package org.jgroups.blocks; import org.jgroups.logging.Log; import org.jgroups.logging.LogFactory; import org.jgroups.annotations.Experimental; import org.jgroups.annotations.Unsupported; import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedAttribute; import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedOperation; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.*; import*; /** * Simple cache which maintains keys and value. A reaper can be enabled which periodically evicts expired entries. * Also, when the cache is configured to be bounded, entries in excess of the max size will be evicted on put(). * @author Bela Ban */ @Experimental @Unsupported public class Cache<K,V> { private static final Log log=LogFactory.getLog(Cache.class); private final ConcurrentMap<K,Value<V>> map=Util.createConcurrentMap(); private ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor timer=new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1); private Future task=null; private final AtomicBoolean is_reaping=new AtomicBoolean(false); private Set<ChangeListener> change_listeners=new HashSet<ChangeListener>(); /** The maximum number of keys, When this value is exceeded we evict older entries, until we drop below this * mark again. This effectively maintains a bounded cache. A value of 0 means don't bound the cache. */ @ManagedAttribute(writable=true) private int max_num_entries=0; public int getMaxNumberOfEntries() { return max_num_entries; } public void setMaxNumberOfEntries(int max_num_entries) { this.max_num_entries=max_num_entries; } public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener l) { change_listeners.add(l); } public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener l) { change_listeners.remove(l); } @ManagedAttribute public int getSize() { return map.size(); } @ManagedAttribute public boolean isReapingEnabled() { return task != null && !task.isCancelled(); } /** Runs the reaper every interval ms, evicts expired items */ @ManagedOperation public void enableReaping(long interval) { if(task != null) task.cancel(false); task=timer.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Reaper(), 0, interval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } @ManagedOperation public void disableReaping() { if(task != null) { task.cancel(false); task=null; } } @ManagedOperation public void start() { if(timer == null) timer=new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1); } @ManagedOperation public void stop() { if(timer != null) timer.shutdown(); timer=null; } /** * * @param key * @param val * @param caching_time Number of milliseconds to keep an entry in the cache. -1 means don't cache (if reaping * is enabled, we'll evict an entry with -1 caching time), 0 means never evict. In the latter case, we can still * evict an entry with 0 caching time: when we have a bounded cache, we evict in order of insertion no matter * what the caching time is. */ @ManagedOperation public V put(K key, V val, long caching_time) { if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("put(" + key + ", " + val + ", " + caching_time + ")"); Value<V> value=new Value<V>(val, caching_time); Value<V> retval=map.put(key, value); if(max_num_entries > 0 && map.size() > max_num_entries) { boolean rc=is_reaping.compareAndSet(false, true); if(rc) { if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("reaping: max_num_entries=" + max_num_entries + ", size=" + map.size()); timer.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { if(max_num_entries > 0) { try { if(map.size() > max_num_entries) { evict(); // see if we can gracefully evict expired items } if(map.size() > max_num_entries) { // still too many entries: now evict entries based on insertion time: oldest first int diff=map.size() - max_num_entries; // we have to evict diff entries SortedMap<Long,K> tmp=new TreeMap<Long,K>(); for(Map.Entry<K,Value<V>> entry: map.entrySet()) { tmp.put(entry.getValue().insertion_time, entry.getKey()); } Collection<K> vals=tmp.values(); for(K k: vals) { if(diff-- > 0) { Value<V> v=map.remove(k); if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("evicting " + k + ": " + v.value); } else break; } } if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("done reaping (size=" + map.size() + ")"); } finally { is_reaping.set(false); } } } }); } } return retval != null? retval.value : null; } @ManagedOperation public V get(K key) { if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("get(" + key + ")"); Value<V> val=map.get(key); if(val == null) return null; if(val.timeout == -1 || (val.timeout > 0 && val.timeout < System.currentTimeMillis())) { map.remove(key); return null; } return val.value; } /** * This method should not be used to add or remove elements ! It was just added because ReplCacheDemo * requires it for its data model * @return */ public ConcurrentMap<K, Value<V>> getInternalMap() { return map; } public Value<V> getEntry(K key) { if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("getEntry(" + key + ")"); return map.get(key); } public V remove(K key) { if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("remove(" + key + ")"); Value<V> val=map.remove(key); return val != null? val.value : null; } public Set<Map.Entry<K,Value<V>>> entrySet() { return map.entrySet(); } @ManagedOperation public String toString() { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); for(Map.Entry<K,Value<V>> entry: map.entrySet()) { Value<V> val=entry.getValue(); sb.append(entry.getKey()).append(": ").append(entry.getValue().getValue()); sb.append(" (expiration_time: "); long expiration_time=val.getTimeout(); if(expiration_time <= 0) sb.append(expiration_time); else { sb.append(new Date(expiration_time)); } sb.append(")\n"); } return sb.toString(); } public String dump() { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); for(Map.Entry<K,Value<V>> entry: map.entrySet()) { sb.append(entry.getKey()).append(": "); V val=entry.getValue().getValue(); if(val != null) { if(val instanceof byte[]) sb.append(" (" + ((byte[])val).length).append(" bytes)"); else sb.append(val); } sb.append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } private void evict() { boolean evicted=false; for(Iterator<Map.Entry<K,Value<V>>> it=map.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Map.Entry<K,Value<V>>; Value<V> val=entry.getValue(); if(val != null) { if(val.timeout == -1 || (val.timeout > 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() > val.insertion_time + val.timeout)) { if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("evicting " + entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue().value); it.remove(); evicted=true; } } } if(evicted) notifyChangeListeners(); } private void notifyChangeListeners() { for(ChangeListener l: change_listeners) { try { l.changed(); } catch(Throwable t) { if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("failed notifying change listener", t); } } } public static class Value<V> implements Externalizable { private V value; private long insertion_time=System.currentTimeMillis(); /** When the value can be reaped (in ms) */ private transient long timeout; private static final long serialVersionUID=-3445944261826378608L; public Value(V value, long timeout) { this.value=value; this.timeout=timeout; } public Value() { } public V getValue() {return value;} public long getInsertionTime() {return insertion_time;} public long getTimeout() {return timeout;} public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeLong(timeout); out.writeObject(value); } public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { insertion_time=System.currentTimeMillis(); timeout=in.readLong(); value=(V)in.readObject(); } } private class Reaper implements Runnable { public void run() { evict(); } } public interface ChangeListener { void changed(); } }