package; import; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.Arrays; import; @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes", "serial"}) public class DoubleArray<T extends AbstractDomainObject> implements Serializable { // Can this be final? Is it a problem due to deserialization? // In terms of immutability of the ValueType it does not matter much anyway // as the slots of the arrays are always mutable public Comparable[] keys; public T[] values; protected Class<T> valuesClazz; public DoubleArray(Class<T> valuesClazz) { this.keys = new Comparable[0]; this.values = (T[]) Array.newInstance(valuesClazz, 0); this.valuesClazz = valuesClazz; } public DoubleArray(Class<T> valuesClazz, Comparable key, T value, T lastValue) { this.keys = new Comparable[2]; this.values = (T[]) Array.newInstance(valuesClazz, 2); this.keys[0] = key; this.values[0] = value; this.keys[1] = BPlusTreeArray.LAST_KEY; this.values[1] = lastValue; this.valuesClazz = valuesClazz; } public DoubleArray(Class<T> valuesClazz, Comparable[] keys, T[] values) { this.keys = keys; this.values = values; this.valuesClazz = valuesClazz; } public int length() { return keys.length; } private <E> int binarySearchForInsertion(E[] array, Comparable key) { int result = Arrays.binarySearch(array, key, BPlusTreeArray.COMPARATOR_SUPPORTING_LAST_KEY); if (result < 0) { result *= -1; result--; } return result; } public DoubleArray<T> duplicateAndAddKey(Comparable midKey, T left, T right) { Comparable[] newKeys = new Comparable[keys.length + 1]; T[] newValues = (T[]) Array.newInstance(valuesClazz, values.length + 1); int midKeyIndex = binarySearchForInsertion(keys, midKey); // copy as many items as up to the new insertion spot System.arraycopy(keys, 0, newKeys, 0, midKeyIndex); System.arraycopy(values, 0, newValues, 0, midKeyIndex); newKeys[midKeyIndex] = midKey; newValues[midKeyIndex] = left; // the midKey can never be the last index, because of the LAST_KEY System.arraycopy(keys, midKeyIndex, newKeys, midKeyIndex + 1, keys.length - midKeyIndex); System.arraycopy(values, midKeyIndex, newValues, midKeyIndex + 1, values.length - midKeyIndex); newValues[midKeyIndex + 1] = right; return new DoubleArray<T>(valuesClazz, newKeys, newValues); } public T get(Comparable key) { int index = Arrays.binarySearch(keys, key, BPlusTreeArray.COMPARATOR_SUPPORTING_LAST_KEY); if (index >= 0) { return values[index]; } else { return null; } } public boolean containsKey(Comparable key) { return get(key) != null; } // assumes the deletedKey exists public DoubleArray<T> replaceKey(Comparable deletedKey, Comparable replacementKey, T subNode) { int remKeyIndex = binarySearchForInsertion(keys, deletedKey); int newKeyIndex = binarySearchForInsertion(keys, replacementKey); int lowerIndex = remKeyIndex < newKeyIndex ? remKeyIndex : newKeyIndex; int higherIndex = remKeyIndex > newKeyIndex ? remKeyIndex : newKeyIndex; Comparable[] newKeys = new Comparable[keys.length]; T[] newValues = (T[]) Array.newInstance(valuesClazz, keys.length); // copy up to (excluding) the lower index changed // does nothing if the lower index is zero System.arraycopy(keys, 0, newKeys, 0, lowerIndex); System.arraycopy(values, 0, newValues, 0, lowerIndex); if (remKeyIndex == newKeyIndex) { // both changes take place in the same index // so copy the right side of the changed index to the new arrays System.arraycopy(keys, lowerIndex + 1, newKeys, lowerIndex + 1, keys.length - lowerIndex - 1); System.arraycopy(values, lowerIndex + 1, newValues, lowerIndex + 1, values.length - lowerIndex - 1); // and modify the index left out for the replacement newKeys[lowerIndex] = replacementKey; newValues[lowerIndex] = subNode; } else { // copy between the two changed indexes in case they are different if (remKeyIndex == lowerIndex) { // the removed key is the lower index, so we skip that copy from the original arrays // we copy as many as up to the replacement key index (excluding) because it is the higher index System.arraycopy(keys, lowerIndex + 1, newKeys, lowerIndex, higherIndex - lowerIndex - 