package org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast; import org.jgroups.*; import org.jgroups.protocols.PingData; import org.jgroups.util.Digest; import org.jgroups.util.Promise; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import java.util.*; /** * Client part of GMS. Whenever a new member wants to join a group, it starts in the CLIENT role. * No multicasts to the group will be received and processed until the member has been joined and * turned into a SERVER (either coordinator or participant, mostly just participant). This class * only implements <code>Join</code> (called by clients who want to join a certain group, and * <code>ViewChange</code> which is called by the coordinator that was contacted by this client, to * tell the client what its initial membership is. * @author Bela Ban * @version $Revision: 1.78 $ */ public class ClientGmsImpl extends GmsImpl { private final Promise<JoinRsp> join_promise=new Promise<JoinRsp>(); public ClientGmsImpl(GMS g) { super(g); } public void init() throws Exception { super.init(); join_promise.reset(); } public void join(Address address,boolean useFlushIfPresent) { joinInternal(address, false,useFlushIfPresent); } public void joinWithStateTransfer(Address local_addr, boolean useFlushIfPresent) { joinInternal(local_addr,true,useFlushIfPresent); } /** * Joins this process to a group. Determines the coordinator and sends a * unicast handleJoin() message to it. The coordinator returns a JoinRsp and * then broadcasts the new view, which contains a message digest and the * current membership (including the joiner). The joiner is then supposed to * install the new view and the digest and starts accepting mcast messages. * Previous mcast messages were discarded (this is done in PBCAST). * <p> * If successful, impl is changed to an instance of ParticipantGmsImpl. * Otherwise, we continue trying to send join() messages to the coordinator, * until we succeed (or there is no member in the group. In this case, we * create our own singleton group). * <p> * When GMS.disable_initial_coord is set to true, then we won't become * coordinator on receiving an initial membership of 0, but instead will * retry (forever) until we get an initial membership of > 0. * * @param mbr Our own address (assigned through SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS) */ private void joinInternal(Address mbr, boolean joinWithStateTransfer,boolean useFlushIfPresent) { Address coord=null; JoinRsp rsp=null; View tmp_view; long join_attempts=0; leaving=false; join_promise.reset(); while(!leaving) { if(rsp == null && !join_promise.hasResult()) { // null responses means that the discovery was cancelled List<PingData> responses=findInitialMembers(join_promise); if (responses == null) { // gray: we've seen this NPE here. not sure of the cases but wanted to add more debugging info throw new NullPointerException("responses returned by findInitialMembers for " + join_promise + " is null"); } // Sept 2008 (bela): break if we got a belated JoinRsp ( // Reverted above change again - bela June 2012, see if(join_promise.hasResult()) { rsp=join_promise.getResult(gms.join_timeout); // clears the result if(rsp != null) continue; } if(responses.isEmpty()) { if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace(gms.local_addr + ": no initial members discovered: creating group as first member"); becomeSingletonMember(mbr); return; } if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace(gms.local_addr + ": initial_mbrs are " + print(responses)); coord=determineCoord(responses); if(coord == null) { // e.g. because we have all clients only if(gms.handle_concurrent_startup == false) { if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("handle_concurrent_startup is false; ignoring responses of initial clients"); becomeSingletonMember(mbr); return; } if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("could not determine coordinator from responses " + responses); // so the member to become singleton member (and thus coord) is the first of all clients SortedSet<Address> clients=new TreeSet<Address>(); // sorted clients.add(mbr); // add myself again (was removed by findInitialMembers()) for(PingData response: responses) { Address client_addr=response.getAddress(); if(client_addr != null) clients.add(client_addr); } if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("clients to choose new coord from are: " + clients); Address new_coord=clients.first(); if(new_coord.equals(mbr)) { if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("I (" + mbr + ") am the first of the clients, will become coordinator"); becomeSingletonMember(mbr); return; } else { if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("I (" + mbr + ") am not the first of the clients, waiting for another client to become coordinator"); Util.sleep(500); } continue; } if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("sending JOIN(" + mbr + ") to " + coord); sendJoinMessage(coord,mbr,joinWithStateTransfer,useFlushIfPresent); } if(rsp == null) rsp=join_promise.getResult(gms.join_timeout); if(rsp == null) { join_attempts++; if(log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn("JOIN(" + mbr + ") sent to " + coord + " timed out (after " + gms.join_timeout + " ms), on try " + join_attempts); if(gms.max_join_attempts != 0 && join_attempts >= gms.max_join_attempts) { if(log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn("Too many JOIN attempts: becoming singleton"); becomeSingletonMember(mbr); return; } continue; } // 1. check whether JOIN was rejected String failure=rsp.getFailReason(); if(failure != null) throw new SecurityException(failure); // 2. Install digest if(rsp.getDigest() == null || rsp.getDigest().size() == 0) { if(log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn("digest response has no senders: digest=" + rsp.getDigest()); rsp=null; continue; } final Digest tmp_digest=rsp.getDigest(); tmp_view=rsp.getView(); if(tmp_view == null) { if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("JoinRsp has a null view, skipping it"); rsp=null; } else { if(!tmp_digest.contains(gms.local_addr)) { throw new IllegalStateException("digest returned from " + coord + " with JOIN_RSP does not contain myself (" + gms.local_addr + "): join response: " + rsp); } if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace(gms.local_addr + ": JOIN-RSP=" + tmp_view + " [size=" + tmp_view.size() + "]\n\n"); if(!installView(tmp_view, tmp_digest)) { if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("view installation failed, retrying to join group"); rsp=null; continue; } // send VIEW_ACK to sender of view Message view_ack=new Message(coord, null, null); view_ack.setFlag(Message.OOB); GMS.GmsHeader tmphdr=new GMS.GmsHeader(GMS.GmsHeader.VIEW_ACK); view_ack.putHeader(gms.getId(), tmphdr); gms.getDownProtocol().down(new Event(Event.MSG, view_ack)); return; } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<PingData> findInitialMembers(Promise<JoinRsp> promise) { List<PingData> responses=(List<PingData>)gms.getDownProtocol().down(new Event(Event.FIND_INITIAL_MBRS, promise)); if(responses != null) { for(Iterator<PingData> iter=responses.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Address; if(address != null && address.equals(gms.local_addr)) iter.remove(); } } return responses; } public void leave(Address mbr) { leaving=true; wrongMethod("leave"); } public void handleJoinResponse(JoinRsp join_rsp) { join_promise.setResult(join_rsp); // will wake up join() method } /* --------------------------- Private Methods ------------------------------------ */ /** * Called by join(). Installs the view returned by calling Coord.handleJoin() and becomes coordinator. */ private boolean installView(View new_view, Digest digest) { List<Address> mems=new_view.getMembers(); if(gms.local_addr == null || mems == null || !mems.contains(gms.local_addr)) { if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("I (" + gms.local_addr + ") am not member of " + mems + ", will not install view"); return false; } gms.installView(new_view, digest); gms.becomeParticipant(); gms.getUpProtocol().up(new Event(Event.BECOME_SERVER)); gms.getDownProtocol().down(new Event(Event.BECOME_SERVER)); return true; } protected static String print(List<PingData> rsps) { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); for(PingData rsp: rsps) sb.append(rsp.getAddress() + " "); return sb.toString(); } void sendJoinMessage(Address coord, Address mbr,boolean joinWithTransfer, boolean useFlushIfPresent) { Message msg; GMS.GmsHeader hdr; msg=new Message(coord, null, null); msg.setFlag(Message.OOB); if(joinWithTransfer) hdr=new GMS.GmsHeader(GMS.GmsHeader.JOIN_REQ_WITH_STATE_TRANSFER, mbr,useFlushIfPresent); else hdr=new GMS.GmsHeader(GMS.GmsHeader.JOIN_REQ, mbr,useFlushIfPresent); msg.putHeader(gms.getId(), hdr); gms.getDownProtocol().down(new Event(Event.MSG, msg)); } /** The coordinator is determined by a majority vote. If there are an equal number of votes for more than 1 candidate, we determine the winner randomly. */ private Address determineCoord(List<PingData> mbrs) { int count, most_votes; Address winner=null, tmp; if(mbrs == null || mbrs.size() < 1) return null; Map<Address,Integer> votes=new HashMap<Address,Integer>(5); // count *all* the votes (unlike the 2000 election) for(PingData mbr: mbrs) { if(mbr.hasCoord()) { if(!votes.containsKey(mbr.getCoordAddress())) votes.put(mbr.getCoordAddress(), 1); else { count=votes.get(mbr.getCoordAddress()); votes.put(mbr.getCoordAddress(), count + 1); } } } // we have seen members say someone else is coordinator but they disagree for(PingData mbr: mbrs) { // remove members who don't agree with the election (Florida) if (votes.containsKey(mbr.getAddress()) && (!mbr.isCoord())) { votes.remove(mbr.getAddress()); } } if(votes.size() > 1) { if(log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn("there was more than 1 candidate for coordinator: " + votes); } else { if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("election results: " + votes); } // determine who got the most votes most_votes=0; for(Map.Entry<Address,Integer> entry: votes.entrySet()) { tmp=entry.getKey(); count=entry.getValue(); if(count > most_votes) { winner=tmp; // fixed July 15 2003 (patch submitted by Darren Hobbs, patch-id=771418) most_votes=count; } } votes.clear(); return winner; } void becomeSingletonMember(Address mbr) { Digest initial_digest; ViewId view_id; List<Address> mbrs=new ArrayList<Address>(1); // set the initial digest (since I'm the first member) initial_digest=new Digest(gms.local_addr, 0, 0); // initial seqno mcast by me will be 1 (highest seen +1) gms.setDigest(initial_digest); view_id=new ViewId(mbr); // create singleton view with mbr as only member mbrs.add(mbr); View new_view=new View(view_id, mbrs); gms.installView(new_view); gms.becomeCoordinator(); // not really necessary - installView() should do it gms.getUpProtocol().up(new Event(Event.BECOME_SERVER)); gms.getDownProtocol().down(new Event(Event.BECOME_SERVER)); if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("created group (first member). My view is " + gms.getViewId() + ", impl is " + gms.getImpl().getClass().getName()); } }