it. Returns null if no protocol can be found * @param classes A list of protocol classes to find * @return Protocol The protocol found */ public Protocol findProtocol(Class<?> ... classes) { for(Class<?> clazz: classes) { Protocol prot=findProtocol(clazz); if(prot != null) return prot; } return null; } /** * Replaces one protocol instance with another. Should be done before the stack is connected * @param existing_prot * @param new_prot */ public void replaceProtocol(Protocol existing_prot, Protocol new_prot) throws Exception { Protocol up_neighbor=existing_prot.getUpProtocol(), down_neighbor=existing_prot.getDownProtocol(); new_prot.setUpProtocol(existing_prot.getUpProtocol()); new_prot.setDownProtocol(existing_prot.getDownProtocol()); up_neighbor.setDownProtocol(new_prot); if(down_neighbor != null) down_neighbor.setUpProtocol(new_prot); existing_prot.setDownProtocol(null); existing_prot.setUpProtocol(null); existing_prot.destroy(); if(new_prot.getUpProtocol() == this) top_prot=new_prot; new_prot.init(); } protected Protocol createProtocol(String classname) throws Exception { String defaultProtocolName=ProtocolConfiguration.protocol_prefix + '.' + classname; Class<?> clazz=null; try { clazz=Util.loadClass(defaultProtocolName, getClass()); } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { } if(clazz == null) { try { clazz=Util.loadClass(classname, getClass()); } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { } if(clazz == null) { throw new Exception("unable to load class for protocol " + classname + " (either as an absolute - " + classname + " - or relative - " + defaultProtocolName + " - package name)"); } } Protocol retval=(Protocol)clazz.newInstance(); if(retval == null) throw new Exception("creation of instance for protocol " + classname + "failed"); retval.setProtocolStack(this); return retval; } public void init() throws Exception { List<Protocol> protocols=getProtocols(); Collections.reverse(protocols); top_prot=Configurator.connectProtocols(protocols); top_prot.setUpProtocol(this); this.setDownProtocol(top_prot); bottom_prot=getBottomProtocol(); Configurator.setDefaultValues(protocols); initProtocolStack(); } public void initProtocolStack() throws Exception { List<Protocol> protocols = getProtocols(); Collections.reverse(protocols); for(Protocol prot: protocols) { if(prot.getProtocolStack() == null) prot.setProtocolStack(this); if(prot instanceof TP) { TP transport=(TP)prot; if(transport.isSingleton()) { String singleton_name=transport.getSingletonName(); synchronized(singleton_transports) { Tuple<TP, ProtocolStack.RefCounter> val=singleton_transports.get(singleton_name); if(val == null) { singleton_transports.put(singleton_name, new Tuple<TP, ProtocolStack.RefCounter>(transport,new ProtocolStack.RefCounter((short)1, (short)0))); } else { ProtocolStack.RefCounter counter=val.getVal2(); short num_inits=counter.incrementInitCount(); if(num_inits >= 1) { continue; } } } } } prot.init(); } } public void destroy() { if(top_prot != null) { for(Protocol prot: getProtocols()) { if(prot instanceof TP) { TP transport=(TP)prot; if(transport.isSingleton()) { String singleton_name=transport.getSingletonName(); synchronized(singleton_transports) { Tuple<TP, ProtocolStack.RefCounter> val=singleton_transports.get(singleton_name); if(val != null) { ProtocolStack.RefCounter counter=val.getVal2(); short num_inits=counter.decrementInitCount(); if(num_inits >= 1) { continue; } else singleton_transports.remove(singleton_name); } } } } prot.destroy(); } /* *Do not null top_prot reference since we need recreation of channel properties (JChannel#getProperties) *during channel recreation, especially if those properties were modified after channel was created. *We modify channel properties after channel creation in some tests for example * */ //top_prot=null; } } /** * Start all layers. The {@link Protocol#start()} method is called in each protocol, * <em>from top to bottom</em>. * Each layer can perform some initialization, e.g. create a multicast socket */ public void startStack(String cluster_name, Address local_addr) throws