package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; /** * An instance of the <code>Config</code> class bundles together the * initialization parameters used by the Fenix Framework. Therefore, before * initializing the framework (via the call to the * <code>FenixFramework.initialize(Config)</code> method), the programmer should * create an instance of <code>Config</code> with the correct values for each of * the parameters. * * No constructor is provided for this class (other than the default * constructor), because the <code>Config</code> class has several parameters, * some of which are optional. But, whereas optional parameters do not need to * be specified, the parameters that are required must be specified by the * programmer before calling the <code>FenixFramework.initialize</code> method. * * To create an instance of this class with the proper values for its * parameters, programmers should generally use code like this: * * <blockquote> * * <pre> * * Config config = new Config() { * { * this.appName = "MyAppName"; * this.domainModelPath = "path/to/domain.dml"; * this.dbAlias = "//somehost:3306/databaseName"; * this.dbUsername = "dbuser"; * this.dbPassword = "dpPass"; * } * }; * * </pre> * * </blockquote> * * Note the use of the double * * <pre> * { {} } * </pre> * * to delimit an instance initializer block for the anonymous inner class being * created. * * Each of the parameters of the <code>Config</code> class is represented as a * protected class field. Look at the documentation of each field to see what is * it for, whether it is optional or required, and in the former case, what is * its default value. * * The current set of required parameters are the following: * <ul> * <li>domainModelPath XOR domainModelPaths</li> * <li>dbAlias</li> * <li>dbUsername</li> * <li>dbPassword</li> * </ul> */ public class Config { /** * This <strong>required</strong> parameter specifies the path to the file * (or resource) containing the DML code that corresponds to the domain * model of the application. A non-null value must be specified for this * parameter (or else, to the domainModelPaths, in case more than one DML * file is used by the project). */ protected String domainModelPath = null; /** * This <strong>required</strong> parameter specifies the path to each file * (or resource) containing the DML code that corresponds to the domain * model of the application. A non-null value must be specified for this * parameter (or else, to the domainModelPath parameter). */ protected String[] domainModelPaths = null; /** * This <strong>required</strong> parameter specifies the JDBC alias that * will be used to access the database where domain entities are stored. The * value of this parameter should not contain neither the protocol, nor the * sub-protocol, but may contain any parameters that configure the * connection to the MySQL database (e.g., a possible value for this * parameter is * "//localhost:3306/mydb?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=latin1"). A * non-null value must be specified for this parameter. */ protected String dbAlias = null; /** * This <strong>required</strong> parameter specifies the username that will * be used to access the database where domain entities are stored. A * non-null value must be specified for this parameter. */ protected String dbUsername = null; /** * This <strong>required</strong> parameter specifies the password that will * be used to access the database where domain entities are stored. A * non-null value must be specified for this parameter. */ protected String dbPassword = null; /** * This <strong>optional</strong> parameter specifies a name for the * application that will be used by the framework in the statistical logs * performed during the application execution. The default value for this * parameter is <code>null</code>. */ protected String appName = null; /** * This <strong>optional</strong> parameter specifies whether an error * should be thrown if during a transaction an object that was deleted * during the transaction is subsequently changed. The default value of * <code>true</code> will cause an <code>Error</code> to be thrown, whereas * a value of <code>false</code> will cause only a warning to be issued. */ protected boolean errorIfChangingDeletedObject = true; /** * This <strong>optional</strong> parameter specifies whether the framework * should initialize the persistent store if it detects that the store was * not properly initialized (e.g., the database has no tables). The default * value for this parameter is <code>true</code>, but a programmer may want * to specify a value of <code>false</code>, if she wants to have control * over the initialization of the persistent store. In this latter case, * however, if the store is not properly initialized before initializing the * framework, probably a runtime exception will be thrown during the * framework initialization. */ protected boolean createRepositoryStructureIfNotExists = true; /** * This <strong>optional</strong> parameter