package; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.joda.time.LocalTime; import org.joda.time.Partial; public class ToSqlConverter { // enums public static String getValueForEnum(Enum value) { return; } // primitive types public static boolean getValueForboolean(boolean value) { return value; } public static byte getValueForbyte(byte value) { return value; } public static char getValueForchar(char value) { return value; } public static short getValueForshort(short value) { return value; } public static int getValueForint(int value) { return value; } public static float getValueForfloat(float value) { return value; } public static long getValueForlong(long value) { return value; } public static double getValueFordouble(double value) { return value; } // wrapper types public static Boolean getValueForBoolean(Boolean value) { return value; } public static Byte getValueForByte(Byte value) { return value; } public static Character getValueForCharacter(Character value) { return value; } public static Short getValueForShort(Short value) { return value; } public static Integer getValueForInteger(Integer value) { return value; } public static Float getValueForFloat(Float value) { return value; } public static Long getValueForLong(Long value) { return value; } public static Double getValueForDouble(Double value) { return value; } public static String getValueForString(String value) { return value; } public static Object getValueForbytearray(byte[] value) { // which one is best to return? // the byte[] or a ByteArrayInputStream? return value; } public static java.sql.Timestamp getValueForDateTime(DateTime value) { return (value == null ? null : new java.sql.Timestamp(value.getMillis())); } /* See ResultSetReader.readLocalDate() for an explanation of why we use Strings instead of dates in the database */ public static String getValueForLocalDate(LocalDate value) { return (value == null ? null : LocalDateExternalization.localDateToString(value)); } public static java.sql.Time getValueForLocalTime(LocalTime value) { // Creating the java.sql.Time with hours, minutes, and seconds // creates an instant interpreting those values in the default // time zone. This is needed because currently OJB is sending // instances of TIME to a preparedStatement without specifying // the time zone, which means that it will be interpreted as // being the default time zone. // // So, beware, that we may not change this into a new // java.sql.Time(value.getMillisOfDay()), because, in that // case, the millis would be interpreted as being an instant // relative to the 01/01/1970 00:00:00 GMT. return (value == null ? null : new java.sql.Time(value.getHourOfDay(), value.getMinuteOfHour(), value.getSecondOfMinute())); } public static String getValueForPartial(Partial value) { return (value == null) ? null : PartialExternalization.partialToString(value); } // public static Period readPeriod(ResultSet rs, String columnName) throws SQLException { // } }