1); System.arraycopy(values, lowerIndex + 1, newValues, lowerIndex, higherIndex - lowerIndex - 1); // and we insert the replacement key in the higher index // note that the higher index was calculated in the original array, form which // an element has been subtracted (the lower index in the original array) newKeys[higherIndex - 1] = replacementKey; newValues[higherIndex - 1] = subNode; // copy the rest of the array System.arraycopy(keys, higherIndex, newKeys, higherIndex, keys.length - higherIndex); System.arraycopy(values, higherIndex, newValues, higherIndex, values.length - higherIndex); } else { // the replacement key is the lower index, so we save one slot on the new arrays for it // we copy as many as up to the removed key index (which is the higher index in this case) System.arraycopy(keys, lowerIndex, newKeys, lowerIndex + 1, higherIndex - lowerIndex); System.arraycopy(values, lowerIndex, newValues, lowerIndex + 1, higherIndex - lowerIndex); // and we insert the replacement key in the lower index newKeys[lowerIndex] = replacementKey; newValues[lowerIndex] = subNode; // copy the rest of the array, by skipping the removed index (which is the higher) from the // original array and taking into account that we also added the replacement key in the // new array System.arraycopy(keys, higherIndex + 1, newKeys, higherIndex + 1, keys.length - higherIndex); System.arraycopy(values, higherIndex + 1, newValues, higherIndex + 1, values.length - higherIndex); } } return new DoubleArray<T>(valuesClazz, newKeys, newValues); } public T firstValue() { return values[0]; } public Comparable firstKey() { return keys[0]; } public T lastValue() { return values[values.length - 1]; } // produces a new double array public DoubleArray<T> mergeWith(Comparable splitKey, DoubleArray<T> left) { int leftSize = left.length(); int thisSize = this.length(); Comparable[] newKeys = new Comparable[thisSize + leftSize]; T[] newValues = (T[]) Array.newInstance(valuesClazz, thisSize + leftSize); System.arraycopy(left.keys, 0, newKeys, 0, leftSize); System.arraycopy(left.values, 0, newValues, 0, leftSize); // remove the entry for left's LAST_KEY and add the higher left value associated with the split-key // this boils down to only updating the key, because the value was already copied newKeys[leftSize - 1] = splitKey; // merge the remaining sub-nodes System.arraycopy(this.keys, 0, newKeys, leftSize, thisSize); System.arraycopy(this.values, 0, newValues, leftSize, thisSize); // sort both arrays according to the keys quicksort(newKeys, newValues); return new DoubleArray<T>(valuesClazz, newKeys, newValues); } // produces a new double array public DoubleArray<T> mergeWith(DoubleArray<T> other) { int otherSize = other.length(); int thisSize = this.length(); Comparable[] newKeys = new Comparable[thisSize + otherSize]; T[] newValues = (T[]) Array.newInstance(valuesClazz, thisSize + otherSize); System.arraycopy(other.keys, 0, newKeys, 0, otherSize); System.arraycopy(other.values, 0, newValues, 0, otherSize); System.arraycopy(this.keys, 0, newKeys, otherSize, thisSize); System.arraycopy(this.values, 0, newValues, otherSize, thisSize); // sort both arrays according to the keys quicksort(newKeys, newValues); return new DoubleArray<T>(valuesClazz, newKeys, newValues); } // adapted a quicksort algorithm to simultaneously sort both arrays based on the keys' order public void quicksort(Comparable[] main, T[] index) { quicksort(main, index, 0, index.length - 1); } // quicksort a[left] to a[right] public void quicksort(Comparable[] a, T[] index, int left, int right) { if (right <= left) return; int i = partition(a, index, left, right); quicksort(a, index, left, i-1); quicksort(a, index, i+1, right); } // partition a[left] to a[right], assumes left < right private int partition(Comparable[] a, T[] index, int left, int right) { int i = left - 1; int j = right; while (true) { while (less(a[++i], a[right])) ; while (less(a[right], a[--j])) if (j == left) break; if (i >= j) break; exch(a, index, i, j); } exch(a, index, i, right); return