Exception { if(stopped == false) return; Protocol above_prot=null; for(final Protocol prot: getProtocols()) { if(prot instanceof TP) { String singleton_name=((TP)prot).getSingletonName(); TP transport=(TP)prot; if(transport.isSingleton() && cluster_name != null) { final Map<String, Protocol> up_prots=transport.getUpProtocols(); synchronized(singleton_transports) { synchronized(up_prots) { Set<String> keys=up_prots.keySet(); if(keys.contains(cluster_name)) throw new IllegalStateException("cluster '" + cluster_name + "' is already connected to singleton " + "transport: " + keys); for(Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Protocol>> it=up_prots.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Map.Entry<String,Protocol>; Protocol tmp=entry.getValue(); if(tmp == above_prot) { it.remove(); } } if(above_prot != null) { TP.ProtocolAdapter ad=new TP.ProtocolAdapter(cluster_name, local_addr, prot.getId(), above_prot, prot, transport.getThreadNamingPattern()); ad.setProtocolStack(above_prot.getProtocolStack()); above_prot.setDownProtocol(ad); up_prots.put(cluster_name, ad); } } Tuple<TP, ProtocolStack.RefCounter> val=singleton_transports.get(singleton_name); if(val != null) { ProtocolStack.RefCounter counter=val.getVal2(); short num_starts=counter.incrementStartCount(); if(num_starts >= 1) { continue; } else { try { prot.start(); } catch(Exception ex) { counter.decrementStartCount(); up_prots.remove(cluster_name); throw ex; } above_prot=prot; continue; } } } } } prot.start(); above_prot=prot; } TP transport=getTransport(); transport.registerProbeHandler(props_handler); stopped=false; } /** * Iterates through all the protocols <em>from top to bottom</em> and does the following: * <ol> * <li>Waits until all messages in the down queue have been flushed (ie., size is 0) * <li>Calls stop() on the protocol * </ol> */ public void stopStack(String cluster_name) { if(stopped) return; for(final Protocol prot: getProtocols()) { if(prot instanceof TP) { TP transport=(TP)prot; if(transport.isSingleton()) { String singleton_name=transport.getSingletonName(); final Map<String,Protocol> up_prots=transport.getUpProtocols(); synchronized(up_prots) { up_prots.remove(cluster_name); } synchronized(singleton_transports) { Tuple<TP, ProtocolStack.RefCounter> val=singleton_transports.get(singleton_name); if(val != null) { ProtocolStack.RefCounter counter=val.getVal2(); short num_starts=counter.decrementStartCount(); if(num_starts > 0) { continue; // don't call TP.stop() if we still have references to the transport } //else // singletons.remove(singleton_name); // do the removal in destroyProtocolStack() } } } } prot.stop(); } TP transport=getTransport(); transport.unregisterProbeHandler(props_handler); stopped=true; } /*--------------------------- Protocol functionality ------------------------------*/ public String getName() {return "ProtocolStack";} public Object up(Event evt) { return channel.up(evt); } public Object down(Event evt) { if(top_prot != null) return top_prot.down(evt); return null; } /** * Keeps track of the number os times init()/destroy() and start()/stop have been called. The variables * init_count and start_count are incremented or decremented accoordingly. Note that this class is not synchronized */ public static class RefCounter { private short init_count=0; private short start_count=0; public RefCounter(short init_count, short start_count) { this.init_count=init_count; this.start_count=start_count; } public short getInitCount() { return init_count; } public short getStartCount() { return start_count; } /** * Increments init_count, returns the old value before incr * @return */ public short incrementInitCount(){ return init_count++; } public short decrementInitCount() { init_count=(short)Math.max(init_count -1, 0); return init_count; } public short decrementStartCount() { start_count=(short)Math.max(start_count -1, 0); return start_count; } public short incrementStartCount() { return start_count++; } public String toString() { return "init_count=" + init_count + ", start_count=" + start_count; } } }