indicates whether the database * structure should be automatically updated with missing structure entries * when the framework is initialized. Defaults to false. This is only * relevant if some database structure already exists. */ protected boolean updateRepositoryStructureIfNeeded = false; /** * This <strong>optional</strong> parameter indicates the class of the Root * object. If specified, the framework will initialize and persist an * instance of this class whenever the application starts, if one does not * exist already. Moreover, after initilization, the persistent instance of * this class may be accessed using the FenixFramework.getRoot() method. */ protected Class rootClass = null; /** * This <strong>optional</strong> parameter indicates which subclass of * FenixDomainModel should be created by the DmlCompiler when parsing a DML * file. */ protected Class<? extends FenixDomainModel> domainModelClass = FenixDomainModel.class; /** * This <strong>optional</strong> parameter indicates whether the framework * should collect information about the data-access patterns of the * application. */ protected boolean collectDataAccessPatterns = false; /** * This <strong>optional</strong> parameter indicates where the framework * will store the collected information about the data-access patterns of * the application. Must end with a path separator character. */ protected String collectDataAccessPatternsPath = ""; /** * This <strong>optional</strong> parameter indicates whether the framework * should throw an exception when a DomainObject that is still connected to * other objects is trying to be deleted or rather delete it. */ protected boolean errorfIfDeletingObjectNotDisconnected = false; /** * This <strong>optional</strong> parameter indicates whether the framework * will load on startup additional plugins. */ protected FenixFrameworkPlugin[] plugins; private static void checkRequired(Object obj, String fieldName) { if (obj == null) { missingRequired(fieldName); } } private static void missingRequired(String fieldName) { throw new Error("The required field '" + fieldName + "' was not specified in the FenixFramework config."); } private void insertConnectionEncoding(String encoding) { StringBuilder encodingParams = new StringBuilder(); encodingParams.append("useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=" + encoding + "&clobCharacterEncoding=" + encoding + "&characterSetResults=" + encoding); int questionMarkIndex = this.dbAlias.indexOf('?'); if (questionMarkIndex == -1) { // no parameters yet this.dbAlias = this.dbAlias + '?' + encodingParams; } else { String prefix = this.dbAlias.substring(0, questionMarkIndex + 1); // include // the // question // mark String rest = this.dbAlias.substring(questionMarkIndex + 1); this.dbAlias = prefix + encodingParams + '&' + rest; } } public void checkConfig() { if ((domainModelPath == null) && (domainModelPaths == null)) { missingRequired("domainModelPath or domainModelPaths"); } if ((domainModelPath != null) && (domainModelPaths != null)) { throw new Error("It is not possible to specify both the 'domainModelPath' " + "and 'domainModelPaths' parameters in the FenixFramework config."); } checkRequired(dbAlias, "dbAlias"); checkRequired(dbUsername, "dbUsername"); checkRequired(dbPassword, "dbPassword"); checkRequired(domainModelClass, "domainModelClass"); insertConnectionEncoding("UTF-8"); } public String[] getDomainModelPaths() { // either domainModelPaths or domainModelPath is null return (domainModelPath != null) ? new String[] { domainModelPath } : domainModelPaths; } public List<URL> getDomainModelURLs() { final List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>(); for (final String domainModelPath : getDomainModelPaths()) { URL url = this.getClass().getResource(domainModelPath); if (url == null) { try { url = new File(domainModelPath).toURI().toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { throw new Error("FenixFramework config error: wrong domainModelPath '" + domainModelPath + "'"); } } urls.add(url); } return urls; } public String getDbAlias() { return dbAlias; } public String getDbUsername() { return dbUsername; } public String getDbPassword() { return dbPassword; } public String getAppName() { return appName; } public boolean isErrorIfChangingDeletedObject() { return errorIfChangingDeletedObject; } public boolean isErrorfIfDeletingObjectNotDisconnected() { return errorfIfDeletingObjectNotDisconnected; } public boolean getCreateRepositoryStructureIfNotExists() { return createRepositoryStructureIfNotExists; } public boolean getUpdateRepositoryStructureIfNeeded() { return updateRepositoryStructureIfNeeded; } public Class getRootClass() { return rootClass; } public boolean getCollectDataAccessPatterns() { return collectDataAccessPatterns; } public Class<? extends FenixDomainModel> getDomainModelClass() { return domainModelClass; } public FenixFrameworkPlugin[] getPlugins() { return plugins; } public String getCollectDataAccessPatternsPath() { return collectDataAccessPatternsPath; } }