i; } private boolean less(Comparable x, Comparable y) { if (y == BPlusTreeArray.LAST_KEY) { return y.compareTo(x) > 0; } return x.compareTo(y) < 0; } private void exch(Comparable[] a, T[] index, int i, int j) { Comparable tmp = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = tmp; T tmpi = index[i]; index[i] = index[j]; index[j] = tmpi; } protected class KeyVal { public final Comparable key; public final T val; public KeyVal(Comparable key, T val) { this.key = key; this.val = val; } } public KeyVal getSmallestKeyValue() { return new KeyVal(keys[0], values[0]); } public KeyVal getBiggestKeyValue() { return new KeyVal(keys[keys.length - 1], values[values.length - 1]); } public DoubleArray<T> removeSmallestKeyValue() { Comparable[] newKeys = new Comparable[this.length() - 1]; T[] newValues = (T[]) Array.newInstance(valuesClazz, this.length() - 1); System.arraycopy(keys, 1, newKeys, 0, keys.length - 1); System.arraycopy(values, 1, newValues, 0, values.length - 1); return new DoubleArray<T>(valuesClazz, newKeys, newValues); } public DoubleArray<T> removeBiggestKeyValue() { Comparable[] newKeys = new Comparable[this.length() - 1]; T[] newValues = (T[]) Array.newInstance(valuesClazz, this.length() - 1); System.arraycopy(keys, 0, newKeys, 0, keys.length - 1); System.arraycopy(values, 0, newValues, 0, values.length - 1); return new DoubleArray<T>(valuesClazz, newKeys, newValues); } public DoubleArray<T> removeKey(Comparable key) { Comparable[] newKeys = new Comparable[this.length() - 1]; T[] newValues = (T[]) Array.newInstance(valuesClazz, this.length() - 1); int indexToRemove = Arrays.binarySearch(keys, key, BPlusTreeArray.COMPARATOR_SUPPORTING_LAST_KEY); System.arraycopy(keys, 0, newKeys, 0, indexToRemove); System.arraycopy(values, 0, newValues, 0, indexToRemove); System.arraycopy(keys, indexToRemove + 1, newKeys, indexToRemove, keys.length - indexToRemove - 1); System.arraycopy(values, indexToRemove + 1, newValues, indexToRemove, values.length - indexToRemove - 1); return new DoubleArray<T>(valuesClazz, newKeys, newValues); } public DoubleArray<T> addKeyValue(KeyVal keyVal) { return addKeyValue(keyVal.key, keyVal.val); } public DoubleArray<T> addKeyValue(Comparable keyToInsert, T valToInsert) { Comparable[] newKeys = new Comparable[this.length() + 1]; T[] newValues = (T[]) Array.newInstance(valuesClazz, this.length() + 1); int indexToInsert = binarySearchForInsertion(keys, keyToInsert); System.arraycopy(keys, 0, newKeys, 0, indexToInsert); System.arraycopy(values, 0, newValues, 0, indexToInsert); newKeys[indexToInsert] = keyToInsert; newValues[indexToInsert] = valToInsert; System.arraycopy(keys, indexToInsert, newKeys, indexToInsert + 1, keys.length - indexToInsert); System.arraycopy(values, indexToInsert, newValues, indexToInsert + 1, values.length - indexToInsert); return new DoubleArray<T>(valuesClazz, newKeys, newValues); } public Comparable lowerKeyThanHighest() { return keys[keys.length - 2]; } public Comparable findRightMiddlePosition() { return keys[BPlusTreeArray.LOWER_BOUND + 1]; } // Used by Leafs that do not have a LAST_KEY public DoubleArray<T> leftPart(int splitIndex) { return leftPart(splitIndex, 0); } // Left part up to the "splitIndex" (excluding) public DoubleArray<T> leftPart(int splitIndex, int extraSlots) { Comparable[] newKeys = new Comparable[splitIndex + extraSlots]; T[] newValues = (T[]) Array.newInstance(valuesClazz, splitIndex + extraSlots); System.arraycopy(keys, 0, newKeys, 0, splitIndex); System.arraycopy(values, 0, newValues, 0, splitIndex); return new DoubleArray<T>(valuesClazz, newKeys, newValues); } // Right part from the "splitIndex" (including) public DoubleArray<T> rightPart(int splitIndex) { Comparable[] newKeys = new Comparable[keys.length - splitIndex]; T[] newValues = (T[]) Array.newInstance(valuesClazz, keys.length - splitIndex); System.arraycopy(keys, splitIndex, newKeys, 0, keys.length - splitIndex); System.arraycopy(values, splitIndex, newValues, 0, values.length - splitIndex); return new DoubleArray<T>(valuesClazz, newKeys, newValues); } }